Thanks Joel – a great article. Those advertisements are disgustingly unethical. They clearly seek to play on parental fears for their children, and yet make no mention of the adverse risk profile that goes with the mRNA injectables, as well as the the fact that they are not traditional vaccines but are a new technology that has not been formally ‘approved’. The doctors and officials in the Australian public health system who commissioned and authorised those advertisements need to be brought before an investigatory tribunal and forced to explain themselves under oath.

Up until 2020 I virtually accepted the modern ‘scientific’ health industry at face value as being fundamentally ethical and effective – I was brought up that way. My views then changed dramatically over the following three years as the Covid events unfolded. I was confounded by the avalanche of lies and deceit that poured out of the mouths of the ‘health’ officials, their brainless political masters, and the unconscionable behaviour of the goons of the corporate media who promoted fear and panic - acting as the paid mouthpieces for an unscrupulous and dishonest political class. It is only in the last three years that I came to learn that the Hippocratic Oath was dumped from the medical training schools some time ago.

Without the ethical underpinnings of the Hippocratic Oath, individuals who now graduate as doctors are effectively trained to regard their profession as an ‘industry’. It is this radical change in the psychology that underlies medical practice that explains how these disgusting advertisements could have been authorised - or for that matter, how licensed doctors could be allowed to carry out procedures such as radical gender-reassignment surgery on children to satisfy a sociological and ideological psychosis. That comes on top of abortion at the time of birth, and a state-sponsored euthanasia program for the old and lonely, dressed up under the euphemistic label of ‘Voluntary Assisted Dying’. What an absolutely appalling profession medical practice has become. What absolute arseholes are the politicians who allowed all this to happen.

I hope I live long enough to see the doctors and public health officials in Australia who have pushed the dangerous and toxic mRNA genetic agents onto children charged with the crimes against humanity they have committed.

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023Author

Many of us are in the same camp as you and entirely share your sentiment.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I am a Canadian and I agree completely with you. I will not be silent and continually speak up about the dangers of the CoVid injections (and plant seeds to encourage people to look further into all other vaccines as well). While this was not received favorably at first, I feel a slight shift and an crack in the safe and effective mantra with people .

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I was brought up accepting "science" too. NOW I see a whole lot they haven't told us. Their fault? Most. They like money.

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The money explains a lot but not everything. Why the desire to inject children ? Why the coercion to get absolutely everyone with the vaccines - when they had already been paid for? Some people say it was because the government(s) would look bad for buying too many, but we have seen reports of them being destroyed and no one gives a toss.

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It's a Satanic agenda.

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It directly ties into the great reset. It's all about power and money.

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Don't forget the agenda (kill 90% of earth)

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I think this is germane to Joel themes since he started his Substack ....

Regarding the Great Kennedy vs. Hotez Debate that won't happen ... If you are scared Dr. Hotez (and you are), say you're scared.


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October 2021, the vax mandate deadline to keep your job in Victoria, I was there. I left my job. Im lost for words with this.

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At least you didn't lose your life. You have my sympathies but also my respect for having the courage to do the right thing in the face of adversity.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Me too. 13 years at the same company and was an expert in my field. I found loophole after loophole but they were still pushing for the initial 2 even long past the government mandate dropped. Eventually found another job and resigned.

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We sponsor two kids to study here - they decided not to inject the rat juice -- that meant no student visa... they desperately searched for sponsored work that did not require the jab... I was in the process of trying to 'hire' them as gardener/housekeeper for our property (a long shot) so they would not be sent back to their home country.

Fortunately they found work and took a gap year.

Anything but the jab... can be interpreted in more than one way

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

You passed the first test. Youre one of the 5% who proved sufficient survival intellect or at least survival instinct plus the required courage when it counted.

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FH, one needs to wonder if the power elite are trying to kill off the intellectually weak people...but to what end? Is it an eugenical experiment like the nazis that wanted to breed the best and to remove the weak? As a thought experiment, it seems like the elite would want to keep sheeple instead to be better slaves to the system, so this is hard to understand. Regardless, those of us chose not to get the death vxx must continue to resist and be a voice of sanity in the ever growing darkness.

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I think it's more simple than that: an abundance of sheep creates an infestation of wolves.

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Same deadline, different place (Oregon USA). Poof! Gone! 30 years in medical lab including lots of EUA Covid PCR testing. I’m glad to be done with lab work, which to me has become a (mostly) bogus money printing machine for the hospital.

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But dude... do you know how many music festivals you missed that required the injection????

What were you thinking???/


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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

I always imagined that the minute a child was injured or died, the outcry would be so huge that that alone would end this ghastly experiment. But no, the psychological programming has been so effective that people have willing allowed their kids to be experimented upon for a disease from which their kids were at negligible risk. It still shocks me and I suppose always will.

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I would add that had journalists and the MSM had not applied censorship of vax injuries ... then the continuation of the jab would never have come about!

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Kids have been dying from SIDS for years with no outcry.

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Yep and now some of us are highly suspicious that SIDS is fully related to the childhood jabs.

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I now believe it is. Read A Midwestern Doctor, he has a well researched article on the subject

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Even members of Congress have stayed silent after losing family members to the death jabs or they themselves have been injured by them.

Numerous numbers of sports players have been injured and lost their careers and yet they refuse to speak out as well as many celebrities.

How can anyone train for years and win the jackpot and playing professional sports and after taking one jab they lose what they have worked for? I just can’t wrap my brain around this.

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

So many cases of myomywhatacoinciditis...

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Those posters are sickening...

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"be a hero. get vxxed for the common good." so much propaganda!

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

Indeed. However it took me a minute to catch on to their unspoken message, beyond the main get-injected imperative.

The Australian ads are saying that *normal, mature, responsible* (i.e., adult) behavior is for people to stay physically separated from each other, at least several meters apart – masked, obviously – though preferably to be entirely alone and interact solely via screens.

But, “Kids will be kids.” We just can’t stop them from shoving their disgusting, germ-ridden, unmasked gobs together and actually playing and hanging out, like our primitive ancestors did. Therefore, in this dire circumstance, where little children invite doom on themselves and the nation by eating ice-cream cones next to each other, “let’s protect them as best we can,” by loading their bodies up with the patented clot juice.

(Hopefully that will tide them over long enough for them to grow up and spend their lives doing Zoom meetings masked, like proper citizens.)

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I like how you put my thoughts into words...

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Exact same in Scotland Joel for 15-44 post rollout. Public Health Scotland Orwell'd the data. I know this as i kept the 'old' data before erasure = +115% increase in chest pain cases instantly upon rollout. The PHS chest pain case data dashboard has not been updated for a good 18 months since they erased it back to summer 2021.

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Damage limitation does not stop the damage caused.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Never forgive. Never forget.

This will not stop until the perpetrators are arrested, tried, and executed. Period.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

3 types of jibby jabbed: the ignorant, the regretful, and the... dead

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They all full under the umbrella of MORE-ONS...

They knew there was no long term testing.

They knew there was indemnity across the board in the event of vax injuries.

Yet they still went ahead with the injection.

There is only one excuse for that

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For adults, yes. I feel sorry for the kids who had no choice.

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The vast majority of people trust their govts and their health care providers. Even now. They also trust the traditional media to be telling the truth. I don't know why. I don't think people would believe your graphs because the media paints the awake minority as nutters (sorry!). People still tell me with absolute conviction that those jabs are "safe and effective" and have "saved millions of lives". Showing them graphs or even FOI headed paper responses makes no difference to their belief. It's like saying you don't believe in God and being told it doesn't matter because He will forgive you!

All those children having their lives destroyed because their parents believed they were doing the right thing and, even after emergency trips to hospitals or cemeteries, they are still told they were doing the right thing because the jabs are safe and the illness/death is not connected.

I really don't see a way out - no Great Awakening or Great Reckoning. This is now the world we live in. People will keep taking those jabs, they will take that mRNA stuff in jabs for other things, they will keep dying and not connecting the dots and the authorities will keep promoting it all. We are left really with just hoping we don't ever get an illness that requires an injection or a blood transfusion. Totally mad.

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Alas, I totally concur with you. Gave up trying to convince and convert normies years ago. Just here for the awake and resigned to building a parallel society that is better than the mainstream one.

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I am not going to shut up. I will constantly remind these people of how wrong they were. It pisses them off, but they should have spoken up against the absurd measures and coercion.

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Some people are still waking up, not a lot though. Many deplore 'the attack on civil liberties' but still read the Guardian and watch the BBC and haven't spotted the problems with this.

Those waking up more recently all seem to have been influenced by a 'trusted figure'. In one case it was Ivor Cummins, in others, maybe it was John Campbell.

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Campbell was a vax pusher at first, I wouldn't trust him with a ten foot pole.

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The thing about John Campbell or Aseem Mahotra is that, having been Covidians they were able to see the data, connect it all up and admit they had been wrong. People who trusted them at the beginning might well still trust them now. If the BBC or the Guardian were to suddenly see how wrong they were and started discussing the mistakes they made, the public would also start seeing the truth. Sadly, that's not going to happen though.

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The people who trusted the government will have much higher mortality and possibly infertility. They'll start to drop out of the gene pool, while the government will flood in millions of third world immigrants to replace them. Then rinse and repeat. This will eventually lead to highly volatile, incohesive societies full of low trust people. You'll be far more concerned with rolling blackouts and barely functioning sewers than jabs, but the growing levels of corruption will mean that you'll be able to buy jab certificates easily.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

Remember, the underlying incidence of cardiac events is much higher in older age groups.

So despite the higher relative risk in younger age groups, it is almost certain that absolute numbers are quite substantial and much larger in the age groups >50 years.

That said, exposing young people to substantial risk from a “treatment”, with no individual benefit nor informed consent, is a criminal offence.

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Who is going to pay? Where are the parents of these injured children? Why aren't they camped outside of Dan Andrews' house, demanding answers?

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Just stepping back from the immediate issue, this is behind a news limited paywall, but worth a read.

“New police documents cast doubt over officers breath testing call in andrews family cyclist crash”. Incident was in 2013.


More here at Daily Mail.


It has been strongly hinted he will do a Dame Jacinda Adern very shortly.

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Not over the posts I have linked to though.

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I think some of them are. But they're labelled crazy, tin foil hat wearers, conspiracy theorists and the ever effective perjorative and dismissive label, "antivaxxer". They get yelled out for being such despicable crazies that they would use their injury or death of their own children to promulgate their crazy antivax conspiracy beliefs. Some probably don't see the point of speaking out because of this. They can't get any traction and it'll be social suicide trying, so what's the point?

Others, I think, may be silent because they live with the abject horror of what's happened to their child because of their decision and are just not ready to go there yet (if ever).

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I did this https://www.mixcloud.com/fasteddynz/chemist/ and I invented the son.

Imagine ... if I actually had a son... and this happened.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

The Oz Government has safely and effectively shafted an entire generation by stupid science… The consequences are very far reaching… I hope they feel satisfied … this is beyond evil and no body involved in the decision making process of causing harm should be given mercy…. Mandate for life term imprisonment where they all receive a jab a month until they realise just how toxic this muck is.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

What does anyone really expect. The governments in all the five eyes countries all marched in lock step. They all had this information directly from big pharma as well as from their in house scientists. They knew what was coming and wanted to pursue this course of action. They all knew the vaccines caused a myriad of LIFE ALTERING injuries other than death but they aggressively obfuscated the facts and pushed the vaccines anyway (look at the UK governments yellow card events for all of the vaccines. Who wants permanent blindness or deafness?). They unabashedly politicised the vaccine and lied that this coronavirus was "novel". They all wanted a vaccine passport. They all implemented draconian lockdowns. They all flirted with the idea of forced vaccination with internment camps being the potential punishment. We need to have very public trials. These people betrayed their countries and their citizens and have to be prosecuted and jailed. Some should even receive the death penalty.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Joel Smalley

They don’t want you to hesitate to take something that could kill or injure you.

Think about that.

They want nothing less than unblinking, absolute obedience, irrespective of your personal cost. That’s what they mean when they talk about “trust”.

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A sad truth that the very "professionals", whose sole charge is our health, are the antithesis of health. It seems public health believes these mRNA toxins are beneficial because the majority of the injected do not immediately die. They do not know what the risks and benefits of these drugs might be. They cannot know because the studies have not been done. Pharma is conducting a global study and they do not have to pay the study subjects.

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Well, it's not really a study because they aren't interested in the results. It's all a sham, simply to make money for themselves. People get hurt and die in the process. Not an issue for them. The public health "experts" aren't in on it . They are just too stupid and lazy (like the majority of the population) to search for and understand the truth.

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I'm not convinced it is just about money. Titanic risk to take for money, Bourla and the rest are soft targets. There is something much much more ambitious at play here.

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Side effects, just keep on giving ....ACOG just keeps on recommending the jab to pregnant women. God help us all .

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This is so clear and indisputable and yet ... governments are still pushing the damn shots. As if either they are willfully blind because they don't want to admit they're killing people or they don't care that they're killing people.

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or they simply Want To Murder People. .......... Reality can be uncomfortable, comrades.

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