
What is really going on? A New System of Slavery and Control.

Centralisation of Economic and Political Control: Catherine Austin-Fitts puts it altogether and it leads to one place - slavery. The antidote: stop building the transhumanist system for "Mr Global"!


Because slavery is good business. Slavery is the most profitable business in the history of the world. If you now have the technological capability of implementing slavery… their attitude, I think, is yeah, let’s do it!

“Mr Global” [the secret committee that runs the world] is using technology to move to a system where a few people can control the many with far less headaches and fear.


  1. Economic totalitarianism. Migration from dollar global reserve to new monetary system (the end of currencies, an all-digital solution) so as to hide the fact that “Mr Global” has stolen all the money.

  2. Healthcare crisis - manufactured to usher in the new monetary system without the minions realising the real objective.

  3. Reaction to healthcare crisis designed to destroy small businesses to concentrate control in fewer, larger enterprises - an economic war, not a fight against a virus.

  4. Disaster capitalism - creating a disaster to devalue property so that Mr Global can buy the cheap assets.

  5. Technocracy - AI and robotics → get the humans to teach the robots how to do their jobs. Humans, as a natural resource, aren’t needed any more.

  6. Media (propaganda) - used to distil fear to serve the agenda.

  7. Immigration - designed to cause disruption to indigenous societies.

  8. Surveillance - built into systems claimed to be “for your protection”.

  9. Transhumanism - physical connection of the person to the system so they are easier to monitor and control (social credit) = a new system of slavery.

  10. Consolidation of global power into the already most powerful nations (G7).

There is hope!


There are 325 million Americans which potentially means 325 million guns!

But, you have to go with truth, not the middle of the road.

We’re building our own slavery system and that means we have the power to stop. In other words, we don’t have to finance the companies that are doing this; we don’t have to work for the companies that are doing this. And, in fact, we don’t even need to pay our taxes because the government is breaking all the laws related to financial management. We have the ability to hold them accountable.

The solution is: bring transparency to what’s happening; understand where the system is going; and then STOP BUILDING IT!

Catherine is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration.
