SATANIC Mass Sacrifice: DESPITE Known Harms CDC Adds COVID-19 Vaccine to Routine Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents

Are you AWAKE yet? Our battle is SPIRITUAL


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Feb 13, 2023Edited
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Wow! That sounds awesome, where do I sign up.

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Thanks for this. Pretty telling that this all was the absurd debacle I thought it was.

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In ages under 59. There is no difference that can not be explained by the natural variability from year to year. In the older ages it appears to be worse IE more deaths than before COVID-19. Is it the miss treatment (denying them the use of Ivermectin and HQC, and the use of remdisver). That kills the elderly or is it the faux Covid shot the kills the elderly. I want to believe the latter but it could easily be the former.

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I happen to think the "first wave" of Covid was the cold and flu season of 2019-2020. If I am right, there were a good number of people admitted to hospitals or who went to the emergency room who had Covid. A few probably died, with the deaths attributed to some other cause. But most did not die. So why didn't they die? My answer: The treatments they were getting - pre-official Covid - were better than the treatments they received post or official Covid.

That is, patients were much better off getting Covid before Covid had even been named or identified.

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they also withdrew life saving anti-biotics.

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Yes I have heard this what is this about?

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The protocols didn’t recommend antibiotics, but post viral bacterial pneumonia is a major killer.

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So there was no Pandemic of a Deadly New Virus was there? All the way through 2020 I kept asking people if the numbers of Tragically Dead From Covid were wrong because hardly anyone appeared to be dying. Sadly, old people die all the time and it's not a pandemic just because someone changed the name of what they died of. A real pandemic would have seen young people dying in 2020 in vast numbers too. The jabs were never needed - none of it was needed - normal behaviour as seen in all other winter flu seasons would have sufficed. The virus narrative and the fear and the story that there was nothing to save us so no treatment was given appears to have been purely so they could get gene therapy experiments out there in the wider world. There's even a clip of someone from Moderna (I think) saying that nobody would have taken those mRNA shots without a Pandemic scaring them into it.

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The problem I have is, WE DO NOT know the long term death rates and cancers/other diseases from mrna shot...

But going by these graphs... looks like anti-vaxers(me) do not have an over whelming case against the vile goverment. The whole lock step, with masks(which we all know do not work from day one), forced lockdowns/vax and the propaganda, they are over whelmingly guilty.

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From the graphs if seems the vaccine is working. However these are raw data graphs that do not take into account confounding factors and with only a few deaths per week in a large population the confounding factors could correct for the true trend. In Canada when the a journalist pointed out that Statistics Canada data showed the Vaccine did not work, the government had Statistics Canada rework the statistics to show the vaccine was working. Is that happening here?

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This is exactly why we have juries and their conscience. We rely on the independent capacities of each individual to come to a rational consensus rather than sole reliance on an "expert". If you think the graphs show that the vaccine is working, you vote accordingly. Not that I want to direct you in any way but that is not my interpretation, certainly not across the board. That latter part is important.

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I think utilising testing to terrify people was also a master stroke by the powers that be. A test that can basically give you the result that you want to back up your agenda is a pretty useful tool. I know people who were testing 4 times a day with LFTs and then PCR every week in spite of being jabbed multiple times. The fear factor was immense. The evidence in my opinion just backs up my fears.

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I suppose what I am getting at is "is the data honestly portrayed by the government".

I might be voting for the vaccine based on limited or worse, incorrect and manipulated data. My feeling is the vaccine increases the death rate and I avoid voting the government line in rigged elections. What do you think about this data having been manipulated by the government or confounded by the reduction due to lockdowns reducing auto accidents, etc.

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When I first looked at these graphs my response was yes, yes, yes, which appears to be the same as yours. Then I began to wonder what graphs of excess mortality would look like, using the same data, and a baseline of the 2014-2019 period. This started me thinking differently, and then I thought about the pull forward effect too, and also the need to be pretty certain, and I switched to no, no, no.

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This is a confounding factor which cannot be evaluated without more data. That is why I am reluctant to take the survey because on the face of it I would have to say the vaccine helped. However my distrust of governments during covid and the lack of data on confounding factors makes the graphs a starting point but not a complete understanding of what Covid and the vaccine are doing to people.

The governments need to be doing more indepth autopsies to determine if the clot shot is killing people. I cannot understand why they are not more diligent in digging into this obvious danger due to vaccines unless they are following WEF population elimination. As one example, a Colorado Coroner chastised doctors for noting deaths of gunshot victims as Covid related. So were the deaths tallied as Covid deaths?

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“This is a confounding factor which cannot be evaluated without more data.”

Can you clarify? What is it that you consider to be the confounding factor here? The pull forward effect?

I agree that the more we can find out about confounding factors the better we can make a decision, but it seems to me that even without knowing more, and even without supposing government manipulation, the data here points to no, no, no, though, as I say, for me it required second thought.

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Yes. Anything that skews the data from the factors that were present when measured in 2014-2019 is a confounding factor if it is not the cause being investigated.

So if a high disease death rate comes along then it will increase excess deaths however a parallel unusually high accident rate due to aircraft crash might be buried by the deaths due to disease and seem to inflate the disease deaths. In your case you point out that those that died in 2020 may have been an elderly cohort that were pulled forward from 2021, causing a reduction in the 2021 excess deaths. This may obscure the vaccine deaths in 2021.

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I don't think we will get to the bottom of all cause mortality post Covid or Post vax without a significant number of autopsies done to rule out vaccine elements in the affected organs vs SARS COV 2 elements. They have done some autopsies showing that the vaccinal spike is present in the myocardium in a good number of those who died suddenly along with the absence of nucleocapsid parts, presenting a very good case that a good number of people dropping dead post vax are indeed casualties of the vaccine. They have also found circulating vaccinal spike in the blood of people who got myocarditis post vax. That being said, pre vax, people were suffering from the spike of the SARS COV 2 virus which was known to cause heart inflammation, and one of the major reasons my husband who has heart disease refused the vax. So the big problem is how to separate these effects by cause, and you can only really do that for heart disease post mortem, or by focusing on specific diagnostic approaches for the living. For example, new onset myocarditis: Testing for vaccinal spike in the blood.

I was never vaccinated, got Covid in Jan 2020, a mild case lasting three days requiring no doctoring. SIx months later, I lose my hair and have aged ten years. I have 50% sudden onset kidney failure. One year later, two tumors were discovered on my adrenal gland and my liver that were not there in January 2020. We know the spike from the virus causes these after effects, including disregulation of the system which enables DNA repair. So it's possible that the Covid infection caused these tumors along with premature aging. THIS IS WELL KNOWN. Less well known is that the vaccinal spike does the exact same thing, because most of the science milieu is controlled by industry, and such papers as demonstrate this are not finding their way through the peer review gauntlet.

Still, the problem remains: How to differentiate long fuse effects of Covid infection from long fuse effects of Covid vaccination. And this is something which CAN be discovered, but no studies are being funded as far as I can tell.

Also, complicating this is the probability that vaccinal mrna can be expelled through sweat and breathing, as it is already well documented that it occurs in breast milk, and the PEG nanoparticles breech other barriers such as the blood brain barrier. It is not inconceivable that breathing the air expelled from a vaccinated person can result in the inhalation of mrna programmed to create vaccinal spike. I mean, I was reading DARPA over twenty years ago, and they already had vaccines which when taken would serve to vaccinate people who came into contact with the vaccinee.

So I don't believe looking at all cause mortality can do more than tell us:

1) the vaccine program did not reduce all cause mortality

What we should be looking at is whether the vaccine reduced Covid mortality. And from what I can tell, they did not. They are performing as well as a placebo.

Kidney failure, heart failure, liver failure, premature aging, prion disease, strokes, and other problems which can be caused by vaccinating or Covid need to be sorted. Because these high all cause mortality figures could be caused by either. They could be caused by bird flu, for all we know. Without proper post mortems, we can not know, we can only choose a side or decide not to choose a side until there is sufficient evidence of causality.

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Sorry to hear you had so many health issues despite refusing the VAX. I agree that proper autopsies are essential to determining the death rate due to vaccine. I am also unvaxxed and it may be too late but I take L-Glutathione to help accelerate the removal of any ingested graphene shedded from the vaccinated. No problems yet for my wife and I so far, fingers crossed.

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I am totally against the vaccines and consider them to be ineffective and harmful.


I really must be reading all of those graphs wrong, given the responses to the poll.

All age groups below 55 appear to show a decline in all cause mortality* since covid and despite the rollout of the jab.

Above 55, there is a variation in each age group of slight increase, or slight decline.

How am I seeing this differently to 95+% of the other readers?

*Based on the graphical lines, not the written numbers, as the blue and green lines do not seem to align with the static numbers in the lower age groups.

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I don't think you are. Everything is subject to interpretation but, unless my interpretation of your statement is incorrect you are in the "no", "no", "no" camp like the majority? Deaths are higher in all ages over 50 since "COVID" but the absolute numbers under 60 are immaterial.

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Regarding the descending blue and green lines, following the grey data line on the graph alone, I was in the Yes, yes, yes camp, which goes against everything I think I know about these toxic jabs.

Even the 70 to 74 age group "appears to have a graphically declining death rate since early 2020, though the numbers do not agree.

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I don't really see, from my eyes, much difference in the covid to vaccination period trendlines. Occasionally slightly hirer and occasionally slightly lower. If it was deadly and very much so, I'd expect a sharp increase in all cause mortality and it doesn't seem there. If it was effective, a sharp decrease. So it seems either effective nor deadly. Akin to injecting saline. Does Joey notice any difference? Am I missing something?

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Joel, while this is interesting it appears aberrant.

There is some suggestion the UK is diddling its data. It is clearly an international outlier.

You may notice that the summative trend of all cause mortality appears downward 2020 onwards?

I note the same for OECD-stat data for year on year for the UK as a whole, the trend of excess deaths above the 2015-19 mean DECLINES from 2020 onward.

Yet, EVERY OTHER jurisdiction I looked at (Canada, US, Australia and NZ) show an inverse relationship to the UK, with, as I referred to in a previous post on this site, with an inflection point in 2021 (peak jab incidence and effects). In other words, all jurisdictions except the UK show increasing death from 2020 into 2021. However, all except the US and UK continue to increase horribly thereafter; these two decline.

And if anyone is interested, cumulatively, approximately 2 million people (ABOVE the 2015 - 19 mean) died between 2020 - 2022 (3 yrs) across the US, UK, Australia, Canada and NZ.

nb. Canada and Australia do not provide full data for 2022 deaths (I pro rata est. the number).

My own substack post delivered on all this shortly.

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I’m surprised at the reduction in all cause mortality in the younger cohorts. I thought the trend was an increase in their mortality rate?

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If we had experienced a genuine pandemic featuring a novel virus which posed a threat to all age cohorts and across all geographies (the story we were fed), shouldn't we have seen a huge increase in mortality as the virus indiscriminately killed loads of people followed by a fairly lengthy period of low mortality as the virus 'settled down' and became less lethal? What we seem to be witnessing is a nothing-burger of a 'pandemic' followed by multiple-unicorn-event-scale level of non-COVID excess mortality. What happened in 2021 following the main 'pandemic year' of 2020 that might be a contributory factor? I wonder...

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Based on those numbers, Scotland never had a pandemic.

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i would want to know how much of a slope difference there needs to be to be statistically significant in some way. personally i don't think there is enough time elapsed in the graphs that i don't like.

i think for some age groups have modified their behavior, possibly because of vaccine injuries or just plain being afraid to leave their home. (i still see some wearing a mask even though no mandate) so i know they are modifying other things. please note the type of masks they are wearing lets between 25% to 75% of the air through unfiltered. --- my interpretation of that is those type of masks are immaterial to getting a respiratory virus. .

also note, initially if someone is in pain, and so they don't do as much.... they are initially physically safer from death...... however over say 20 years... that isn't going to be true. because they are going to probably gain weight which is associated with health problems and death.

please note, i am biased against the jabs.

so maybe i am hand waving just like i see those pro jab folks do.

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What we should expect to see is the harvest effect that the lancet presented in Italy after the infection went through the population. We would expect to see following a period of high excess mortality another period of below expected mortality . Because the kore vulnerable died off, and a period of time is needed for the vulnerable population to grow again .

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I think we can also overlay these graphs with how many doses . The younger groups show a decrease in deaths . But we can also expect that these groups, that are generally not as affected by covid would be less likely to get the shots . So higher degree of non jabbed , and also more likely to have them further spaced out .

And if there is any specific act of using the shots to terminate life then the target would be the earlier waves of availability - elderly highly comorbid population - not the healthy young.

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We should expect to see what is observed in the harder 2018 flu season where there was higher excess deaths followed by 2019 where there was below average deaths . Because of the harvest effect . Where we see 2020 having high deaths and then 2021 having relatively higher deaths and then 2022 again higher then the ten year average we can conclude there is a problem . Especially as the variant changed from the more lethal 2020

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So the working age population should have never been under ANY restrictions. Of course the entire thing as far as i am concerned is worse than swine flu 2.0 ! Scamdemic ! Biggest fraud/crime ever !

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