Trond, I live here in Norway. If I understand correctly the unvaccinated and vaccinated admitted to the hospital are at about the same in numbers(278 more unvaxx vs the vaxx).
As far as deaths:
-There are 157 more vaccinated individuals who have died vs the unvaxx.
-Norway is supposed to be built in honesty. How do they reconcile the …
Trond, I live here in Norway. If I understand correctly the unvaccinated and vaccinated admitted to the hospital are at about the same in numbers(278 more unvaxx vs the vaxx).
As far as deaths:
-There are 157 more vaccinated individuals who have died vs the unvaxx.
-Norway is supposed to be built in honesty. How do they reconcile the vaccine push vs the results?
-It seems like the vaxx is resulting in increasing ur chances of death. I know we have to look at other factors, but it is not even decreasing or keeping the same rates as in the unvaccinated group.
Trond, I live here in Norway. If I understand correctly the unvaccinated and vaccinated admitted to the hospital are at about the same in numbers(278 more unvaxx vs the vaxx).
As far as deaths:
-There are 157 more vaccinated individuals who have died vs the unvaxx.
-Norway is supposed to be built in honesty. How do they reconcile the vaccine push vs the results?
-It seems like the vaxx is resulting in increasing ur chances of death. I know we have to look at other factors, but it is not even decreasing or keeping the same rates as in the unvaccinated group.
Be careful with categorisation issues too. Is it possible to get the raw, unfettered data?
The data provided by Trond is right on cue. It reveals the vax failure and deception.
Cov deaths:
Unvax 487 deaths = 487
Vax 417 deaths + 227 vax induced deaths = 644
This is how the policy makers can lie to the country. Hope this is revealed and that we can stop them