In New Zealand summer has just begun. It was recently reported that covid rates are the same now as they were in the middle of winter. And that they are expecting things to get worse. I’m 50 and never in my life have I witnessed respiratory illness in any family or friends in summertime. Surely this is a vax safety signal of immune damage.

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100%. Same pattern everywhere in the world. COVID had zero summer impact anywhere until after the jabbing.

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It’s just crazy what’s going on. It beggars belief that so many refuse to confront what’s going on. Keep up the great work Joel 👍

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Notice how the sickies who just can't seem to drop that pesky cold try to suppress their coughs as if they are ashamed of themselves.

Or is it that they fear that they have wrecked themselves and are troubled by the endless illnesses they are experiencing so they try to pretend they are not sick.

Who knows.

All I know is I feel great! Unvaxxed and feeling great! And I'm about to get on my bike for a couple of hours. I wonder if I'll see any masked CovIDIOTS on their e-bikes today... zoo animals.

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They are in denial. Ashamed they put their faith in government but too scared to admit it

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What you are experiencing in that little red light district are, had been, the experiences elsewhere in Western countries, including across the ditch.

It is 100% certain that they have buggered our immune systems. WHICH WAS THEIR INTENTION!

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

As a fellow kiwi I can concur. Covid is rampant atm. Even my non vaxxed brother in law, from Dargaville, came down with it. My SIL says half his workforce has it. Another SIL has it. Businesses are suffering due to the isolation requirements.

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This is a major problem for the unvaxxed, caught up in the unnatural persistence of the virus caused unwittingly by the vaxxed.

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The unjabbed should learn how to stay healthy from websites such as those of

Dr Robb Wolf, Dr Chris Masterjohn, Dr Ivor Cummins, Dr David Grimes, Dr Malcolm Kendrick, etc.

Some of them are MDs, some are bioscience PhDs.

I had a slightly sore throat for 4 days in spring 2022. That should be all. By contrast I had 'Russian flu' 45 yrs ago and needed a week's bed rest.

My interpretation is that the NHS will hardly be here in ten years' time. So people will have to be responsible for their own health.

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If “Covid” is a bioweapon as is the jab.. is it really shedding? Once it’s in your body it will continue to reactivate ... maybe when you are around others with “covid” or 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Have a friend - semi pro athlete - vax damaged vascular system last December (one shot - did not want it but was mandated)... has had some improvement from that injury but nowhere near back to normal - he cannot play hockey -- he works 20 hrs week - and is exhausted by that.

He woke up recently and had 'uncontrollable tremors in one hand' that persisted for a couple of days - has stopped ... for now at least.

One does wonder if the spike is never ending ... why would he develop this secondary condition a year out from his single jab.

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But at least we still have a none trashed by mRNA's, working immune system.(hopefully given potential mRNA spike shedding....).

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How much of that could be explained by shedding? If they are getting regular boosters, then unvaxxed folks are spending large amounts of time around them, there might be fallout. Then again, what is the chance that the NZ gov is calling ILIs Covid instead?

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I can confirm that there are lot of VAIDsies in Queenstown --- they are blaming it on on the 'cool and wet spring weather'

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It was only a matter of time before climate change was introduced.

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Those poor delusional souls

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Had a few people over for BBQ yesterday -- one of them -- she'd be early 30's --- caught RSV from her young niece ... (I thought this she was so sick she could not hold anything down and ended up with severe dehydration ... so weak she could barely make it to the clinic...

She was treated for the dehydration and avoided hospitalization.

I listened to her tell her tale of woe thinking ... you (and nobody else here but me and likely my wife) are making the connection between this and the rat juice you've injected --- you will no doubt continue injecting the boosters of rat juice...


Can Adults Get RSV? Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is usually more a nuisance than a threat. But for people in high-risk groups, including adults 65 and older, it can lead to potentially life-threatening complications.


VAIDS is real.

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Awesome chart Joel. Unfortunately the great majority of the young are too lazy to read. They just want to look at pictures on their phones and be told what to do by the ruling elite. Add to all that censorship that the ruling elite calls content moderation so that even the ones that actually care about something other than their phone will in all likelihood never see your work of art. I, however, am going to distribute to my kids and tell them to distribute to their kids for generations to come.

You have to start somewhere, thank you again!

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Thank you!

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Ironically, in America we hear the "Never Forget" phrase referring to 9/11. Yes, never forget. However, 9/11 was a minor event compared to the last 3 years. This is something we must never forget. In addition, those responsible for lockdowns and vaccine mandates must be made to pay a steep price. I doubt that will ever happen, mostly because of the apathy of our younger generations and the overall brainwashing of the entire world. So in this case, history will probably repeat itself.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The summer 2021 deaths allegedly from a seasonal respiratory pathogen was, for me, the cherry on top of the cake in confirming that something was seriously awry, reinforcing my already strong suspicions that the experimental gene therapy injections were straight up killing people.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

And we're seeing a repeat of your summer 2021 experience right now, here down in Australia. We've learnt NOTHING from overseas experiences

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank you. An excellent data picture that, hopefully, the most mis-informed can see as truth.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel, you referenced public health officials. You have a Director of Public Health in Hertfordshire, J McManus, who is very active nationally and is President of the Association of Directors of Public Health. He spoke recently here: https://youtu.be/i-AzXK6go_g

(from 1:02:00 to 1:42:00).

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And the data/evidence just keeps right on coming

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Thanks, Joel.

I wonder whether you have the time to address the obvious question that our descendants will ask: "HOW and WHY DID THEY - that is us - ALLOW THIS SCAM TO OCCUR?"

Also, a note of apologies for letting them down is in order. Since we aspire, or I thought we did, to leave the best for future generations, we definitely, in my view, have to offer mea culpas.

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Alas, I feel the ones who read this will already know the answer by looking at their own society and the compliant ones who let it happen all over again!

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I meant for the future generations. Perhaps they will know anyway - since they will be SMARTER and BETTER than us.

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I was talking about the future generations! They are bound to make the same mistakes. We're a dumb species.

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You are moving into my field of reading, comrade.

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What other species uses finite inputs (petro chemicals) to grow nearly 100% of the food that it uses to keep 8B individuals alive... knowing that when those inputs decline -- 8B starve.

Consider Wall St.... when a company lists (essentially the owners of the company have worked out a competitive advantage in the race to pillage the resources of a finite planet)... the owners stand on a podium smiling and very pleased with their success -- then they ring the opening bell and pump their fists.

They are celebrating our pillage of the planet. Yee Haw - we are rich!!!

And most people look at them with some degree of envy -- they idolize them for their success at pillaging the planet.... most have no idea how to attain such riches so they buy lottery tickets hoping to win big....

For those who eschew lottery tickets because there is no skill involved and the odds of winning are zero ... there are crypto currencies... you need skill and smarts to choose the next winner --- even though the winners are chosen not by any fundamentals rather it's all about insiders buying and ramping each others' tokens and hiring PR firms to hype the ramp and create FOMO attracting punters like flies on shit ... who exhibit cult-like behaviour believing it's skill and smarts that drive their decisions on what to buy and when...

Oh and when we are done with Earth Elon will transport us to ... Mars!!!

We are the dumbest species ever. And I do mean that.

We've existed in our present state for what - 200k years.

And we're likely on the way out shortly --- is there another species that went extinct is such a short period of time?

Is there another species that self-extincted - as we are about to do?

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I may drop by the Saturday market after biking ... there will be maybe a couple of hundred people there... I know in advance that the odds of encountering anyone who is not a MORE-ON... will be next to zero.

We are afloat in s sea of imbeciles MORE-ONS and mentally ill barnyard animals.

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I bet most people read those numbers wrong.

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