I can’t remember who said it on the recent Censored Voices Twitter Spaces (Mike Yeadon, perhaps?) but they made the remark that when completely independent people come to the same conclusions looking at completely independent information then you should start to take notice.
I have just newly subscribed to Wiztbold on the back of epimetheus sharing his article below:
He must have been analysing the German data and writing it up at pretty much the same time that I was doing the same with the England data:
We could have been ghost writing for each other in parallel universes! What does that tell you? Should people take notice of us??
Or, is it just a coincidence…?
I pass all the relevant information to Daily Sceptic. The brilliant work that you analysts and data-crunchers do helps to mitigate the dispiriting effects of seeing a perceptive MP losing his party's Whip for telling it like it is, while a State-controlled media broadcaster lies incessantly, and no-one lifts an eyebrow, let alone a finger! Cheers!
Thank you MP Andrew Bridgen, who by speaking out against the covid vaxxes and suspended by Parliament for his comments…..forced MSM to report the story which has now been in all the major newspapers and tv news. We could not have asked for a better outcome. The world now knows there is a very big movement to halt the covid experimental biologicals due to safety and efficacy concerns. Thank you Mr Bridgen💕💕