After the biblical floods in Dubai, the crisis zealots have inevitably raised the level of hysteria around anthropogenic climate change.
For once, I agree with them.
Such incredible, adverse weather is indeed man-made. However, it’s not climate change, just weather change. And, it’s not due to ordinary people, driving their cars and cooking their food on BBQs.
It’s geo-engineering, aka weather modification.
How can we be so sure? Because the lame-stream media has rolled out some Expertsâ„¢, proclaiming that the Dubai floods were definitely not due to cloud seeding. There you are then. Nothing at all to do with their half dozen attempts that week at making it rain.
The bad news is that floods are just a rare, extreme adverse outcome of the activities of the globalists to play God. Routinely, these activities are poisoning the food supply and affecting all manner of other natural systems that rely on the balance of sunlight and CO2 for the planet to thrive.
So, here’s a little education for all the stupid, EV-driving, carbon-offsetting, feeble-minded sheep that are aiding and abetting the systematic destruction of our beautiful planet, courtesy of Rosalind Peterson, presenting to the UN back in 2007.
Global warming is not the threat.
Sunshine is not the threat.
CO2 is not the threat.
Weather modification is just another experiment that you did not give your explicit informed consent to but they’re impacting your health with it anyway.
Further reading…
Sorry, I strongly disagree with the theory that cloud seeding was responsible for this storm or for significantly intensifying the rains which fell over UAE and Oman (where cloud seeding did NOT take place). It was the lame stream media which first started the hysteria around the idea of cloud seeding. Bloomberg reported that cloud seeding flights took place just before the storm, so if the MSM are now poo-pooing the idea that geoengineering/weather modification had anything to do with the flooding in Dubai, preferring to claim that it was climate change wot dunnit, whilst discrediting those attempting to link the storm to cloud seeding as 'climate deniers', then you have to ask WHY? You have to wonder whether this is yet another example of manipulation by the media.
People keep conflating chemtrails with contrails with cloud seeding and overestimate the capabilities of cloud seeding, which can currently increase precipitation in high altitudes for more snowfall by between 5-15%. It's currently being used in the western U.S. to try to increase the available amount of water from snowfall runoff to supply the millions of people who have migrated westward to more arid climates in the last few decades & in drought conditions. It doesn't create this from nothing and this event in Dubai is something that happened 75 years ago and once every few decades before that - long before the industrial age had really taken off as we now know it. Yes, we have to get these demons to stop interfering at all levels, because they have no idea what the long term effects of their interference will be, just like in all of the illegal and unethical virus labs currently operating. I'd never contribute a dime to anyone spreading the chemtrail nonsense; that's been an elaborate hoax for decades and is in defiance of several known laws of physics and common sense. Talk to a few working airplane engineers and scientists who can easily dismantle the claims about what is allegedly being "sprayed" from 30,000 ft, where it disperses everywhere and to which the alleged perpetrators would not be immune. What air are "they" breathing, since it obviously can't be contained from that altitude? Silliness. If you wanted to poison a specific population, you would use a crop duster. The lingering clouds from contrails exist under very specific atmospheric conditions that have been quite common since the 1940's and have gradually increased with air traffic. Again, talk to some scientists and engineers and get educated.