February has come and gone and I haven't heard a thing from Hill. Tess is an absolutely HERO in my book. Good on her for pushing even more by putting out the zoom call.

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The other piece of this is that IVM has truly negligible adverse effects, so there is no harm. Oh, except treatment would prevent emergency authorization of the vaccines.

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I watched this video yesterday, my jaw dropped. Never have I seen a more damming inditement with regard to lack of professional integrity by an eminent Dr in the face of pressure from a large organisation with vested interests due to its financial backers. His body language is excruciating.

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Yep! Body language spoke large to me too. Especially when Dr Lawrie asked how he sleeps at night. He grinned all the way to the bank.

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Kind of like the Bill and Melinda smirk - "the next one will get their attention".

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I think the worst thing was when Tess asked how many deaths he was prepared to accept while he waited for permission to accept their findings. I watched with my GP husband and we were absolutely disgusted. I felt sick.

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Yes. That was definitely the worst moment for me too.

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It's curious, I was noticing how his gaze was directed down for most of the conversation. And when I saw that smile I wondered about it. When I was a kid and heard something awful I would laugh, along with a good friend of mine. I think we just couldn't hold what we were hearing.

When I see the expression and body language of Bill Gates, it strikes me as sticky, gluey, yucky. He's so squirrely (sorry squirrels everywhere), and hidden.

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Especially since it was estimated that 600,000 people would die before He ‘thought’ more studies would come out. He was paid off $40 Million. $66.66 per life. Coincidence?

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Ew that is so creepy!

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And please don't mistake me. If those who knew better and were being bribed or threatened, had stood up, this world we live in, this world of 'man', would be a much different place.

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"Uh, right. Phil... umm, but I'd just like to say in all fairness to Mr. Mellon here, it was a really big check."

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Step #1: pretend that your politicians aren't, would never indulge in lobbying.

Step #2. Since 1 is not enough & undeniably wrong, ALSO pretend that the $ being paid by corporations doesn't affect any of their decision-making even though the corporations wouldn't spend a cent for decisions they'd arrive at anyway, & no one can take that $ then side against the people paying it.

Step #3: just... continue pretending lobbying doesn't exist while complaining about the outcomes achieved only through it forever, & ever, & ever.

Politicians are private citizens, not exempt from the law. As the articles of impeachment against Trump showed, it IS STILL ILLEGAL to accept private $ while in public office. So the solution to the REAL problem is right here for us.

The solution to your need to have Daddy-Government hold your hands & wipe your tushies after changing your diapers is not.

Go cry to yourselves in the corner, cowards. This could be fixed if maybe FIVE of you had any courage. Who tf are you all waiting for to reject millions of $ in free $ & come rescue you? Kim Jong-un. Or 50,000 Orcs from Middle-Venus?

Whoever it is, it certainly isn't anyone real.

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My comments get the likes. But when asked to join a movement designed to undermine the powers of the corrupt politicians, everyone just answers with gibberish & excuses. Joel, the most recent like is from you.

Flinging facts at the politicians doesn't cause them to reject the $ they get for supporting the agenda. Flinging them at your readers causes them to hope that this will convince all the "good" politicians to save them.

Can we discuss how to get people 1) out of this cyclic nowhere mindset & 2) on board with a movement designed to undermine the ability to get these agendas forwarded into policy?

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Shame on Hill - but, as the brave and consistent Dr Lawrie says, we will forgive him, if only he comes forward now to explain himself. I imagine the power of all that funding from Gates was a huge amount to resist, but resist he should have. Come on Hill, ‘fess up and start the process of allowing science to be unfrozen and ever-changing.

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How exciting to learn about this new release! Sounds like it would be a good candidate to add to my Profiles in Courage entry on Dr. Lawrie (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie). Thanks for the heads-up and can’t wait to watch!

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I read about this exchange in RFK’s excellent book. The amazing phenomenon is how doctors with thousands of healthy, recovered patients are completely ignored and/or silenced.

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Heartbreaking to watch. Dr.Marik spoke about the complete and utter lack of integrity and morality shown by A. Hill when he rejected ivermectin. Threatened, bought? Will we ever know?

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Long term randomized double blind control trials? Let’s try that with the vaccines. Ha ha ha ha.

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What a wonderful doctor. What a strong and honest lady. I've been watching from the US, her efforts are not lost around the world. I pray she has the strength to be a witness at the inevitable trials, however long it takes to bring them.

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Shared to GETTR which is the only social media platform I have not been banned from..... this is dynamite & so desperately needed. Thanks Drs Lawrie & Kory. I knew you were right all along & suffered the horrors along with you throughout 2021.

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I would guess the lives of those he loves and for who he is responsible for, were being threatened.

Or maybe just his own life?

I wonder what it's like to have to stand up to a sociopath?

(I know the answer on a personal level, but not on this scale)

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Dear Andrew Hill,

I will be more thankful , then upset if you came forward and told the truth of what has occurred.

Our family has been hurt by these events. And they may still be hurt by these events.

Coming forward you will realize one of the greatest achievements of humanity, and be celebrated in our house and at our table.

The honourable thing awaits you

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Hill is also an advisor to the Clinton Foundation? Egad, what a snake that man is.

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Very powerful video. I shared it. I encourage others to also share it.

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That was absolutely amazing Dr Tess - gave me goosebumps. I live in Italy (unfortunately, at the moment, a real unpleasant place to live, if you are over 50 and un vaxxed ) I also saw your video when you recently visited Guernsey and that was so inspirational as well. You will be on the right side of history in this sordid and sad tale of utter corruption. I am so heartbroken for all our children and what 'they' have done to them. I wake every morning and just for one second I'm ok - then the anxiety kicks in and I just want this all to end. How Dr Hill can even look in the mirror or sleep is beyond me. He really is a despicable person. He has the deaths of thousands on his hands and I sincerely hope he gets his comeuppance one day. Stay strong Dr Tess.

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It's extremely important that we identify the criminals who were responsible for hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. This is a fantastic film.

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