Depending on ethnicity, don't know if it is a myth or trope but darker skin = less Vitamin D3, Indian Sub-continent people often diabetic and / or heart issues due to diet?

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As far as I know, you listed two facts:

1) All other things being equal (diet, supplements, sun exposure, use of sunscreen...) darker skinned people will have less vitamin D3.

2) Indian sub-continent people do have too much diabetes and heart issues due to diet.

Besides (1) being true, a related fact is that obese people will have less vitamin D3 available where it is needed than non-obese people.

Despite (2) being true, India's rate of diagnosed diabetes is not that different from many countries and is lower than some surrounding countries. Perhaps in India, those with diabetes get less treatment than in places like the US.

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Thanks. Was off the top of my head. Not looked for studies.

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Lower Vitamin D levels?

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Always impressive Joel !

What the Scottish COVID inquiry shows is that the COVID policies did NOT protect minority groups said to be at higher risk from 'the virus.' Quite the contrary.


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Yup. Makes sense. Isn't it amazing how they make these bold statements but NEVER follow up with empirical examination? Nothing but dogma.

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Also ''protecting the vulnerable'' could mean from health,life and common sense?

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Without doubt, the latter!

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Sometimes their dogma gets run over by karma.

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B-dum, tiiiiiiiissssshhhhh!


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I love theories about “discriminating viruses” or those viruses that refuse to cross the border, like the one virus that was apparently making people drop dead like flies in NY state but decided not to cross the border to Canada and not to cause the pandemic there…

I gotta tell you, when the dust settles after this unique event in mankind history, we’d better be ready for a surprise of a lifetime what or who caused it…


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Indeed! A real novelty!

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During the COVID panic, I read Thucydides (written 2,430+ years ago) and was shocked by how he described reactions to epidemics and woke-like ideologies that resembled what happened this decade. Is there nothing new under the sun?

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I find that in most cases pandemics have been blamed for something people in power did or didn’t do…

The so-called Spanish Flu of 1918 is a good one… It didn’t even originate in Spain and most people who died had pneumonias that could be treated with antibiotics but none were developed yet, even mafioso Fauci had to admit it…

But what could have caused some many deaths related to respiratory infections and pneumonias right and the end of WWI the military industrial complex couldn’t be blamed for????

I wonder…

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Ah, a most evil form of *gas*lighting.

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Anyone who works for the NHS can tell you - disproportionate health and social care sector occupation exposure, and obesity.

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But why should this be more the situation of immigrants? It's not like your native Englishman is known for his life choices that affect his health?!

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Even though Big Pharma sucks at providing treatments for chronic conditions, their treatments may help sickly natives stay alive compared to similarly sickly immigrants. Nevertheless, dark skin in far northern latitudes is a medical disadvantage. I'm thankful that my father moved 1000 miles south after spending only a couple of years as a darker-skinned immigrant in Canada. 65 years after that move, he's still striving to get a lot of sun exposure on twice daily walks.

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There is one explanation that could be perfectly natural. The immigrants are largely dark-skinned people from third world countries which tend to be closer to the equator. Black and brown people have a larger requirement for direct sunlight than northern Europeans, although everyone in modern Europe and North America can benefit from more sunlight. That need was amplified greatly during covid, as we saw from the mortality figures relating to low vitamin D levels. So of course that would be even harder for immigrants, who are already functioning at a deficit.

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This would have to be studied. The ethnicity data does exist but I'll be damned if I'm paying another grand to get it!!

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There is a direct link to low vitamin D levels… low magnesium levels.. low in one.. low in the other.. now add the western diet … high in sugar and processed carbs…. .. which deplete magnesium… a double whammy .. low absorption of natural vitamin D through sun exposure and a bad diet … low immunity to disease.

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I think during COVID most of the deaths were not from virus maybe 5%, most due to not access to hospital beds...were immigrants denied at even higher rates so their angina, diabetes worsened? was there differential access? obesity is also dirtying the data as immigrants are....south asians come with elevated heart disease...a hidden open secret...maybe some came from highly vaccinated nations and so a higher burden? also, we know now that the vast majority of deaths due to the medical management e.g. isolation, sedation, Remdesivir, ventilator...were immigrants shoved through the killing fields of the covid protocol at higher rates? this is great work Joel...again!

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Have you followed Matthew Crawford's stuff in the explanation of healthy user bias? I think he would say this is no surprise. Maybe he will chime in here.

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So what happened on 2nd January 1970 to cause all those deaths? Undiagnosed plague? Rolf Harris being number 1 in the pop charts? Depressing start to a depressing decade?

And maybe immigrants are dying due to being easier targets to bully? Wasn't Leicester put into all sorts of stupid tiers and restrictions? Very good analysis so far - keep up the good work!

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Enjoyed this one right from the opening line, reading how Joel finally gets his holy grail ;) "daily deaths by date of occurrence since 1970, stratified by year of birth and sex" In all seriousness, I really appreciate how you go about the data. Looking forward to next installments.

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Re: "It is important to note that my model of expected deaths will strictly be a function of number of births and mortality distribution of each birth cohort. This is the only reasonable way to accurately model expected mortality, rather than as a function of population at the time of death, which is not as intuitive, even though it is the most popular “correction” of absolute deaths used by the majority of statistics agencies."

So there will have to be accurate data on breakdown of native born vs. immigrant. What about those born to immigrants do you model those as native-born? Do life tables reveal similar life expectancies?

Also, this reminds me of Kuhbandner and Reitzner's paper using "population tables, life tables, and longevity trends, is used to estimate the expected number of all-cause deaths"

Estimation of Excess Mortality in Germany During 2020-2022 - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37378220/

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"accurate data on breakdown of native born vs. immigrant" is exactly what we have. Those Born to immigrants are native. My interest is not in ethnicity or any other demographic quality related to it. I simply want to be able to create a reliable death distribution for each birth cohort, which could not be done when immigrant deaths were mixed in with native deaths.

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dobssi also found that in Sweden in 2020, people who were born outside of Sweden had about 14% excess ASMR but people who were born in Sweden had only about 6% excess ASMR: https://x.com/dobssi/status/1768177420706648293/photo/2.

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There was a senate hearing in late 2020, lead by Sen Jim Jordan, there were four eminent virologists in attendance, including a Dr Steven Quay. In discussion about the origins of Cv, one doctor remarked that Black and Hispanics were faring worse than Caucasians in Cv outcomes and this was supported by others, someone then remarked that they knew the WIV was being sent genomic sequences by the US and they (the WIV) were particularly interested in those from the Black and Hispanic population. My own thought is that if this is correct then these sequences were probably obtained from the large prison population, 2 bucks for a mouth swab and the jobs a good 'un. Any thoughts???

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I recall Dr Chetty from South Africa (and in South Africa) commenting that the first Covid wave affected his black patients most, the second his Indian/Asian patients and omicron the Caucasians.

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Robert Malone did write about the ability of scientists to manipulate the virus so that it would infect only certain genotypes more adversely than others, is that what we saw at the very start back in 2019/2020??

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Could the disproportionate number of immigrant deaths be linked in part to lower serum vitamin D status?

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Yes, as I said, there could be a demographic explanation. However, vit D deficiency presupposes that the majority of immigrants are black which I don't know is the case or not?

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Middle Easterners tend to be brown, at least the last time I looked in a mirror.

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Yes, you’re right of course knowing the demographic details is essential in order to understand the anomaly. Middle Eastern and other non western immigrants may also be more likely to be vitamin D deficient if they are covered up for religious reasons and spend less time in the sun.

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Hmm I think I read that many of the immigrants recently are from China they come as students and stay and then bring family.

The numbers would need checking I could be very wrong.

I think crowd sourcing the extra 1k would be worth it even if just to rule out the horrible thought that perhaps there was indeed a genetic target.

I have a friend who lost 5 members of her family within a 5 week period Sept to Oct 2021 originally from China. One was only in his 20's. Heartbreaking.


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it is all over MSM

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?immigrants way more likely to be vitamin D deficient Joel

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Have you looked into confounding variables? Such as changes in the profiles of immigrants in the UK themselves? Previously, most immigrants in the 80s, 90s, early 2000s were legal immigrants through the proper channels, often having degrees and being well-educated (showing some degree of restraint and ability to self-discipline). So they'd have all the positive mortality traits associated with affluence or the "wealth privilege" -- better food, better healthcare access, better locations to live where there's less violence, etc.

Whereas starting in ~2015 you had the migrant refugees crossing the channel and starting to build up in number in the UK. These were often poor, uneducated individuals who some had a history of criminality that did not go through security screenings, etc like the proper channels. As they've increased in numbers in 2020, you started to see "all immigrant enclaves" or cities-within-cities/neighborhoods becoming "no go" zones in Sweden and other countries. Neighbourhoods so bad, the police won't enter unless absolutely necessary and ambulances are REQUIRED to have a police escort. They are not allowed to go alone. So living in areas with more violence, more dense housing, in economic poverty, reducing access to quality food, access to healthcare, etc etc.

The UK Famously had a giant line for a new dentist opening taking patients that went like a 30 blocks long. That's how hard it is to get a dentist in the UK. Almost entirely filled with people who "looked" ethnic...

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This information is not in the data. I think others might ask for it.

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Perhaps 'close cousin marriages' have an impact on health of subsequent generations, making them more susceptible to community pathogens and viruses. Those 'couplings' will have multiplied with the increase in immigration.

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Was vaccination a requirement for admittance into the country?

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These are immigrants from years and decades before COVID. COVID would have the opposite effect that we observe since new people were not allowed in.

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I saw a table that showed the ethnicity of pharmacists that had been injected or not ( might have been at that time when the mandates were being threatened to NHS staff) it was probably in the pharmaceutical journal. It did show a difference in which ethnic groups had complied and had the jabs.

[Given the supposed panic that government was meant to be in, that was very organised of them to collate ethnicity data on entire populations with respect to the V status]

From memory it was that white /Asian were highest then Indian then African

Also this was a group who were threatened with imminently losing their jobs and pensions, the disparity (in the general population) would probably be greater.

On its own it wouldn't help ...but it supports the benefit of having ethnic breakdown. I will see if I can find it.

As more and more information squeezes out, the targetted bioweapon theory becomes stronger.

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