Just this morning, I said to my husband, we don’t know a single person who died from covid over the past three years. But we know a helluva lot of people injured and three dead of cancer, that had been in remission. The most recent injury. Autoimmune hepatitis🥲

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Two degrees of separation. Either they all eventually wake up or they all die. Either way, we win.

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It appears that the excess death rate in the over 65s, even with the jabs, is still not enough to offset the projected increases in government spending due to the triple lock pension guarantee, so Rashi Sanook is now thinking about abandoning the government's manifesto pledge to keep the triple lock in place. Maybe too many pension age people have opted not to get the triple lock death guarantee, by getting boosted for a third time. I can't think why. The opportunity is there. I mean, the government have even approved the Pfizer Ba.5 bivalent booster now, as tested on 8 mice. Who would not be tempted to be part of the roll out of culling edge science?

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Nailed it!

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These deaths are attributable to 5G roll out.


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Omg, Frances, we need to talk. I have just discovered something extraordinary.

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OK. What's this about?

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What is the mechanism by which 5G creates covid-like symptoms?

I know people say "radiation" but can you point to some papers explaining this further?

I believe that the spike protein was lab-created and that it was connected to waves of unusual flu-like sickness seen in particular hotspots across several months 2019-20, but especially accelerating in March 2020.

Can we map out these waves in places like London, Madrid, Lombardy, New York, etc. specifically to 5G? Does the spike protein get activated by exposure to 5G?

Others such as Dr Lee Merritt have theorised that the spike protein was directly spread in specific places through spraying or other means.

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All electro-magnetic frequencies, individually or in combination create negative effects on living beings. There are thousands of studies showing this and I have gathered them in my archives which can be accessed here:


There is no virus and certainly NOT 'lab created'. Computer recombined genetic sequences do not mean that there is an actual virus in reality! The genetic code is a computer generated synthetic toxin. See my email exchange with MHRA here:


The waves of 'covid' were mapped by a Spanish doctor early in the pandemic but his work was buried. An English translation is available here:


As for Dr Lee Merritt - I have heard her discuss the 5G root cause theory too.!


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I live in America & I’ve seen similar death charts here as well.

I & my family & friends do not know one person who has died from Covid but we know more than 20+ healthy family & friends of various ages but most under 60 years old who “died suddenly” after taking the Covid shot or booster.

They died from unexpected heart attacks, strokes, blood clots in different areas of their bodies & cancer that was in remission for years came raging back 10x worse & they died quickly.

Out of all the deaths that I & everyone I talked too that knows of deaths after the Covid shots, not one autopsy has been done to find out what caused their “sudden & unexpected deaths”!?!

They act like it’s normal for MANY healthy athletes to just fall down dead???

I bet the real death & injury numbers to be ALOT worse than we will ever know because doctors & hospitals & coroners were getting kickbacks for marking every death as a Covid death.

Those at the top of all of our countries medical field need to be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity, including anyone taking kickbacks & any doctors & nurses knowingly giving Covid shots that they already knew was harmful & deadly.

Ask yourself why did our politicians & vaccine companies get to be exempt from taking the Covid shots???

While they tried to force us to take them & many lost their careers & businesses because of it???

Every time the Evil Elite Cabal causes a chaos they end up making billions of dollars off our suffering & they end up with more power & we end up with less Rights & Freedoms & many injured & dead?!?

One at the top of this Evil Cabal is Schwab & the WEF.

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Nailed it, Sheila!

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Thanks Joel.

Horrifying that even their own figures show the deaths caused by their response to the scamdemic. Masks Isolation & now jabs.

UK Govtards still pushing the jabs. Seem hellbent on jabbing infants too.

O note the comment below regarding 5G.

Of more than note.

The human response & reaction to over exposure to microwave radiation.

Mirrors close to exactly the covicom symptoms.

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One of those "conspiracy theories" they were very quick and very keen to "debunk".

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I see covid started in 2017/2018. Just like Canada.

We never tested for corona viruses. It was always influenza, RSV etc. Covid was flying under the radar.

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First jabbed means first slabbed. My doctor called me in March of 2021 to inform me my age (70 at the time) qualified me for the injection. I said no thanks and am still a Pure Blood to this day. I am seeing incredible numbers of “seniors” dying here. Which means that everyone younger who took the euthanasia injection will soon start dying in similar percentages. And I think it is possible (I am speculating) that we could reach a point in the future where the jab just starts to kill everyone who was injected with it. They get 24 months down the road from their first injection and they just start dying in mass. A trip to grocery store could mean you had to witness 2 people fall over dead while you were there. We all know these injections are a death sentence. The question is how far will the vaccinated go (in months and years) before they ALL expire?

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Hi Joel, would you be able to link to your source code / spreadsheet for this, and any other analysis in the future which involves proprietary models / functions? It would be great to be able to understand this more deeply.

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Wouldn't you expect the peaks you mark "mRNA experiment" to be shifted in time between age groups, if the vaccination were responsible? The peak is in January 2021 for both 80+ and 65-79. However, vaccination began for 80+ in December 2020, 70+ in the middle of January 2021, and 65+ in the middle of February. As you say, I would be extremely interested to see how this looks for under 65s.

The generation of the "Sweden model" data is interesting to me. Without looking more deeply, this seems problematic because I don't think you can assume a linear relationship between England and Sweden over such a long length of time - there is literature for example which suggests that Sweden's seasonal mortality trends are changing over time. I'm not even sure you can assume homoscedasticity because mortality reporting changed hugely across all countries during COVID.

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Any ideas/speculation about has “corrupted” the newly released data (per your note 1)?

Apologies if you’ve covered it elsewhere and I’ve missed it.

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Simply human error. I noticed that the dataset was missing deaths that I knew had been registered. In trying to fix it, the dataset ended up in even worse state. DM me if you really want the details and I'll send you screenshots!

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Hi Joel. I don’t think DM went through last night. Is the email for DM the same email as your news letter?

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Thanks. I’ll DM you and explain the reason I’m asking.

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