Fantastic work as always. How many times are we going to see the pattern before the world wakes up?

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William Harvey published the monumental De Motu Cordis 1628 describing the circulation of blood.

Bloodletting persisted another 200 years.

I’m not hopeful.

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But so many people were uneducated in those days.

Oh! Wait.......

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Apparently never. No one ever acknowledged the pattern of the more you jab, the more cases you have, let alone deaths. Israel, Iceland, Gibralter, Madagascar, UK, Scotland, Ireland....and we still did it. out of season too...all summer.

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These deaths and illnesses are caused by Long Covid --- what is needed (obviously) is an accelerated Booster Schedule... I suggest the world go with a monthly injection --- and if the deaths and injuries continue to climb --- we go with a weekly schedule.

And if that does not work --- we'll have no choice but to inject daily.

That... is a glimpse into the very primitive mind... of a CovIDIOT.

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Unfortunately the masses don’t even know to look. All they see are lies from MSM so they don’t KNOW!!! Makes me sick.

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CCM - Corporate Controlled Media

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The so-called experts are going to blame the excess deaths on long Covid and undiagnosed Covid. "If only everyone had gotten vaccinated sooner it wouldn't have been as bad. Now shut up and get the next booster."

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The CovIDIOTS will believe -- whatever the CCM tells them to believe.

Facts and logic are not part of the discussion. Those will be dismissed.

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I’d love to know if there’s a name for this pattern- like “one to one” or something. I want to be able to describe it verbally should I not have my phone handy. Same pattern in every county Joel is writing about.

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It's called "correlation". Doesn't equal "causation". ;-)

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Sometimes when the correlation is tight, it does prove causation to my mind. The hell with Stats. Give me quant methods. Wish I could find the excellent video of the cases going up in every country after the vax....

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I’ve seen such a video. It had cool music. Maybe on Jessica Rose’s Substack a few months ago.

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It would help if they could be bothered to look.

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And we haven’t started with the children yet.

Thank you for such a good work!

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I have heard they want to reduce the population to be less than ten percent of current.

Are we well upon the way of that path?

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They'll be left with the free thinkers. I wonder what their plan will be then. Could be very tricky for them?!

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A tiny part of me hopes this is a global IQ test - you fail you get culled.... with the purpose being to head off Idiocracy ... you gotta remove the MOREONS and start over...

Another bigger part of me says -- a lot of the MOREONS are highly trained circus animals and if you cull all of them --- supply chains implode --- and everyone remaining starves.

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Agreed. We're already seeing glimpses of how interconnected our modern world is. Reduce the working population by say 10% and they could trigger cascading collapses that would bring down modern civilization into something that no amount of money will protect them from.

The covid lockdowns were idiotic but at least "essential" jobs continued. I think if you're paying a mortgage and feeding your family then every job is essential, but my point is things could continue, because the stoppages were selective and somewhat temporary. An actual 10% across-the-board death rate could cause things to fail, which cause other things to fail, which cause...

And we're by no means out of the woods yet. What I just described is almost in progress now.

I think things are a lot more fragile than most either realize or will admit to.

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I hope to make it so.

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Hang in there, Grasshopper. Let's you and me be part of the 10% that goes out and gets justice on behalf of those who've suffered from the vaccines.

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“The survivors got to buy their groceries”. Love it. I shouldn’t be laughing, but at this point, what else is there todo?

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there is something Darwinian going on here

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Disgusting - the results you present. Phenomenal - that you are putting this together.

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Great summary and thank you. I regularly have to pinch myself when we still have politicians on TV pushing this.

Please do Italy soon

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How can have been on Sunstack for 6 months and have only just discovered you. I noticed you on the Panda team the other day too. Great work all round

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Thanks, Rob! At Nick's London presentation?

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Unfortunately not able to make it. Though I continue to follow PANDA and its members as much as possible. I'm sure you have heard it a thousand times, but there have been few sane harbours in the last 2 years, and PANDA have certainly been one that I have relied upon.

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You know that meme where there’s a picture of a woman being made to look at something with her eyes being forcibly held wide open? That one.

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just in time to the news that austria is planning to degrade all with only two shots to the group of unvaccinated.

a pity most german speaking nations do not speak english. ( or hardly any other language for that matter)

so only few austrians will take notice..

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What? Most people in German speaking nations don’t speak English? Or other languages? That’s new. My parents immigrated to America from Sweden in 1949. Spoke Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German, English and Latin!

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what parts of :"most"and "german speaking nations"did you not understand?

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especially in the 70-79., but also in other cohorts and countries, many plots appear to show a strong uptick (hump) in deaths preceding a vaccinations campaign. Is this the 14 day categorization mischief or something else? Any thoughts on this?

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No, that really is just coincidence. They started jabbing very close to the beginning of a usual winter virus season in the northern hemisphere. Whether this was deliberate or not is impossible to know but we do know from leading virologists that it's a really dumb thing to do!

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Last slide for 20-40's should say "post vax" on the red line? .. FYI! Great work.. Not criticizing!

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Fixed. Thanks.

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Sure. The findings are the key and they are stunning.. Not surprising, but stunning.. Thank you for being a voice..

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Great stuff as always! By chance, do you have the source for the numbers? I can already hear the objections, as I plan to show this to others. Thanks!

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Joel, these are - wow. Yes, there is that conformation in each. Okay, I feel I am also needing a comparison to help tether the excess deaths. Is it useful here to look at deaths in a prior year or two - a "typical" or average?

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It's not necessary. I am comparing pre-vax and post-vax periods against the same benchmark. We were told we were in the midst of the deadliest plague since the Spanish one of WWI and only a vaccine could save us. Is that how it looks? That's as far as we need to go to expose the lie.

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Excellent work and the final paragraph sums up the plandemic perfectly. Because I don’t believe in coincidences I definitely see a correlation between vaccination and excess deaths. Why isn’t the population waking up to the fact this is genocide?

I’m going to step out on a limb and call the bluff. Covid-19 doesn’t exist. The fatalities from this “man made” RNA virus are from seasonal health deaths going to virtually zero and instead labeled covid and hospital care using ventilators and the poison Remdesivir. The PCR test is totally bogus and if cycled 30 times it can find fairy dust and dragons fire. I’ve looked at the dot they call the “virus” under an electron microscope and give credit to the artists for adding the psychedelic colors and octopus tentacles in the paintings for the press. And just one last minor point. It seems the virus has never been isolated from a human with this deadly pathogen.

But let’s jab this goop of “lipids”, RNA fragments and the usual good vaccine juices into babies bodies and healthy adults.

Round about the couldron go:

In the poisones entrails throw.

Toad,that under cold stone

Days and nights has thirty-one

Sweated venom sleeping got,

Boil thou first in the charmed pot.

Double,double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and cauldron bubble. - Macbeth

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