A good friend told me she is witnessing so many deaths among her friends (all triple and quadrupled jabbed). Mostly cancers, some very unusual cancers. She asked what I thought. I can no longer discuss any of this with a cognitively dissonant. It is too tiring. Thank you, for once again, presenting reality.

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It's encouraging that she asked! It sounds like she already had an inkling what your opinion might be. Perhaps the outer veneer is cracking and her mind is starting to open. Baby steps.

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It's happening to me as well. Four people I know have very rare super aggressive cancers out of nowhere not responding to any treatments, post jabs.

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So sad. I've known five people with cancer within a year of the jab. 3 serious, 2 caught early. One just died of aggressive pancreatic cancer, and other will likely die this year from lung cancer with mets to the liver. And my aunt came out of breast cancer remission with full-blown bone cancer.

I was in a zoom meeting and a very pro vaccine person. In the meeting she stated "everyone I know is getting cancer". She does not link it to the vaccine though. I had to turn off my camera for a minute and pace around the room before getting back on the meeting. It's so frustrating.

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Exactly. When I bring it up -- it's so obvious to me -- I can feel people scrambling with the "do not go here" emergency zone hazard tape in their brain. This is why all these triggering distractions -- war, celebrity scandals, roe v wade bs -- are manifesting to suck everyone's attention away. People just cannot face the truth of the level of betrayal. Or process letting go of the pride they had in buying into it and the cruelty they inflicted due to that pride.

Two of the people I know have aggressive pancreatic cancer.

I just realized another friend also has cancer ... came out of remission post jab. So that's five I personally know.

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Wow, how distressing for her. Did you tell her what you thought?

It's hard for me to discuss these things with those stuck in the corporate government pharma narrative. Cognitive dissonance is a very uncomfortable experience. But I also just realized that talking to someone who's experiencing cognitive dissonance is also a very uncomfortable experience, for me anyway.

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You have once again proven the iatrogenic hypothesis, which will probably move from third to leading cause of death in wealthy countries.

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I think it may already be the first given the ineffectiveness and toxicity of many cancer and heart disease drugs https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/how-power-couple-pharma-regulation?s=w

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It's probably under-estimated already.

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That's why my goal is to take no prescription drugs or even over the counter drugs for _chronic_ conditions. Switching to a real food diet, and eliminating sugars, starch, processed grains...has allowed me to achieve that goal fairly quickly.

For _acute_ conditions, I still take things like antibiotics and pain relievers, though as little as possible. Also probiotics like Florastor are great for balancing out the iatrogenic issues of antibiotics, which can easily be life-threatening.

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"Medical nemesis" by Ivan Illich. Absolutely required reading, especially in this time and age. Originally published 48 years ago in The Lancet in 1974. No one listened back then, and here we are, facing what was inevitable to occur sooner or later.

PDF: https://sci-hub.se/https://dx.doi.org/10.1136/jech.57.12.919

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Thanks for mentioning it, the link didn't work for me, I managed to download it from https://ratical.org/ratville/AoS/MedicalNemesis.pdf

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A Midwestern doctor who has substack also recommended Ivan Illich

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Glaringly obvious high levels of association between vaccinations and death. Far more probative than the specious assertions used to obtain licensing from the FDA.

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I have already experienced the response from “cult members” the data from poor countries is hardly reliable . Meanwhile the high income countries successfully fudge data in vaccine favor, well-known fact.

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The main causes of high Covid mortality are % of population that is elderly (every 7 years of age doubles Covid risk) and % with multiple symptoms of metabolic syndrome: obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, higher than normal triglycerides, lower than normal HDL (aka good cholesterol).

Rich countries will have good hygiene, lack of war and famine, and pharmaceuticals that can keep people alive into their 80's. If those people don't eat a good real good diet, don't get plenty of fresh air and exercise, and don't avoid sugars and highly processed foods, then they are likely to have metabolic syndrome.

Rather than throw a "hail Mary pass" with hastily concocted and rolled out mRNA vaccines, rich countries should have been focusing on enabling all citizens to eat real, nutritious food, get plenty of fresh air and exercise, and ween themselves from sugars and processed foods. All the money wasted on lockdowns and pharmaceuticals would have been far, far better spent on improving agriculture so that meat and vegetables were plentiful, affordable, and sustainably produced.

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I am afraid I am the first to ask to buy the bridge. Way too many confounders here. African countries for example are not as population dense, more sunlight, herbal remedies, much younger population, and... yes... less testing.

Three suggestions:

1) Ideally, standardize based on testing rates, if that data were available. But still, that only addresses one major confounder.

2) Add some semi-useful "negative control", such as flu deaths, for comparison.

3) Crunch the natural experiment of (deaths after vax) / (deaths before vax). Do for each country and compare the ratios. I would do for just the first 277 days from first death. Or better, I would do it only for just a particular season where all the countries had a spike in both years, assuming such a congruency exists.

Actually, doing a legit natural experiment like the above would likely be publishable. Some published studies of this nature have, for example, found DTP vaccine kills children.

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I expert the global public health authorities will do all this as a priority.

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Thank you! So confirming to what we have been trying to get across. Great compilation.

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The first graph is pretty damning for a viral cause and/or the effectiveness of antivirals isn't it? Even though third world may have not afforded to test (or treat), illness and death from a terrible 'new respiratory disease' would have been obvious wouldn't it?

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Romania and Bulgaria, the lowest "vaccination" rate, the greenest countries in europe. Low income too, but maybe this made the people more suspicious and not trusting their governments.

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Maybe living under dictatorships and subjection to high doses of government Provda (Truth) have given them experience the citizens Western countries have not come to grasps with yet.

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That too, for sure. Even the post dictatorship era wasn't too pink for these countries.

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Your assumption about higher incomes and therefore more resources to deal with public health issues is flawed. You are assuming that health care needs to be resource heavy. It doesn't. As the data suggests it is the opposite.

Even more essential you are assuming there IS a COVID crisis. Coranviruses even nasty ones happen every year. Every year. Since 2020 we have been manipulated into believing this one was different. It isnt.

This is a political cover created by governments to hide the end of the western dominance --financially and other wise. It is no surprise that NATO pushed Russia into responding through a war. Will people not stop and look at Ukraine and realize its sole purpose sine 2014 has been to be used as a money laundering machine for govt elites at the incredibly sad cost of many Ukranian lives.

Wake up.

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It is obvious that these poor third-worlders are not intelligent enough to know they should be dying at a higher rate. W.H.O. must educate them.

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Thanks. I realise this isn’t available for all but some semblance of excess death on top of that wound be useful to counter “the poor countries obviously can’t afford to test so are missing all their Covid deaths”.

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shouldn't it have blatantly obvious and not required a test to go looking for it that people started dying with terrible strange new symptoms and respiratory distress instead of malnutrition?

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John Dee has explored in detail the question "What is covid" clinically speaking. It is not so obvious.

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I think that's because COVID is a made up collection of symptoms that anyone can have, just like AIDS was. HIV/AIDs ended up including mild and moderate symptoms and added as 'indicator' diseases' virtually every disease known to poverty and malnourishment including weight loss,TB and lymphadenopathy. It also included healthy people with positive test in absence of indicator disease, healthy people with CD4 counts below 200, patients diagnosed in absence of testing for immune deficiency or HIV, those with diseases not caused by HIV or immune deficiency eg Kaposi sarcoma (caused by poppers) and those with indicator diseases but negative HIV tests. Being included as an HIV/AIDS patient therefore had nothing to do with not wearing a condom. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing?s=w

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OWID don't provide the excess death data aggregated by country income.

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When the world told Africans that HIV was coming and that millions of them were going to die from heterosexual intercourse, the great Thabo Mbeki asked SA funeral directors if they were seeing an increase in deaths. Nope, nada, niks.

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If there were excess deaths anywhere in the abused continent, the next question should be, were the dead enrolled in any of Fauci, Gates, WHO poison experimentation. I have will then sit back and enjoy the sound of crickets. Sometimes, its not the answers but the asking that matters.

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Poor countries also can't afford to treat so are missing all their covid deaths?? https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing?s=w

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Just saw final paragraph!

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Thanks for a great set of graphs. I assume average income was used for the separate groups. It would be nice to have a chart showing the cuts offs and member countries. Regardless, these tell a nice story.

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OWID data.

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Problem with using covid deaths is the data are bad in my opinion because they include deaths with it, NOT from it

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Very persuasive - for anyone still needing persuasion of course. I've seen enough already.


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