Brilliant, thank you! This is a great one for sharing with open-minded friends in the "middle" segment who might just listen - the most important group, I think.

Keep going - we will win this :)

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Jul 30, 2022
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Never ever back down

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It’s even scarier when you read it laid out like this. How can people not see the cold hard facts ?

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Like allowing this to continue even though politicians are exempt from NO laws, it's illegal to "give exemptions" for the harms their products cause to their cronies in pharma, illegal to take Big Pharma $ while in public office, illegal to mandate harmful or even merely untested products, & we refuse to prosecute them?

There are more people on this page alone than would be needed to organize such an effort. Once others see such an effort they would wish to succeed & that some have already signed on to it, some others would do so as well. By approaching others with sites like this that know the jabs harm, we could get hundreds shortly.

MORE than enough to make every other anti-jab platform feel pressured to join as well. Once that pressure built up enough to pressure larger sites with more followers like The Corbett Report to join, we'd have more than enough members for even Government Itself to be unable to block or dismiss.

& I can't PAY a Single Hypocrite Here to organize such an effort!

Here you are too asking why OTHERS can't see facts? WHAT "OTHERS?" The "others you're waiting for to take action FOR you?

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Even though I agree with 99.99% of what Mr Brodie describes, the only way these 650 WEF apparatchiks - with very very few exceptions - will answer theses points if they are strung up by their feet with a cocked loaded pistol adjacent to the temple.

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MPs are as easily manipulated as the public, perhaps even more so with their narcissistic desire to be seen as saviours. I’d say 99% of them haven’t got a clue about what is really going on.

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I see that as you do - for their own personal self seeking corrupt purposes they have suspended whatever ability they have to think, and they herd together. But imho there are a considerable number who have 100% bought into the fraudulent control freakery and have acted as corrupt stormtroopers for the Globalists - even if they don't understand the nitty gritty science ( a very poor and unconvincing "defence") - if they cannot see through the tactics of SAGE/WHO/Ferguson/Michie/Raine/Whitty/Vallance/JVT/ Farrar etc and the increasing tide of studies/official ONS type data/treating Physician experience/demonisation of early treatments which work, the fact that they continue to support the "narrative" means they are "as guilty as sin".

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Really? That's ALL we're missing? Okay; We get all the people you think we can get "against" the jabs. What happens then?

Do the vaccines get upset, take their syringes & go home? Or does every member of your decision-makers in power voluntarily decide to stop accepting lobbying payments & forwarding these agendas into policy? Neither.

You will all create some other group to wait for that "will cause" one of those options to "just happen" without you ever having to lift a finger or take on the adult responsibility of fixing this WITHOUT the permission of Mommy & Daddy-Government.

Politicians are exempt from NO laws, it's illegal to "give exemptions" for the harms their products cause to their cronies in pharma, illegal to take Big Pharma $ while in public office, illegal to mandate harmful or even merely untested products, & we refuse to prosecute them?

There are more people on this page alone than would be needed to organize such an effort. Once others see such an effort they would wish to succeed & that some have already signed on to it, some others would do so as well. By approaching others with sites like this that know the jabs harm, we could get hundreds shortly.

MORE than enough to make every other anti-jab platform feel pressured to join as well. Once that pressure built up enough to pressure larger sites with more followers like The Corbett Report to join, we'd have more than enough members for even Government Itself to be unable to block or dismiss.

& I can't PAY a Single Hypocrite Here to organize such an effort!

Here you are too asking why OTHERS can't see facts? WHAT "OTHERS?" The "others you're waiting for to take action FOR you?

You know the facts & are doing absolutely No Thing that can POSSIBLY cause the mandates to be lifted. "Informing others" doesn't CAUSE others to take out your garbage, clean up your room or for these people http://allaregreen.us/ to reject millions of $, apologize then join hands & sing Koombaya."

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FFS, if you think "you" have the magic bullet, please fire it; if not your diatribe is becoming very boring - unless you are an AI troll responding without thinking.

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So, by addressing nothing I said & giving me the options of possessing something neither you yourself nor anyone else here possesses, somehow I must be a troll for not having it? I & only I HAVE TO BE a troll because of the exact same criteria that applies to everyone else here?

You're rational.

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You have just proved my point, congratulations.

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Come on. These people believe all this stuff. They believe they are doing the ‘right’ thing for the ‘greater good’.

As part of the system, they are simply unable to conceive that they are being lied to.

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Doubtless "some" do - I cannot conceive that "some " of "them" also know now, or have known all along, the CV19 scamdemic was just that and "they" got hooked on the narcotic of power.

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Thanks to Mr Brodie for assembling these points together and to Joel for posting.

While I tend to agree with most of Mr Brodie's assessment of what has been perpetrated in the name of the World's Deadliest Pandemic™ of History's Deadliest Virus™, I think that in an open letter to a public figure, I would err on the side of leaving out judgements and conclusions regarding motive, and just stick to the incriminating facts. I find that presenting a case in this way, one that gives open-minded readers no alternative but to draw those same damning conclusions themselves, will be more compelling and persuasive to them.

Nevertheless, well done to call out these malfeasant MPs in a public forum.

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I realised that something was badly wrong with the “pandemic” about two years ago but it took me almost another year before I understood the full horror of what was going on. The problem is that most of the general public are blind to what is going on and they think people like me are delusional.

I don’t think we will get far without opening the eyes of more of the general public, which is why have resorted to uncompromising language like “mass murder”, “genocide” and “complicit”, to try to shock them out of their brainwashed comfort zone.

My conclusion is no different to that reached by international lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and his colleagues earlier in the year via his crimes against humanity mock trial. For some reason that fizzled out and I don’t know what his plans are. He is still busy collecting more and more evidence of malfeasance, see https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5 . I think he may be stymied because he can’t find a judiciary willing to take on his case.

In one way I’m optimistic. I cut my campaigning teeth fighting against “climate change”, getting nowhere because politicians like Drew Hendry simply fobbed me off with fake platitudes like “the science is settled”. Now that they have shown their evil mass murder hand on Covid it seems clear that “climate change” never had anything to do with climate and everything to do with their Malthusian anti-human agenda. If we can nail them on Covid that will also nail them on climate change.

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Here is a link to an open letter I sent on the 10th August 2020:


I also have an FOI answer from the Scottish Government (and the other devolved Governments, local councils and the DHSC) that states that they hold zero scientific evidence, either from central Government nor from their own research, that justifies any sort of restriction on individuals, businesses nor society based on a positive result from a RT-PCR test.

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Excellent, well done. You make similar points regarding legitimacy and enforcibility of the absurd safetyist theatrics to the ones I would use when I tried and tried in vain to dissuade my friends from complying with the nonsense. If more people had grasped this, the whole thing would have fallen flat on its face in the spring of 2020.

I would enjoy forcing the idiots at my local health clinic to read your letter.

I live in a small vacation town on a narrow, windy peninsula surrounded by the Atlantic, and there are still people walking on the sidewalk with face diapers on.

Failed species.

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Have a read of some of the other stuff on my substack (https://awkwardgit.substack.com - I'm slowly posting what I've been finding out since Jan 2020) or what is posted here:


Some very intelligent, knowledgeable people on there posting. Ask a question and see what the answer are.

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I think humans are done, finished.

Let the beetles, rats or chickens have a go at ruling the world as we've failed unless we sharped up very quickly.

How long did the dinosaurs rule the world? 200+ million years? I'm not sure but it is a lot longer than humans even if you include all of "ape species".

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I certainly understand your motivation, and your sense of horror at what has transpired. I'd already written us off as a failed species before 2020, but I was still stunned at how the zombies eagerly got in line to slurp up every bowl of propaganda put before them.

Fuellmich and company gave me some hope early on, but I also get the impression their effort stalled somehow.

I look forward to your efforts bearing fruit. I imagine that even if some justice is meted out, Das Volk will forget everything the next time a shiny new iPhone is released to distract them.

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Great, well expressed series of questions there, thank you!

I have two more for you though.

Are you aware that there is no virus?


Have you connected the illness to electro-magnetic radiation overload?


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I tend to avoid getting too deep into “the science”. There is enough evidence of skulduggery staring us in the face.

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Without examining "the science" we are children being told what is true. It is necessary to pull up our big boy/big girl panties and dig in to discover where the lies originated.

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Frances I hope you are also reading the Steve Kirsch substack re the no virus advocates

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No I am not. The man is offensive and shills for big tech. When I offered him my extensive research he stated that I am "ridiculous" and went on to say that he could see why I had so few subscribers at the time.... he then banned me from his page for 100 years (or so he says!).

Why do you mention him?

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Jul 31, 2022
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What a plonker that guy is..... I love your slap down. Well said!

MHRA proved to me in December 2020 that the genomic sequence used to make the Pfizer vaccine was a computer generated recombinant. He is a bit late to THAT party!


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A massive effort. Thank you. Share with anyone and everyone including your MP, Congressman, your doctor/GP. Will print a few copies and take to the rheumatology dept RD&E Hospital on Monday. Don’t forget family and friends, many who are totally unaware of what is taking place. Many who have been brainwashed by their gov’t and it’s health authorities and MSM.

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...and then we can keep waiting for them to arrest themselves? Because anything else requires courage. No one here HAS any, is watching the murder continue, while waiting for "someone" to have the courage to fix all their problems for them.

You're literally waiting for these people http://allaregreen.us/ to stop these people http://allaregreen.us/.

We get all the people you think we can get "against" the jabs. What happens then?

Do the vaccines get upset, take their syringes & go home? Or does every member of your decision-makers in power voluntarily decide to stop accepting lobbying payments & forwarding these agendas into policy? Neither.

You will all create some other group to wait for that "will cause" one of those options to "just happen" without you ever having to lift a finger or take on the adult responsibility of fixing this WITHOUT the permission of Mommy & Daddy-Government.

Politicians are exempt from NO laws, it's illegal to "give exemptions" for the harms their products cause to their cronies in pharma, illegal to take Big Pharma $ while in public office, illegal to mandate harmful or even merely untested products, & we refuse to prosecute them?

There are more people on this page alone than would be needed to organize such an effort. Once others see such an effort they would wish to succeed & that some have already signed on to it, some others would do so as well. By approaching others with sites like this that know the jabs harm, we could get hundreds shortly.

MORE than enough to make every other anti-jab platform feel pressured to join as well. Once that pressure built up enough to pressure larger sites with more followers like The Corbett Report to join, we'd have more than enough members for even Government Itself to be unable to block or dismiss.

& I can't PAY a Single Hypocrite Here to organize such an effort!

You know the facts & are doing absolutely No Thing that can POSSIBLY cause the mandates to be lifted. "Informing others" doesn't CAUSE others to take out your garbage, clean up your room or for these people http://allaregreen.us/ to reject millions of $, apologize then join hands & sing "Koombaya." But no one here will even DISCUSS holding a Single Politician accountable for CHILD MURDER!

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What an excellent letter. Am I allowed to snip and paste some bits to my own totally wretched MP? Thank you

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I do not believe Steve Kirsch is a doctor

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Correct. He often states that he is not in his presentations and interviews.

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I picked that up from someone else. According to Wiki he has a BSc and MSc.

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Yes, good to hold him accountable. Have you considered sending him a Notice of Liability? You can get the on the Act4Canada website. I'm sure they can be modified, if need be, for UK laws.

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“Uttar Pradesh in India (pop. 250,000 million)”

Oops. That’s about 30 times the population of the entire planet.

250,000 thousand would be the more correct, albeit somewhat unusual, formulation.

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Proof reading fail! Latest figure is 247,282,904.

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The UK Govt & nearly all politicians national & local are treasonist Bioterrorist pfHARMa pFascist pFraud pFilth criminals & criminally treasonist Warmongering Terrorism enablers also engaged in massive climate change fraud treasonous criminality.

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Nice summary of their genocidal criminality. I'm sure they'll get you 20 answers any minute now.

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Here is a link to an open letter I sent on the 10th August 2020:


I also have an FOI answer from the Scottish Government (and the other devolved Governments, local councils and the DHSC) that states that they hold zero scientific evidence, either from central Government nor from their own research, that justifies any sort of restriction on individuals, businesses nor society based on a positive result from a RT-PCR test.

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Excellent work!!!!


We need action!!!

I wish we can start in Canada with our criminal, we know who this pick is!!!!

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Wow!!! Douglas, I salute you, you've absolutely nailed it. This needs sending to every MP in the country. Is this something you've considered?

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A comprehensive outline of a conspiracy.

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