Aug 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Totally sympathise with your opening remarks about being in the dark for most of my existence (40 years). I continue to be amazed about the things I continue to learn almost on a daily basis. And I have the COVID plandemic to thank for that. Had they not panicked and overplayed their hand I and many others would probably still be in the dark and call the people I've now become "Crazy!"

:) Thanks for your wonderful and informative posts!

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I feel the same. I was in the dark until I was 62. I’m a bit embarrassed to be honest.

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Laura, we were all deceived and all that matters now is that we are part of the truth and liberty family. Our perceptions and ability to discern the truth has been systematically eroded by our dumbed down public education system over at least the last century. The very definition of a conspiracy is to obscure the truth from those being conspired against. Make no mistake, we have been lied to and those responsible have conspired to obfuscate this plot against humanity. I like to believe that once you see the truth, you can never go back. Its up to all of us now to educate ourselves sufficiently in the ways that we have been fooled so that we can arm ourselves and those we love against the methods employed against us for so long which led to so many being coerced into making uninformed decisions that suite the agenda of those who which to enslave us. This requires mentally arming ourselves with the tools to enable us to think critically about the sources of information and the nature of the information being presented. Once we are able to discern truth from fiction for ourselves on a daily consistent manner, our exemplary way of life will transcend the cabal and serve us a beacon of light drawing in those still in the dark.

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Beautifully said

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Val, this is exactly how I feel myself. Much kudos to you for the calm manner that you respond to Michael Freed. I'm sure he means well, and to a point I actually agree with him, but carrying on in the manner that does is just not going to inspire anyone. Still, I suppose we are all where we are in this mess for some reason or other.

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022

You... you're admitting here that you would allow child-murder to continue if I don't change my wording?

Aw, gee... can't YOU be nicer & demand something easier, like that I change what brand of toothpaste I use? When it comes to finding excuses for allowing child-murder to continue, I'm really not up-to-date on proper protocol.

Should my socks be a different color? Do they need to match my undies?

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Hi Michael. To think that this depraved, disgusting behaviour has not been going on since time immemorial is a little ignorant. Unfortunately, these evil sick cultists have always had the power and always behaved this way. Does it make me angry, too damn right. But the court action you suggest will get absolutely nowhere without the majority of the public being as aware and as angry and hungry for justice as you and I are. First you need to get the public onside. But of course, the majority are ignorant, be that willfully or otherwise. So getting them informed and wound up takes a long time. To think that any court or judge or even group of lawyers would dare touch this right now is to live in fantasy world, much to my digress.

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Shall I cut to the chase? 1) These people http://allaregreen.us/ will never CHOOSE TO ('voluntarily' decide to) stop taking the $ no matter HOW much we whine at them to do so. Step #1 is growing tf up & accepting THAT!

3) So step #2 has to be how to accomplish our goals acknowledging that simple, bare fact. But that 3) isn't an accident because there's ANOTHER bare fact that I skipped over. & that is

2) You can't get enough of the public to support ANYTHING that even MIGHT reduce the powers of their Imaginary Protectors, the Same People, http://allaregreen.us/. At least not consciously. & THAT is something that needs to be addressed before deciding WHAT you're going to amass public support FOR.

Argue all you want while explaining how, if I'm wrong, we're two years deep into this & aside from me, not one person will even enter into a discussion about holding Corrupt Politicians accountable.

None of you will even acknowledge that Only They can MANDATE the harms.

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So what is your plan? Specifics please. What do you advocate we do to stop the child murder? Actual actions people can take.

The vast majority of people who've taken the shot did so because their doctor said to. You can show them all the data you want but as long as their doctor says take it they will take it.

That makes the target obvious. The doctors. Everyone ask your doctor the "Pro or Ho" question.

Is your doctor a medical professional or a paid whore for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a "Pro or Ho":

"Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?".

If the answer isn't "NO" then you have a "Ho". There is no "yes" or "it depends". The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.


This accomplishes two very important things. Doctors know they will be questioned and that any answer other than "No" is wrong. People will stop blindly trusting their doctors.

So what specific steps do you want people to take and what will they accomplish?

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1) I never said it had only been going on for a short time. That's not even PART of any points I'm trying to make. 2) The rest ain't half-bad. But, since YOU brought up long-term realizations, HOW tf are you going to gather MASS public support enough to counter what? Like why AREN'T people supporting what the science shows to be life-saving measures in the FIRST place.

Trying to answer this, I decided to look to social psychology for clues should they present themselves there. & what do you know?

They are. Only the social psychologists THEMSELVES refuse to see them. Which is both ironic & 100% predictable.

Now I'm going to jump over all of that to simply ask: if YOU see politicians as mere mortals & don't fear their Divine Retribution like a five-year-old why tf aren't we attempting to amass public support for any real, EFFECTIVE, legal, non-violent attempts to end these mandates? Even those of Reiner Fullermich are attempts to beg Mommy & Daddy-Government to stop supporting the mandates with no "or else" to FORCE them to should they not voluntarily decide to. Have politicians been granted immunity from All Prosecution?

See, the part of the discussion we're already in is one that is PAST the POINT where everyone has accepted the following: that politicians' decisions are Unquestionable, we're Powerless To Counter Them, so we have to beg them like whiny children to please voluntarily change their own minds themselves.

& ALL of that is a lie you all tell yourselves.

I however do not suffer from any such delusions. They are exempt from zero laws, & 1) taking private $ while in public office is still illegal, despite the supposed passing of Citizens United as the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us, & 2) MANDATING products not properly tested for safety is also against the law for equally obvious reasons.

So it's a little suspicious that with two Undeniable Crimes being committed here that we can end the mandates with the proper lawsuits.

except we all know this will never get mass public support, which only I seem to realize UNDERMINES YOUR ENTIRE ARGUMENT!!! If you Lack The Balls to go up against Mommy & Daddy-Government with MILLIONS of supporters, then you'll lack the balls with with TENS of millions! The support ISN'T the issue! The cowardice that can't act even WITH that support IS!

You ARE right in that certain things have to happen in a certain order. But amassing trillions who will only beg them to govern themselves & please behave better in the future is what we Already Have. You don't need a Revolution to get you what you Already Have.

So: how does one amass public support EFFECTIVELY & for WHAT to achieve The Goals? & can I 'hear' (read) you state exactly wtf anyone's actual GOALS ARE here?

Because near as I can tell, you're all just basically praying that Daddy-Government responds correctly to your whining. That's not a goal, this isn't a plan, these are infantile wishes. & there is NO SUCH PERSON AS Daddy-Government TO respond the way you all wish.

You're not amassing any support: support FOR what? None of you can even state wtf you would ever DO if you got it because you all have No Plan for what to even DO once you GET it. So, IF amassing support IS a step, tell me: wtf are the NEXT ones?

None of you have any desire to save children's lives: you're here to get Daddy's Attention, & have No Plan Whatsoever beyond trying harder & harder to get it.

& this particular Daddy doesn't exist. But compared to fulfilling this Ultimate Surrogate Desire, no one would save a single child's life if it meant they MIGHT ruin their chances of this. If I'm wrong, by all means: tell me what is the plan once you've amassed the support you need?

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Ok. Fuelmich is a bullshitter. I don't beg to anyone. I'm not waiting for anyone to come and save me or the kids. What is happening right now is degenerate but I protect my family. I advise others to do the same but if they want to do as they are told and poison their kids then, as tragic as that is, that is the way, I am not going to prosecute the government as that would legitimise them. You have your way that right by you. I have me way that is right by me. My kids are not getting stabbed, sadly, I cannot save them all.

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Now you see? You just justified every insult I put out on here. While it was whining AT the problem, then waiting for some Great Force to wave some magic wand & Choose To deliver you all, you were 100% in. The stabs are MANDATED. That means they can change the rules to FORCE your kids to get the stab.

But you'd rather step away & risk that over even discussing effective ways of preventing it.

THAT is what I have been working against for Fifty Years: cowardly hypocrisy from nothing but a tiny bit of mental discomfort brought on by the thought that Nancy Pelosi might shoot you a constipated-looking Scowl of Discontent.

Since your next missive just came in, 1) it's about saving children's lives, not how many words I use, & 2) I have SEVERAL plans. What does it matter?

We need MASS public support for them to work & anyone I talk to reacts, well, worse than YOU do in how upset they get over Daddy-Government not coming to their rescue, so they just leave upset & allow it all to continue.

Wtf can I do by myself?

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Step number 5.3- because YOU use so MANY fucking words. I have forgotten what YOU are SUGGESTING WE actually DO about IT

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... & now that you're awakened, all you need do is wait for Your Awakening to cause God to wave his Magic Wand & make the vaccines go away? Or for Gandalf & his Budgies from Middle Venus to send a Great Flood to Remove All Evil from this world?

Which wish-fulfillment fantasy IS it you're all waiting for that you all think it's okay to be Sitting Back while this CHILD MURDER continues?

What excuse are you all MAKING that you can't hold your politicians accountable? Have they been granted Immunity From All Laws by you & there's No Take-backs?

The people who put politicians in charge of decision-making put laws in place keeping them from having this kind of power. The articles of impeachment against Trump REMINDED you hypocrites all what one of them were.

What's everyone's excuse for not drawing up legal, non-violent charges against them? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You have all the power you need to charge them with crimes & end the mandates without violence, yet you all keep making up strange excuses for not doing it. Like having to wait for others to wake up.

& then what? They'll wait WITH you for 'someone' to 'do something' because that's what you're all here to REALLY do, support each other in your unwillingness to do anything No Matter HOW MANY people you 'wake up.'

& you'll wait forever.

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the F***

is reporting ON an issue then waiting for Some Great Force to sweep it away either 'woke' OR revolutionary? You mean to tell me that instead of going to war, the New York Times could have closed the concentration camps by increasing their circulation, then waiting for Gandalf's Budgies from Middle Venus to airlift everyone out of them?

What kind of infantile fantasies are you people living? You're literally waiting for God, Jesus or Kim Jong-un to come pat you on the head, thank you for Awakening Them to the evils of the vaccines, then what, snap their fingers & make it all go away?

If you told your teen-aged son to clean the garage & the next day they said they "told others about it on social media" & you realized they expected that This Would Result In the garage Becoming Clean, you would worry they had a severe mental handicap. Yet here you all are making posts that NONE of the people in decision-making power read or are affected by, & calling it A Revolutionary Act & EXPECTING the garage to be clean yesterday!

WHAT tf are you DOING that would cause the mandates to be lifted? WHO is it you think is coming in response to your social media posts? Superman?

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Hi Michael, you seem like a passionate patriot! I respect that! We have a common enemy. The first step in solving a problem is knowing that a problem exists. Unfortunately, many do not yet realise that there even is a problem! Many are too busy trying to make a living and to look after their families. I know as I was one of them once. We are all at different stages along this journey. Depending on the various stages of awareness, people are going to react differently. Who is responsible for allowing this to happen to us? We are! We are therefore complicit and responsible to get us out of it. In fairness, many have been aware of the atrocities being committed against us for some time but I for one can not count myself amongst them. Many are still not aware there is a problem and those that are, are either in various states of denial, anger or confusion. I myself have decided that in order defend myself intellectually against the tools being employed against me to control and enslave me and to avoid it from ever happening again that I need to learn and understand how it was orchestrated. Everyone is at different stages. The next step is to convey the wisdom and to train others so that they can also be liberated. We can not triumph by being divided against each other. In fact, that is just yet another tool our would be slave masters use against us. Divide and conquer. It will not be an overnight victory and there will be casualties along the way like in any war. Ultimately, this ends when we reach a critical mass. When enough people refuse to be dictated to and refuse to adhere to whatever new dictates the elite want to impose on us. This will only happen when enough people have learned to think critically for themselves. When people realise their power and our relative numbers vs our slave masters, we will stop the system in its tracks without a shot having been fired. Simply by not participating in the system anymore. Yes this is a revolution. This is an intellectual revolution. Now, to your point as I understand it, if someone tries to harm me, my family or my friends they will be met with severe force. Please don't make the mistake to assume you know anything about the sacrifices I or anyone else here have made in this war. I'm unemployed and unemployable in my old sector due to my stance on the mandates. Please also don't assume that I or anyone else here is placing reliance on an external force to solve our problems. We can only persevere in this war if we beat them at their own game. Taking up arms is not the solution. We can not win this war unless we understand the rules of their game and outsmart them at their own game. You might read this and think that this is inaction but consider how profound it will be if all of us suddenly stop to acquiesce our rights with our uninformed consent which is allowing them to commit these atrocities against us. Imagine if we all stopped paying taxes, fines, renewing drivers licences or registering children at birth etc. and simply refusing to comply with all of the draconian anti constitutional measures. How many of us have even read or understand the constitution of the country we live in? So many of us don't realise the meaning of words like mandatory, compulsory, directions, directives or what the law is or what law they find themselves under. Our best chance to triumph in this war is to liberate our minds. In the interim we need to expect things to get worse and find a way to survive the onslaught by forming strong bonds amongst the libertarian community and to form even stronger bonds in our localised tribes. We are all on the same side.

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Does the Amount Of Words You Use cause them to gain in intelligence? It's simple: the policies are mandated & enforced by These People Here http://allaregreen.us/ & no one else. They have access to all the info here & are not accidentally passing into policy these agendas any more than they accidentally cash the lobbying checks.

They are also not exempt from any laws. As the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us all, it IS STILL 100% ILLEGAL TO take corporate $ while in public office.

Now that I've written that here, you all have zero excuses for not researching what laws they broke, writing up the legal papers & ending this child-murder.

Are you gonna write another giant diatribe explaining about how the child murder is okay, shift this into some BS about needing more people to wake up? How are 7 billion woke people who refuse to act to end the mandates going to end the mandates?

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why don't you take action and stop appealing others to take up the so called solutions that you support? You seem to suggest that others are sitting back and not cleaning their bedrooms when in fact you are doing exactly the same thing by expecting others to write up the legal papers! And by the way if you have taken the time to liberate your mind you will know that taking on the government in their corrupt courts is an utter waste of time. I support your effort to take whatever action you see fit but please feel free to take those actions yourself and don't think its ok to impose your views and actions onto others.

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Wow. "Why don't you answer the charges instead of shifting the blame & Dodging The Subject?" You're all here BECAUSE YOU KNOW we can do nothing individually: that there is nothing any ONE OF US can do to force accountability or change.

Yet I suggest a strategy WE can take & you automatically ask why I haven't gone & done this myself. D'uh, the same reason you're all here acknowledging every instant of your lives.

I HAD websites, posts etc. You can't PAY a coward to have courage! I'm just pointing out that you're all waiting for Someone Else to stop something, & that you don't HAVE to, & that something you're allowing to happen when you don't have to is child-murder.

& exactly as expected, you're all getting WAY more upset about my pointing this out than you'll EVER BE about allowing your Idolized Authority Figures to Show Their Strength by Commanding Us to sacrifice our children.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I've been ready for over a decade now... just waiting for others to catch up.

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It's taken me a long time to catch up, Bob! It's going to take a bit longer for critical mass but it's building exponentially IMO.

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I left the UK in disgust 17 years ago, but even here in the jungles of SE Asia the crap is following me, so yeah, I'm ready

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

They went too fast after removing orange man bad. Watch crime, food rationing and social unrest intensify from Labor Day onwards. Their problem is nobody believes system media other than the sheep who’ve add taken the shots.

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I think you may be underestimating their intelligence and planning. Wars are not fought well in winter. Wars are fought even worse without food in winter. Worse yet, without food and in winter, while soldiers randomly have strokes, heart attacks and/or unusual cancers. I think the rate at which clotting comes into effect and causes sudden death may increase rapidly in fall and skyrocket in winter

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Sign me up. Corporations such as the airline, food, agriculture, automakers and all consumer goods manufacturers, I would imagine have had enough of the last two years attempts, by unelected globalists, to further destroy economies, or what is left of them. It was pointed out at the beginning of the plandemic that this was an attempt to distract people’s attention away from the unsustainable levels of national debt. Or as the Americans call it, “kicking the can down the road”.

Our advice to klaus, gates, Biden, macron, Trudeau, Arden, Johnson, and all the others involved in this toxic distraction is to get back into your lane, and stay there. We have had enough.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Why give them a lane? Perhaps a space behind bars for their place in the democide?


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😂😂😂okay, why not.

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Those corporations are simply part of the system. That’s why the airlines are happily pushing the carbon offset crap as they wait for their industry to become redundant.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The push is so hard, so obvious, so relentless, one can only think such revolution has always been part of the plan.

We're in for a wild ride no matter what.

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There seems a quickening. I have been expecting this at least since 2008. The regime, despite the complexity of it, despite the immense power of it, despite the seeming invincibility and inevitability of it, is incredibly fragile, it has strayed so far from reality, has become so rapacious and appears incapable of keeping itself from perpetrating genocide. I'm trying to think creative about it how to face it.


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The quickening is by their own hand.

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That is the you must eat bugs, take jabs, go woke...the elite accelerating totalitarian plans long in the works, self-assured in their superiority, unaware how support for their rule is collapsing around them. The more it collapses, the more insane they will become.

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So well written and at my age I might not live to enjoy the true freedom which is at hand .But for my children .grandchildren ,offspring etc. and humanity ,Gods speed !

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A great quote from a friend and admirer of America:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” – Winston Churchill

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I’d like to believe we will get a critical mass on our side, but when I see how many people are still stuck in the two party BS, I have my doubts. As long as people remain plugged into the propaganda matrix, they are just too easy to manipulate. Therefore, the prerequisite condition is for people to unplug from the propaganda. How do we achieve that? There is a process of awakening, but what is its true velocity? My immediate set of friends and family are still stuck in the matrix. I believe that on-line communities are badly skewed in direction of our own biases and it should not be relied on to figure out the rate of awakening.

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I completely agree, and am in a similar situation. Been struggling to find the words to articulate the situation properly to those still embedded without immediately triggering a cognitive dissonance shutdown.

I think the optimism within this article here is out of step with the collective reality we all share, but that's not necessarily a bad thing ; Joel is pointing out how things can be, versus the perceived inevitability of a muted digitized existence.

Personally I think the revolution he speaks of will happen in small chunks throughout the globe, and it will likely happen out of the view of everyone still plugged in. I'm not in a position where I can move to another country or territory with established laws that will easily foster this type of revolution, but I'm not gonna let that stop me from doing what I can to cultivate an environment and community where I presently am, and when possible, try to gently wiggle that embedded plug out from the minds of those close to me.

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Absolutely. You got me! It is possible that this revolution will occur without the majority of serfs even realising it! But because it is hyperlocal, it will emerge and spread with little resistance until one day even the normies will recognise that they are in it! And that's how it will succeed. Because the elites mighty arsenal is entirely based on centralisation. For them, it's going to be the biggest game of whack-a-mole ever imagined and they don't have enough mallets because they invested everything in nuclear warheads!

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I am strongly optimistic that we can beat these criminals but that can only happen if we get a critical mass of awakening willing to act. Even a small action, multiplied by millions can be a force that can force change. The key is to believe we can change it if we can build a unified front. We also need a good analysis of the system's weak points that can be successfully exploited.

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Okay. It's 2:00 pm your time tomorrow & absolutely Everyone You Need to become the Critical Mass is gathered outside your door.

Wtf are you all gonna do?

Wait for 'someone' to 'do' 'something' because not ONE of you has the balls to stand up to even just Nancy Pelosi & her constipated-looking scowls of discontent, let alone withstand the confused stares of Mitch McConnell.

This 'waiting for others' is a pathetic excuse made up by people who wouldn't know what to do if you were 17 trillion against 1 if that 1 was an Authority Figure.

What's The Plan for when you GET that critical mass? What IS 'critical mass' btw? Is it a % or a whole #? Does the # change if it's all concentrated in one zip code, or does it improve if it's more evenly spread throughout the continent?

What's its favorite color?

What a bunch of COWARDS you all are never thinking beyond your pathetic excuses. If you lack the balls to hold your decision-makers in power accountable to the law, then no amount of psychological support will grow you any. You'll Still Wait for 'someone' to 'do' 'something' with 'someone' always meaning 'someone else' & the 'something' always having to be done FOR you in a way that doesn't even require you being on the same planet it occurs on let alone the same zip code or continent.

What's Your Plan Of Action for when you attain Critical Mass, hypocrites?

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I am so glad to see we have finally heard from someone who is, unlike us, wise, brave and non-hypocritical. I am eagerly awaiting for the revelation of your wisdom.

You have no way of knowing what each of us is doing or willing to do based solely on our words here, no more than we know what you are doing or willing to do. I do know one thing for sure, we can never achieve that mythical critical mass by insulting one another for merely holding opinions with which we disagree.

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Dude, as the articles of impeachment against Trump REMINDED us all, it is still 100% illegal for politicians to take private corporate $ while in public office for Obvious Reasons. You all COULD STOP these mandates by levying a single lawsuit against this with all the public support you have garnered through the HUNDREDS of websites speaking about the harms being caused by these vaccines.

So: it doesn't matter whether my stating that you don't have the balls to DO any such thing is an assumption or not. The FACT IS that faced with a choice of watching innocent children die or giving up your fantasies about Politicians being your Caring Parents, you will all continue to sacrifice All Children, your own included to that fantasy.

Hey, this has only been consistent for some centuries now. But you can call that an assumption all you want as you continue to prove me right by never taking any action that can interfere with any politician being able to murder children for Fun & Profit http://allaregreen.us/.

It's also 100% illegal to (listen carefully now) MANDATE untested products for Obvious Reasons. Politicians don't HAVE exemptions from such laws, but not one among you has the balls to stop acting like helpless infants who need them to be surrogate Mommies for you.

So until you Prove Me Wrong, which you don't have the balls to do, keep trying to shift the discussion onto my assumptions while you allow the child-murder to continue.

Sleep well, hypocrite. Your denials save no lives.

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Since you responded to my reply I assume you are replying to me. You are making unsupported assertions. I’ve never said or believe any of this bs you are ascribing to me. I am done with this, DUDE!

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There you go: we're here trying to end mandates that murder children & One Upsetting Missive & you're abandoning those children.

& you're blaming Someone Else for this rational, adult decision too?

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"However, every few hundred years, for whatever reason, the commoners are compelled to rise up and overthrow the “elites” that illegitimately govern them." My unqualified guess is the hubris always get the better of the elites and they become so detached from the reality that they inevitably cut the branch they perch on. "Let them eat cake", so to say. Or "have no hope and obey the cabal".

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“For thousands of years, the common person - the plebs, serfs and modern-day tax-payers - has overlooked the fact that the organisational structure they adhere to is typically a greater threat to their liberty, health and fulfilment than the threats it ostensibly purports to defend them from.”

Amen, Joel!

Case in point:


This cartoon sums it up:


I’m ready for the revolution, although I would argue it’s actually a counterrevolution to combat the revolution the philanthropaths have already set in motion.

Appropriately, I just started listening to Hannah Arendt’s “On Revolution” and found this quote particularly salient:

“In a constellation that poses the threat of total annihilation through war against the hope for the emancipation of all mankind through revolution—leading one people after the other in swift succession ‘to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them’—no cause is left but the most ancient of all, the one, in fact, that from the beginning of our history has determined the very existence of politics, the cause of freedom versus tyranny.”

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Dominic Frisby wrote a great book "Life After The State" a fair while back. IIRC its subtitled something like "...and why we don't need it", and if only for its opening revelations alone, about how small and non-encroaching upon our daily lives western nations were even just a century or so ago, I thoroughly recommend it, as in required reading category, along with "Bitcoin" by the very same geezer, for understanding and pointers to the actionable solution that is BTC.

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Oh good. I foolishly bought the Harari Trilogy (Sapiens, Homo Deus, 21 Lessons) to entertain myself when the internet is not available but Frisby sounds a lot more appealing!

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I've been ready for a long time. Long before covid.

I disagree with the final paragraph, though. Borders are necessary and a realisation that we must strengthen them to maintain civilization will be an inevitable feature of the next era. Indeed, it is the elites who have been pushing for a borderless, globalised world.

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As I said in response to another similar comment, breaking down borders does not feed into the globalist hands if it comes with more local governance structures.

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I have a thing for Old English Proverbs. I view them as a distributed verbal folk bible, condensing tried-and-trusted wisdom accumulated over the centuries into memorable and pithy one-liners.

There are many versions of the proverb "Good fences make good neighbours." I like the rhyme in "A hedge between keeps friendship green."

Or Ben Franklin's version, “Love your neighbor; yet don’t pull down your hedge.”

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Ready as I’ll ever be. I’ve been thinking they would have been better off pretending to respect peoples autonomy because the heavy handed approach was a dead giveaway to many who initially had no suspicion that anything was wrong. Now they have shoved together resisters from across various demographic lines. One of my favorite moments from Defeat the Mandates Jan 2022 is the one from Rizza Islam, acknowledging that the draconian pressure created a diverse resistance movement, “They really didn’t expect all of this.” DEI consultants, take note on how to create a diverse community cooperating w each other in service of a common cause...

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

There is nothing new or sophisticated about the so called "elites" attempting to control and enslave everyone else, again. Just the same old self serving behavior of mentally disturbed megalomaniacs which is observed through history once they manage to seize enough power.

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