The spooky thing is that this happened throughout the world - almost everywhere behaved the same way. Most people now don't want to even remember what happened and how they behaved. And yet, almost every person I see, whether in real life or on the TV, carries deep inside them the seed of insanity which blossomed for over 2 years and could spring back to life at any moment. How do we who didn't succumb live our lives knowing this could all happen again and again? And next time, maybe we unbelievers might not get off so lightly?

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For a long time (mainly in private), I have advocated that a parallel society is the only feasible outcome of this. And those of us in the "alt" society will always be in the minority. That much is clear. But we will have the ultimate pleasure of dying free people! The rest are slaves whether they choose to accept that or not, or even if they don't feel that they are suffering any hardship. Most won't even care. The cost of freedom is simply too much effort for them. I often suggest they choose which category they fit best - lazy (haven't put the effort in to understand the situation), stupid (not smart enough to understand the situation even if they were willing to put in the effort) or cowardly (put the effort in, understood the situation but not brave enough to do anything about it).

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel, you probably know this history, (I'm posting for everyone else) but it is worth watching this 6 minute video, that explains "stupid" people. https://youtu.be/ww47bR86wSc

During WWII, Dietrich Bonhoeffer argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on deaf ears. Bonhoeffer's famous text, which we slightly edited for this video, serves any free society as a warning of what can happen when certain people gain too much power.

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A closed mind will never let in any good ideas. :)

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I am with you guys but when we do reflection here I have very serious question about what has happened. Someone in comments suggested to execute the NHS staff, my primary question is why you or someone else let it go so further into this apocalypse situation? Why did you let them to start the woke movement, why did you let the social media cancel culture to spread and let it grow into current situation? Why didn't you protest against the pension collapse and money printing long before? I can go on with many issues, my feeling is that it's not the people who obyed the commands, it's the clever and capable people who were doing nothing to prevent it. They are the one who bear the guilt. The crowd always need leader and when you let the stupid idiots take over, then this was the result. It's lesson for me into future, don't let your nice side effects your thinking, when you see idiot argue and don't let that be. When you see system not working put it out of order or fix it, don't let it go on bring of collapse. And lastly, get together and stand up to women, I have strong feelings this whole situation sparked mostly due to feminine side, which support censorship, emotion decisions and sadly also corruption in worse scenario - I don't want to generalize here but there are many evidences pointing to it.

// Edit - just to add something more

Basically, this whole covidism came from the woke, which come from the social media and technology degradation of intellect. It has been the spread of the internet via smartphones which allowed non-educated people to access the network. Before when internet was only geek thing, you had to have high-intelect to be able to setup network and your computer to connect into internet. With the invention of smartphone, it became a basic tool easy to use by anyone. This is the main cause of the degradation of information and also by lowering quality of any intellectual information which currently go here. Secondly, you started to give everyone equal access to money without any consequence, debt was free, money was give by political association and not by skills or intelligence. This made a situation, when most people know nothing about field but are there just because they had connections or political preferences. In this setup came Obama and the woke movement. I don't want to go into detail, but very mediocre or non-moral people started to used tools build by very smart and intelligent individuals. They used this tools to manipulate people to have more influence in system based on every, single vote. Obama even studied social media patterns like hive or swarm behaviour to learn better, how to get most votes. I mean, this strategy of likes on social media is whole basis for current crisis. If you want to be popular, show them popular things - money, girls, muscles, food. It will give you popularity, but it's useless in long term. You can scam people with bitcoin for short time but eventually the one superintelligent person who designed the original idea is the one, who should get credit. You are just ponzi-scheme immoral seller of nothing for huge money. This is not how mankind got prosperity and success. I can go on for long time, but to cut it short we need to start again putting barriers which allow only smart people to access. The quotas has to go away and all of this social engineering from state. True test has to be skills and intelligence. Not your gender, race or look.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

from the beginning of this plandemic, I wanted to find my "Atlas Shrugged" parallel society.

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I am sure you know about the pareto principle (the rule of 80-20).

An erudite friend and teacher of mine suggested that the world may remain in a healthy balance if we, the alt society people, make up at least 20% of society.

I am hanging on to this suggestion!

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That makes sense to me. That Pareto guy knew his stuff.

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"Most people now don't want to even remember what happened and how they behaved."

That's right. It's as if they didn't vilify, shame, blame, castigate ridicule and cancel us for pointing out the obvious and sticking to our guns.

"Not safe. Ineffective."

But they did all that, and more. They fired us. Took away our ability to earn a living. Forced us into POVERTY.

Some of us acquiesced. Some of us committed suicide.

Some of us are suffering severe battle fatigue but still somehow standing our ground, 3 years in the trenches.

Me, to a former friend, in January 2022:

"You and your kids have Covid? But... aren't you all double vaxxed and boosted?"

My former friend: "It's very MILD!"

Me: Here are some additional links to recent data, which you might find interesting.

Her (and I quote):

"Ron Johnson and DeSantis are ASSHOLES. Stop sending me crap!

Her: "My unvaxxed friend is in the hospital. On a VENTILATOR. I just hope YOU don't get sick!"

Me: Okie dokie...

Didn't hear from my old friend again until I received a note, in November of 2022, that a mutual friend of ours had died. After a short (undisclosed) illness.

Our deceased mutual friend was a retired airline employee who enjoyed travelling the world.

A fact duly confirmed in her lengthy obituary.

Cause of her death? Not so much.

Based upon a photo I was sent by my former friend, which was taken in mid-September of '22, whatever was ravaging our dead friend's skeletal body was causing horrible surface skin lesions which could not be concealed with make-up.

I hadn't seen, or communicated with our dead mutual friend in many years, even though we reside in the same Canadian city. Neither of us had felt any inclination to remain in touch.

For the record: From October 2021 to June 20, 2022, in order to be allowed to board a train, plane or ship within Canada: Canadians had to provide proof of being "fully vaccinated."

(Fun fact: Foreign visitors still need to provide proof of "Covid19 vaccination" to be permitted entry to the United States.)

In other words: it's my belief that my old friend who died in November of 2022 had been duly jabbed to the gills, in order to travel freely, when she was diagnosed with the (undisclosed) turbo illness in May of 2022.

("Shhhh!!! OMG! How DARE you imply??")

I dare to state, not merely imply, what is, and was, obvious. To me.

Yesterday, I was notified by that former friend who cancelled me for pointing out something equally obvious to me, in January of 2022, that our deceased friend's "Celebration of Life" is being held tomorrow.

I hadn't heard about it. From anyone. I've long since lost touch with everyone I ever knew from "back in the day".

My former friend said she hopes to see me there, and added that many of our mutual friends and former co-workers will be in attendance.

I'm 100% certain that my presence will not be missed by either my deceased friend, whom I'd not seen or spoken to in many years, nor by any other former friends and work associates who will be attending her "Celebration of Life".

I'm LONG OVER caring about "what people will think."

I KNOW what people think.

I refuse to participate.

I do not wish to be part of their world. For any reason.

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Celebration of Life. What nonsense. This person DIED. If one is a confessing Christian, death is the ultimate experience leading one to the presence of God. "Celebration of Life' , or "passing away", or "passed" sound to me like refusal (or whistling past the graveyard) to admit the fear of "the beyond". And if one is not a Christian, but perhaps Hindu, death is an opportunity to live in another way.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Agree, Stuffy. I think there is much worse to come, esp for we defiant ones. They already know who we are

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I disagree. I don't think there is worse to come. I do think there are those who would very much like there to be worse for us, but we are growing in number.

None of us regret not getting it. But I know that there are a growing number of people that wish they had resisted. Doctors are increasingly informing people that they are v damaged, and slowly things are shifting.

It's really important to keep positive.

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I didn’t get the jab, & was defiant about the whole bullshit. Would LOVE to be positive but It’s really important to keep it REAL. There will be a lot of worse b4 good

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I agree there is a lot worse PLANNED. But whether they pull it off or not does depend on blind obedience.

Consider that in March 2020, most people took it all at face value....at first. Some smelt a rat from the start, more and more started seeing the red flags over the course of the year. By the time they started rolling out the 'vax', there were many on the fence. Lots of them caved, in hindsight many regret it.

The way it all played out actually brought communities of people together, in local areas, and across the globe.

People supported each other, shared information, and we all got to know about the WEF, there have been many who have seen the light about 'climate change', and overall, we are far more informed and aware.

On an academic level, we now have specialists in medicine, law, politics etc who have come on board, investigated, established themselves on platforms, face courts, used FOI's to force the release of data.

Those that want to pull off a NWO would have been in a much better position to do so BEFORE 2020 than now.

I think there is a lot to be optimistic about.

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Terrifyingly accurate Stuffysays. I'm staying frosty. I refuse to let this go completely. We cannot. If we do... we deserve what we get.

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Three years.

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So true! Even those who said, ''I didn't want to get it but I had to because .....'', are shut down, instead of reflecting and realising the people, authorities, organisations, media outlets etc who were all involved in this scam. That it was so big, and they largely pulled it off. That if they lied, covered up, silenced experts, falsified data etc, that maybe, just maybe they could do it again, that they may already be doing it on other topics....

There are really important lessons to be learned from this, and these people are saying, just move on, stop going on about it.

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deletedApr 21, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley
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I, like many healthcare professionals, am an ISFJ. I still can't understand what set me apart from so many (virtually all) of my colleagues, nor how spectacularly so many failed in their MB role of 'protector', 'defender', or 'sentinel'. I find it incredibly fascinating to ponder what traits may have led people to question the covid response (among other things), but acknowledge how high the stakes have been (and continue to be) in what became a grotesque, real-time social experiment.

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I think the theory could still hold overall, I just wonder what small thing (or series of small things) made me (and many others from very diverse backgrounds) immediately think, 'something isn't right here'? I don't fit the communist background either (I'm second gen Anglo on one side, and about forth or fifth gen Anglo on the other), but I absolutely agree that many people with this background/family history saw through things from the outset. I also noticed that many people we met through this experience are committed Christians (not fundamentalists, just nice, normal, people of faith). I'm an atheist, so can't claim that either, but it was prevalent enough to be noticeable as we talked with people at various gatherings. So interesting to observe these patterns and reflect on one's own history, upbringing, personality, etc., and how it all fits together. :)

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I completely agree about the narratives around HCQ and Ivermectin. Even before the research into Ivermectin for covid, the way they demonised it as 'horse dewormer', was a huge red flag. I had given it to patients during my career, so regardless of its utility against covid or not, it made no sense the way they were portraying it in the media. Also agree entirely about the 'vaccines' and the concerns with modality and timeframe (which should have been obvious to almost everyone), and the blanket push to vaccinate everyone regardless of individual risk/benefit analyses (especially children!). I'm still horrified that mandates ever got off the ground; they go against all my personal and professional values. And yes, the more time that went by and the more information that emerged, the more impossible it became to believe that it wasn't intentional. I think that's the most terrifying part.

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I have a Doctor friend, who considers himself a good person.

I wonder how many girls and women of childbearing age he has unknowingly steralised . . .

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank you for your honesty and integrity. It has been in short supply these last three plus years. As a medical professional, I can agree with your descriptions of the way covid was handled. It has been a painful three years, but perhaps it also was an eye opener. We now see what government is capable of, what people who are scared are capable of and we know there will always be people scientifically grounded to question the narrative. You are one of those people. Again, thank you.

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Thank God for the few brave doctors, nurses & scientists that did come forward & speak the truth, even though you were censored & silenced almost everywhere, those of us who were leery of taking an experimental “vaccine” & had a gut instinct that something wasn’t right kept researching & was able to find & share the few brave medical professionals that were sharing the truth about the injuries & deaths they were seeing from the “vaccines” & not Covid!

I watched as many of my family & friends get injured & murdered from the Covid injections, including my father.

Gates, Fauci, the CDC, FDA, NIH, MSM & many others who pushed the deadly Covid injections on everyone should be prosecuted for mass murder & crimes against humanity!

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Jabbed friends around us are constantly testing and getting ‘covid’, even today. Madness! None of them question being jabbed 4/5 times.

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

By November 2021, as a mandated PhD clinician it was abundantly clear to me that a team of horses wouldn't drag me within a country mile of being jabbed. The emergent research, absence of ethics, abandonment of controls, faux 'emergency' (use authorisation), and much more in a rapidly moving psy-ops loaded repetitive narrative came with stream of red flags. It drove me (metaphorically) mad to see how a majority of the populace, institutions, corporations, municipal authorities, politicians, medical personnel and boards folded in abject genuflecting unquestioning obeisance.

Next time around however, it won't be quite so easy.

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Twenty stories that matter … but not to corporate journalists. So I started my own Substack to … fight the powers that be. I'll add this: Substackers like Joel have been an inspiration.


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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

What has been done to young people by the lies and distrust and suppression of any reason is showing up clearly in Chicago and 12-year-olds with guns, and 25-year-olds with suicidal Manifestos and death-by-cop. More to come. We have only begun.

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There is a severe nursing situation in NZ. It could be alleviated by allowing unvaxxed nurses to return to work

The nurses union told me that 1. only 6 nurses were stood down refusing to vax (it's 600+) and 2. when I informed them that a nurse at our nearby small hospital said that 20% of their staff had quit because of overwork and refusal to be boosted because they were seeing so many vax injuries come through the ED I was told - we are not seeing vax injuries.

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Thanks for giving update on NZ!

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

You do realise I hope if Nuremberg principles are applied, virtually all the gogglebox watching NHS staff should be executed. Every deveived, stupid twat who enabled this genocide deserves what is coming to them? Or mercy? I bet even if that happened many would commit Hari Kari. Tragic

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They'll get a pay rise.

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You know they are trying to shut ppl down when they use the phrase "conspeeracy theerist". At that time you can be sure it's just censorship, and you are too close to the facts.

The oddest thing is, I have plenty of studies (200+) to support my opinion that the vaccine is neither effective nor safe. They have none. They are in quite the pickle.

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Before I concluded it was either a play for vaccine kaching or a move against population growth (or both), having already fingered the virus as nothing to be worried about, I figured that the propaganda push was basically a "test-run". The authorities were, in my opinion, an opinion probably developed within a few weeks of the first lockdown in northern spring 2020, vastly ramping up their virus fear propaganda to see how easily they might control the worlds population should a really deadly virus start to circulate. I was already well aware that vaccines tended to spend at the very least five years in R&D & that meant that a vaccine for the new SARS was unlikely before 2025. Bear in mind five years is fast for a vaccine, vaccines often spend a decade in R&D & less often, even longer!

Of course, once the media chatter turned more seriously to predicting a vaccine in a warp-speed time-scale that shocked & surprised me (& put me right off participating), I began to figure that maybe they genuinely were concerned about the new SARS but only in so far as how much fear could be promoted before profitable warp-speed vaccines or treatments could be sold.

Now we're in the perhaps predictable position where almost everything we've been forced to believe (forced by the censorship of divergent opinions) about the virus & the resultant warp-speed vaccines has been proven or is in the process of being proven completely wrong & even as we the people are confronted by more & more supportive evidence that we're not conspiracy theorists OR crazy after all, those in charge continue to dig in their heels, insult us doubters, deny the injured, obfuscate & ignore the excess deaths but continue to promote themselves as decent leaders. I mean, would we expect anything less of them?

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The moment you stop being defiant in the face of tyranny and medical terrorism, you might as well go ahead and get all 8 mRNA injections at once. I find it exhilarating being an anti-vaxxer as I have always been in the minority much of my 70 plus years of life. The minute you join the maddening crowd, your life is now subject to its whims and controls. I do not mind in the least being an outsider and conscientious objector to he status quo.

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