It really is mind boggling that govts around the world stooped to BLACKMAIL by threatening any medical professional with being deregistered or worse for speaking out against this shit vaccine. I hope the situation gets better next time, but I doubt it.

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I often think what kind resistance a 12th century Mongol warrior would put up if you tried to force him to do something he did not want to do. Of course the world is very different now because we exist in a soup of propaganda and we make our truths out these lies. But I feel like we should return to validating our world through our own individual senses.

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Very comprehensive & extensive take down of the scamdemic perpetrators.

Thanks for the post & the link.

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Yes, if we anti-vaxxers hadn't continued to speak out, the narrative would still be it is perfectly safe, effective, stops transmission, and stops getting covid. Many millions would now be taking the bivalent booster, and many more would die. It is only because so many of us continued to speak out and speak up in a concerted way that the narrative got changed. Still a lot of work to do and a long way to go,

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Still banished from Twitter in spite of Dr. Peter McCullough's poll in which 5400 Twitterzens voted 99.4% in favor of re-instating me. Sharing is truly caring.

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I am glad others are picking up on this point. I've witten two articles making the same point - Facebook and Twitter could have saved millions of lives - instead they became willing accomplices in a coordinated conspiracy that caused the deaths, injuries and misery of millions of people. I really don't know how company executives and employees sleep at night.


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There must be a reasonable psychological explanation for why the nice Canadian director and care managers of my mother's nursing home are willing to believe the absurdities of masking, social deprivation and gene jabs. These are demonstrably intelligent, compassionate people with advanced degrees and certifications. Somehow, they became willing authoritarians, running a different kind of concentration camp. They follow something called IPAC protocol, which includes immunosuppressing social isolation and emotional neglect, and excludes everything that decreases innate vulnerability to infection such as vitamin D and hugs.

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Voltaire, the clearest of Enlightenment thinkers, wrote in 1765: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

Joel, in 3 succinct paragraphs, you've described the insanity of the last 3 years.

Thank you, thank you so much for your ongoing reporting. Bravo!

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"Covid-19" didn't emerge it was invented.

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Thanks for reminding us of voltaires words.

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https://youtu.be/9y1NRNF3Sm0 -from 2018 but quite relevant still wrt what the cellphones are doing to us. Put them down as soon as possible.

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So very true. Ignorance responds in darkness and lack of data. Sunlight is a great disinfectant. The truth will out.

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My account still suspended - will Musk get round to it eventually?

Don't care as I only joined to annoy the covidiots and TPTB.

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Is everyone allowed back on twitter, or just the people that won't threaten the next step in the narrative?

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CAT 22h00

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Jack Dorsey. What a great guy. Shaking my head.

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