Dec 29, 2021Liked by Joel Smalley

The modellers confessed to their sins, saying they were not asked to model reality, rather the "worst possible case...". Ergo, no use to policy making, but consistent with years of fatuous climate models, which now even the likes of Gavin Schmidt admit "run much too hot".

Well you dweebs, we've been telling you that for years and been stigmatised for doing so.

And we won't mention Ferguson's models. Ferguson, the very epitome of the now standard UK public sector reward for failure. Why we still employ this fanatic is beyond me.

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

It is clear that CV-19 should always have been modelled in the same way as the flu, meaning that waves are self-limiting due to the fact that the vulnerable segments of the population at any point in time are defined. Hence, there has been success in modelling CV-19 using straightforward distributions (notably Gompertz).

However, the statement that, "conconcomitant with the rollout of mass COVID vaccination, an unexpected surge of a variant produced a new distribution which eventually accounted for a further 44,000 seasonal excess deaths", appears to have no genuine empirical basis. Instead, how about treating vaccines as explanatory variables in causing these excess deaths. This would at least appear to help explain the unseasonal pattern observed from June 2021, and also happens to neatly coincide with FDA/Pfizer documents showing higher all-cause mortality in the vaccinated groups versus the placebo and studies of high numbers of vaccine-induced deaths by extrapolating VAERS and so on.

While seasonal respiratory viruses will not go away any time soon, my bet is that you will need to find some other explanations for unseasonal patterns of excess deaths throughout 2022. A continuing refusal to treat the elephant in the room as an explanatory variable is likely to lead to a lot of head scratching, I suspect.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Joel Smalley

Thanks. I send this link as a "briefing" to the NSW Australia Health Minister - my pen pal.

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The one & only side effect of these 'vaccines' is called 'coincidence'.

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I want to see how someone might challenge this .

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021Liked by Joel Smalley


These graphs are incredible. Let me show your audience a trick I learned from looking at these deadly humps, something your audience can verify if it's simply in my brain or you all can see it too.

Look at Joel's first graph. Look at the intersection of the two humps, look at the date at the bottom for the Influenza wave. Google that date with "flu vaccines", you will find this:


Now do the same for the Covid hump on December 7th. What do you find? Pfizer's rollout of vaccination the first in the world in UK.

And they call it a conspiracy? The humps shouldn't be aligned with vaccination trials, or rollouts but they inevitably are, does our vaccine strategy impact these curves? Hard to argue if we can graph the exact moment without looking.

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