WOW, Joel! You’re going to make me tear up. Thank you for your enthusiasm and generosity! 🤗

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You've done soooo much work on this, Margaret. My children will thank you one day. What goes around, comes around.

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Thank you, Joel. What a beautiful statement. Your children are blessed to have a truth warrior like you for a father 🛡

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Margaret, We all keep telling you that you have done far more than almost anyone, and have done it poetically. Your work cannot be promoted enough, IMHO. Thanks for all you do; I have no idea, actually, how you get it all done.

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Goodness, Dr. K. Thank you for those profoundly moving words. It is only because of the faithful support of people like you and Joel that I am able to do this at all, so you are a big part of this endeavor!

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I don't GET it. The people MANDATING the jabs are these people here http://allaregreen.us/. In absolutely NO Western nations are ANY politicians exempt from any laws, and taking private $ while in public office as well as mandating un(der)tested products is completely illegal, & you all could stop these mandates tomorrow with the amount of support you have today.

Instead you congratulate each other for never even discussing that option.

Even the supposed "legal" attacks on the mandates are ones that beg these people themselves (http://allaregreen.us/) to stop themselves, with an additional "if you don't then, well, we will do nothing else" as if you're terrified of angering Nancy Pelosi. WHAT is Plan B should they refuse to reject their extra millions?

Beg and plead harder?

You're all going about this as if you know your Own Daddies are The Culprit & you're more afraid of His Wrath than you are concerned about the lives of children. Yet every single last politician is replaceable. We could put ficus plants in their places & at least the plants won't inject harmful poisons into our children.

But it's as if you all believe those in public office are... what? What do you think they would actually do to millions of us if we pointed out that their actions were criminal, used laws already on the books to end those actions?


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As usual, the comment gets the likes. Then everyone returns to waiting for Some Great Force to fix everything FOR us.

Well? Is it gonna be Kim Jong-un or Gandalf's amoebas from Middle-Venus? WHO IS IT that you're ALL waiting for to do this FOR you?

It doesn't matter. You all lack the courage. So you'll all wait forever. It's the never standing up that's important to people here.

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What about you, what are you doing?

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I give up: what am I doing?

You mean, all this time you've been refusing to take action because you suspected other people, complete strangers might not be taking any either? On what other aspects of adult life do you apply this infantile thinking?

Do you not change your child's diapers unless someone else does it first? Do you not take out the garbage because somewhere, someone else didn't? I posted that we could legally, non-violently & effectively stop this is what I already did. & all you're doing is seeking pathetic non-excuses for continuing to allow children to be murdered.

Do you always brag about your complicity in crimes this way?

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Ah a troll.

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What do we do? Move to Florida? Check- done that.

Do business with the like minded? Check- done that.

Get out $$ out of big banks?

Check -done that.

Purge all LEFTISTS friends.

Check -done that.


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Dude: politicians are exempt from precisely NO laws in any Western nations. Lobbying = illegal criminal conflict of interest, mandating untested products is a massive crime as well.

If you grow a pair, let's discuss what we're going to write up, sign onto, then use these social media outlets to get more signatures than even the government can block or dismiss onto, which should take maybe weeks as we can use even the tiny amount of people we'd get on board at the beginning to pressure everyone else to sign onto.

Do you know how much face an Alex Jones would lose if he refused something like that? All of it. His entire career would cease.

It takes fewer people than on this one stream to organize, fewer than follow this one site to make others feel safe to sign on as well.

They'd never see it coming. All I need is people willing to Be First. Aside from myself, so far though... Let's just say I've been waiting a while.

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Great idea. I have sent so many emails. Never an answer except a standard ' Thank you for contacting my office'! No replies on my actual email facts, questions or complaints. What else? I'm willing!

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The Most Basic things to understand are 1) the people passing the harmful agendas into policy aren't doing so accidentally. Any more so than they are accidentally cashing in the lobbying checks, http://allaregreen.us/. So,

2) the battle isn't to "raise the awareness of the policy-makers, then wait for them to change policy." They already KNOW everything we do at least. They made the decision for $, not because of any lack of safety.

3) Ergo, we have to act to stop them WITHOUT their permission or willingness.

A LOT of people can't handle this simple group of facts, mentally or emotionally. I personally do not know why: I feel zero loyalty to any POLITICIANS: politicians are not "government" & we can hang this group, then the one that replaces them, then the one that replaces them, & the world would be better off. So I decided to read social psychology to figure out why no one else seemed to be able to deal with this.

The reason/excuse? Sadly, people subconsciously transfer the way they felt toward their parents at age three to their Authority Figures in government in adulthood. A 3-year-old cannot CONTEMPLATE the notion that their parent could lie or even be mistaken. That's what I'm dealing with, according to social psychology.

I don't see how people can fail to separate "politicians"{ from 'Government' EVEN WHEN they perceive 'Government' as a surrogate father-figure. I WOULD CONFRONT my father for blocking heroic first responders from getting needed medical aid because I could not feel right knowing my father was doing that.

So even this explanation is insufficient. But enough social psychology. Well, ALMOST enough. Right now, we need something quick. There are DOZENS of outlets like this featuring people who want something done, but are too terrified of their imaginary Authority Figures to stand up against them - unless they see enough OTHER PEOPLE doing it first to feel safe joining in (this is the last bit of soci-psy for now I think, https://www.corbettreport.com/the-bystander-effect-solutionswatch-video/).

We write up what we think people will be okay signing onto "We The People hereby declare that..." It's not something we'd take to court. Mass public pressure gets changes made DESPITE the courts.

We sign onto it. Once we get a few others, we present it to sites like this. Once a few of them sign on, others cave in to social pressure. After that, sites like The Corbett Report cave in, & their listeners follow. Once it becomes THAT big, it's too large for even government to block or dismiss. So the details become important.

I had a better, more involved way of getting people to sign on, but I've yet to find One Other Person to abandon their fear of Nancy Pelosi - or any other Authority Figures. I'll continue only if anyone reading this says they can abandon theirs because if you can't, you'll find you're unable to take actions designed to enrage your surrogate-Daddies.

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Probably convincing the leftists friends.

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Your work is really good.

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Thank you, Mark! 🙏

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Haven’t heard of Margaret but glad for the connection! Will share this far and wide.

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I can see exactly why you think the way you do here. I have just read the first part, and "sped read" the rest. It forms a thorough survey of the situation and reminds us just how close to the abyss we are. I hope you'll put me in your draw. I would value the subscription greatly, and would make it a worthwhile endeavour. My own tentative forays into the world of writing need nourishment from this kind of work. I'm unwaged, and would love to pay so many people for their work. I hope one day that will change. In the meantime, I value the chance you offer for that helping hand!

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Joel,Thank You for your excellent work also,I would love to be in your draw. 😊As I live in UK and can only afford a few subscriptions I appreciate the generosity all theSubstack authors give me.

Yes Margaret Anna Alice is exceptional.❤️

I am also spreading the word in the UK OAP population who think our Gov are "looking after us" by putting us at the front of the queue for the clot shots.😢

There are now Many community freedom support groups springing up,who are all fully awake.

The PHA(Public Health Alliance) is taking root in many areas, inc. mine.


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Hyperlocality is absolutely key to winning this war against "big" everything.

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Hi Joel, what a great idea, I don't have one yet. I'm feeling lucky!


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Margaret Anna Alice is a magnificent letter writer. I stumbled upon her writings back in January with the Letter to a Colluder ! ....and subscribed instantly. Just finished watching her interview with Reiner Fuelmich and Vivienne Fischer and was surprised to see how young and exuberant she is ! Her writings are a gift to us who struggle to organize our thoughts from the deluge of data on so many Covid related matters vying for attention. I have only recently found Dead Man Talking, but subscribed immediately, finding it imperative reading also. Many thanks to you both.

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My goodness - everything we've ever wondered & more, but put so succinctly, and powerfully. I will use some of these questions to put to people around me, who only see the "dark" government and media narrative, in the hope of making THEM ask themselves the questions. Thank you Margaret and Joel, I would love to go into the draw please, to read more of Margaret's incisive thoughts.

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I'd LOVE to be thrown in for the draw, if it isn't too late. This is a great article!

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I do not have a paid subscription to Margaret's Substack so enter me please and thank you.

Love the "Biderman's Chart of Coercion". Spread it far and wide so everyone can play "You Are Here" LOL

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Yes, I would love to get a paid subscription. She’s an excellent writer

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Great article. Would like a chance at the gift subscription.

Thank you for sharing.

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The “why” questions were a compilation of many questions I’ve pondered over the last couple years and I am grateful for this piece written by Margaret. Extremely well put together and informative. I will promptly be going down this rabbit hole, I just hope I remember to eat and sleep along the way. I do not have a paid subscription, please add me to the draw. Thank you!

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Please add me to the draw and thank you for introducing me to this amazing writer.

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Yes, please, enter me into the drawing.

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I’m in

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Thank you Joel for sharing this. Thank you Margaret for writing this.

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