@susrust it would be great if investigative journalists took the time to critically examine the claims being made, rather than simply accepting the official narrative. No H5N1 "virus" has ever been directly purified, isolated from fluids, & scientifically proven to be pathogenic.
My feeling too. Got slapped w permanent ban in 2020 and bogus claim of running spam bots, instant appeal rejected, poof almost half a million tweets,mostly research findings and links since 2008 so they can bite me with their platform. Hopefully it can be restored at some point when it will get a single new tweet sayling here for posterity find me at Substack where free speech is encouraged.
In 2013, Snowden cautioned his collaborators that the NSA could make a trillion guesses per second about their passwords, so they needed strong ones. Nine years later, who knows? Similarly, how many links can be tracked in an acceptable time seems a matter of budgeting, and ultimately, bots are cheap.
They knocked both my accounts down and put our business accounts on restrictions as well. Hadn't used the business ones for years. I suspect human interaction from somebody, a man in a dress most likely, who was really mad with me.
What if there are no transmissible viruses? What if disease is caused by toxins and/or deficiency? Then what we observe makes sense. No amount of NPI (non pharmaceutical internventions) will work. It is debatable whether pharmaceutical interventions 'work' or if they just suppress symptoms until the body can clear the chemicals from the meds and then symptoms reappear as the body moves into a healing phase. The rates of NCDs (non communicable diseases) are on the rise. It is going to take more than meds to restore humanity to health. The path we are on by relying on the 'authorities' for protection from disease leads only to more of it.
Yes, we are seeing "vaccinated" people becoming ill with alleged variants which are really just the body trying to dump the toxins it's been asked to create via the shot along with all the garbage in the initial injection. There are no variants, only new sequences that live only in the silicon mind of the computer software. All a farce. Deaths and illness all blamed on fake variants rather than the poisons they just put into the population's arms.
I got ill without being “vaccinated”. Very distinctive course of symptoms including changes to sense of smell/taste. Courses of disease appear to correlate well with identified variant detected in patient. Are genomes real? Proteins? Molecules in general? Atoms etc.?
I was just reading that zinc is involved in the function of smell/taste. Interesting that zinc is part of some early treatment protocols. That leads me to think that zinc deficiency is a partial cause of the symptoms attributed to covid.
Sorry you got ill. But does it mean you had a novel virus? No one has isolated the alleged virus. No one has isolated any variants. All products of new software. Three known causes of disease: toxins(pollution, emfs like 5G, bad processed food) ,stressors(emotional, enegetic, noise, work...), Nutritional deficiency(very common with today's empty calorie high sugar diets)
No "virus" or "antigen" has ever been isolated. Virology, along with Germ Theory, is a fraud. Viruses seem to be exosomes, that is, dead body cells discarded by the body. They still carry fragmented human DNA, so there is an endless supply of future "viruses," providing foundations for further "variants" and "pandemics."
And I can't help thinking there was something going on in those china masks. Initially, when supply vouldnt be found, we were required to wear the same one all week, holding them all in a communal drawer in a paper bag. After a year and a half I had such a terrible lung infection, though I hadn't had the bug. Yes, of course, I did what I could to find more for the dept.
Me too, but not as ill as my vexxed friends. Never once did I test positive, but I had symptoms that sounded the same. Over it faster. I also didn't end up w heart complications, which many of my friends and some of their families, clients and patients/residents of LTC. I didn't die like do many still are here.
Poisons indeed, but not only into the arms. Chemtrails, 5G, the muzzles, the "tests," and the good-old resources (microplastics, pesticides, food additives, non-stick cookware, hormones and other pharmaceuticals and goodness knows what else in tapwater, flame retardants etc.) all contribute, and they all add to the stress caused by environmental poisoning.
The lethal injections are working as intended. They are not "experimental" at all, but they provide a large variety of murderous ingredients, so the injected have been playing Russian Roulette with their lives, while the manufacturers cooperated among themselves through the distribution in order to maintain plausible deniability.
Viruses simply do not exist.
mRNA is a red herring, as Dr. Andreas Noack pointed it out in his presentation about the genocide only seven hours before he was killed with a DEW. The technology has been around since the early 1970s, starting in the Soviet Union, but nobody ever dared to release it, because the chain reaction it would cause could not be controlled.
The muzzle, because that's what it is, a torture/submission device that also poisons you, was the first step towards an endless trip to the slaughterhouse for the masses. They never woke up; got stuck between fear and hope, according to their conditioning.
By now, everybody with a brain knows that "covid" doesn't exist; the symptoms do, but they are not caused by a "virus."
As not a single "virus" has EVER been isolated, Virology seems to be a fraud. How can one diagnose something that has not even been isolated?
Exosomes are mislabeled as "viruses." They are dead cells discarded by the body, but still carry fragmented DNA information, which provides an endless supply of "viruses" and "variants."
The theory of infectious diseases has never been proven, either. Germ Theory is a fraud, as Pasteur himself admitted in his diary donated to Princeton University by his last descendant in 2014. Terrain Theory explains a lot more, but it has been oppressed by the Rockefellerian "medical" business model ever since medical training was bought up by the Rockefellers in the early 1920s. Since then, a LOT of "illnesses" and "conditions" have been invented to cover up common poisonings (the "common cold," "the flu," "allergies," and "polio" are blatantly obvious examples, but Psychiatry probably takes the lead among the frauds).
As long as people believe in Germ Theory, there will always be new "viruses," "infections," and "pandemics" that will justify the worldwide terror of One Government and "explain" the billions of deaths that are coming up.
Pasteur himself admitted he was a fraud and his Germ Theory (implicating "viruses" and "infectious diseases") was a lie. Bechamp (who also lied on occasion) was his contemporary, who developed Terrain Theory which, in my understanding, leaves much to be desired, but it is a lot more useful for healing and has a lot more explanatory power for diseases than Germ Theory, which seems to be blatantly criminal. Switching to Terrain Theory would be a good first step, because that would prevent any further "viruses," "variants," and "pandemics."
There is no such thing as "the common cold" or "the flu," either. They are invented illnesses that serve as a cover-ups for common poisonings for which some of the governments and corporations should take responsibility. As you also know well, they never do.
The symptoms can be caused by various sources. They have one thing in common: they disrupt the fluid functioning of the body's metabolism, resulting in various types of poisonings that can range from air/water/food pollution to EMF/ELF/5G poisoning, including electric smog (even solar flares affect human health). There is no "one cause, one illness" event most of the time, as opposed to what the charlatans suggest in the Rockefellerian paradigm.
That is why the ancients believed that the gut was the center of the person. Ever have a gut feeling? The vagus nerve wanders about and connects to our gut, the intestinal flora is more important that what most understand or believe. Take a trip to Japan consuming traditional food and tell us how you feel afterwards.
It could also be the fact that women suffer serious adverse events from the jabs at a greater rate than men, that perhaps females are quicker to respond adversely to being injected with these toxins, whereas reactions are delayed in males. The result is the same: people die, sooner or later. I tried to warn our Antipodean friends. They were under extreme pressure to get jabbed, even more so than us here in the UK, but nevertheless they had the benefit of several months data showing that these jabs were uniquely dangerous and largely ineffective. Many ignored the warnings unfortunately, and even leaned heavily on family, friends and colleagues who were reluctant to be experimented upon 'for the greater good'.
Which may have saved my son. My 250 & 6'4" son had numbness in both feet and a hand for a few weeks. If he was smaller, like his brother, it may have gotten him.
My youngest so is smaller, said he felt ill for a couple of days, but nothing more. They probably wouldn't tell me- it was mandatory for them and they have families to support.
There are no "adverse reactions." The lethal injections function EXACTLY as intended. Also, you cannot fix stupid; it's only natural selection with people willingly walking to the slaughterhouse.
Another possibility is the chance of giving the shot intravenously instead of intra-muscular. This has been shown to cause reactions much quicker as the whole shot circulates throughout the body whereas intra-muscular shot forces it to work its way through the muscle
Women have smaller arms so it could be harder to NOT hit a vein.
That is a bit puzzling, but I think it's quite plausible that women 45-64 may be disproportionately susceptible to adverse reactions compared with males. We've seen how 16-24 year old males are at much greater risk of myo/pericarditis than their female counterparts, so biology may partly explain the time lag between female death and male deaths in this age group. I might be wrong, but there do seem to be rather more vaccine deaths and serious adverse reactions reported in middle aged women than middle aged men. I seem to recall the Pfizer trial data showing this as well.
Overweight and obesity is more common in older age groups. Around 3 in 4 women (73%) aged 65–74 were overweight or obese, compared with 2 in 5 women (40%) aged 18–24 (ABS 2018).
Yep, I concur. The sirens have been steadily increasing daily. I live and work in a country area, few minutes from the nearest local hospital. Now, the sirens are essentially becoming almost a constant background noise and helicopter air lifting transfers to the nearest metro, that used to be rare, are now regular weekly occurrences. And this is only the start of our winter 22. It's going to be another long 9months that we track behind the rest of the world, until it will be too hard for authorities here to hide the bodies.
Most excellent work Joel, please keep tracking. I'm screaming loudly here in Oz but because of the delay in data, I'm just "Cassandra" of old Greek days.
We have been having 10+ sirens per day in my neighborhood - live near a hospital and fire station (paramedic on call), sometimes as many as 20 a day, and this was since beginning of summer last year. I used to hear maybe 5 a week. Nobody else seems to notice or comment - I actually recorded every single one I heard for a few weeks just to convince myself that there were so many. It is a relief to go out of town to get some peace and quiet from it all. Now I just notice but ignore it - can't do anything for those crazies going for their 4th.
Wow! In the US during the height of the "pandemic" I was wondering where all the sirens WERE. People were acting as if one could hardly navigate around all the dead bodies in the streets, yet I hardly saw or heard and ambulance, and the COVID tents outside the nearby hospital were always empty in the summer. Ridiculous. And you you have this.
I had two encounters with ambulances while driving today. That is, I had to actively stay out of the way of them. It used to be incredibly rare for me to have such an encounter, but now it seems to be pretty routine.
For a while, I heard so many more than usual go by. It's slowed a bit, recently. Well see how the season shapes up. While driving past the local Walgreens a couple days ago, two emergency vehicles were pulling up. Took out the gurney and big bag. Vexx injury at the pharmacy? Makes one wonder!
3 days left from my ban for publishing Walter M Chesnut paper on spike protein inducing amyloidosis. Seems like twitter are becoming more sensitive. I. UK our management in ambulance service have said from Aug 17th, we won't be responding to 999 calls. All our jabbed colleagues are spent. Fatigue, long term sickness. This is why they forced healthcare staff to take the poison. It decreases healthcare systems ability to keep people alive.
Almost a year later - with new data on excess deaths, fertility issues, spikes in injuries - and the TV here in Australia here is telling me to "top up!"
He diversified, he also wants to block out the sun to stop"global warming" by unilaterally releasing chalk into the stratosphere. Another unresearched, unilateral scheme to control the earth. What could go wrong?
Politicians in the US have been collecting subsidies after their farmlands for NOT growing anything since the early 1990s. These days, farmers have been offered $3.6-6k per acre, depending on the state, for doing nothing.
Gates is hell-bent on poisoning the food supply with the GMO garbage, too.
Chemtrails have also been decimating farming and, along with the disruption in the supply chain, farmers have been declaring bankruptcy and their lands were up for the grabs for pennies on the dollar.
That's what comes from a single interest group controlling the world's money flow.
Yah! And they’ve not figured out how to control the weather, howz that workong out for you? Can’t control climate without first controlling weather. Good luck It will be great show …
I am fascinated and repulsed by this scientific jokester and expert…..what a team they would make, of towering intellectuals if he would team up with Greta ….so much good, done for the world What he could be doing instead with all his money……Hard to be disgusted enough by these peepul
I'm starting to think windows growing into such a flawed operating system was intentional, allowing the threat of "viruses" to be the #1 cause of concern during the onset of the dotcom era...hence, our general perception of "viruses" 20+ years later has been ingrained to automatically conjure up fear. i can't fully subscribe to that sort of long term psyop planning, but the coincidence is noteworthy...
Good point. That may be how Bill views humans. There are flaws in our programming, so he needs to "upgrade" us with quackcination, as our immune systems are not up to the task of dealing with these fragments of genetic "code" that float around.
Where the analogy fails: hackers are able to exploit computer code because humans wrote it and don't foresee all the variations of variables and situations the code may encounter. The human body is much more resilient. Genetic fragments have been floating around for as long as we have been around. If they were pathogenic and our body susceptible, would we be here today?
Bill's solution to what he thinks is a problem - endless upgrades (boosters).
Thanks Bill, society owes its current state of health to you.
The food supply could be next on his hit list. Time to support your local farmer.
And poliomyelitis never having been infectious, but a poisoning disease, the peak of which in the US followed peak use of certain pesticides that killed bugs by paralysis, such as arsenic compounds, lindane, and DDT.
According to Terrain Theory, there are no such things as infectious diseases. At the age of five I deliberately chose to be locked up in a children's hospital for infectious diseases. To my amazement, 28 young children were locked up in the same room and nobody contracted anything and the doctors and nurses were not dropping like flies, either. Even at that age, I sensed that something was wrong somewhere. Apparently, still is.
At the age of 6 Chicken Pox parties were occurring all over the US. It was normal that when a child got Chicken Pox neighboring children spent the night at his house to also get Chicken Pox. My Mom brought me to a Chicken Pox over-night party and of course I got Chicken Pox and have lifetime immunity. How does that fit in with all of the comments here?
I think that depends on your personal perception of how large, or small, angels may be. So yes, the fact that most people under a certain age don't even know about Chicken Pox parties, that Chicken Pox parties were frequent across the US in the late 50s and early 60s and that getting Chicken Pox gave me lifetime immunity and that I never received a Chicken Pox vaccine matters. In the United States, chickenpox parties were popularized before the introduction of the varicella vaccine in 1995. Children were also sometimes intentionally exposed to other common childhood illnesses, such as mumps and measles. Before vaccines for these infections became available, parents regarded these diseases as almost inevitable, because they were. The older peer review references these diseases as "Challenge" diseases because they challenge the immune system. In fact, children that get Chicken Pox also develop immunity to other diseases such as Asthma and Otitis Media. Measles, Mumps and Chicken Pox are known to confer immunity to many other disorders and we have peer reviewed data, even though it's denied (that peer review is in a book I wrote and published), that shows unvaccinated children are substantially healthier than vaccinated children. We also know, again based on peer review, that all vaccines are contaminated with Bovine Diarrheal Virus (BDV), 2 Porcine (pig) viruses, Enteroviruses and Pestiviruses. Pestivirus is directly related to Encephalopathy and the NIH in Washington DC produced a peer reviewed report, several actually, in the 1990s, at the request of Congress, that states causation is certain for several vaccines. As just one of these published peer reviewed reports state, "“The committee found that the evidence favored acceptance of a causal relation between diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and Guillain-Barré syndrome and brachial neuritis, between measles vaccine and anaphylaxis, between oral polio vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome, and between unconjugated Hib vaccine and susceptibility to Hib disease. The committee found that the evidence established causality between diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and anaphylaxis, between measles vaccine and death from measles vaccine-strain viral infection, between measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and thrombocytopenia and anaphylaxis, between oral polio vaccine and poliomyelitis and death from polio vaccine-strain viral infection, and between hepatitis B vaccine and anaphylaxis.” This is directly from one of the over 100 books I've written and published. Some things do matter and your answer to my question, "does it matter how it fits?", in my opinion, admits an inability to actually answer the question.
I have thought of the polio "vaccine shedding" to be misattribution of concurrent poisoning by the jabs. Perhaps also often when people think bugs are "going around".
Yet, the behavior of illness outbreaks and the effectiveness of certain nutritional treatments are absolutely consistent with the theory that what we know as infections play a part in many illnesses. And it is well known that certain parasites cause serious illness.
But for microbes, most are symbiotic or at least commensal, and terrain is by far the most critical factor regarding susceptibility to those that are evidently pathogenic, as evident from the eradication of smallpox, scarlet fever, and typhoid by sanitation, nutrition, and living conditions. Based on my observations, dirt is OK, filth is not, malnutrition and poisoning are worst.
Mortality in South Korea has skyrocketed beyond even the peaks the US saw at the end of 2020. While the US saw weekly mortality increase by up to 60%, South Korea is passing +80% more deaths at the end of March/early April. Where they averaged 5,600 deaths/week through 2019 (min 5136, max 6410) they logged 10,302, 10,316, and 9,926 for the three most recent weeks. And that data is still incomplete, expect them to rise a bit more as they continue collecting data.
But like most other places, the lag in reporting delays further analysis. By the time we get that information people will have moved on to whatever comes after murder hornets or monkeypox.
For anyone that wants deeper dive I *think* this is the place to go, but the outputs are cumbersome and appear to have similar lag to what they publish to mortality.org
Living in the former penal colony now morphing into a new penal colony ...
The ABS data you use understates the number of deaths. The ABS include only doctor certified deaths and deaths handled by the coroner's court (crimes, accidents). In Australia there is a third stream where funeral homes handle the deceased without these appearing in the official statistics. Only in the state of Queensland are all deaths registered and in Qld must be within 14 days of the decease. Judging from the Qld data the ABS data understates the number of deaths by about 30%.
The cumulative count you've used obscures how dramatic the increase in deaths has been. In Qld there have been about 3000 excess deaths (compared to 2010-2019) up until the end of April. Scaling this (Qld is 20% of Australia's population) gives a projected excess death total of about 60,000 this year. That's about the number of Australians who were killed in WW1.
I've been debating with a fellow Australian for months on Twitter about whether or not the vaccines are harmful. He is very much a jab enthusiast. The tide is turning though with each one of these monthly ABS reports. I've been pointing out the dramatic rise in all cause mortality which was out of season and way over baseline starting back in April 2021 in the complete absence of covid or restrictions. His rebuttal was that it was due to impacts from lockdown and delayed treatment and diagnosis. This obviously makes no sense because not everyone would be suddenly dying at the same time after such a clearly defined date. I believe I am close to a checkmate
They’re planning dose 5 so he can just go and take it and if he refuses like Michael Baker of NZ refusing the 4th we will just call them anti vaxers granny killers that should lose their jobs and freedom of movement
That is really scary….folks like that don’t know whether their arguments in favor of the vac happens just days before they will be keeling over or dead….hard to plan ahead my arrogant friend….very sad
I was just looking at the Aussi government mortality data yesterday showing significant excess deaths for Jan and Feb 2022 over the past five years. Why when 95% have been triple jabbed. Answer? Not in spite of the jab, but because of it.
People here are hypnotized (Mass Formation Psychosis). You can tell by the number of people still wearing masks outdoors. Meanwhile virtually everyone I know has Covid, jabbed or not. Unfortunately, unless they have been coerced to take it for work, they have a mental disonnect as to the rationale for taking it. It shows how effective the government-Big Pharma Complex has been in reprogramming the human mind.
The recent election in Australia confirms this where the leftists (who want to rigidly control our lives) gained more support.
"Meanwhile virtually everyone I know has Covid" yes, but what does that mean? does that mean they have a bad cold and test cvd positive? The pcr tests were useless in that 95% are false positives--are they still the same garbage test? what is essential understanding of how many people are severely diseased requiring hospitilization or are dying. The overall excess mortality is the key number and not "covid test positives"
I also read about the mortality data from New Zealand for people 60+.
What´s interesting about New Zealand is that there were almost no covid deaths as reported in the following article from February 2022. So the increase in mortality may not be due to covid. What else could explain it?? Hmm no idea. The vaccines can not be the reason. I have been assured they are safe and I know the media, politicians, health agencies, pharmaceutical companies would never lie or tell misleading stuff. Haha
It shows:
"As can be seen, a rise in mortality follows an increase in the number of people vaccinated with a short time lag; when the number of people vaccinated decreases, mortality also decreases. Daily data is shown.
To interpret this connection as anything other than an indication that COVID-19 vaccination / gene therapy leads directly to the death of people, vaccination kills, as we put it in the title, is very difficult."
This is from the German page Sciencefiles. The title of the article is:
"Vaccination kills: Nach diesen Daten aus Neuseeland kann man den Zusammenhang von Impfung und Sterblichkeit kaum noch anzweifeln"
Joel, You always manage to come up with something that I had missed. This is fascinatingly depressing data. Thanks for doing this.
Please accept my apologies!
@susrust it would be great if investigative journalists took the time to critically examine the claims being made, rather than simply accepting the official narrative. No H5N1 "virus" has ever been directly purified, isolated from fluids, & scientifically proven to be pathogenic.
Here are resources to help your investigation:
1. Lack of purification/isolation.
2. No H5N1.
3. Genomic tricks.
4. The necessary scientific evidence required.
5. The fallacies of virology.
I'd love to share it but I'm not allowed on Twitter anymore either.
It's easy to get back in there.
Set up new account on non home WiFi using anonymous browser and VPN
Use a new email
Anonymous email such as protonmail
Only use account on anonymous browser in the future - don't use the Twitter app
You won't need to provide a phone number if you don't use the app
That's it.
Their methods to prevent you from rejoining are rendered futile
It's true, but then I would be supporting Twitter.
And you have to rebuild your network.
Yes that does suck but...
My feeling too. Got slapped w permanent ban in 2020 and bogus claim of running spam bots, instant appeal rejected, poof almost half a million tweets,mostly research findings and links since 2008 so they can bite me with their platform. Hopefully it can be restored at some point when it will get a single new tweet sayling here for posterity find me at Substack where free speech is encouraged.
VIDEO RESPONSE from Glitnir:
I’ve never been a Twitter fan.
Well, I take it you are! Enjoy!
But... It's a tool to use to fight against the wrong doers. Staying several steps ahead!! Know thy enemy! You don't have to post!
Mmmm.. I had no idea i was supporting them...
How am I doing that.
Twitter gets ad money based on eyeballs on the site. If you're adding to the eyeballs you're supporting them.
Lots of eyeballs watching me...
I wonder just how valuable of a commodity I am to the Twitter brass
If I can save at least one life it's worth it
I took a few extra steps like always using VPN before logging in but have deemed that unnecessary
Anonymous browser is good enough
Same here. I just let it go.
You're a real man then.
Anyone not banned ain't trying
I shared it on Twatter
"I'd love to share it but I'm not allowed on Twitter anymore either."
Good to know in that it means that you only tell the truth of which they want no one to hear. I commend you.
can you get away with a **link** about the same topic. The bots cannot check all the links?
In 2013, Snowden cautioned his collaborators that the NSA could make a trillion guesses per second about their passwords, so they needed strong ones. Nine years later, who knows? Similarly, how many links can be tracked in an acceptable time seems a matter of budgeting, and ultimately, bots are cheap.
I'm under the radar still despite 45,000+ profile visits this month
They knocked both my accounts down and put our business accounts on restrictions as well. Hadn't used the business ones for years. I suspect human interaction from somebody, a man in a dress most likely, who was really mad with me.
Woman still = adult human female.
LOL !!
What if there are no transmissible viruses? What if disease is caused by toxins and/or deficiency? Then what we observe makes sense. No amount of NPI (non pharmaceutical internventions) will work. It is debatable whether pharmaceutical interventions 'work' or if they just suppress symptoms until the body can clear the chemicals from the meds and then symptoms reappear as the body moves into a healing phase. The rates of NCDs (non communicable diseases) are on the rise. It is going to take more than meds to restore humanity to health. The path we are on by relying on the 'authorities' for protection from disease leads only to more of it.
Yes, we are seeing "vaccinated" people becoming ill with alleged variants which are really just the body trying to dump the toxins it's been asked to create via the shot along with all the garbage in the initial injection. There are no variants, only new sequences that live only in the silicon mind of the computer software. All a farce. Deaths and illness all blamed on fake variants rather than the poisons they just put into the population's arms.
I got ill without being “vaccinated”. Very distinctive course of symptoms including changes to sense of smell/taste. Courses of disease appear to correlate well with identified variant detected in patient. Are genomes real? Proteins? Molecules in general? Atoms etc.?
I was just reading that zinc is involved in the function of smell/taste. Interesting that zinc is part of some early treatment protocols. That leads me to think that zinc deficiency is a partial cause of the symptoms attributed to covid.
Sorry you got ill. But does it mean you had a novel virus? No one has isolated the alleged virus. No one has isolated any variants. All products of new software. Three known causes of disease: toxins(pollution, emfs like 5G, bad processed food) ,stressors(emotional, enegetic, noise, work...), Nutritional deficiency(very common with today's empty calorie high sugar diets)
No "virus" or "antigen" has ever been isolated. Virology, along with Germ Theory, is a fraud. Viruses seem to be exosomes, that is, dead body cells discarded by the body. They still carry fragmented human DNA, so there is an endless supply of future "viruses," providing foundations for further "variants" and "pandemics."
The cause of your symptoms is probably a new 5G installation nearby.
Could be anything from Toxins everywhere around us. Your body exhibits symptoms trying to elimate.
And I can't help thinking there was something going on in those china masks. Initially, when supply vouldnt be found, we were required to wear the same one all week, holding them all in a communal drawer in a paper bag. After a year and a half I had such a terrible lung infection, though I hadn't had the bug. Yes, of course, I did what I could to find more for the dept.
Me too, but not as ill as my vexxed friends. Never once did I test positive, but I had symptoms that sounded the same. Over it faster. I also didn't end up w heart complications, which many of my friends and some of their families, clients and patients/residents of LTC. I didn't die like do many still are here.
Poisons indeed, but not only into the arms. Chemtrails, 5G, the muzzles, the "tests," and the good-old resources (microplastics, pesticides, food additives, non-stick cookware, hormones and other pharmaceuticals and goodness knows what else in tapwater, flame retardants etc.) all contribute, and they all add to the stress caused by environmental poisoning.
And they wonder why the earth is rebelling
The mRNA sequence in the quackcine is based on something that doesn't exist.
The quackcine is intended to protect people from something that doesn't exist.
Is there any wonder no matter they do it ends in failure? At least failure in our terms. It could be success on their terms.
The lethal injections are working as intended. They are not "experimental" at all, but they provide a large variety of murderous ingredients, so the injected have been playing Russian Roulette with their lives, while the manufacturers cooperated among themselves through the distribution in order to maintain plausible deniability.
Viruses simply do not exist.
mRNA is a red herring, as Dr. Andreas Noack pointed it out in his presentation about the genocide only seven hours before he was killed with a DEW. The technology has been around since the early 1970s, starting in the Soviet Union, but nobody ever dared to release it, because the chain reaction it would cause could not be controlled.
The vaccine IS the Bio-weapon!
One of many. :)
Also, they offer quite a variety of options to die.
Nice to see some other proud terrain theorists up in here
Back at ya!😉
The muzzle, because that's what it is, a torture/submission device that also poisons you, was the first step towards an endless trip to the slaughterhouse for the masses. They never woke up; got stuck between fear and hope, according to their conditioning.
By now, everybody with a brain knows that "covid" doesn't exist; the symptoms do, but they are not caused by a "virus."
As not a single "virus" has EVER been isolated, Virology seems to be a fraud. How can one diagnose something that has not even been isolated?
Exosomes are mislabeled as "viruses." They are dead cells discarded by the body, but still carry fragmented DNA information, which provides an endless supply of "viruses" and "variants."
The theory of infectious diseases has never been proven, either. Germ Theory is a fraud, as Pasteur himself admitted in his diary donated to Princeton University by his last descendant in 2014. Terrain Theory explains a lot more, but it has been oppressed by the Rockefellerian "medical" business model ever since medical training was bought up by the Rockefellers in the early 1920s. Since then, a LOT of "illnesses" and "conditions" have been invented to cover up common poisonings (the "common cold," "the flu," "allergies," and "polio" are blatantly obvious examples, but Psychiatry probably takes the lead among the frauds).
As long as people believe in Germ Theory, there will always be new "viruses," "infections," and "pandemics" that will justify the worldwide terror of One Government and "explain" the billions of deaths that are coming up.
Pasteur himself admitted he was a fraud and his Germ Theory (implicating "viruses" and "infectious diseases") was a lie. Bechamp (who also lied on occasion) was his contemporary, who developed Terrain Theory which, in my understanding, leaves much to be desired, but it is a lot more useful for healing and has a lot more explanatory power for diseases than Germ Theory, which seems to be blatantly criminal. Switching to Terrain Theory would be a good first step, because that would prevent any further "viruses," "variants," and "pandemics."
There is no such thing as "the common cold" or "the flu," either. They are invented illnesses that serve as a cover-ups for common poisonings for which some of the governments and corporations should take responsibility. As you also know well, they never do.
The symptoms can be caused by various sources. They have one thing in common: they disrupt the fluid functioning of the body's metabolism, resulting in various types of poisonings that can range from air/water/food pollution to EMF/ELF/5G poisoning, including electric smog (even solar flares affect human health). There is no "one cause, one illness" event most of the time, as opposed to what the charlatans suggest in the Rockefellerian paradigm.
Virus Vrs Terrain. Plenty of documentaries and videos on Odyssey.
Indeed there are. Whether viruses exist or not, terrain is the factor that determines health or illness.
That is why the ancients believed that the gut was the center of the person. Ever have a gut feeling? The vagus nerve wanders about and connects to our gut, the intestinal flora is more important that what most understand or believe. Take a trip to Japan consuming traditional food and tell us how you feel afterwards.
I think, Dr. Andreas Noack is also on Odessey as well.
Yes. He is. Thank you.
Probablz his wife's recollections as well...
Radiation poisoning from all countries going to 5g?
It could also be the fact that women suffer serious adverse events from the jabs at a greater rate than men, that perhaps females are quicker to respond adversely to being injected with these toxins, whereas reactions are delayed in males. The result is the same: people die, sooner or later. I tried to warn our Antipodean friends. They were under extreme pressure to get jabbed, even more so than us here in the UK, but nevertheless they had the benefit of several months data showing that these jabs were uniquely dangerous and largely ineffective. Many ignored the warnings unfortunately, and even leaned heavily on family, friends and colleagues who were reluctant to be experimented upon 'for the greater good'.
The jabs were not titrated for weight. A 120 lb woman got same dose as a 220 lb man.
Which may have saved my son. My 250 & 6'4" son had numbness in both feet and a hand for a few weeks. If he was smaller, like his brother, it may have gotten him.
My youngest so is smaller, said he felt ill for a couple of days, but nothing more. They probably wouldn't tell me- it was mandatory for them and they have families to support.
Ai yi yi
There are no "adverse reactions." The lethal injections function EXACTLY as intended. Also, you cannot fix stupid; it's only natural selection with people willingly walking to the slaughterhouse.
But only in one age group?
Another possibility is the chance of giving the shot intravenously instead of intra-muscular. This has been shown to cause reactions much quicker as the whole shot circulates throughout the body whereas intra-muscular shot forces it to work its way through the muscle
Women have smaller arms so it could be harder to NOT hit a vein.
That's exactly what Dr. Andreas Noack suggested. IV kills faster.
Yes! John Campbell has been pleading for aspiration to avoid vascular contact - since the shots began.
That is a bit puzzling, but I think it's quite plausible that women 45-64 may be disproportionately susceptible to adverse reactions compared with males. We've seen how 16-24 year old males are at much greater risk of myo/pericarditis than their female counterparts, so biology may partly explain the time lag between female death and male deaths in this age group. I might be wrong, but there do seem to be rather more vaccine deaths and serious adverse reactions reported in middle aged women than middle aged men. I seem to recall the Pfizer trial data showing this as well.
Overweight and obesity is more common in older age groups. Around 3 in 4 women (73%) aged 65–74 were overweight or obese, compared with 2 in 5 women (40%) aged 18–24 (ABS 2018).
they haven't republished anything since 18 because no doubt we have become even fatter.
Most of those we lost were male.
Yep, I concur. The sirens have been steadily increasing daily. I live and work in a country area, few minutes from the nearest local hospital. Now, the sirens are essentially becoming almost a constant background noise and helicopter air lifting transfers to the nearest metro, that used to be rare, are now regular weekly occurrences. And this is only the start of our winter 22. It's going to be another long 9months that we track behind the rest of the world, until it will be too hard for authorities here to hide the bodies.
Most excellent work Joel, please keep tracking. I'm screaming loudly here in Oz but because of the delay in data, I'm just "Cassandra" of old Greek days.
We have been having 10+ sirens per day in my neighborhood - live near a hospital and fire station (paramedic on call), sometimes as many as 20 a day, and this was since beginning of summer last year. I used to hear maybe 5 a week. Nobody else seems to notice or comment - I actually recorded every single one I heard for a few weeks just to convince myself that there were so many. It is a relief to go out of town to get some peace and quiet from it all. Now I just notice but ignore it - can't do anything for those crazies going for their 4th.
A few people around me are starting to notice but don't connect it to the shots, just how easy it is these days to have heart issues😐😐🤔😑🙄
Even when you tell them, they are sure tge heart problems are from the bug, so the better get every single jibbery jab.
I am boycotting every single place that puts those signs out or advertises. Must be a good money maker.
Wow! In the US during the height of the "pandemic" I was wondering where all the sirens WERE. People were acting as if one could hardly navigate around all the dead bodies in the streets, yet I hardly saw or heard and ambulance, and the COVID tents outside the nearby hospital were always empty in the summer. Ridiculous. And you you have this.
Same bere in my small town. People are paying attention now that I've talked to my neighbors about it.
I had two encounters with ambulances while driving today. That is, I had to actively stay out of the way of them. It used to be incredibly rare for me to have such an encounter, but now it seems to be pretty routine.
For a while, I heard so many more than usual go by. It's slowed a bit, recently. Well see how the season shapes up. While driving past the local Walgreens a couple days ago, two emergency vehicles were pulling up. Took out the gurney and big bag. Vexx injury at the pharmacy? Makes one wonder!
Where I am I've noticed a lot of ambulances with lights on but sirens off. They seem to be using the siren more sparingly.
Omg.. Same here in my small town.
3 days left from my ban for publishing Walter M Chesnut paper on spike protein inducing amyloidosis. Seems like twitter are becoming more sensitive. I. UK our management in ambulance service have said from Aug 17th, we won't be responding to 999 calls. All our jabbed colleagues are spent. Fatigue, long term sickness. This is why they forced healthcare staff to take the poison. It decreases healthcare systems ability to keep people alive.
Australian government psychopaths see these data that their depopulation agenda is being wildly successful and only encourages to depopulate harder.
Governments and their lackeys are only subsidiaries in the genocide orchestrated by those who control the worldwide money flow.
The genocide has been planned for decades and it is progressing on schedule; no "encouragement" is needed...
Almost a year later - with new data on excess deaths, fertility issues, spikes in injuries - and the TV here in Australia here is telling me to "top up!"
Grim indeed. It appears that vaccines have had a disastrous history from the very first and worst- for smallpox-the one that Billy Boy wants to bring back- right up to the present https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/lets-hope-the-monkey-pox-nonsense?s=w
The vision of Bill Gates at one time was Windows on every desktop. Now it is a quackcine in every human. Same marketing vision, bigger market.
He diversified, he also wants to block out the sun to stop"global warming" by unilaterally releasing chalk into the stratosphere. Another unresearched, unilateral scheme to control the earth. What could go wrong?
He is also buying farmland. With food shortages threatened, he will have influence in that sector as well. What could go wrong?
Hey, don't forget his funding of the gmo mosquitos they released in the Florida keys. A college dropout that dabbles in everything but knows nothing.
He knows eugenics daddy taught him
Politicians in the US have been collecting subsidies after their farmlands for NOT growing anything since the early 1990s. These days, farmers have been offered $3.6-6k per acre, depending on the state, for doing nothing.
Gates is hell-bent on poisoning the food supply with the GMO garbage, too.
Chemtrails have also been decimating farming and, along with the disruption in the supply chain, farmers have been declaring bankruptcy and their lands were up for the grabs for pennies on the dollar.
That's what comes from a single interest group controlling the world's money flow.
That shows what a maroon he is. Without the sun, the Earth will be just another rock hurtling through space.
Yah! And they’ve not figured out how to control the weather, howz that workong out for you? Can’t control climate without first controlling weather. Good luck It will be great show …
I am fascinated and repulsed by this scientific jokester and expert…..what a team they would make, of towering intellectuals if he would team up with Greta ….so much good, done for the world What he could be doing instead with all his money……Hard to be disgusted enough by these peepul
I'm starting to think windows growing into such a flawed operating system was intentional, allowing the threat of "viruses" to be the #1 cause of concern during the onset of the dotcom era...hence, our general perception of "viruses" 20+ years later has been ingrained to automatically conjure up fear. i can't fully subscribe to that sort of long term psyop planning, but the coincidence is noteworthy...
Good point. That may be how Bill views humans. There are flaws in our programming, so he needs to "upgrade" us with quackcination, as our immune systems are not up to the task of dealing with these fragments of genetic "code" that float around.
Where the analogy fails: hackers are able to exploit computer code because humans wrote it and don't foresee all the variations of variables and situations the code may encounter. The human body is much more resilient. Genetic fragments have been floating around for as long as we have been around. If they were pathogenic and our body susceptible, would we be here today?
Bill's solution to what he thinks is a problem - endless upgrades (boosters).
Thanks Bill, society owes its current state of health to you.
The food supply could be next on his hit list. Time to support your local farmer.
Imagine ! living with that guy!
Shy not? The security state was just as active in the 90’s. They could’ve worked a deal to leave backdoors into the operating system.
And the objective is not more money...
Indeed. All "vaccines" are poisons, but the latest ones kill/maim faster.
And poliomyelitis never having been infectious, but a poisoning disease, the peak of which in the US followed peak use of certain pesticides that killed bugs by paralysis, such as arsenic compounds, lindane, and DDT.
According to Terrain Theory, there are no such things as infectious diseases. At the age of five I deliberately chose to be locked up in a children's hospital for infectious diseases. To my amazement, 28 young children were locked up in the same room and nobody contracted anything and the doctors and nurses were not dropping like flies, either. Even at that age, I sensed that something was wrong somewhere. Apparently, still is.
At the age of 6 Chicken Pox parties were occurring all over the US. It was normal that when a child got Chicken Pox neighboring children spent the night at his house to also get Chicken Pox. My Mom brought me to a Chicken Pox over-night party and of course I got Chicken Pox and have lifetime immunity. How does that fit in with all of the comments here?
Does it matter how it fits? How many angels can reside on the tip of a pin? :)
I think that depends on your personal perception of how large, or small, angels may be. So yes, the fact that most people under a certain age don't even know about Chicken Pox parties, that Chicken Pox parties were frequent across the US in the late 50s and early 60s and that getting Chicken Pox gave me lifetime immunity and that I never received a Chicken Pox vaccine matters. In the United States, chickenpox parties were popularized before the introduction of the varicella vaccine in 1995. Children were also sometimes intentionally exposed to other common childhood illnesses, such as mumps and measles. Before vaccines for these infections became available, parents regarded these diseases as almost inevitable, because they were. The older peer review references these diseases as "Challenge" diseases because they challenge the immune system. In fact, children that get Chicken Pox also develop immunity to other diseases such as Asthma and Otitis Media. Measles, Mumps and Chicken Pox are known to confer immunity to many other disorders and we have peer reviewed data, even though it's denied (that peer review is in a book I wrote and published), that shows unvaccinated children are substantially healthier than vaccinated children. We also know, again based on peer review, that all vaccines are contaminated with Bovine Diarrheal Virus (BDV), 2 Porcine (pig) viruses, Enteroviruses and Pestiviruses. Pestivirus is directly related to Encephalopathy and the NIH in Washington DC produced a peer reviewed report, several actually, in the 1990s, at the request of Congress, that states causation is certain for several vaccines. As just one of these published peer reviewed reports state, "“The committee found that the evidence favored acceptance of a causal relation between diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and Guillain-Barré syndrome and brachial neuritis, between measles vaccine and anaphylaxis, between oral polio vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome, and between unconjugated Hib vaccine and susceptibility to Hib disease. The committee found that the evidence established causality between diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and anaphylaxis, between measles vaccine and death from measles vaccine-strain viral infection, between measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and thrombocytopenia and anaphylaxis, between oral polio vaccine and poliomyelitis and death from polio vaccine-strain viral infection, and between hepatitis B vaccine and anaphylaxis.” This is directly from one of the over 100 books I've written and published. Some things do matter and your answer to my question, "does it matter how it fits?", in my opinion, admits an inability to actually answer the question.
I have thought of the polio "vaccine shedding" to be misattribution of concurrent poisoning by the jabs. Perhaps also often when people think bugs are "going around".
Yet, the behavior of illness outbreaks and the effectiveness of certain nutritional treatments are absolutely consistent with the theory that what we know as infections play a part in many illnesses. And it is well known that certain parasites cause serious illness.
But for microbes, most are symbiotic or at least commensal, and terrain is by far the most critical factor regarding susceptibility to those that are evidently pathogenic, as evident from the eradication of smallpox, scarlet fever, and typhoid by sanitation, nutrition, and living conditions. Based on my observations, dirt is OK, filth is not, malnutrition and poisoning are worst.
South Korea: "Hold My Beer"
Mortality in South Korea has skyrocketed beyond even the peaks the US saw at the end of 2020. While the US saw weekly mortality increase by up to 60%, South Korea is passing +80% more deaths at the end of March/early April. Where they averaged 5,600 deaths/week through 2019 (min 5136, max 6410) they logged 10,302, 10,316, and 9,926 for the three most recent weeks. And that data is still incomplete, expect them to rise a bit more as they continue collecting data.
See: https://imgur.com/a/MTVUgEG for quick table.
But like most other places, the lag in reporting delays further analysis. By the time we get that information people will have moved on to whatever comes after murder hornets or monkeypox.
For anyone that wants deeper dive I *think* this is the place to go, but the outputs are cumbersome and appear to have similar lag to what they publish to mortality.org
Awesome and terrifying as always. I will share it with the birds outside because the blue bird has eliminated me 4 times lol.
that is funny and sad. I never understood what people meant by the "zombie apocalypse". Until now.
Living in the former penal colony now morphing into a new penal colony ...
The ABS data you use understates the number of deaths. The ABS include only doctor certified deaths and deaths handled by the coroner's court (crimes, accidents). In Australia there is a third stream where funeral homes handle the deceased without these appearing in the official statistics. Only in the state of Queensland are all deaths registered and in Qld must be within 14 days of the decease. Judging from the Qld data the ABS data understates the number of deaths by about 30%.
The cumulative count you've used obscures how dramatic the increase in deaths has been. In Qld there have been about 3000 excess deaths (compared to 2010-2019) up until the end of April. Scaling this (Qld is 20% of Australia's population) gives a projected excess death total of about 60,000 this year. That's about the number of Australians who were killed in WW1.
I've been debating with a fellow Australian for months on Twitter about whether or not the vaccines are harmful. He is very much a jab enthusiast. The tide is turning though with each one of these monthly ABS reports. I've been pointing out the dramatic rise in all cause mortality which was out of season and way over baseline starting back in April 2021 in the complete absence of covid or restrictions. His rebuttal was that it was due to impacts from lockdown and delayed treatment and diagnosis. This obviously makes no sense because not everyone would be suddenly dying at the same time after such a clearly defined date. I believe I am close to a checkmate
They’re planning dose 5 so he can just go and take it and if he refuses like Michael Baker of NZ refusing the 4th we will just call them anti vaxers granny killers that should lose their jobs and freedom of movement
See how he feels
That is really scary….folks like that don’t know whether their arguments in favor of the vac happens just days before they will be keeling over or dead….hard to plan ahead my arrogant friend….very sad
I was just looking at the Aussi government mortality data yesterday showing significant excess deaths for Jan and Feb 2022 over the past five years. Why when 95% have been triple jabbed. Answer? Not in spite of the jab, but because of it.
People here are hypnotized (Mass Formation Psychosis). You can tell by the number of people still wearing masks outdoors. Meanwhile virtually everyone I know has Covid, jabbed or not. Unfortunately, unless they have been coerced to take it for work, they have a mental disonnect as to the rationale for taking it. It shows how effective the government-Big Pharma Complex has been in reprogramming the human mind.
The recent election in Australia confirms this where the leftists (who want to rigidly control our lives) gained more support.
"Meanwhile virtually everyone I know has Covid" yes, but what does that mean? does that mean they have a bad cold and test cvd positive? The pcr tests were useless in that 95% are false positives--are they still the same garbage test? what is essential understanding of how many people are severely diseased requiring hospitilization or are dying. The overall excess mortality is the key number and not "covid test positives"
Does anyone share when they take the masks off? Just when they are home?! Take a breath! Good grief
Joel, thank you!
I also read about the mortality data from New Zealand for people 60+.
What´s interesting about New Zealand is that there were almost no covid deaths as reported in the following article from February 2022. So the increase in mortality may not be due to covid. What else could explain it?? Hmm no idea. The vaccines can not be the reason. I have been assured they are safe and I know the media, politicians, health agencies, pharmaceutical companies would never lie or tell misleading stuff. Haha
It shows:
"As can be seen, a rise in mortality follows an increase in the number of people vaccinated with a short time lag; when the number of people vaccinated decreases, mortality also decreases. Daily data is shown.
To interpret this connection as anything other than an indication that COVID-19 vaccination / gene therapy leads directly to the death of people, vaccination kills, as we put it in the title, is very difficult."
This is from the German page Sciencefiles. The title of the article is:
"Vaccination kills: Nach diesen Daten aus Neuseeland kann man den Zusammenhang von Impfung und Sterblichkeit kaum noch anzweifeln"
Sent to twitter🥰
Australia's Vaccination numbers and statistics are accessible via this 'Department of Health' link: https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/numbers-statistics
As at 29 May 2022 it's reported >95% of people over the age of 16 are 'fully vaccinated'.
It's not clear in the report, but 'fully vaccinated' is still likely to be two doses.
So much for that, because now a third dose, a so-called 'booster', is being pressed due to the failure of two doses...
See page 8 of the link above for info on the jabbing of children...
It's absolutely diabolical that children, and anyone for that matter, are being pressed to have these defective 'leaky vaccines'...
In regard to jabbing of children, please see my email to Nigel Crawford, chair of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation: Why does ATAGI recommend COVID-19 mRNA injections for all children aged 5 to 11 years? 22 April 2020: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/04/why-does-atagi-recommend-covid-19-mrna-injections-for-all-children-aged-5-to-11-years.pdf