The False Messaging on COVID "Vaccines" Given to Pregnant Women
BY David Bell writing for Brownstone Institute, APRIL 19, 2023
The mRNA “vaccines” were released globally in early 2021 with the slogan ‘safe and effective.’ Unusually for a new class of medicine, they were soon recommended by public health authorities for pregnant women.
Recently, a lengthy vaccine evaluation report sponsored by Pfizer and submitted to the Australian regulator (TGA) dated January 2021 was released under a Freedom of Information request.
The report contains significant new information that had been suppressed by the TGA and by Pfizer itself. Much of this relates directly to the issue of safety in pregnancy, and impacts on the fertility of women of child-bearing age:
1. The “vaccine” travels throughout the body after injection, and is found not only at the injection site, but in all organs tested, with high concentration in the ovaries, liver, adrenal glands, and spleen.
Authorities who assured vaccinated people in early 2021 that the vaccine stays in the arm were, as we have known for two years, lying.
2. A doubling of pregnancy loss in the intervention group represents a serious safety signal.
Rather than take this seriously, the authors of the report compared the outcomes to historical data and ignored the outcome because other populations had recorded higher overall losses. This analysis is alarming as remaining below the highest previously recorded pregnancy loss levels in populations elsewhere is not a safe outcome when the intervention is also associated with double the harm of the control group.
3. There were higher rates of fetal malformations in each of the 12 categories studied. Of the 11 categories where Pfizer confirmed the data is correct, there are only 2 total abnormalities in the control group, versus 28 with the mRNA vaccine (BNT162b2). In the category which Pfizer labelled as unreliable, there were 3 abnormalities in the control group and 12 in the vaccinated group.
As with the increased pregnancy losses, Pfizer simply ignored the trend and compared the results with historical data. This is very significant as it is seen across every malformation category. The case control nature of the study design is again ignored, in order to apparently hide the negative outcomes demonstrated.
These data indicate that there is NO basis for saying the vaccine is safe in pregnancy. Concentration of LNPs in ovaries, a doubled pregnancy loss rate, and raised fetal abnormality rate across all measured categories indicates that designating a safe-in-pregnancy label was contrary to available evidence.
The data implies that not only was the Government’s “safe and effective” sloganeering not accurate, it was totally misleading with respect to the safety data available.

As the OH of someone who works in a non clinical role in the UK NHS, I can testify that MOH has confirmed the ongoing thrust by the NHS - in the guise of local NHS Trusts which are sometimes attached to Teaching Universities - that pregnant women should receive these drugs.
I can testify that MOH has been present when Doctors who are members of the UK RCOG have expressed their - ongoing - support for these experimental GT drugs. They are medically qualified, initially as Doctors to whom "Do No Harm" is relevant.
MOH also has told me that her Hospital Trust has experienced increased mortality in both mothers and foetuses and they are not making this clear. For people outside the UK, it needs to be made clear that some UK NHS Trusts have been acting as Undertaker for these stillborn babies, completing the Death Certificate and arranging cremations directly with Crematoria - no autopsies. I am NOT suggesting these actions are in some way criminal but FFS some competent authority must be appointed to investigate and issue the appropriate sanctions.
What I find incredible is that the aforementioned M/FRCOG members cannot see beyond the end of their noses, conduct their own research and stop supporting the injection of these drugs into pregnant women. The present state of UK NHS Maternity services is in an extremely parlous state, not just because of these medics towing the UK Government/NHS/UK MHRA line that this drugs are safe and long can this go on?
Remember Thalidomide. Just a rinse and repeat excercise. Their modus operandum - if it ain't broke, why fix it. Every generation genocide operation.