I believe the enquiry is already framed and just an exercise to exonerate all those in power who harmed us. Its sole purpose will be to hear the voices of the cult of covid and ignore any others. It will support all restrictions etc and say they were beneficial. In fact, I feel it will go further and make ridiculous conclusions like we should locked down sooner and harder.

They will NOT look at the data, let's face it the plethora of evidence of deaths and harms have been ignored by ALL expert systems and Government all along. It is truly beyond belief how they are still happily poisoning people. I have zero positive expectations of this enquiry and no faith in it whatsoever. Once completed I am dreading the righteous headlines and media glee that will focus only on the manipulated false narrative. It makes my head hurt!

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Yes, the willing blindness of western countries to "best practice" or even considering the data coming out of other countries has been shocking, e.g. when Japan had zero cases for a good while, there was zero interest in determining why, or what we could learn from it. A case in point was the deliberations about another lockdown before christmas in the UK - a refusal to consider real world data from South Africa which had already gone before, yet consideration given to the data from disproven toy mathematical models!

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The enquiry won't be worth the paper it's written on - they have basically already ruled out looking at whether the decisions were the right ones. The data which the govt departments themselves churn out will be ignored. As you say, they will ask "experts" what they think so the whole thing will be based on the views of people who agreed with the lockdowns, masks, silly rules and dangerous jabs.

The public will nod along as they pop in for their boosters whilst keeping a mask in the glove compartment "just in case" and discussing how sad it is that so many died from the Biblical Plague which *some* people just didn't take seriously enough and how the current economic woes are all the fault of that nasty Mr Putin. World of Fools.

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In a nutshell.

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Woah. But also, obviously. The 2 CBAs done in AU so far show :

31 x more life years lost than saved (measured in QUALYs)


And, from memory, the other one says 61 or 62 x more cost than benefit. That one’s not officially published yet and is measured in Well-being Years.

It’s so obscene!

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I'm going to do a comprehensive QALY analysis soon, the next time I pay the ONS for some useful data.

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Cannot WAIT to read that.

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I believe this was a ‘Plandemic’ by the evil elite NWO Cabal who have placed their WEF, WHO & UN Communists/Marxists in high places in all our countries.

Big Pharma KNEW that early treatment by proven drugs like Ivermectin & Hydroxychloriquine worked well & could have saved many lives from the Bioweapon Covid virus that Fauci & US was funding in Wuhan China.

Instead the elite cabal wants depopulation so they denied medication that could save lives & made BILLIONS on their depopulation vaccines & boosters that has/is killing more people than the Covid Virus.

Many of Hitlers evil doctors went to prison with death sentences for doing less in the holocaust.

The Satanic NWO Cabal owns most of our “Injustice Systems” in the world.


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I think you are giving too much credit to the venal, self-serving, pompous twats who rule the world. I don't think they could organise a piss up in a brewery let alone organise world genocide. It was more likely to be stupidity, ignorance, arrogance, panic, money and face-saving which led us here. Plus a fat western world full of people more interested in TV reality shows than what's inside their medicine bottles. Of course Big Pharma knew cheap drugs worked but they are businesses in the business of making money and they can't make money from generic drugs. Nor can they charge a fortune for new, unproven drugs whilst avoiding liability if the cheap ones are known to work. I agree that Fauci and Co should be investigated but not just for covid. These govt bodies have lost the plot. But people like Johnson or Trudeau? Just overblown twats thinking they have the answers and that the people love them. And Bill Gates? Kaus Schwab? No brains, just money. Definitely not some Bond Villian.

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We are deeper into the rabbit hole than you suggest. This took planning and coordination. Just follow the breadcrumbs patents from Ralph Baric to Shi Zhengli, the furin cleavage never seen in beta coronaviruses. Suddenly pops up, no patient zero no animal vector, Wuhan games in October 2019, 4 Wuhan Lab assistance admitted to Hospital in fall of 2019. Eco health alliance nefarious contacts with Wuhan and Fauci and Baric. This is all just a coincidence? The spike protein is designed as a latency disease, like Shingles, that causes multiple pathologies as we become immune senescent, it never leaves the body. Too many places to hide, which is why China has zero Covid policy. Caveat emptor!

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I agree 100% Geoffrey!

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I appreciate your comment & agree that many people are just followers & will do whatever they are told to do.

But I fully believe the major ‘Leaders’ of the world & their Giant Organizations are unimaginably evil paedophiles, and/or just turn a blind eye to the massive child sex trafficking across every country in the world???

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Ahh the old “don’t worry kids, it was all just incompetence” argument rears its nonsensical head again.

Firstly, you’re making the fundamental mistake of fooling yourself into believing that the buffoon politicians that do the yak-yak-yakking on the MSM are actually responsible for formulating policy decisions. If you think about this for just two minutes and consider that these people very rarely have ANY relevant experience or expertise for the post that they hold, I’m sure you’ll conclude that this is clearly illogical. These people are merely the mouthpieces for broadcasting policy to the masses. That’s it. It’s all about performance. This is why these people are so easily disposed of and replaced when desired.

Secondly, if it was all due to incompetence, then we would expect at least a reasonable proportion of positive outcomes not just negative ones. Can you name any?

Thirdly I could give you a long list of seriously harmful policies from the past 2.5 years. Where’s your red line? Would you casually attribute every single one of them to mere incompetence?

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It's not nonsensical! The twats in charge panicked just like the public twats. The media (all types) showed hysterical crap from China and Italy and the twats panicked. Panic is contagious, even over a computer screen. I know people who said "I wouldn't normally take a medication without long term safety data but people are dying in the streets of India". They said this from a pub in Kent. The "seriously harmful policies from the past 2.5 years" were way past my red line (which is why I followed precisely non of them). They were formed and followed by hysterical people. I seriously believe twats like Neil Ferguson believes his own modelling, that twats like Matt Hancock was panicking so much he was incapable of making a sensible decision, that Boris Johnson panicked over the idea that the people would stop loving him if he didn't do what the media was braying for (lockdowns etc). I think this panic and hysteria was definitely manipulated and used by certain parties to their advantage - BigPharma used it brilliantly but they've had years of experience - but I don't believe Klaus Schwab is some moustache-twirling mastermind villian. Or the nasty Bill Gates. Or Putin. Or even Ji. Once panic sets in, it has to run its course and, thanks to the interconnectness of the modern world, the whole frigging western world panicked. As for the "buffoon politicians". They are meant to have neutral advisors who are experts in their fields. The twats were captured by twats like Chris Whitty (a seriously scared man!) who was captured by the reps from BigPharma.

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Hear hear. I am so fed up of their total rollicking. I now just want to see heads on blocks and faces in hospitals. When dud people lise their vack bones as well as their minds? Masks going in bin again at wigan infirmary this morning and I don't care who sees

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“the focus will be on asking certain groups of people what they thought about it”

In other words, it’s political. Like all of “Covid”, it was always about politics (power and control) and never about anyone’s “health”.

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(UK Public Enquiry on Covid Response) - "... instead of actually looking at the data, the focus will be on asking certain groups of people what they thought about it".

Yes, you're right. It's far too early for any meaningful enquiry into this anyway. The UK enquiry is simply there to delay the evil moment when the majority wake up to what's happened to them.

The truth is emerging independently anyway and the reality of national bankruptcy and IMF loans will focus minds infinitely better than another government whitewash.

We have certainly had the governments we deserved.

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Speaking of subjective data…..the Zoe app comes to mind.

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You are absolutely right--the opinions of people are as nothing when set against the evidence/data---I noticed this as I made presentation after presentation to one of my councils---I showed the data/evidence around eg masks,PCR tests, child fatality rates---only to be greeted (when at all) with...well,I think.....

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I agree that both lockdowns/vaccines... and metabolic syndrome could account for most of the differences. However, has anyone considered that lutefisk consumption may protect against Covid?

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On the 2nd spike of excess death, the one attributed to vaccine uptake, what is the number of excess death of just that spike, and out of curiousity how many vaccinations occurred by the end of that spike? what were covid cases doing at the time as well?

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COVID was rampant at that time. My leading hypothesis is that it was facilitated by weakened immune systems and super spread through the most vulnerable in hospitals and care homes by HCWs who were "prioritised" for the jab. Yet to see anything more compelling in the data.

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Have you looked at the UK's ONS data comparing vaxxed and unvaxxed mortality over time for all age groups? Does the Expose article's analysis of this look solid?

It looks like Simpson's Paradox is excluded, so that's something.

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The ONS dataset is absolute garbage. It is riddled with obvious confounders which they don't even acknowledge, let alone try to address. Trust anything they report with the suspicion it deserves. You know what they say? Garbage in, garbage out. Our Norman remains completely on top of it - https://www.normanfenton.com/post/about-that-ons-estimate-of-only-8-adults-unvaccinated. Follow him for more because he's about to drop another one!

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Did you read that Expose piece? It shows substantial evidence of covid vaccine harm over time for all age groups. Can the ONS data be filtered to get something useful out? Maybe get a high confidence range?


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You'll have to wait for Norman's next blog!

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Oct 11, 2022
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No-one apart from Israel pushed as hard as England and the Scandinavians were more careful with respect to AEs.

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Careful to report or careful to hide?

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Sweden has been more honest than most countries throughout. They even admitted the massive mistake of seeding COVID death in care homes. Still waiting for Twat Hancock to admit the same.

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