To be fair, the Indian govt (with its nationalist bent) said no to Gates some time ago, said no to Pfizer and rolled out the Nobel prize winning drug that shall not be named to great effect... What do the globofascists do with a billion plus people offside? It's one hell of an army...
Times of India is allowed to write this article because most of the people in India have been given Astra Zeneca vax and another vax produced locally. We have no proper AE recording system in place. Please check out Awaken India Movement website (this is a grassroots movement) and Indian Bar Association website for latest happenings in India. Dr. Jacob Puliyel and Mr. Prasant Bhushan (lawyer/activist) had petitioned Indian Supreme Court for creating AE recording system for Covid vax in 2020. That was granted in late 2022.
Ms. Dipali Ojha (of Indian Bar Association) interview is available on Children’s Health Defense.
Mr. Yohan Tengra (of Awaken India Movement) was interviewed by James Corbett.
To be fair, the Indian govt (with its nationalist bent) said no to Gates some time ago, said no to Pfizer and rolled out the Nobel prize winning drug that shall not be named to great effect... What do the globofascists do with a billion plus people offside? It's one hell of an army...
Times of India is allowed to write this article because most of the people in India have been given Astra Zeneca vax and another vax produced locally. We have no proper AE recording system in place. Please check out Awaken India Movement website (this is a grassroots movement) and Indian Bar Association website for latest happenings in India. Dr. Jacob Puliyel and Mr. Prasant Bhushan (lawyer/activist) had petitioned Indian Supreme Court for creating AE recording system for Covid vax in 2020. That was granted in late 2022.
Ms. Dipali Ojha (of Indian Bar Association) interview is available on Children’s Health Defense.
Mr. Yohan Tengra (of Awaken India Movement) was interviewed by James Corbett.