Well Joel , the blind vaxxers wont even read these accurate figures that you research and post. I know this from my stupid dumb full on vax friends, ah well you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink.

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Now they won't ... here's why:

I've long seen most humans as either barnyard animals - or circus animals. the circus animals are the highly trained ones (often referred to as white collar workers).

I see most people as droning along in life ... bereft of true intelligence. Yes many of them can perform complicated tasks (that I cannot) but then so can circus animals. They lack true intelligence.

Like a dog treats can be used to entice them to do these tricks --- we call the treats money.

Pay them - they will agree to go to university for many years and spend thousands of hours learning a complicated series of tricks.

I am not surprised that the more educated humans have embraced the injections more than any demographic.

They've dedicated their lives to being trained by the master... so when the master says 'take this injection - it's safe and effective' of course they do what they are told.

If they don't they won't get any more treats (i.e. they will lose their jobs).

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A great analogy.

Only the independent-thinking and curious minded choose to walk through the woods rather than run on the treadmill. I’d wager that these outliers are often unconventionally raised (be that a positive or negative experience) and have developed the capacity to know truth and truly think outside “The Box”.

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Actually the highly-educated (and least educated) were most likely to refuse the shots.

It was the dumb central masses that moved like a flock of sheep.

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Yes I see that the MSM has reported that ... the MSM...

I know a lot of Circus Animals... many lawyers and financial markets types. All but one is fully boosted. The one who is not is a particularly good friend who I urged not to take the shot because there are no long term studies... alas he wanted to travel so he took two - he has permanent heart damage. He has been urging all our other mates to reject the boosters - they are treating him like one might someone who has found Jesus and is determined to proselytize... so he's avoided the topic.

Every single one of them is multi-boosted.

My brother is an engineer -- he has many friends in the industry -- and many architects... every single one of them save him is multi boosted.

I spoke to a doctor in NZ some months ago - he's lost his job -- he said that almost all the doctors here are jabbed.... trying to discuss the dangers with them is like talking to zombies

I do not believe that the highly educated have lower vax rates.... first off because the MSM told me that ... but also because that is not what I am seeing. I am seeing the opposite.

Circus Animals are generally well paid -- they trust the system -- the system rewards the trust.

They are without a doubt less likely to push back against the narrative - they never have and never will.

Highly educated does not = highly intelligent. It just means they've put the hours in and can perform complex tricks. Like a highly trained circus animal.

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Cool story bro

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Here in Sweden a great effort was made to prioritise cancer patients and make sure that they got their treatments same as usual, even if there was a pandemic going on. From what I read, this did not happen in the UK, and should be a significant and measurable factor.

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Yes, but at the same time, some of the older infected people with respitorial issues was given morphine to make them suffer less. That might sound good, but that's a big no no, as morphine slows down breathing. In other words, they received a slow euthanasia ...

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When doctors go on strike the death rate goes down.

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What you do is so utterly not like what it pulls me to do - and I am do grateful for the difference, as I very much value the information you have put together. Thank you!!

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Dear Joel - also check out this: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/maternal-mortality-in-russia-tripled

Maternal mortality in Russia tripled in 2021

Russia’s Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) recently released maternal mortality figures for 2021. The numbers raise some questions.

482 expectant mothers died in Russia last year—up from 161 in 2020, an increase from 11.2 to 34.5 per 100 thousand live births. 90% of the recorded deaths in 2021 were due to causes not directly related to pregnancy.

Officials “attributed the sharp increase in maternal mortality to coronavirus, but the cause could also be genetic COVID vaccines, which in Britain were recently recognized as unsafe for pregnant women. Mass vaccination in the Russian Federation took place in 2021, but not in 2020,” Russian outlet Nakanune reported on November 8.

The same outlet revealed in September that Russia’s birth rate had plummeted nine months after compulsory vaccination decrees were adopted nationwide in autumn 2021.

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At least in the case of Sweden, the number of death cases is a mix of those who died due to and those who died with. Medically, it's a [huge] difference, but politically, it's the same. It has turned out, that only a minority of the dead actually died due to, but SCB are not allowed to show that kind of information due to [bad] politics. However, this is not unique to Sweden ...

Btw, noted a misspelling. SEB is one of the four major banks in Sweden. SCB is the one. (<i>Statistiska CentralByrån/Central Bureau of Statistics</i>)

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SCB isn't keeping the covid statistics on their website. That's done by the public health agency, Folkhälsomyndigheten. go here: https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/smittskydd-beredskap/utbrott/aktuella-utbrott/covid-19/statistik-och-analyser/

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There you find alot of incorrect and smudged data. FHM is a pure coffey drinking propaganda agency, populated with a number of pencil pushers. (I live in the same town where they are located.) Since early 2020, they have made alot of errors and changed their minds a number of times.

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Still just a rounding error though off the total number of deaths in this multi year time period and in the big scheme of things.

Seems like nothing has made and could have made a difference.

Or, in short: Virus gonna virus.

As was common and accepted knowledge and practice pre Gates, Ferguson, Farrar&co.

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Thanks Joel. I seem to recall that Sweden apologised for getting its care of the elderly wrong during the first year. It follows that comparing E&W to Sweden may not fully describe best practice.

I'll also point to the UK's Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) in April of 2020 that suggests the UK healthcare was Worst in Class worldwide. (showing 21% today vs 16% in 2020).

Re masks : the link below has a "projections" button. The "projections" included the modelled effect of masking and distancing. Often the "projection" lagged the data by a month or so, and it was possible to tell therefore that the masks made no observable difference to the current outcome.


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Nov 10, 2022
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Looks like Sweden have overtaken England in the end so maybe they have some death to come?

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What this goes to show is how difficult it is to calculate the baseline, so that you know whether you have excess mortality or a death deficit. The first thing it makes sense to do is to stop counting years as Jan-Dec but instead as Oct-Sept or something like that. The reason is that people do not die at the same rate all year round. In the northern hemisphere, winter is the season for dying, and a lot of what happens is that whatever respiratory infections are going around carry off the old people, most of whom also have other diseases that are contributing to their ill health. This is often concentrated in 2 months, but sometimes it starts early, and sometimes it starts late. You want to compare 'winter dying season' with 'winter dying season' to see if the season is particularly deadly or not. You don't want to compare 'deaths in Oct-Nov-Dec of this season + deaths in Jan-Feb-Mar of last season' with 'Oct-Nov-Dec of last season and Jan-Feb-Mar of the season before that'.

When you do this you discover that the large data outlier, in Swedish death statistics, is not the abnormally large number of people who died in the Spring of 2020 due to covid, but the abnormally large number of people who didn't die of anything in 2018 and 2019. This was a matter of chance; we didn't suddenly start doing something that made our elderly people live longer. We really don't expect another 2 years like that to happen again. But if you use this year as part of a '5 year average' of deaths, you will get an average number that undercounts how many people are expected to die. If you decide to drop that year from your calculation, as being an unrepresentative outlier and count the 5 years before that as something that is more normal for your average, you have no death deficit at all. Somewhere in there is the number you should use to decide if you need to hire more staff for hemtjänst, the in-your-own-house care for assisted living, or open another clinic or hospital or elder home, but nobody really knows what that is. It's all 'guessing with the benefit of experience and after playing around with the data for a bit', which is really the best you can do. But when simple differences in calculating the baseline can produce such different answers for 'how deadly was it'? you know that the _numerical_ basis for making conclusions is on the soft side.

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The medical system is still pushing the toxins here in Sweden. I know, because I and my few untoxicated friends and collegues still get occasional 'offers', but those who got their shots don't. (In those 'offers', they recommend people belonging to different risk groups to take their shots, at the very same time, these groups are very vulnerable to the side effects ...) How is this possible, when it is illegal to have such records here? To make it possible, they keep records of those who got it and send 'offers' to the rest, but that is still illegal. To legally find out, they need to get an unique approval each and every time to check the medical journals, from any/every care recipient. They have not and in my case, they never will never get it, but may find out when checking the journal for other reasons ... Sounds bureaucratic and time consuming, but it's a safety measure that are supposed to protect the patients confidentiality, as all journals are digitized and online today. (Yet, all old journal records are still not in the system, as these have to be manually inserted. There has been security issues with the existing system, as in the beginning, I discovered early in the access log, that someone anonymous person in a different city checked my journal at several occasions. Being anonymous in the system is also illegal. A city I have not visited for a number of years and last time I got healthcare there, was back in the early 1970's. When asked the system manager, I never got a respond and the log records was removed ...)

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