
A Highly Effective Placebo

An illustration of how an illusion of efficacy can be established for any treatment simply by shifting the window of observation.

H/T to Prof. Fenton for the idea of this video. This is my spin.

Look familiar?

It should do -

Dead Man Talking
Alberta just inadvertently confessed to fiddling the COVID vaccination stats.
Those who have done the slightest bit of research (really not a dirty word), will know that there is no claim of protection after the first dose of the COVID vaccine. So imagine how you can conflate the vaccine effectiveness stats if you dump all the COVID events (cases, hospitalizations and deaths) that occur subsequent to infection within 14 days of the first dose into the unvaccinated…
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Now imagine, if you will, that the “vaccine” actually accelerated the infections and deaths in the vaccinated so that those who ordinarily might have died after two weeks, got infected and died in the first two weeks and were then shifted into the unvaccinated category, thereby increasing the unvaccinated fatality rate further and reducing the vaccinated rate after the two-week window when the metric is calculated. The worse the vaccine is, the better the vaccine efficacy becomes using the methodology adopted worldwide by public health authorities according to the standard set by Big Pharma. All hypothetical obviously.

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