JPSears is about to lose his status as a comedian ; and assume the role as prophet.

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He’s the funny prophet.

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That was absolutely precious

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This is awesome 👌 love this guys work. My favourite is still the trans swimmer though 😂😂

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So I’m thinking gates really must have unresolved daddy issues. Certainly not bright enough to get into medical school. One does not need brilliance to succeed in business. Just a taste for the jugular while maintaining the wind at your back. That’s what underlies many but not most business successes. So….. let me take out my massive checkbook and let’s play doctor!! What fun. I have everyone genuflecting. He appears just to be another toxic charlatan. Toxic for all of us. He is the virus.

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From what I've heard, he's still likely to have an IQ way above mere genius level. I agree that his killer business instinct is what made him the richest man in the world for a while, certainly not the quality of his products.

I think his work in Big Farms is likely to do more damage to the health and welfare of mankind than his work supporting Big Pharma.

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He comes from a banking family, oy vey.

His family financed him into business and used cintacts to get him the position of sole software provider for IBM computers.

The original software was puchased from and then paid to be developed, Bill created nothing.

He is just a shit stain who was handed his success on a plate.

He is clearly not high IQ, he is just a wll connected sociopath.

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Killer instinct for sure.

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I do not and never will take health advice from a man with boobs

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Moral of the story is never judge a book by its cover, judge by their actions which speak louder than words. He’s not healthy and isn’t qualified to speak on the matter

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He found his medical doctorate degree in a box of Crickett Craker Jax.

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Further on Utopia ... some key clips...

I just watched the UK Utopia series for the 3rd time .... and I watched the US version (one season only) for the first time.

Here is the UK version for those who have not seen it...


For those who have not seen this fascinating series that predicts much of what we have been experiencing for 3+ years :

- creating a new virus and dumping it on the global population

- blaming it on bats (yep bats)

- using dodgy PCR tests to drive up numbers and inspire fear

- claiming the virus was deadly when it was basically no more than a flu

- rapidly developing and rolling out a vaccine

- the mob demanding they 'free the vaccine' immediately - no need for long term testing

What is the justification?

Have a look at this clip from the UK version


As we know -- the vaccinated are already experiencing issues with reproduction with miscarriages off the charts.... who knows if long term they will be sterile... excess deaths are clearly much higher as well.

The premise of Utopia is to reduce the population to around 1B -- but in a kind and gentle way --- rather than kill off 7B ... you sterilize most of them...

Oddly the UK version although critically acclaimed and popular was cancelled after S2 -- one might argue we are living S3 right now... the US series ran for only 1 season.

Being a world class sceptic... I don't think the PR Team was giving away the plot of their actual plan by airing this series... rather they were (as they often do)... using it as a mother bird would a feigned injury to lure a predator away from the chicks... telling the mob that what is to come is a plan to reduce population as opposed to extermination.

Reducing population even by sterilization -- does not play well with the mob -- but it does not unhinge them and cause mass rebellion... they don't like the medicine but they take it (as we are seeing - they primarily protest by typing away on Substacks)...

If the mob got wind that this is extermination ... that would be a different story... the anger would likely boil over... and that would get messy -- the anti terrorist squads who stand ready (and your neighbours who would report you...) might not be able to handle mass uprising - and that could threaten to collapse civilization prematurely (before the extermination is completed).... nobody wants that.

The thing is ... population reduction is not a workable plan. Even a small reduction would tip things over... (think labour shortages... think financial system collapse)... if we reduced by billions the system implodes

For those wanting to explore what would happen I recommend https://mahb.stanford.edu/library-item/trade-off-financial-system-supply-chain-cross-contagion/attachment/trade_off_korowicz/

This is not a depopulation agenda... In that clip there is a discussion of what will inevitably happen as the resources that feed 8 billion run short (or become too expensive to extract)... the female character discusses war - and ripping each other to pieces...

Depopulation does not fix that... the Gates of Hell open one way or the other...

Hence my theory is that this is extermination as outlined here https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

Let's consider the Smoking Gun in all of this ... we know for a fact that they prescribed epic doses of Midazolam for hospitalized covid sufferers (and flu -- as they did not distinguish between the 2) ...

This is a crucial article as it demonstrates intent ... intent of murder... mass murder...

https://metatron.substack.com/p/midazolam-in-italy And this has happened in many countries...

Does anyone think that the people calling for the use of Midazolam for people who are gasping for air were not aware of this:

You should not use midazolam if you are allergic to it, or if you have:

narrow-angle glaucoma;

untreated or uncontrolled open-angle glaucoma; or

an allergy to cherries.

Tell your doctor if you have ever had:


breathing problems


All leaders were on board with this ... even the snowflakes Trudeau and Ardern... did they all suddenly become 'Dr Evils' ... there is virtually zero opposition to the injections ... did everyone suddenly decide to commit mass murder -- to kill babies even? Why would the DOD force the US military to take these shots?

Why are they censoring .. why are they lying endlessly?

How do you get everyone on board for what on the surface appears to be the most diabolical evil plan in the history of the world?

Is there something they are aware of that they are not telling us? Is there something they fear?

Do they believe what they are doing is necessary - to not act would lead to a far worse outcome?

Do they understand that one way or the other we are going to be exterminated... and that their plan offers the least suffering... that the alternative will result in uncontrolled collapse... murder, rape, starvation, disease, cannibalism....

In US version of Utopia the master mind is captured... and he insists what they are doing is actually good... necessary... he states how much evil do you have to do to do good....

here's the scene


Here's Madeleine Albright admitting to murdering 500,000 children and stating it was worth is...


Assume her justification is that the global economy needs that oil on the market -- otherwise oil prices blow through the roof -- people cannot afford to eat ... and way more people die

This is how the people who run the world think... they are Spock on steroids.... of course they understand that they are committing 'evil'... they know there is collateral damage with these vaccines (10 billion + doses and you have quality control issues)... they no doubt feel some empathy for those who are suffering...

But they justify it. They know what happens if they fail to act -- or if their plan fails.

The Gates of Hell will open.

So they carry on with their mission. Nothing will stop them. They believe they need to carry out evil to do good. If anyone decides to pick up arms and fight them ... that is futile ... they are ready for that.

Whatever it takes... means whatever it takes. They are dead serious in their intent.

Overturning their plan ... would definitely open the Gates of Hell...

So better to just remain on SS ranting and raving ...

I do not expect these truths will be well received by the anti vax community. I expect that.

Nobody likes the truth. Nobody wants the truth.

They generally get very angry when confronted with the truth.

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I've heard those ideas before. And if they are true, I would still prefer to take my chances. Granted, to survive, we would all have to adopt 1850-era lifestyles. Rural self-sufficiency. It would be a tough, relentless existence. But worth a shot.

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Not possible. The soil is ruined by chemicals.. Nothing grows in soil that has been farmed industrially ... and nearly 100% of all farmland has been ruined in this way

The pockets of organic farm production will be quickly overrun by the hordes

Everyone starves.

Did I mention the 4000 spent fuel ponds that will be left unmanaged.

This is extinction

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Yes, that may be so. I live in a rural area that has NOT been industrially farmed. And out far enough that zombie hordes will be minimal. Obviously, no guarantees. I may die trying, but I'm going to try.

And when it's my time to die, i have faith and I know where I'm going. So, live or die, I'm ok either way.

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What about your neighbours - and family and friends - how do you feed them when they come?

How will you irrigate when the faucet no longer provides water cuz the power it gone.

Try going a week without electricity - petrol - or buying a single thing... report back.

Nobody tries this because it would bust their delusion of self-sufficiency.

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You are correct. I will not *try* it ahead of time. Carrying water in buckets is not fun. Not having a fridge is not fun. Gathering wood for the cooking fire each day is not fun. Watching your supply of bullets shrink as you defend your family and your fields/food supply is not fun. Burying your dead is not fun. Survival is very "iffy".

But what is the alternative to trying??

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I am hoping we are offered some of that Super Fentanyl that is going around when the SHTF....

I will opt out of the suffering and violence

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Chemical Fertilizers and Their Impact on Soil Health


I employed a man who has spent his life farming organically ... he is trained in that field and consults to the NZ government. One day as we finished working on setting up a small organic operation on our property near Nelson he remarked -- see all those orchards and veg farms down there --- the soil is dead... it is nothing more than a sponge to hold chemicals and prop up the plants... it would take years of intensive inputs to get that soil to grow anything without the chemical inputs.

Feel free to use BS as your argument.

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Billy Gates has HUGE moobs! Didn't realize he had such giant udders. 🤣

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He's udderly ridiculous.

He should probably pause all public interviews until he learns to eat a proper human diet, perhaps we could call that a pregnant pause.

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This is where the vaccine comes from, it is Bill Gates titty juice.

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This is such a good video. And yes, Bill Gates’ body language is such a dead give away, even if the footage in this ocasión does not show him flapping his arms in the air trying to provide some form of odd credence to the lies that compete to come out his mouth very time he opens it.

You do not need to be trained by the FBI to be able to identify a pathological liar trained by lawyers to get away with murder but whose foaming hubris overrides his capacity to contain and conceal how much evil is in him.

It’s almost like he wants everyone to know and appreciate his evil because he thinks he is above everyone else and the law but he bears some residual concern that he has not yet secured the dominion that would make him “untouchable”. So he holds back just enough.

But he clearly wants to come out of the closet so badly so he can enjoy himself out in the open. Despite the power of his money that allows him to be a major global puppet master he really wants to be more than that. The ultimate power for these sick minded, spirited and bodied seems to come from the act of showing off evil intentions in broad daylight without bearing any consequence.

The fact that at this stage in his wicked game, after having paid off so many henchmen, he still needs to hide behind the fronting and BS PR lobbying scam that is the Bill & Melinda Gates “charity” must drive him mad. Rotten to the core that organization. I wonder what will happen to it and it’s mandate when the time for Bills evil soul to leave his body comes. How many people can have and sustain 24/7/365 the degree of evil desire and drive to manipulate that he has in order to keep feeding that hellish Trojan horse beast that B&MGF is.

His twitches, darting eyes, shoulder jerks, etc in this video made me recall a few other old and emblematic exposes of Bills body language.

Those days when he was being grilled by congressmen over his attempt to monopolize tech must have hurt. And the pie in the face in Europe also must have left a lasting fear in him. Not to mention the fact that he has had to deal with the reality of being unmasked by the Indian parliament and banned entry to India for experimental uninformed and unconsented sterilization campaigns sold to women under the guise of philanthropical initiatives.

By the way, the videos of his testimony before congress are so creepy and his answers to congressman’s questions display such sinister demeanor. Having shown such genuine excitement in exposing evil to the most minute detail in TED-talks, the acted vagueness and autistic few words he babbles before congressmen almost feels like an out-of-body experience for anyone watching it.

The videos of his responses to journalists inquiries about his close buddy Jeff who fed his perverted pedofile lust are so scripted and evasive that they are simply painful to watch. His nostrils fume as he attempts to repeat the psychopathic numb performance that he managed to deliver in Congress. Probably wondering in the back of his mind how the journalists dare add surprise questions given all the the grants and commercial ads funding he bribes the media outlet owners with.

The video of the pie in the face should be given an Oscar. He seems for once completely scared, dumbfounded, weak, stumbling and unable to come to terms with the fact that people are not tripping over themselves to worship every satanic step he takes. Fast forward and we are reminded of that video every time we see Biden stumble around, in his case without having been hit by any object. And we are also reminded how many times one recalls Bill sitting on the side of the stage grinning as his puppet Biden gave campaign speeches during his president run against Trump.

Oh, and that video of him with a yoga instructor making silly corky choreographed dance moves wat purposely planned delays relative to the musical beats of the poppy song sonthat he might come across to the viewer as a fun and good and soft and fuzzy and goofy philanthropist just trying to have fun and spread the love.

Cheers to JPSears ! You could have been more brutal by choosing any of these other videos to more aggressively help Bill ridicule the Beast he is on his own but you are a kind comedian dedicated to your craft with a good soul and you chose footage that offers watered down Bill.

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Let’s see if i can’t get nuked on twitter by posting this 😁

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Love JP Sears💕💕

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Good one!

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I just noticed how ripped up JP's shirt is. Lol.

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Thanks Joel. A decent dose of humuor in these dark times is essential!

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BREAKING - 1 hr. video - Pascal Najadi & Astrid Stueckelberger - THE HOUSE OF CARDS IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE - https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

Pascal Najadi, the Swiss Investment banker who filed a criminal complaint against Pfizer, against the Swiss President and Minister of Health, has submitted a new case in the USA that has been accepted by the Supreme Court in NY against Pfizer Inc. The case is based on Pfizer’s violation of US law for selling products for profit into the Swiss market in a way that violates the Swiss National Constitution. In his dedication to justice, Pascal Najadi who was injured by the Pfizer shot, has filed the lawsuit against Pfizer in the United States in a private case. Pfizer now faces litigation on multiple fronts in multiple countries. So far no MSM outlet has reported on this bombshell. Help us get the word out! https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

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