As a Headteacher,I too had noted the large increase in autism and other related isms and had, somewhat beltedly ,begun to ask why.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel, this is why I look forward to finding one of your emails in my Inbox.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

This is brilliant article to add to your armoury. Very long and seemingly repetitive but it’s for a reason. A must read and read to the end !


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We know now chatgpt is sentient.

it lies!

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Programmed to lie!!

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thank you for posting that link

really informative!

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I did read this CHD article yesterday. You are right, it was long, very long. But it was also worth the time.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I love Dr Yoho’s work.

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Autism eh? Like Robert Kennedy Jr, I grew up without knowing a single person with autism.

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What is an NPC? I was a vax believer for most of my adult life, not having questioned it until children started getting vaxxed for chicken pox, though I did realize flu shots were unnecessary and they couldn't keep up with so many strains. Though Mom says I used to say "NO SHOTS!" whenever I was taken to the doctor when I knew better before indoctrination (temporarily) set in.

But the chicken pox vax for young children only made sense for pharma dollars and cents, even to one who believed in their safety and effectiveness. Playing on misguided overprotectiveness. Why trade superior naturally acquired immunity for inferior shorter term immunity to a virus that is much more dangerous to adults? Since then, when it comes to vaccines, the more I learn, the more I NO!

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Non-player character in a video game, automaton. People who simply trudge through life, doing what the "authorities" tell them without much thinking for themselves. Human NPCs also have a nasty habit of regurgitating the dogma handed down to them and assuming positions of moral superiority over those who do dare think for themselves!

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In other words, most people. See Milgram and Asch for confirmation

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Yep. Methinks toxicity begets it. Interesting and alarming vicious cycle; in all likelihood fully intended by those who utilize said automatons toward their nefarious ends.

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Thank you Joel! Dr. Yoho has created a Masterful resource!

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Yep, even when I started questioning the covid nonsense I was still ignorantly repeating that all other vaccines were safe and that Andrew Wakefield was a dangerous criminal. I am truly sorry!

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I'm about to publish "the cure for cancer". How do you want me to quote your brilliant phrase?: "Heart disease, cancer, medical abuse / errors (iatrogenesis), accidents, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes are the main causes of death. These are all preventable. The cure is “studying”.

I didn't have time to check your order of causes of death: does it match the actual stats?

Thank you!

Check this out:

Open season for human culling:

War on poultry and cattle:


Water poisoning


Not fast food, PFAS food:


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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023Author

However you like! I'm not bothered by such things. I took the good doctor's list but replaced "COVID" with "medical abuse / errors (iatrogenesis)". Otherwise, it's his order, which he has taken from US data AFAIK.

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Prof Nazar, I had to make multiple calls, but I finally convinced a southwest water “scientist” to agree to come to my home to test our tap water. I became alarmed when my brita water filter, gathered greenish slime near the filter. Our shower smells like a swamp some days, and our shower heads are encrusted around the pinpoint openings of the shower head, with a hardened black material. The “scientist” thought perhaps my kitchen was too warm and that is what caused the green slime to collect inside the brita jug. I brought up the issue of biofilm. A word I was unfamiliar with until recently researching bladder infections. He mentioned this could be biofilm, but it was harmless. I mentioned I noted a large number of people in our town with bladder cancer. More digging and I found the term biofilm as something that congregates on the bladder wall. I have taken a number of science courses in order to acquire my master’s degree as a family nurse practitioner with a subspecialty in Occupational Health.The program required extra classes at the School of Public Health, UCLA. So I am not completely void of scientific terminology, but I can honestly say, biofilm was a word I was unfamiliar with. I realise, correlation is not causation, however, it is worth investigating/studying rather than allowing a southwest water “scientist” to,discount my concerns.

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Find the closest consumer association. Try to get the water tested at an independent lab. Take samples from different places. If you find anything, start a class action!

To inspire you, watch this movie based on a true story:

Dark Waters is available to rent on most VOD platforms. Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, and Vudu. It is also on Showtime, which is available as an add-on channel on both Amazon Prime and Hulu.


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Thank you for that information.

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>Before COVID, I too was an NPC

Genuinely burst out laughing when I read this. Looking forward to reading the work of Dr Yoho, thanks.

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"I truly repent."

Wow, I had no idea you had a limited knowledge of this subject in the past, Joel. The humbleness you have shown with your "I truly repent" statement is touching. If those who are begging for amnesty would show the same humbleness, I might actually be willing to give them a pass for *some* of the evil they have shoved down the throats and into the arms of billions of people that ultimately has killed and maimed countless numbers over the decades. Thanks for the great info from Dr Yoho

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Most of us are the same. Covid1984 certainly woke me up to all sorts of shenanigans.

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You know who doesn’t even inquire about cholesterol levels? Life insurance companies. Because they know it doesn’t matter. End of the debate right there.

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I’ve learned so much from Dr Yoho

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