How thoughtful of him to give us a roadmap of what they have planned so we can defend ourselves accordingly.

One minor correction to the title of this piece—it should be “Philanthropath Bill Gates” 😁 My goal is that the terms will become so synonymous no one will be able to think of “Bill Gates” without immediately thinking “philanthropath.”

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Your wish is my command!

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I really don't understand why y'all keep abusing Billy and Melinda. They look like a very nice couple.

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They are divorced, and from reality

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You are an obvious purveyor of disinformation. Leave Lil Billy alone.

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We must AMPLIFY the choirboys dedication to vaccination as part of our CULTURAL LIFE!!

(see my other comment 😎 💀💉 )

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And his big Harma Harmacide scamdemic viruganda hacksxxxxine

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"philanthropath". You mean philanthropic psychopath? :D

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That’s what it means—or more precisely, a psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist :-)

See my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series for more details:

• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

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A mostly peaceful extinction.

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Not if we can help it ✊

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Gonna take a lot more courageous souls than I see. But, I’m in Commiefornia.

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Or better yet rewrite the word to “Billanthropath”. No confusion:(

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Ooh, that's good 😆

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There are only a small minority of us who understand the depths and full horror these people embody. It is up to us to defeat them. The ignorance was fully planned and implemented through what passes for education by the international deep state. This is not political it is primal. We who survived our educations and who became radicalized by the school of hard knocks must take the leads or no one will. Jesus Christ was right “ forgive them lord they know not what they do.” The real murderers, the Pontius Pilots here who would kill us all to murder our messages, are to be dealt with. Carefully.

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You will not defeat them.

Remember that leak by Trudeau a couple of years ago ... he informed the Liberal party honchos that they needed to assist with executing some extreme covid measures that involved closing borders stripping freedoms etc...? Some of them lost their shit and were very angry ...

Apparently Trudeau's reaction was -- we are not here to debate this --- the decisions have already been made -- do as you are told.

He did not make the decision - he is a minion --- the real power is unelected.

And when they tell the minions and the Deep State to jump - they say how high.

The decision was made decades ago -- this plan was hatched decades ago.

Those 'in the know' understand why they must execute this plan -- and those beneath them who do not know the 'why' simply do as they are told - like they always do.

Nobody will help you fight them. There is no effective way to fight them... they will allow you to march around the block and laugh at that... but if you try anything that might threaten the plan you will see the fangs come out.

They will smash your heads in.

The police - the military - they will not turn - they will smash heads in - because at the very top echelons they understand why the plan is necessary.

The thing is... even if there was a way to fight back... there is nothing to be won. We have 8B people requiring infinite growth on a finite planet... that is ending.

It's game over.

Professor Albert Bartlett warned of this (not that there was anything anyone could do about it)


He's long dead - and here we are -- on the cusp of total collapse. The planet is heaving with the weight of 8B eaters.... and it can no longer support us.

So those who run the show -- have made a decision. Extermination.

You cannot overturn their decision. Nobody can. It's a done deal

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Nathan Rothschild https://twitter.com/KirbySommers/status/1567945974537936897

“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” — Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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Agree they are high functioning and clever psychopaths. Worthy adversaries.

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Not that clever.

Just a load of cheap tricks.

I studied Abuse Dynamics when I attended University.

Malignant Narcissistic Abusers.


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Agree they are stupid. But I also know have personally known and interacted with some Toxic Narcissists and psychopathic abusers. By smart, high functioning, clever - I speak only to their ability to successfully perpetrate plans to ensnare their victims. They ensnared countless victims this time by joining forces under such guises as Davos, WEF, Bilderberg, Club Of Rome. Etc. They attracted business, government and institutional power from similarly affected individuals in these places. They engineered systems to promote toxic narcissism on social media, through education, entertainment, consumer culture, video gaming.

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Those creatures are predators.

Obligate Energy Carnivores.


Skin walkers.

They merely appear as humans.

Their words and their deeds instantly betray their true nature.

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The embodiment of the Hounds Of Hell no doubt. What did someone identify them as early on - Lizard People. I like lizards so the hounds of hell seems more apt.

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It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule,

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.

That is how to destroy the Insanity Machine.

We all have the courage.

Just do it.

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three five seven

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Terrifying. It is time to get the immune systems of the kids as optimal as possible, so they can withstand what is coming. This is the best way we can stop this. In particular, we need to wean them off and shield them from the fear narratives, because it is the chronic fear which is most suppressive of their immune function. I just wrote a book review related this to this ( https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/book-review-grounded-discovering ) - the principle message is that we adults need to quickly sort our own nervous system states out, and attend to our own shadow, which we are currently projecting on the childrebm as the best we can help and protect the kids...

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Even more to the point, here, is your first comment. Which must be done through changing diets to more wholesome foods; getting those kids off the EMF-producing computers and outside into the sun and reasonably fresh air; ending compliance with vaccine schedules which also will mean homeschooling or starting small, local schools that do away with those requirements. And switching health care from mainstream medicine to more natural-based versions. As well as removing as much stress from their lives as you can. Dr Mike Yeadon had an article this morning in his Telegram channel that points out that there is no way a respiratory disease can become pandemic, and especially in children. If we leave everyone’s immune systems alone, after supporting them properly, to sort it out.....it will. We need to walk away from this yawning. And help others do so as well. And do NOT go to the hospital. Get treatment and stay home.

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Terrifying in one sense, yes. Also predictable and, me thinks, obvious and desperate, in another light. It's really all these people have - more of the same - because they are protecting something that's headed to history's trash bin. They can't do anything else; tied to a crumbling construct. We, on the other, can invent and reimagine a new world, where they clearly, have no place.

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Nicely put.

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Turn your router off at night.emf is a body stressor

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Bought it for my ex-wife.

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lol here is another on similar themes she may "like", by UK child pscyhologist Louis Weinstock https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/book-review-how-the-world-is-making "How the World is Making Our Children Mad, and What to Do About It: A field guide to raising empowered children and growing a more beautiful world"

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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

>>>Old Klingon proverb.

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I just looked at your substack, wow -I needed to see that today!!! Thank you so much for the link.

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Thank you, glad it helped. I am posting a lot about how adults can understand and help the children, including by helping ourselves, because I am horrified at the way the children have been sacrificied/terrified/abused over the past few years, and I could see them being targeted like this next. I am wondering if the deadly outbreaks of Strep A, RSV and hepatisis in childrren are all trial runs to find the optimal pathogen.

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Absolutely they are.

Think 'Slaughter of the Innocents'.

These people belong to a Cult. Like the Devil it is a Joke. Except it isn't. It is one of their principal blackmail systems. Everyone should pay attention to this theme, big in America —Hollywood is rife with the stuff. And remember this: SYMBOLISM WILL BE THEIR DOWNFALL.

What symbolism you ask: look at the Logos of companies/WHO/institutions, the Music world, Fashion world ... It acts as a religion to suck the unwary into the Dark Side. Normal people can't see through this garbage and think it's coincidental, harmless, irreverent perhaps, but not evil or Satanic, which is far from the truth.

Sorry to take the topic off on a tangent but ...

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They are loosing people both physically (jabbed die statistically younger) and psychologically (once people see someone failed by the jab).

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Yep. Just read Agenda 2030. And the sickos probably are saddened they have to wait until then!

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Dr.Yeadon would like to share his thoughts also - https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-michael-yeadon-theyre-at-it-again

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I pray people that fell for the Gates/Fauci/Big Pharma ‘Depopulation Vaccine’ will not be so easily fooled by them & our corrupt governments who seem to be following the evil WEF, WHO & UN orders???

There is so much information & evidence of how bad the Covid shots really are but I think many people don’t want to believe it or that their government is so corrupt that they would allow/help Big Pharma & the WEF & everyone involved to lie, harm & kill so many innocent people & now children?!

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Yes our corrupt government run medical complex HATES those of us who want ‘Medical Freedom’ & refuse to let them shoot poison into our bodies after we’ve witnessed for ourselves the massive amounts of injuries & deaths that they’re frantically trying to hide & cover up!

They are truly evil & need to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

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Isnt Historically this good vs Evil idea usually the problem!

Crusades, witches, revolutions, so a slippery slope I feel.

'The serpent eats its own tail',

perhaps this my bias more than facts,

however we all are here now, meaning we have got this far and enjoy many freedoms because of our forefathers ( I know we need both)

And we are obviously children of survivors and this should give us agency to be caretakers of the planet and one another which i feel is happening now when this reaches critical mass Boom!

Trying to change anyone else regardless of intent usually ends in tears of blood.

This is my humble opinion but I'm a just a caretaker with a year 10 education and most likely mental health issues along with Nearly EVERYONE!

Have you checked your confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance and if you can't see it, we'll that's how it works.

Sorry this ended up a rant which goes against my point.

I accept Everything! I Let Go! Stay true and trust! I don't really go for believing and don't get the notion of individuals as like an AA meeting goes 'look for the similarities not differences '

Yes life is a personal experience but essentially it's fundamentally the same for all.

We will be needed when the false messiah which could be AGI (artificial general intelligence ) stops due to the coming solar cycle when the lights go out,

Then it's our turn as perhaps we are the second coming?

That's if the machines don't turn us all into paper clips and in a paperless world that wouldn't be too useful,

remember collective illusion, we are actually NOT the minority although we may believe this it doesn't make it true.

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The success of these pandemics will depend upon the ignorent and compiant people. Ignorance doesnt imply stupid. However, blind compliance and trust is a stupid act. Would you take poison knowing it will kill you or change your body's nature? While I do see the problem with ignorance. Having little time or intrest to research the (demands of gov. compliance). Our poor needing to work two or more jobs to maintain even a lower level income, research of what we should be able to trust our government for, is low priority. It is clear with the actions of governments and the "mandates"(commands) that the people are not the focus but their expansion of power and removing our protection of our constitution. I wonder if 35% awareness will be enough to stop governments push for power. Removal of the 60%+ population will leave America unable to sustain. It will be ignorence that will take out the most talented, believing in governments intent to protect. will you let that happen? --------- I, Grampa

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Yes, all pandemics are man made.

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You picked up on the biggest point - Gates is leading the censorship effort as well. This is even more important than Covid issues.

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Most people are morons unfortunately.

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Gates is every bit as evil as Klaus Schwab. Oh, wait, that's right, the WEF taught Gates! These globalists are so incredibly arrogant. As for the sheeple waking up, doubt it. Way too difficult to search for the truth and defend it. Much easier to drink the kool ade and be herded.

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It would appear that Sars CoV 2 AND Sars Cov 3 have existed as lab constructs at least since 2004 when they appeared in the following 2008 article in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology.


referencing this 2004 full genome


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Bill Gates is a psychopathic serial killing murdering maniac.

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dare i mention that his father was a board member of planned parenthood--a form of voluntary eugenics through economics and pleasure of convenience. I dont believe we can hold Bill responsible for his father's actions but its likely that his father seems likely to have provided impetus in his thinking. There is a direct line from Margeret Sanger to the German Holocaust to where we are today.

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I looked for the video of Bill Gates holding up his fingers in the vaccine position, while saying, I just inject genetically modified RNA into the arms of little kids. There is more to it than that. But if those who still believe in Bill Gates and every little made up affirmation he utters, once they see that video, they might change their mind. If someone still have that short video, please post it here.

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The morinic sheeple will carry on rowing the obedience boat towards oblivion....those silent ones who know something is wrong , and do nothing are almost as useless!! They probably wave their Ukrainian flags to exhibit virtue signalling these days to appease their egos!!!

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Like with covid there will be about 35% who would roll up there sleeve and take anything, and still swear on their deathbed they would do it again. Then 35% who would say nope, and the remaining 30% would go with majority.

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Maybe it will be 25% this time round as 10% should be already dead by then?

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Perhaps no more than 10% next time around, if they do manage to 'launch' another. There are too many of us now that know of life changing injuries (and dying and dead) of people in immediate community. And, those with jab induced injury but not in danger of dying are not going to risk another tranche of "safe and effective" 'products'. Their plans are disintegrating before their eyes because people have opened theirs.

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It is possible to chalk up the first two ‘pandemics’ to coincidence, stupidity, etc.

A third would expose intent..... then all hell will break loose.

As recent events have shown, the truth cannot be hidden forever.

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They're launching digital id and CBDC that's a possible mechanism they could use to force us into taking whatever poison they've disguised as a "vaccine" and following whatever ridiculous dictates they want to enforce. Refuse to obey then they'll switch off your CBDC and digital id until you comply. IMHO

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Just wait until Pedo Joe signs the WHO Pandemic Treaty.

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Rishi Sunak will also sign on behalf of the UK. It will be medical tyranny.

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Mike Adams interviewed Dr. Francis Boyle about the horrific consequences for any country that signs it.


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Joey can sign anything he wants.

The US is not legally committed to a treaty until it is ratified by the Senate.

We will see he dares to submit it....

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The only news outlets reporting on the ramifications of the treaty are alternative and independent media.

Most of the Senators are too dumb, too liberal, or just don't give a shit what Pedo Joe does, setting the US on the path to complete destruction.

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