Sorry, I strongly disagree with the theory that cloud seeding was responsible for this storm or for significantly intensifying the rains which fell over UAE and Oman (where cloud seeding did NOT take place). It was the lame stream media which first started the hysteria around the idea of cloud seeding. Bloomberg reported that cloud seeding flights took place just before the storm, so if the MSM are now poo-pooing the idea that geoengineering/weather modification had anything to do with the flooding in Dubai, preferring to claim that it was climate change wot dunnit, whilst discrediting those attempting to link the storm to cloud seeding as 'climate deniers', then you have to ask WHY? You have to wonder whether this is yet another example of manipulation by the media.



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You know a million times more about this than me, Jaime, so what was it then? Just a natural, freak storm? That's two now though, just a few weeks apart? What's going on?

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The fact that the storm system covered a wide area and that it also rained even more intensely over Oman suggests that it was an exceptional (but by no means unprecedented) natural weather event. The UAE Centre for Meteorology denies cloud seeding prior to the event, but they were running flights perhaps as late as Monday. The media reports are conflicting. Even so, there was no cloud seeding done in Oman. The jury is still out on the effectiveness of cloud-seeding but there has been no recorded instance of cloud seeding in the past ever producing such a deluge, so this would be a first if it was shown to be implicated. Furthermore, the study which purportedly demonstrated that cloud seeding in UAE was very effective at producing rain, and which was being cited as definitive evidence online recently, turns out to have a lot of glaring weaknesses. I just think we should be a lot more circumspect about the cause of this particular storm (I wasn't aware that there were two events?) rather than jumping to conclusions. Nature is quite capable of producing very extreme weather and when it rains in hot deserts adjacent to tropical seas, it can rain very hard indeed.

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Respectfully, I ask whether and how often you observe the skies above you. To me this is a key key part of these conversations. Unless you have literally been watching the skies, I find that the conversation is difficult to have.

I have been watching the skies in the Midwest now for the past year and am getting uncannily good at predicting when storms will come to our area, based on what I'm observing with the "clouds" created by the planes in the skies. Where I live, we've had almost zero (ZERO) instances since Jan of this year where the sun is shining without any "cloud" obstruction. And we are seeing more and more days where there is literally a ring of sorts around the sun ... not that observable if you are not looking for it but starkly in-your-face when you take a picture of it.

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I live near London, UK. We had a crap summer last year and pretty much no sunny day (without clouds) since then. I spent Christmas in NZ and, sadly, saw the same trails and light clouds there. FGS, NZ is very windy, especially in the bottom of North Island so how those stupid clouds stick there!? Then just came from Brazil, guess how the coast of São Paulo looks like? Yes it’s hot but the clouds come and cover the sun by lunch time. The same shape and format as we have here. If people are not seeing what is happening over their heads then they are complete blind or…


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Yes, totally my same experience. Thanks for noting this sameness across various countries. I think people desperately do not want to see what is over there heads bc to actually SEE what's happening would eventually, I believe, mean to have to question everything else around them, aka a Great Awakening.

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This is a different conversation though. Persistent high altitude (upper troposphere) commercial aircraft trails are not evidence of cloud seeding which takes place at lower altitudes and is carried out generally by light aircraft specially equipped to dispense the cloud seeding aerosols.

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Point well taken about the diff between cloud seeding and high altitude trails. I guess my thought is that geoengineering can be more than cloud seeding??

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Most definitely. The megalomaniac climate change cultists are now actively trialling stratospheric aerosol injection, 'marine cloud brightening', sea-ice re-freezing schemes etc. in order to cool a supposedly 'overheated' planet. But the claim is that geoengineering/weather modification is a globally coordinated operation which has been ongoing for years, is a mature industry and is happening right now. First it was claimed that military aircraft were spraying chemicals at high altitude, now it is claimed that the airline industry in complicit in creating 'chemtrails' at high altitude either via jet engine exhausts or by spraying directly. Con/chem trails ARE a blight in our skies and the blight has become significantly worse over the years. They DO alter the radiative balance at the surface, most likely resulting in net warming. It is the suggestion that this highly visible problem is the result of a global conspiracy to geoengineer the entire planet that I find unconvincing and I am far more inclined to give credence to the alternative explanations which, as far as I can see, are more logical, fact-based and better backed up by the availability of the scientific evidence AND observations. The 'evidence' presented in defence of a global engineering conspiracy is, in my opinion, rather poor and the messaging coming from advocates of this theory is often highly inconsistent, which is never a good sign.

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Well, I remember seeing this kind of ring around the sun while growing up in the UK and before I came to live in the Trinidad WI in 1999. Pretty sure there was no cloud-seeding in the UK - especially not in South Wales where I grew up as it is horrendously rainy quite naturally! This is just normal thin cloud cover which causes this optical effect "High, thin cirrus clouds drifting high above your head create the halos you see around the sun or moon. The halos are from tiny ice crystals in Earth’s atmosphere. They do it by refracting and reflecting the light. Lunar halos are signs that storms are nearby." https://earthsky.org/space/what-makes-a-halo-around-the-moon/

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Thanks for your thoughts on this and reflecting on your own experiences in the UK. What makes me question this picture I took (and many others like it over the past year) is that I watched those clouds form as a result of planes that morning, so they aren't "normal clouds." This specific formation is happening more and more. I can stand outside and watch exactly these sorts of clouds form from the trails of the planes. It's the actual trail that then disperses out. (It would be easy peasy to see on a time-lapse photography.) I might not wonder so much if this kind of cloud formation were not now happening all the time specifically over the sun. What would scientifically explain airplane trails always congesting around the sun?

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Just because you disagree and subsequently try to dismiss cloud seeding doesn't mean its not at least contributory. A bit like the weather, which we still cannot predict 100%, we have no idea what cloud seeding can or cannot do.

As for media manipulation, to what end?

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I'm not 'just' disagreeing with the theory that cloud seeding CAUSED OR SIGNIFICANTLY CONTRIBUTED TO the flooding in Dubai, I'm pointing out the lack of evidence for it having done so plus the existence of evidence which suggests that the severe storm was probably an exceptional - not unprecedented - natural weather event. Of course, cloud seeding may have contributed to some unknown degree - IF it was carried out near Dubai (dubious) immediately prior to the storm - but that's not the same as saying it CAUSED the extreme rainfall. The scientific literature suggests, at best, a contribution of 25% to ANNUAL rainfall and, as I say, there has never been a recorded instance so far of cloud-seeding resulting in such a tumultuous, destructive downpour. Also, as I have said, the rainfall over Oman was even more intense and there was definitely no cloud seeding taking place there.

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Thank you for replying. I must be rapidly becoming one of your biggest pains. Sorry I csnt help it.

1 further question. Can we trust the scientific literature? I mean its not as though 'the science' is settled 😉

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You definitely can't trust the scientific literature. The study suggesting a very significant increase in rainfall intensity in UAE was seriously flawed. Equally, studies suggesting more modest increases in annual rainfall due to cloud seeding might also be unreliable. That's why literature reviews are a good idea because if the majority point to the same conclusion, that's generally a more reliable indicator than just looking at studies in isolation.

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Unless those doing the reviewing of studies are biased towards the results/funding etc.

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That's a possibility too.

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Cloud seeding is obsolete, infrared lasers from LEOs are the current technology.

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Maybe, but there's a lot of effort being put in to aerosol dispersal marketing https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/125936/1/846070731.pdf

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People keep conflating chemtrails with contrails with cloud seeding and overestimate the capabilities of cloud seeding, which can currently increase precipitation in high altitudes for more snowfall by between 5-15%. It's currently being used in the western U.S. to try to increase the available amount of water from snowfall runoff to supply the millions of people who have migrated westward to more arid climates in the last few decades & in drought conditions. It doesn't create this from nothing and this event in Dubai is something that happened 75 years ago and once every few decades before that - long before the industrial age had really taken off as we now know it. Yes, we have to get these demons to stop interfering at all levels, because they have no idea what the long term effects of their interference will be, just like in all of the illegal and unethical virus labs currently operating. I'd never contribute a dime to anyone spreading the chemtrail nonsense; that's been an elaborate hoax for decades and is in defiance of several known laws of physics and common sense. Talk to a few working airplane engineers and scientists who can easily dismantle the claims about what is allegedly being "sprayed" from 30,000 ft, where it disperses everywhere and to which the alleged perpetrators would not be immune. What air are "they" breathing, since it obviously can't be contained from that altitude? Silliness. If you wanted to poison a specific population, you would use a crop duster. The lingering clouds from contrails exist under very specific atmospheric conditions that have been quite common since the 1940's and have gradually increased with air traffic. Again, talk to some scientists and engineers and get educated.

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A documentary that speaks (eloquently, imo) to this can be found at this instructive website:

https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ (scroll down to mid of home page)

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Just a minimal amount of time spent at Geoengineering Watch should be enough to let you know that it's a bogus scare site, as long as you're willing to go beyond the confidently authoritative-appearing presentations and actually follow his "reference" links . . . which are simply links to other things he's said.

The changes in jet fuel that occurred in the 80s/90s is at the root of the changes that the "just look up" people are alarmed about. Not that these clouds/trails are not problems. Here's an explanation that I read elsewhere:

"The whole discussion was about HOW those clouds are created. I can summarize the argument here:

1) We know jet fuel exhaust contains a lot of soot nanoparticles since mid 1990's.

2) We know soot nanoparticles are perfect cloud seeds and will both create clouds and cause tiny ice particles which will whiten the sky.

Therefore, plane exhaust will create clouds and whitening of the sky.

3) We know jet fuel exhaust contains a lot of metal particles because it comes from crude oil which has all these metals. This is verified by measurements of jet exhaust.

4) If we measure metals high up in the sky and we measure them in the rainfall then we know some of it comes from jet exhaust (and some probably comes from boat shipping exhaust and other ground sources of pollution)

Why do we need secret programs of commercial airliners spraying chemicals from secret tanks inside when jet exhaust explains everything we see and measure?

Rob and I never discussed weather or climate modification programs in our talk. I don't deny their existence at all. Some of them are well documented. I did refer to some of them in the podcast.

The main point is like I said above. Jet Fuel exhaust explains everything we see and measure. It's pollution. Industry never needed secret programs to poison people through pollution and they've been doing it for as long as they've existed."

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Thanks very much for this. I will go check out Dane's links as per your comments. What I still don't understand is why the "clouds" here in the Midwest (the ones that I know are created by the trails, from having watched them come into being many days) seem to persisently "follow" the sun so often. If these trails were "innocuously" from planes, it seems that the clouds would be more random in their placement.

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They are not random if you follow air traffic patterns, any more than the freeways are "random". There is a grid for flight patterns.

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That makes sense. I should clarify. If the "clouds"/trials are not randomly placed (agreed -- flight patterns are not random), that would mean that for some reason the flight patterns are happening in such a way that their trails pretty continuously cover the sun (at least where I am) while leaving other areas of the sky "open." That's the part that does not make sense to me. It doesn't appear to be random at all.

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Wow. A single Chemtrail can expand 4,000km and last for 20 hours??!

No wonder our planet is dying.

EDIT: David Rogers Webb said it succinctly in his book 'The Great Taking'.

"They do not know how to “build back better.” Look at their footprint around the world - the destruction, the devastation. When it comes to the real world, they are exceptionally good at just one thing: fucking things up".

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Some people speculate about ongoing experiments regarding the manipulation of the weather by influencing the electromagnetic fields.

„The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has also been involved in studies exploring the interactions between electromagnetic fields and atmospheric conditions. Although definitive conclusions are yet to be reached, initial findings suggest that EMFs may interact with particles in the atmosphere in ways that could affect weather.“


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yes they have tried. do they publish how much energy it takes to have the smallest effect? they show only what they want us to see so it looks like success.------- I, Grampa

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I don't have good DATA on human efforts of "Climate Change".

But, YES, "Climate Change" is a Religion, not Science:


There is a new (Google-Censored) Movie out about this:


One of the High Priests in this Religion, Al Gore, can be easily de-bunked.


And, the "Free Press" is censoring anything questioning the Anthropogenic Global Warming, and promoting this Specious Narrative:


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What tripe. Al Gore's not a climate scientist. Ask farmers, gardeners, fishers, as well as scientists. The free press - mostly denies the severity of global warming's consequences. This right here is a cult of those who found physics and advanced maths far too hard, let alone ecology. That you all ignore the effects of wet bulb temps on humans, other vertebrates, is a level of moral stupidity that undermines all your efforts on covid.

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I have a couple relatives that both bought EVs to contribute to environmental protection but both think nothing of taking the whole family on frequent trips on commercial jets. Like banning straws at Starbucks and replacing with larger plastic lids. Makes people feel all fuzzy, like they are saving the world.

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Funnily enough I have just written my own substack on this here - https://tomed.substack.com/p/are-they-playing-god-with-the-weather There is a shady geoengineering company called Make Sunsets

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Thanks. I'm going to cross link it.

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That's very kind of you Joel. Thank you. Very much appreciated.

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geoengineering watch(website) chronicles the manipulated weather. Anecdotally, my five year old son watched planes leaving trails, multiple passes at the beach, over a 4 hour span. He pointed out how each trail slowly turned into a cloud.

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"From the mouths of babes..."

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yes, they've always done this. And why wouldn't they? Jet exhaust is CO2 and water vapor. Put water vapor at 35,000 feet where it's well below zero and you get ice crystals. Jet exhaust creates instant cirrus clouds. But why do they persist on some days but on other days they disappear quickly? Well, if the humidity in the upper atmosphere is very low, the ice crystals sublimate into water vapor and the clouds disappear quickly. If the humidity up there is higher, the clouds persist. What I don't know about is whether these clouds persist longer today than they did back in the 1960's. She believes they do, but I'd want to see data on that.

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Do you personally watch the skies above you? Curious...

Also curious why some planes leave trails but others not, on the same day, at basically the same time.

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one plane leaving a trail, another not, would likely be due to the airplanes in different air masses and/or different altitudes. I have not personally seen an example of one plane leavin.g a long contrail that persists, and at the same time (or close to the same time) another plane in the same part of the sky leaving a contrail that disappears quickly.

According to the FAA, every day, 2.9 million people fly over American airspace and are carried by over 45,000 aircraft. That's a lot of commercial airplanes. So on days when the atmosphere is more humid, if you live in or near a city, you're going to see the sky crisscrossed by persistent contrails just due to the amount of jet traffic going into and out of the nearby airport. Some days you'll see a lot of contrails, other days not so much. On days you see a lot of contrails, it's due to higher humidity in the atmosphere where the jets are flying. It is not an indication that they are spraying! They are spraying, but they are not crisscrossing the skies with aircraft doing geoengineering. It's just jet traffic.

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Thanks for your response. These conversations are important. I forgot to add a crucial component as I've been watching the skies -- and that is that where I live it has become totally commonplace to see the "clouds" follow the sun across the sky during the day, rarely leaving the sun totally alone. If it's simply contrails, I'm trying to understand why such a consistent pattern would occur where part of the trail evaporates but not the parts that are across the sun itself and its path?

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Thank goodness Ms Peterson warned the UN. So what has this putative world government done to stop this irresponsible experimentation since she blew the whistle?

Sorry. Silly question.

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Another conspiracy comes true.

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Messing around with the weather actually is scary. Pretending a coronavirus was going to kill everyone was incredibly annoying. "Save the World" hysteria used to be about stopping pesticides and logging. Now that the billionaire class have realised there's money to be made, it's become scary. It's definitely yet another wacky religious cult (like covid still is for many) but with added money. And we are pretty helpless over this - we could all ignore lockdowns and masks and even jabs. We can't ignore manmade storms and stupid plans to block out the sun. We can't ignore wind turbines blighting the land and killing the wildlife. But we can't stop them because they don't need our consent.

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Rosalind Peterson, first time I have listened to her speak. A truth teller all the way back in 2007. I certainly had no idea about chem trails then. Now I see them daily. Who, what is driving this destruction of our lovely planet and our lives, why? Some days I can understand all those who choose to deny reality. My husband, his kids and grandkids, my sisters, friends, so very very many.

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Yes we do have climate change. our planet isn't static. climate has continuously changed from the time the atmosphere contained enough oxygen to support life. look at the data contained in the ice cores from both Arctic and Antarctic that show the gas content and are able to calculate what surface temp. was. so yes climate is changing but man has little effect upon it. need proof of the impact man has had look at all the civilizations from around the world that had cities in the hundred thousands to close to a million. after five hundred years they are nearly gone. only the parts built from granite survive. What stopped them? natures events. wiped out man with floods and volcanic events. drought made them flee. only shreds and pieces left of civilization left for us to dig up. the charts showing that uptick of heat. put it on the last thousand years and you will see hotter and colder ages all without mans influence.----------- I, Grampa

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Thanks for the video - really interesting that they acknowledged publicly this is going on in the US!

Re Dubai - my guess - re floods - is poor/inadequate drainage. As Jaime says above , desert areas next to water get freak storms every so often. Maybe they forgot this when they built the city to build drains adequate enough to handle a deluge. I live in Trinidad (now), where, at the end of the dry season (like now), the first really heavy rains cause a deluge of flooding really fast - even in a country where there are really good, deep drains either side of the road. The rain sweeps up debris accumulated throughout the dry season that has not cleared (due to no rain for ~ 5 months) and this can block the drains.

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But Joel, all they want to do is "save the planet", for themselves.

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Someone please tell my “decorated science teacher” sister. She has been worrying herself to death about this for decades.

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