UK Disinformation Unit Monitored Headmaster Who Questioned COVID-19 Vaccines For Children
By Owen Evans, March 10, 2023, Epoch Times
I first wrote about Headmaster Mike Fairclough five months ago:
When you meet him, you encounter a man whose physical stature is matched by his big character, courage and integrity. He is certainly the kind of person to whom you would want to entrust your children for their education, with his focus on teaching self-sufficiency and critical thinking.
So, what do those who are officially responsible for your child’s education do when he speaks out on their behalf about the mistreatment they have endured due to ill-conceived pandemic response measures?
Put him on a terrorist watchlist, of course! Hey, normies, can you see it yet??!
If you’re a parent or a teacher, especially if you’re a teacher, why aren’t you outraged by this?
If you’re outraged, why haven’t you done anything about it? You don’t even have to explicitly voice your support for Mike (although that would be a start because he’s still feeling very lonely) but you could do, even a little bit, by raising legitimate concerns and pushing back on government narratives that are not scientifically or evidence based but are harmful to children, especially their mental state.
Next stop, anthropogenic climate change! Spoiler alert - another false narrative. And yet peddled without question by the entire “educational” establishment.
I know this first hand, thrice over! It is taught as if it is established fact. It’s not. the evidence and scientific claims made in opposition are probably stronger.
Regardless, the whole essence of education, as opposed to indoctrination, is to encourage healthy scepticism, to challenge and investigate, to actually learn that groupthink never made any progress for humanity. Only sceptics, a person who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief, did!
Values, ideas and beliefs are not truths! They are not facts. They are rarely established and supported by rigorous, scientific investigation. Everyone is entitled to their own but they should not be imposed on others, especially children, at school. And they most certainly should not be used as reason to suppress and censor those who have different ones, especially if those are grounded in evidence.
UK Disinformation Unit Monitored Headmaster Who Questioned COVID-19 Vaccines For Children
By Owen Evans, March 10, 2023, Epoch Times

A headmaster who questioned the effects of lockdown and masking on children, as well as the mRNA vaccine rollout, was reported to the UK’s terror watchdog and had his social media posts monitored by government disinformation units.
Fairclough was one of the very few voices in education, and the only serving headmaster, to express concerns over the effects of the response to the pandemic on children and the resultant mental health problems.
Fairclough also said that because of his views, he was reported to the Home Office’s flagship counter-extremism policy Prevent, which aims to identify people at risk of committing terrorist acts.
“Thankfully, I’ve been cleared of all wrong-doing each and every time and therefore continued to campaign,” he said.
Oh I remember an interview with Mike Fairclough. Good man. Gets the children educated rather than indoctrinated, takes them into the woods, gets them thinking and working for themselves. No wonder he is considered a terrorist by some - we can't have independent thought now can we?!
Meanwhile, mr. Hancock’s messages on WhatsApp, now part of the public domain, show what a dangerous and sinister person, our health minister was. And yet, he is not on anyone’s watch list. Did he cause suicides related to his fearmongering, deaths related to the excessive use of midazolam in care homes? We don’t know because Mr. Hancock, who should be, but isn’t on anyone’s watch list.