Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I was confused by some of the government stuff about the vaccines. So as a scientist trained in medical research and statistical analysis ( I have a BSc in Biochemistry and a PhD in Human Genetics) I went and read the summary Pfizer application to the FDA. And I quite literally felt the hairs rising on the back of my neck as I read. There were red flags all over the application. I have written up my own observations from the period when I decided, no matter what, I was not getting an mRNA jab. Being retired it was relatively easy to duck out of the system. To this day I shake my head in wonder. How the hell did this poison ever get approved and mandated for the entire planet??????? It was SO obvious it was poison and I know I am not so very brilliant and insightful that I am the only one who saw those danger signals.

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If you want to share it with me, I'd be happy to publish it for you like this one.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

So how do I send it to you?

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Hi Joel, I've been discussing with Natalie and was about to publish for her when I saw this comment. However, obviously I saw her original comment on your newsletter so in the spirit of fairness you can decide with her if you want to publish yourself. Or I can publish, as I have it ready, and link to your newsletter.

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Feb 7, 2022·edited Feb 7, 2022Author

You go for it! But as stated below, please make it free!!

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I already sent it to NE and he said he would publish it too. I don't want to cause any battles, just get it out since suddenly there seems to be interest.

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No battles here, Natalie. Substack is a good place.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

My goodness a year ago no one wanted to hear anything I had to say. Things have certainly changed.

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Ha ha there will be no battles, it was an interesting story and intrigued me but this is Joel's newsletter and I'm on here to learn from everyone not turn into a mercenary!

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Can you please make it accessible to all your readers, paid or not?

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022

The vaccine program is at once unlawful and, for all of those implicating in recommending and/or applying them, constitutes a 'Crime Against Humanity'. https://johnscottconsciousness.com/do-or-die/



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None of those links work

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No, the site can't be reached. Censored by Google possibly.

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John, I tried all those links, used Google, and DuckDuckGo - they are blocking your site.

Couldn't get through. Need a different search engine. The global fascists are hard at work.

Are you the same John of John and Julia Scott Yoga?

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I agree entirely with what you say, and this information was available before the vaccine rollout. The politicians and their "experts" have lied to us from the start, with the help of the MSM.

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Can I read your write up anywhere?

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I haven't posted it anywhere open to the public. I tried a few times when the vaccines first came out but it got shot down so violently I gave up. Maybe it's time to try again.

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I'd be very interested to read too.


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If possible, I would be much appreciative to have a copy. Send to kcwxman@gmail.com.

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I’m very interested in your PhD research having genetic issues re: folate and midline defects. Is it available online?

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You can easily link to my publications via my husband's wiki page (Richard Gordon - Theoretical Biologist)

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I would like everyone here to consider-

1) 1st, the lethality of Covid was extremely exaggerated.

2) then medical Nihilism was employed immediately- "stay home until you turn blue!" That alone killed many thousands in the USA.

3) Safe & Effective treatments for those at risk of severe covid were banned, attacked, removed, made illegal, withheld, destroyed, vilified and prohibited, causing the deaths of virtually everyone who "died of covid." I know doctors who lost 4 patients out of 10,000. Almost no one died if they received good treatment.

4) forced lockdowns took away jobs, exercise, fresh air, and joy, depressing the immune systems worldwide, bankrupting businesses, harming school children, causing alcoholism, drug use, despair and suicides. And fid not stop the spread of Covid.

5) then lethal hospital protocols were developed, indemnified and funded.

Doctors and hospitals were literally paid up to $500,000 each to kill, (sorry, "treat,") their patients with Remdesivir and a Ventilator, and if by a miracle someone survived that, they were not given antibiotics after the viral pneumonia, a standard safety precaution before Covid. Some locations are STILL following this protocol which has killed 100s of thousands, designed by faceless bureaucrats we cannot get our hands on, but who can virtually mandate and pay endless amounts of money for this "murder plan" to be carried out on innocent people.

6) the forced and reccommended masking does nothing to stop Covid but does raise CO2 levels dangerously, especially for children and pregnant women. And masks are breeding grounds for fungus & bacteria. Another harm & abuse via "Government," and "experts."

7) Fear was pumped out every single second to psy-op nations and lockdowns were intentionally wielded to force the uptake of an experimental, toxic, and fully indemnified gene therapy labeled a "vaccine." Anthony Fouci openly admitted that "lockdowns were employed to compel or force vaccine uptakes." His machinations bankrupted and killed widely.

8) and finally, the covid mRNA "vaccines" are toxic by design. They kill, disable, and cause miscarriages, fetal deaths, maternal deaths, and birth defects. And they were mandated on EVERYONE, even those who already had natural immunity! Durable and robust natural immunity which is much better than any vaccine.

On top of this the deployment of a leaky vaccine, virtually worldwide, in an ongoing pandemic creates endless variants, which the vaccinated cannot fight well, as their immune system is primed for one response only. We are conducting the greatest "Gain Of Function" experiment possible, on Earth, with people as petri dishes for "serial passage."

God help us there! Maybe Mother Nature will take pity and help Sars-cov-2 mutate back towards it's original un- Weaponized Corona Virus form??

We can pray!

Once you see all of it you can only come to one conclusion- this entire campaign was designed to inflict maximum damage on all of us.

And btw, the "elites" do not vaccinate. Read about Bill Gates' children's physician- no vaccines for them. This is a "culling" of the "herd," via "vaccine," IMHO.

All the vaccine manufacturers chose the toxic spike protien to base their injections on, forcing our own cells to produce it, the Wuhan Spike, en masse, with technology that delivered this dangerous plan to all our vital organs, including the heart, the brain, the liver, the spleen, the ovaries, and the bone marrow.

It, the vaccine Spike, has been found on autopsy of those who died suspiciously post Covid vaccine throughout the human body. Hearts. Brains. Livers. That alone should tell it all. I pray more people get what is going on, daily, and protect themselves and their families!

We need a mass awakening to end the rule of those attempting complete control over all of humanity, after the reduction in population they are working to create, in the nations of the Formerly Free World.

You can see I'm in agreement with Dr. Mike Yeadon on "Covid"- they are trying to kill us.

It's the only logical conclusion you can come to, I fear.

And Catherine Austin Fitts may be right as well, when she said, "They are working to upload an operating system in the human being and do not care how many they kill to get it done!"

"Science" is not our friend, today, in the United States, IMHO. Neither is "Government," "Medicine," or "Academia." We are facing Fascism & Totalitarianism with tools that could never have been dreamt of by the dark forces of the past. Today only a few stand between them and their goals. More people who are informed, courageous, and active are needed. And we must never give up!

Refuse Digital ID, CBDCs, climate "lockdowns," the destruction of local farms and businesses, and the roll out of 5G everywhere, without safety or environmental testing. And refuse the re-write of the International Health Regulations from the WHO and "world control" in general via the WHO, the WEF and the UN.

Fight for National Sovereignty and local government. We must take back our countries, step by step by step from the "One World Order" envisioned and rapidly being built, by our would be "masters!"

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Awesome article that covers most of the bases. However, IMHO, the most impactful, most poignant, and most frightening words by Dr. Cartland were the following:

"I will end here with this. I am constantly hearing of many colleagues who are ‘unwilling to have any more jabs’ and definitely won’t be vaccinating their children… which is absolutely fine of course.

However, to have this view on a treatment you aren’t willing to have for yourself or family but then proceed to jab 30 strangers’ children all afternoon.

The apathy is real."

To me, "apathy" doesn't begin to cover it...

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Please ask Dr Cartland to listen to Dr David Martin. Covid 19 patent was first applied for in 2003!! No naturally occurring organism can be patented!

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Reminds me of the diaries of Nazis who worked in concentration camps. At first, filled with horror and disgust, which soon morphed to indifference as they got accustomed to it.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

"To me, "apathy" doesn't begin to cover it..."

Indeed, but homicide does the job..

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

The biggest problem isn't the virus, or even the toxic jab. The problem is brainwashed medical personnel who are willing to go along with an experiment, blindly trusting in the goodness of their superiors and the mad scientists at drug companies. I'm just a dumb American who knew enough not to trust the over-educated elites, especially doctors who have such ingrained arrogance from their exclusive indoctrination.

I hope trust in doctors declines to match that of politicians and media hacks. I would say dog catchers or trash collectors, but such persons are deserving of respect for their contributions to society.

Dr. Dave, I hope you don't suffer for your shortsightedness in getting the jabs. Please shout aloud that your profession is derelict in duty and now murderous. Help folks to find good information and to know how to discern institutional lies.

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I don't respect dog catchers, unless the shelter is no kill for all animals. It's not the animals fault it's a stray.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I respect Dr Cartland for speaking out now. Unfortunately, it’s too late. I have a BSc in Biochemistry, but left the pharmaceutical industry 25 years ago. I smelt a rat with these therapies from the beginning. I saw the data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship and Peter Hitchens, early on, pointed to Sucharit Bhakdi regarding what was happening. The only hope for people jabbed is that they’ve had one of the less toxic batches. This is a monetary reset, a destruction of democracy and a depopulation agenda. Amazing, but true.

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Well that just about covers it. Thank you Dr Cartland. I have a telephone call with one of the gps tomorrow to discuss my medical exemption request. Won’t be seen in person to discuss. Then my annual rheumatoid arthritis will be backed onto this call. I am fascinated to know, as a retired family nurse practitioner, (what happened to look, listen, feel) how anyone can “review” my arthritis over the phone. But oh well, this is what we have come to expect. A deteriorating healthcare system with little or no reassurances the right thing is being done.

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank you, Dr Cartland, for the courage to write all this down and share it. Fellow GPs please take note.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank you. Very well written and comforting to know there are doctors out there seeing what’s happening too.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Long read but worthy.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Great to have Dr Cartland speaking out. I recently got double jabbed - coerced, otherwise I cannot get a covid passport to visit a gravely ill sister abroad. I asked for the vaccine to be aspirated but was told they don't do that, I was looked upon as an idiot. Am glad to hear Dr Cartland confirming that it's supposed to be normal practice. How quickly and easily have so many medical professionals abandoned their hippocratic oath, their brains, their capacity for independent thought and reasoning. So many are just downright lazy, their only 'continuing education' being that which they get from pharmaceutical companies who 'train' them on their drugs.

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Thank you for publishing Dr. Cartland's words.

I would love to see a transparent conversation around contagion itself. And what exactly this 'virus' is. Science is a questioning, a debate. An ability to change one's mind and have flexibility of thought. This is the beauty of it.

We have lost this in this insanity.

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Feb 7, 2022·edited Feb 7, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Having family down there, I have friends/relatives who have met Dr Cartland and I also know people who attend his surgery. This article is almost brilliant. This has to be one of the most important UK documents yet created on the Covid situation and vaccines. If only it could be written better! It comes across to me as if it was written in an extreme hurry, maybe it was. Either way, his experiences are the same as other medics I have heard from here in the UK. The difference is that Dr Cartland SPOKE OUT. For that, I might just become a neanderthal cabbage and for the first time in my life, bang a frigging frying pan outside my front door to show appreciation (NOT obedience!). THIS is a real hero, most of the rest are NOT.

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Feb 7, 2022·edited Feb 7, 2022Author

Indeed it was. He admitted to me that he'd had a couple of beers too! (And stressed that his day job is a doctor and they're not exactly renowned for their prose!!) I tidied it up a little but wanted to keep the raw essence and authenticity of it.

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I may email you if that's ok as I'd like to help push this further afield IF I can (speaking to someone tomorrow about that). I have contacts who were telling me about this situation before the letter came out. I completely forgot about it and then happened across it on your Substack! How things pan out eh. It's far better than anything I could have hoped for anyway!

Beer - I didn't want to say but I had my suspicions!! Reason: There are flashes of excellent writing in there, and that doesn't happen by accident, so he clearly has the ability to do it better and hence I wondered if it was done in a BIG hurry, or after a healthy dose of the good stuff! Great job all round anyway, and again, this is ONE doctor I really DO regard as a "hero". Such an overused word lately, but perfectly fitting in this instance. Thank you both,

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Brave of him to write it considering what it might do to his career, but all far too late.

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank you, Dr. Cartland, for outlining your story here. It illustrates how difficult getting over the propaganda has been, especially for those in the medical field. I’ve seen many criticisms of doctors, for instance Dr. Malone, who have taken the jab themselves. “How could he do that? I’ve known this was crap since March 2020!” It needs to be considered how hard it can be for those closest to the situation to see it clearly. There’s also little doubt in my mind that a lot of the pandemic response has been geared towards getting our healthcare professionals onboard. Additionally, the numbers for most of these issues are so small (and therefore able to be more easily massaged to fit a narrative), that it requires much time and effort to see the consistent patterns of overstating COVID and vaccine effectiveness and downplaying vaccine adverse reactions. Most estimates of vaccine-related death I’ve seen fall into 200-400 per million… that’s not something that anyone can confirm anecdotally through life experience. The other problem is that there are a lot of people on the “anti-vax” side that promote unverifiable or exaggerated claims with similar gusto to the pro-vax crowd. Neither position is empirical but when the media/government/academic institutions continue to frame this as a black-and-white issue, I imagine it’s easy for the average doctor to side with their educated peers as opposed to the online “conspiracy theorists.”

I give folks like Dr. Cartland all the credit in the world for being able to rise above the “consensus wisdom” and find their own path using the available data. It should also serve as a reminder that experts, no matter how accomplished, are all still human beings, imperfect like the rest of us. As opposed to what we’re implicitly trained to believe, no one is conferred knowledge from on high… the people who become doctors went through an education and training. It is not beyond the ability of many to replicate this sort of expertise using the vast amounts of free available information, even if they do not end up with the fancy piece of paper at the end. Nor does that piece of paper mean that they’ve reached the point where they no longer require further study to remain proficient. Unfortunately, I think many fall into the latter trap and became encased in an echo chamber of their own hubris. For us outside of this sphere, it can be easy to underestimate the difficulty in remaining humble and curious. So I try to not be too judgmental about anyone who has changed their position as this “pandemic” has gone on… we need everyone we can get to end these destructive practices. And to remind everyone that the number one person responsible for your health is YOU. Far too many are likely to be skeptical about their mechanic saying their car needs $2000 worth of work than what the average doctor says about their medical needs. Everyone, regardless of qualifications, can be wrong, so if something doesn’t jive with your knowledge and intuition, don’t dismiss that. Seek alternatives and weigh options. Sovereignty comes with a price.

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Keep in mind ‘pro-vax’ and ‘anti-vax’ are terms made up by the pharmaceutical industry to divide us. We are free thinkers or we accept what ‘experts’ tell us without a thought of our own. Those are the true divisions.

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Absolutely on the pro vs anti vax point. Most (false) dichotomies favor the elite powers that be. I’m not even sure I would necessarily classify people into the free-thinker/expert follower buckets… even the most independent of us can often have topics where we defer to the “authority” (or just as bad, reflexively oppose, aka the dreaded “non-conformist.”) There’s simply not enough hours in the day to be completely informed on every topic, and many are very uncomfortable with saying “I don’t know” although that is probably the most honest position for a great many things.

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Agreed. I just hate the anti-Vaxxer slur. And people get so defensive “I’m not an anti-Vaxxer ‘ or ‘I’m not a conspiracy theorist’ and then go on to say something completely rational. Why do you feel you have to defend yourself from people who seek to divide us for their own gain?

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Hi David

Sorry to hear about your friend, but I wonder why it took you so long to put things together.

I am a GP as well, for over 45 years, currently practicing in Australia.

I realised way back in 2020 that not all was factual. Basically everything we were being told was a lie and completely opposite to scientific fact. Unfortunately, anyone who countered with genuine science was cancelled, vilified and often fired. Anyone not toeing the government narrative was attacked.

I tell my patients the truth, but it has to be in the privacy of my room. Any public dissent would lead to my suspension by the Australian regulatory body which is not even run by doctors.

I deny having ever said anything, of course. Free speech is banned in Australia.

What I find most frightening is the complete acceptance of the lies by my colleagues. After initially giving some adult inoculation, I stopped. I have never given the gene therapy to anyone under 18. When I mentioned in a practice meeting that the risk/benefit ratio for children was definitely in favour of not giving the vaccine I was ignored. Discussion of ethics and "first do no harm " was basically ridiculed.

Amid giggles and laughter, the discussion moved on to how you would hold down a 3 year old while administering the jab.

There are many of us here who feel similarly to me, but threat of loss of livelihood prevents us from speaking out.

Those in charge of the medical profession who presumably are not at risk of losing their jobs, must be supping at the same trough as the politicians. Blind pushing of "vaccine, vaccine, vaccine". The public sheep also just accept it and even clamour to be jabbed, as they have been brainwashed by the constant waves of propaganda put out on the telly and online. There is never any mention of positive things like an IFR of 0.04% for covid, most cases are mild, you're not going to kill your Granny, and that it is NOT a deadly killer disease. Worldwide, there has not been vast numbers of excess deaths. A blip in 2020 and nothing in 2021. Admission from the ONS that far from 150000 deaths from covid, the true figure was nearer 17000. The others were that now well known phenomenon, a positive test, which is not a case. Another definition changed, along with vaccine, pandemic and other things

It may sound cynical and completely against our medical upbringing but in some ways I feel that the only thing that is going to bring the world to its senses is for large numbers of people to die , incontrovertibly from the vaccine adverse events. Currently the authorities are able to airbrush the adverse reactions as just coincidence.

One little ray of light in my frustrating life is to send a patient to a specialist with something which is blindingly obviously an adverse reaction to the jab, then watch them tying themselves in knots trying not to ascribe the symptoms to the jab.

I feel like writing sarcastic letters pointing out their verbal gymnastics but that would get me noticed and hauled off for re-education in the Northern Territories quarantine camp escorted there by soldiers with guns.

Unvaccinated indigenous people had just that happen to them

I suppose most of the specialists are also under orders to tell lies.

Another example of doublespeak arose recently. We are allowed to give exemptions for up to 6 months if someone has had covid ( I refuse to give it a capital letter, who has heard of Flu?) . I presume they don't want a spate of antibody dependent enhancement deaths. That would be a dead giveaway.

The form has a section which acknowledges that prior infection confers immunity, as we all know, in some cases lifelong.

I had the form rejected initially. I was told I must fill it out wrongly and say the jab was being postponed as the patient has had an acute major medical illness. These are patients some of whom had no symptoms merely a positive rapid antigen test.


I did it of course, as my patient wanting a 6 month exemption was a far better outcome for them.

My colleagues gnash their teeth at delaying the stabbing, even for a few weeks. They appear to be incapable of understanding that some people just want to maintain their bodily integrity. Vaccines(real ones) should be voluntary The concept of full and informed consent doesn't exist. These are only sheeple I saw a colleague's notes yesterday, just before he gave the gene therapy. They read " vaccine fears allayed, and patient reassured ". In other words he told the patient a whole bunch of lies.

Anyway David, I hope you continue on your journey of discovery about just how corrupt the medical profession really is, just what lengths the drug companies will go to, to make money, and how easily the general population can be led into doing something extremely harmful to itself, with no apparent insight. Also how your colleagues suddenly have undergone a severe cognitive dissonance and suspension of critical faculties. They appear to be no longer able to assess a set of facts and come to a logical conclusion. Mind you they've been told what to do by Big Pharma for years.

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OMG: you said what we are all thinking privately: that's very brave!

"It may sound cynical and completely against our medical upbringing but in some ways I feel that the only thing that is going to bring the world to its senses is for large numbers of people to die , incontrovertibly from the vaccine adverse events. Currently the authorities are able to airbrush the adverse reactions as just coincidence."

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You literally answered your question to him about "what took him so long" in your post. You are no better, fear is keeping both of you in check and prevented you from being vocal.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

With regards to Dr Cartland's question:

"how many of those 150,000 recently surpassed deaths were actually FROM …not WITH COVID-19 seem impossible to lay hands on"

There is a FOIA in the UK for "COVID deaths without any pre-existing conditions" which sheds some light on this: https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/deathsfromcovid19withnootherunderlyingcauses?s=09

Overall in the UK:

* in 2020 there were 9400 such deaths out of 73,570 total "COVID deaths" (12%)

* in 2021 Q1-Q3 there were 7971 such deaths out of 75,167 total "COVID deaths" (10%)

* these deaths skew heavily towards the 65+ age group: 13597 of 17371 (78%)

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A lot of people, including yourself, misunderstood what the ONS provided and they clarified the data here: "To say only 17,000 people have died from COVID-19 is highly misleading".

See https://blog.ons.gov.uk/2022/01/26/to-say-only-17000-people-have-died-from-covid-19-is-highly-misleading/

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Yes ONS provides plenty of equivocation whenever the numbers they publish don't support the official vaccine narrative. They do a lot less squirming when their various metrics seem to align with it. Eg. I would love to see a similar article describing how "deaths within 28 days of a positive test" or "deaths with COVID on the certificate" are rather ridiculous and should not be considered "COVID deaths". Yet here we are treating those as gospel.

The "deaths from COVID alone" in the FOI provide a pure signal that can not be hand-waved away, regardless of whether COVID *contributed* to additional deaths.

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this was found out by a ons f.o.i. by nigel farage ,covid deaths only with pure covid no underlying issues were 17300 the age range of those that died were between 82 and 85 ,,the truth will always come out in the end

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

It's the truth. FB tries to fuck around with me by saying that I have repeatedly spread false I formation although all my articles are referenced and in top journals or by reputable teams of researchers with good published works. It is strange, it is not the authorities, but FB, YouTube and Twitter that are playing the police role on their own but not under any provision of law but community standards.

It is expected that all these cases will come to trial with a big fine (used to treat ADRs patients) and a 40 year jail sentence which is examplary. No institutions or companies that provide social media services be allowed to dictate to the world or hold global communities to their whims or their community standards.

Communities standards must conform to the communities and the applicable law. Community standards must be brought to trial to establish that they flow from the applicable law.

More such articles and reports and peer review work is expected within six months which will go to prove that under Omicron it is a pandemic of breakthrough infections.

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Jab or no jab is a DO-OR-DIE question, not only for the population at large but for every medical practitioner and political 'leader' implicated in promoting them in any shape or form. https://johnscottconsciousness.com/do-or-die/

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