Kudos to your dear mum for waking up in time to avoid the deadly boosters, Joel, and I appreciate your sharing your thoughts on cognitive dissonance as they interweave with my own ongoing struggle to discover WTF will ever wake people up.

Thank you also for pointing to my “Letter to the Oregon Health Authority” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-oregon-health-authority) 🙏 It is unnerving to consider I wrote that nearly a year ago, and some people are still masking religiously despite all the evidence of their inefficacy and harm.

But you’re right, I do think they are beginning to wake up—one by one. The madness always wears off eventually. We just have to hold tight to our sanity in the meantime.

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Jan 14, 2023
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Thank you for your thoughtful note, Dan, and hello from a fellow Oregonian!

Excellent observations regarding the fluctuating media narratives, and you are likely right about the mask requirement remaining in medical settings indefinitely—unless someone or some organization decides to challenge it in court, where the cases have been decided in favor of freedom in the cases where the judge is not corrupt.

It is impressive that you have managed to maintain your relationship with your best friend. I do hope his blood pressure is not an indication of cardiac issues to come and that he wakes up before he succumbs to further boosters 😿

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Jan 14, 2023
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Bravo for getting your doctor to indulge in some healthy anti-authoritarianism, and great idea to plant the seed for legal action! You are fortunate to have found a sane doctor in a sea of groupthinkers.

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Just north of you in BC our safety conscious head of health won't even consider bringing back unjabbed health workers despite a critical shortage. And the masks are still everywhere here although to a lesser extent than before. Every healthcare setting is sporting tattered, dirty old signs demanding masks and guilt-tripping about boosters to protect others.

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Here in NZ they won't pull the mandates on health care workers despite a massive shortage...

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This makes perfect sense. Little things like these, the name of a novel, I just finished. That is what it will take. One person at a time waking up. Little things like a friend getting transverse myelitis and never getting better, another with a big lump on her upper leg that no doctor can diagnose. Many friends with new onset cancers three now dead. Now Dr. Aseem Malhotra allowed to give his opinion on North Devon BBC of the cardiac adverse events of the experimental biologicals, MP Bridgen suspended from the Parliament, but not before he expressed his concerns about the harms caused by the experimental biologicals. Cognitive dissonance is a disease that can be cured and will be through little things like this.

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People refusing the boosters is the proof of waking up, even if they won't talk about it.

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Perhaps not waking up, but witnessing that they are not effective. I sense from my circles that the cognitive dissonance and denial continues around the idea that harm can or has been done. Human shadow is writ large right now but we need eyes that can see that.

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If our well-researched fears materialise, as the harms emerge, perhaps even over decades, people will have their realisation eventually.

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It's a heavy lift for people to go from "safe and effective" to "harmful poison." The "effective" part is easy, they can cease getting more, but the "safe" element hurts because they can't get unjabbed, and many injected their kids. I imagine white-knuckling my way through life, hoping nothing terrible happens close to home, but beyond that, nothing else to do about it.

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Tragically that is how it seems. There are ways to detox the body, both physically and energetically, though I sense from the recent research and revelations that the affected heart and brain tissue will not be so easily restored.

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It must sap their spirit.

Surely everyone needs to talk to someone about it. What horror to have no one.

I am not noticing new comers to Substack, so they are not talking with us.

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Yep. They might not be ready to admit that they made a terrible decision that might cost them their lives - very understandable - but they won't either take the kill shots. That's progress.

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That’s my sister. She still says she’s a true believer but she’s only had one booster and says she’s not “scheduled” for her next booster until next fall.

She won’t admit it, but she knows.

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The question you didn't ask was whether people's awakening on this issue will be a systemic red pill awakening or isolated to this matter. Taking the red pill is always a gradual affair and people will go down the rabbit hole only as quickly as they can tolerate it, which takes years. Which means awakening to one issue on Monday leaves you wide open to the next Boogeyman they conjure on Tuesday

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Alas, I don't think the masses will make any connection between this thing and all the other ones. Ironically, I'm watching a Korean series called Sisyphus at the moment. I can't help feeling the rest of my life is going to unwind like his. But if I can keep that boulder up long enough for my children to enjoy a free life then I'll make that sacrifice without hesitation.

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It amazes me that so many of my friends have children are so oblivious to the bullshit future thy will be creating for their children by not challenging this, meanwhile I am childless and fell that it's my duty to speak out for the freedoms of future generations. People fought and died for the freedoms I have enjoyed until 2020, I feel it's my duty to ensure that future generations can enjoy something similar.

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Covid changed my opinion on the climate scam, noticing it was all the same tactics being used - unfalsifiable models with no history of being right, one side of the debate being allowed, appeal to authority, only one absurd solution ever being suggested or allowed. I have no real idea about how accurate Bjorn Lomborg is but I have a lot more respect for him than anyone else I have heard fon the subject for actually looking at the big picture and looking at possible alternatives and their relative impacts.

I actually got around to watching Al Gore's "An inconvenient truth" recently, and 90% of the wild predictions haven't materialized.

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I suspect a fair bit of buyer's remorse going on and as you say, people will try to make the nonsense fit rather than admit they were deceived.

We're definitely seeing a gradual reveal of the truth in a way that is palatable to the masses. Too much too quickly and the sheep would not be able to process the enormity of what's been done to them. The BBC interviewing Dr Aseem Malhotra was no accident and there was no hijacking of the segment - they knew full well he'd say what he said.

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Genuine question...has it always been like this? I don't think it has. Your story of your mum is very familiar..except mine is on number 5 with no sign of stopping My dad stopped after 2 but still sits on the fence because he can't accept the consequences of the truth..it would destroy his whole paradigm of society . But my mum just laughs at me ..many of my friends just laugh at me as they suffer interminable colds and sore throats.. I don't remember a time in my 60 yrs when this "ignorance" happened so obviously....so has something changed?

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I'm talking about the last thousand years, not just the last few decades. Mackay's book is well worth a read if you want to see how far back this goes.

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I'll give it a read...but at a time when there has (supposedly) never been more information readily available ( over the last 20 to 30 years of the internet) , why are so many so willfully unwilling to consider alternatives...even when they can see them?

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If it was just about information and objective rationality, we would never be in this situation!

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Yes..isn't it interesting that much greater availability of information does not appear to affect the degree to which people act "rationally"?

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Dumbing down of education, subliminal messaging, a dirth of common sense, rationality, reasoning, morality, empathy, courage, integrity, honor...what’s lacking in society today could go on & on....

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THAT is the disturbing difference today. In medieval times, the only information from the outside world came from the Lord of the Manor, the priest, or travelling tinkers. So, at least people back then had an excuse for ignorance. Today we are the first generation in history who have literally all the info we need at our finger tips, via the internet. Sure, you have to scroll down 20 or so MSM sources telling you that everything is hunky dory, but anyone with a brain cell can find sites like this. And neither is it a question of intelligence. The most gullible and nasty Covidiots I know where all highly intelligent intellectuals. My local barber, mechanic, cleaning lady and care nurse all knew instinctively that it was all an evil lie.

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My dad’s triple vaxxed. He got covid once after 2 doses, got boosted because he believed his doctor when he said “it must be waning”, got covid twice after the third dose. Laughed at the doctor when offered the fourth and said, “This is scam and you’re in on it.” He’s 86. Took him a while but he gets it.

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Same here. Every single human will have their own unique readiness for realisation, or not. Real-eyes to see, and potentially dispel the misspellings of these extraordinary times. I gave up talking to my mum about it for similar reasons. She thankfully refused thalidomide when carrying me, then both of us were traumatised by my birth experience and subsequently, possibly, I suspect, through a lingering dissociation, mum chose to accept the dominant messaging, freely admitting to rarely asking deeper questions both of herself about anything much and certainly not about the medical industrial complex, government and mainstream narratives. She had heart failure just before the first mRNA injections were launched. At some level, I sense her heart was giving up through a deep fear and sadness. She is now on a cocktail of drugs to keep her alive, she says. So when she naively and blindly accepted the mRNA jabs and boosters without doing any research or looking at the accompanying information I was not surprised. She believes they are doing no harm and that her body is irritating, coarse and imprisoning and doctors are godlike diagnosticians and master mechanics of her human vehicle. She resorted, at one point, to blaming my step-father for "making her" take the injections because "I am 85, what does it matter if I do or don't?" she said. She describes me as being "in another realm" which is one of the more lucid and insightful things she has said to me over the last three years. My realm is my preferred one, for sure, where I love and trust the whisperings of body's innate wisdom and intelligence and natural healing ways and not the so-called healer/mechanics and voices of the scientific and technological tradition, who, at the end of the day, probably wouldn't know a healthy human if one dropped on their heads. My mum has been a great gift to me, to show me how I prefer to choose to live and be.

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There has never been a golden age when there was a majority of true critical thinkers. Look what they did to Socrates! Bouts of mass hysteria and sheep like behaviour are common thoughout history.

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I think there is a long way to go yet. Dr Iain McGilchrist's work on the Divided Brain hypothesis points to just how deep delusional states can go... I wrote about this the other day https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/the-inability-to-apprehend-and-comprehend

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Gary – I have just subscribed to your Substack as I am interested in the psychological aspects of how the whole Covid crisis has developed and your article has touched on some relevant themes. It came a shock to me that so many people (the majority, in fact) have been unable to join up the dots and come to the conclusion that something very strange has been going on, first about the virus itself, then even more so the in way the mRNA injectables have been declared to be “the solution” to the exclusion of any other treatment, and finally the deliberate suppression of information about the adverse side effects of the injectables.

After trying to gently educate friends and relatives about this - but experiencing rejection - I came to realise that most of society is in the grip of a mass psychosis. Matthias Desmet’s concepts seem to have some of the answers – but not all of them.

If you choose to publish your articles as some sort of contiguous essay, then I will be a willing buyer, because understanding the psychological drivers is what interests me most.

As a final thought, here is something that may be useful to add to your kitbag of anecdotal evidence. I spent the greater part of my working life in the airline industry – first as a pilot, then later in operations management, and finally as a contract safety auditor for some years after I retired from full time employment. In a previous Substack article you wrote the following about “The Inability to Listen” -

“A very interesting thing I learned through my studies of the Nervous System is that folks in states of chronic stress or chronic fear may lose the ability to listen or hear what other people are saying…”

This really caught my attention because the basics of this phenomenon are partly recognised in airline operations these days, where stress levels on the flight deck can sometimes be high at various phases of flight. The basis of modern airline safety on the flight deck is the two-man crew, who must consistently work cooperatively and closely as a disciplined team to achieve a safe flight. For this reason, good communication between the two pilots is critical (assuming there are only two pilots, as with domestic flights).

Understanding this fact did not come automatically to the airline industry – there was a trail of disaster over many decades for the communication lessons to be learnt. Most major Western airlines these days have now built in to their standard flight deck communications procedures a requirement for the First Officer (that is, the co-pilot) to loudly and forcefully state the words “Captain – you must listen!” - in the event that a dangerous condition is developing and the captain is not taking action to rectify it, and also not responding to the standard-phraseology warning ‘calls’ of the First Officer. The assumption is that the captain may be undergoing what is termed a “subtle incapacitation” - but that could also include a psychological state precipitated by stress or fear. In the event that the Captain still does not respond, the First Officer is then obliged to take over control.

The event that was the trigger that forced the airline industry to face up to, and eventually address, the deficiencies of interpersonal communications on the flight deck, was a shocking collision that occurred in 1977 on the runway at Tenerife airport in the Canary Islands. This was the worst aviation accident in history, and for those that are interested, an overview can be found at:

https://www.historynet.com/disaster-on-tenerife-historys-worst-airline-accident/ or, if you are really desperate, on Wikipedia - which I don’t like recommending because Wikipedia pushes out so much ideologically biased information.

If the Western countries do eventually get through this man-made disaster wrought by the toxic mRNA injectables, then there will need to be some major safeguards built in to the way issues are communicated – particularly iron-clad protections for free speech - because the corporate media has totally failed us all by not executing their traditional responsibility to inform the public.

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Thank you. That is indeed really interesting and useful. It is pity the airline industry has given up some of its safety lessons learned, by mandating the jabs and not heeding the potential of sudden death of pilots mid-flight??

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A most excellent comment.

My only dispute is , although planned and a false flag, one might argue the events of nine eleven were the worst tragedy involving airplanes, and the government, but otherwise spot on.

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Conveniently CDC has come out to say they were investigating the vaccines due to the overwhelming amount of strokes. Only in the 65 and above supposedly.

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Uncovered by Project Veritas. 3,000 blood specimens sent to lab to investigate troponin levels in the vaxxed. Sorry, do not have the details, such as age, location, dates of injections.

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65? Yeh. Months. It's what they fail to say that matters.

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I have a feeling this is another distraction. We know that the problems are affecting young people more than older people. By focusing on over 65's they can likely attribute it to other causes while ignoring the real problems.

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😂the cdc

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I'm sure that two day intensive investigation will reveal that everything is just wonderful.

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Thank you Gary! Our nervous system is fundamental to our mental states, and until now I haven't come across such an exploration. I'm looking forward to reading this.

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I am an American citizen. I was born in Russia. Why is the Wweest fighting so hard to maintain the lie of winning a war, which it lost long ago?

More disCog , a new piece too in my stack...

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We do know that.

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Most seeds will fail to germinate. No matter. We must keep planting them.

Keep up the terrific fight Joel.

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What people fail to see is how bad things can get.. Gulag Archipelago should be mandatory reading for everyone..

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TD, it is likely that the covid one-two punch leading to the passports and digitial ID verification is likely leading the world to what the bible calls the Great Tribulation where everyone in the globe is forced to take a mark of allegiance and for commerce to the new world leader--a glorified Caesar--the son of perdition.

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Maybe, but we shouldn't be too fatalistic either. Things can change rapidly. Time is short for the evil ones in Davos. They are making mistakes and showing their cards. There will be resistance.

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Nice article. But I think the release of the drip feed truth is deliberate. Imagine you are multi vaxxed and these side effects are slowly coming to your attention. It must be really terrifying to think what might be upcoming. So the release of the truth is designed to prolong and upgrade the fear narrative. But I do not think that being unvaccinated should make us glib either. Paul Cottrell has been banging on that the virus and the vaccine both are going to bring long term damage.

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Viruses have always been amongst us. This one is no different. Take away the very ill-advised social and medical responses to COVID and it wouldn't have made any more headlines than the seasonal flus of 1999/00, 2014/15 and 2017/18.

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So the release of the truth is designed to prolong and upgrade the fear narrative. Yeah, the injected people have to be told they are now at the mercy of modern medical protocols.

I'm working towards growing enough healthy food to eat, and with a few hours of autophagy every day, the immune system will be working well enough, time will tell.

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If they pursue constant vaccination it can generate more virulent strains.. this is documented in chickens with Mareks disease.. the vaccinated survive but unvaccinated die quickly..

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I was worried about that at first, especially reading about Marek's disease in chickens.

That was when I was under the assumption that the vaccines worked. It's clear at this stage that they don't.

The fact that omicron (a far milder strain) became dominant after the vax rollout would indicate that they are doing the opposite and they promote evolutionary pressure for milder strains to become dominant.

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I think that partly true.. low efficacy leaves many strains untouched and so a wider genetic pool, less selection pressure, this is also helped by such a wide geographic pools eg tropics temperate north south .. this has been a major problem for the flu vac to keep up with variants...

However if they shut down travel and insist on vac passports it could increase selection pressure to a point that some regions suffer.. especially if they are all vacced 4 times a year!

Let’s hope not..

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Ethical Skeptic suggests that it was likely released deliberately and shows some fancy graphs. Unfortunately he doesn't explain stuff very well, so I am unsure if he is really smart of just a bit on the hysterical side.

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I would guess humans are harder otherwise we would already be dead.

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Working on projects at our rural cabin the month of May. Creating water retention ponds at the mouth of seasonal springs for hand pumping water into IBC tote in the secluded open area where I plan to grow survival garden. The area is now under food plots, turnips and beets for the deer in our primary hunting grounds with ladder stands. With a sense that the pandemic is round #1, I have collected most of the necessary items for long term survival and now focused on self defense, edible perenials and water sources. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Aha! You are a person who acts, one with instincts still intact! Good for you. Buy the book Permaculture A Designers' Manual.

Learning the possibilities takes time, learning the combinations of possibilities takes imagination. If and when you get that part you're good to go.

Thanks for the highly interesting comment.

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Thanks for the suggestion Rick. I have Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home Scale Permaculture. I have visited a whole backyard permaculture project combined with square foot gardening. The hunting/food plot area is on a gentle downslope surrounded by smaller trees and crabapples, a former pasture on my Uncle's Dairy farm. You're welcome!

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Ok. I'm not into the details as they would be different from pace to place, recognizing the design would be dissimilar from my backyard to the lot across town!

There are designing ideas about the down slope I'm sure you are aware then.

My backyard main frame design is simplistic enough to be duplicated nearly everywhere, but the details, the combinations of details, the succession over time, the handling of pests and pathogens, is what's to be mastered - assuming one wants to land in that spot.

I have a camp as well I'm working, the best decision I've made there is no internet connection. Amazed at all the stuff I think about and do.

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Subscribe to Theconsciousresistance. Tess Laurie just interviewed the main guy

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Even experiencing “events” is not enough. In a very left leaning, heavily vaccinated book club of eight or so intelligent ladies, we have had one cardiac event of a 20 something adult daughter, one blood clot in a leg, one blood clot on the brain (found accidentally as they got tinnitus after the shot and went for a scan) and the mere mention that The jabs are not safe or is related to the vaccine and I, a liberal lifetime Democrat, instantly become a Trumpian supporting conspiracy theorist in their eyes. Politely, mind you, but the conversation ends quickly and the atmosphere changes. I tried twice to discuss it, and now I sit back and marvel, sadly, how they are unable to accept even a suggestion that the jabs aren’t safe. Thank God for these Substacks, and the FLCCC, and the other groups supporting the freedom of information, or I may have succumbed myself.

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Ditto, but make that Republican leaning and many Republicans falling exactly the same for the jabs. Seems unrelated to the political thinking, it seems more like morality and on upmanship in the Church of the Great Vax. Like it cannot be questioned! Ever! It is for the good of humanity, my shot won't work if you don't take yours....Some how they feel morally superior to those who choose to take a more critical long term view and ask questions.

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One friend told me he hadn't been jabbed for a year yesterday. When I asked why he said he had covid in September, flu at Christmas in which he was flattened. He doesn't know what to do now.

I elatedly told him he may recover, and that he should take Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin now. It may help, it wont hurt. I've been banging on about excess death data so much I've totally ostracised myself. This is the third person I've convinced. I wish my Mum was one of them. She has BSc after her name, she wasn't always an intellectual pygmy.

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My daily regimen includes, Vit D, zinc, magnesium, quercetin, Vit C, bromelain, NAC and curcumin amongst others. Ain't no virus getting me!

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A good mix, most of which I also take, although I leave out the quercetin on the days I take ivermectin prophylactically, since they clash.

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I remember farming ads on a Sunday in the 70s telling me it also treats Sarcoptic Mange Mite. Wow and Head Lice. Fascinating compound, it should assure everyone it was just found, Pfizer had nothing to do with Ivermectin.

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Indeed, Pfizer not involved, but Merck used to market it, I believe, for many years. However, after the patent expired, they tried to undermine it. Most competent observers assumed they were doing so because it was no longer something they could sell for a profit. Then they joined the campaign to ensure it was not recognised as helpful for Covid, else that would mean emergency licensing (EULA) of the 'vaccines' was not possible. ICYMI.

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Skipping IVM means you have to get up to speed with the Black Seed oil. Add in Boron too, it is a need trace mineral with some interesting anti fungal potential. In areas with high soil or water concentrations there is less arthritis. Just sayin! I use Borax to make mine. On an on and off dose, drinking water one week, skipping the next. Much of the soils in the world are deficient (esp in areas of heavy fertilizer use like sugar cane producing areas) and thus the food/vegtables produced is/are as well. Boron plays a role in getting Calcium into your bones, so ladies with Osteoporosis might want to look into adding ionic Boron to your diet!

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Borax? I thought that was poisonous, or is it just cats?

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borax not boric acid. Borax is the soapy stuff you add to your wash, you can work it into carpets to dehydrate fleas and it is NOT dangerous in small amounts to animals either and definitely far safer than the topic junk they put on animals now. A rat developmental toxicity study with a NOAEL of 9.6 mg B/kg/day was selected as the pivotal study on which to base this risk assessment, since it represents the most sensitive endpoint of toxicity. A detailed evaluation of these and other studies allowed modifications of the default values for uncertainty factors to account for the pharmacokinetic similarities among species, the lack of metabolism of inorganic boron-containing compounds, the similarity of the toxicity profile across species, the quality of the toxicological database, and other factors according to the approach described by Renwick previously. Benchmark dose calculations were performed, and the results were in close agreement with the NOAEL selected for this risk assessment. The Reference Dose was calculated to be 0.3 mg B/kg/day, resulting in an acceptable daily intake of 18 mg B/day. Considering that the U.S. average dietary intake of boron is 1.5 mg B/day, 16.5 mg B/day could be available for drinking water or other exposures, if any. A preliminary review of boron data in the National Inorganic Radionuclide Survey by the EPA indicates the median boron level in U.S. drinking water supplies to be 0.031 mg B/liter, and most exposures are less than 2.44 mg B/liter (99th percentile). It is concluded that boron in U.S. drinking water would not be expected to pose any health risk to the public. Finally, the Material Safety Data Sheet lists borax as a health hazard of 1—the same as baking soda and salt. In other words, borax is toxic in the same way that salt is toxic (Actually ounce for ounce, salt is more toxic): A small amount can do great things; a huge amount will kill you and other living things.

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Interesting thanks! I merely did a quick search as I use it to help the conductivity of solder when I'm making jewellery, I have a table set up in the kitchen. My cats appeared attracted to borax and they are not attracted to salt. I had an open bowl of it, so had to put it in a jar.

At the moment I wouldn't believe anything the EPA states, or the UKs Drinking Water Inspectorate, I've seen that much corruption in the last 2 years. Did my ancestors come across it in their water? I'd go with that data. I remember reading that some processed cheese is saltier than the Atlantic, I tried some, it tasted just as good as the cheese. I do my own science now.

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I was listening to Clive De Carle I think (he talks about health from a nutritional viewpoint and is wide awake to the scam) and he suggested not using ivermectin long term. I forgot the exact reasoning but because it is so effective at eliminating parasites, it also eliminates some good things from your body. It was on one of the Delingpole podcasts (he has been on two or three times).

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Thanks. I’ll check it out. If you have a link, that would help checking it out.

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Interesting combo, I'll look that lot up. I know someone who got heart damage, she understands what is happening now and is trying to mend her heart - thanks.

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FLCCC protocols 👍🏻 Dr. Kory's alliance has everything. Prevention/treatment/long-haul and vaccine injuries.

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“Intellectual Pygmy” is a great description of the mindset. My son, who has two masters degrees in medicine and technology is also an Intellectual Pygmy. It’s so damn disheartening. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before he succumbs to some damage from all the jabs he rushes to get.

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Thanks, sorry to. hear about your son. I watched a video of Neil deGrasse Tyson making an utter tit of himself this week, astonishing. Astrophysicist, planetary scientist, intellectual pygmy. Humans are herd thinkers, doesn't matter how smart you are. Judging by the leftover boosters everywhere people are saying no, it's just taking it's time. I wonder if we could hire Elon Musk to fire the excess vaccines at the moon, I don't really want to be on the same planet as the mRNA juice.

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Every time I hear this guy my respect for him goes down. I used to like listening to him when I was younger. Now he is just a "trust the science" grafter. What an idiot he sounded on that recent interview.

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Not quite as bad as The Science Guy - who looks creepier every time I see him.

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It was a shame, he was a great teacher.

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My husband and I (refuseniks) met for coffee in summer 2021 during a lockdown lull with a long-time friend. She zealously embraced the clotshots, including for her teenagers despite having been a skeptical mother who exempted them from school-required vaccines but was now aggressive in trying to corner me into admitting that my hesitancy was groundless. (I was never hesitant. I always thought the shot was unsafe and worse than useless and I knew we had natural immunity.) This past summer we had a garden party and she shared that she had been badly sickened by the 3rd shot, now has chronic fatigue and pain, has had Covid severely twice despite the shots, and decided against any more boosters. Said she feels betrayed. In contrast, a sister-in-law developed a novel kind of lymphoma after two shots, but continued to get boosters as recommended while enduring bouts of Covid and getting treatment for lymphoma. Would not or could not connect the dots. I think we are either a person who obeys external [often false] authority and cannot evaluate consequences of that obedience that would lead us to reject that authority, or we trust our own experience and have authentic internal guidance that enables us to face consequences of rejecting false authority. I think 80% of people are in that first group.

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Aliss, I loathed that term “vaccine hesitant” as well because it implied stupidity & meekness. I have always considered those us who resisted as “vaccine” DEFIANT ☺️ which implies courage & intelligence

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I've been an anti-vaxxer for 30+ years, and am very proud of that fact! I carried out a lot of scholarly research (using those things called books!!) into 'vaccines', and realised that they are indeed a vile medical scam.

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You’re way ahead of me, Christine. I honestly never gave any of it much thought until 3 years ago, altho I wasn’t in to flu, shingles or pneumonia shots because I thought they were worthless. I dutifully followed the Vax schedule for my kids, deeply to my regret now. So kudos to you!

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The term “vaccine hesitant” puzzled me, when I first heard it in 2020, as it seemed to suggest that people were just slow to succomb to the idea of being “vaccinated”, that somehow they were painted as ‘slow learners’ of some kind. Hesitant, as in lacking self-assurance. It seemed to be a concept invented by the self-assured or even smug advocates of vaccination. Not resisting, or objecting, or denying, or defying, or arguing against - but hesitating, in a weak sort of way. Words matter, I think, and in thus case carried a not-very-subtle message.

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Exactly, & as I said as well

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It implies that we can be convinced. The more thy push this crap the more determined I am not to take it.

In a way i am glad of the ridiculous coercion.

I was 50/50 for taking it in the beginning, but it was mid summer 2021 before my turn. By then it was obvious that they weren't topping transmission (cases here in Catalonia shot up by around 5 times and reached new highs in the middle of summer, while in 2020 it had appeared seasonal). The warning signs about the dangers were starting to appear, but that wasn't quite as obvious at that stage. But Prince Harry, David Beckham and Tony Blair were all telling me I needed to be jabbed. They couldn't have picked a worse set of advocates.

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Pobrecollie, for me it was knowing right up front that “warp speed” meant no short, much less long term testing. And then the relentless psyop of masking, distancing, lockdowns & that every single person on the planet HAD to have it, regardless of risk, convinced me this was utterly unhinged, insane & evil.

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Aliss, its called the school of hard knocks. People refuse to listen and stiffen their necks against all reasonableness. They refuse to connect the dots and instead follow the anointed 'expert class' and will drink of the consequences. That's why God refers to us a sheep.

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Joel, "How this ends - slowly, one by one." A big bang is indeed preferable.

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I think the reason many or most won’t talk about it - esp to those of us who were right all along - is because they are ashamed or feeling betrayed & probably afraid, too. It’s hard enough to admit to oneself (much less to anyone else) that they were wrong, much less utterly duped. The deafening silence is kind of ironic since many were very sanctimoniously vocal about “following the science” (& deriding those of us who didn’t) & proudly announcing their every jab. But anyone who has awakened is welcome; we need them too for the resistance.

I’m so glad your mom found the truth & stopped @ 2. The effects seem to worsen beyond that.

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The problem with the jabbed simply “waking up” is a lack of follow on consequences for those who created, promoted and/or injected these poisons. If the jabbed cannot admit to themselves that they were duped and that those who duped them had malicious intent, they won’t seek retribution. Apologies are not sufficient, people must pay a price or this could happen again, with far worse outcomes.

At this point, I’ve given up on arguing with the jabbed. None of my friends want to listen to what I have to say, none want to know what they’ve done to their children and themselves. It is beyond cognitive dissonance, I suggest it is invincible ignorance and I am disheartened by it.

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FJ, do not loose heart and do not stop talking. As others have commented, you never know when a seed planted will germinate.

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Yes, how “awake” people become will only really be known when all the measures are reapplied. Moob-man Gates has already promised round 2 “that will really get our attention this time”

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