Sorry, I strongly disagree with the theory that cloud seeding was responsible for this storm or for significantly intensifying the rains which fell over UAE and Oman (where cloud seeding did NOT take place). It was the lame stream media which first started the hysteria around the idea of cloud seeding. Bloomberg reported that cloud seeding flights took place just before the storm, so if the MSM are now poo-pooing the idea that geoengineering/weather modification had anything to do with the flooding in Dubai, preferring to claim that it was climate change wot dunnit, whilst discrediting those attempting to link the storm to cloud seeding as 'climate deniers', then you have to ask WHY? You have to wonder whether this is yet another example of manipulation by the media.



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People keep conflating chemtrails with contrails with cloud seeding and overestimate the capabilities of cloud seeding, which can currently increase precipitation in high altitudes for more snowfall by between 5-15%. It's currently being used in the western U.S. to try to increase the available amount of water from snowfall runoff to supply the millions of people who have migrated westward to more arid climates in the last few decades & in drought conditions. It doesn't create this from nothing and this event in Dubai is something that happened 75 years ago and once every few decades before that - long before the industrial age had really taken off as we now know it. Yes, we have to get these demons to stop interfering at all levels, because they have no idea what the long term effects of their interference will be, just like in all of the illegal and unethical virus labs currently operating. I'd never contribute a dime to anyone spreading the chemtrail nonsense; that's been an elaborate hoax for decades and is in defiance of several known laws of physics and common sense. Talk to a few working airplane engineers and scientists who can easily dismantle the claims about what is allegedly being "sprayed" from 30,000 ft, where it disperses everywhere and to which the alleged perpetrators would not be immune. What air are "they" breathing, since it obviously can't be contained from that altitude? Silliness. If you wanted to poison a specific population, you would use a crop duster. The lingering clouds from contrails exist under very specific atmospheric conditions that have been quite common since the 1940's and have gradually increased with air traffic. Again, talk to some scientists and engineers and get educated.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20Liked by Joel Smalley

Wow. A single Chemtrail can expand 4,000km and last for 20 hours??!

No wonder our planet is dying.

EDIT: David Rogers Webb said it succinctly in his book 'The Great Taking'.

"They do not know how to “build back better.” Look at their footprint around the world - the destruction, the devastation. When it comes to the real world, they are exceptionally good at just one thing: fucking things up".

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I don't have good DATA on human efforts of "Climate Change".

But, YES, "Climate Change" is a Religion, not Science:


There is a new (Google-Censored) Movie out about this:


One of the High Priests in this Religion, Al Gore, can be easily de-bunked.


And, the "Free Press" is censoring anything questioning the Anthropogenic Global Warming, and promoting this Specious Narrative:


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I have a couple relatives that both bought EVs to contribute to environmental protection but both think nothing of taking the whole family on frequent trips on commercial jets. Like banning straws at Starbucks and replacing with larger plastic lids. Makes people feel all fuzzy, like they are saving the world.

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Apr 20Liked by Joel Smalley

Funnily enough I have just written my own substack on this here - https://tomed.substack.com/p/are-they-playing-god-with-the-weather There is a shady geoengineering company called Make Sunsets

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Apr 20Liked by Joel Smalley

geoengineering watch(website) chronicles the manipulated weather. Anecdotally, my five year old son watched planes leaving trails, multiple passes at the beach, over a 4 hour span. He pointed out how each trail slowly turned into a cloud.

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Thank goodness Ms Peterson warned the UN. So what has this putative world government done to stop this irresponsible experimentation since she blew the whistle?

Sorry. Silly question.

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Apr 20Liked by Joel Smalley

Another conspiracy comes true.

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Messing around with the weather actually is scary. Pretending a coronavirus was going to kill everyone was incredibly annoying. "Save the World" hysteria used to be about stopping pesticides and logging. Now that the billionaire class have realised there's money to be made, it's become scary. It's definitely yet another wacky religious cult (like covid still is for many) but with added money. And we are pretty helpless over this - we could all ignore lockdowns and masks and even jabs. We can't ignore manmade storms and stupid plans to block out the sun. We can't ignore wind turbines blighting the land and killing the wildlife. But we can't stop them because they don't need our consent.

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Apr 20Liked by Joel Smalley

Rosalind Peterson, first time I have listened to her speak. A truth teller all the way back in 2007. I certainly had no idea about chem trails then. Now I see them daily. Who, what is driving this destruction of our lovely planet and our lives, why? Some days I can understand all those who choose to deny reality. My husband, his kids and grandkids, my sisters, friends, so very very many.

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Yes we do have climate change. our planet isn't static. climate has continuously changed from the time the atmosphere contained enough oxygen to support life. look at the data contained in the ice cores from both Arctic and Antarctic that show the gas content and are able to calculate what surface temp. was. so yes climate is changing but man has little effect upon it. need proof of the impact man has had look at all the civilizations from around the world that had cities in the hundred thousands to close to a million. after five hundred years they are nearly gone. only the parts built from granite survive. What stopped them? natures events. wiped out man with floods and volcanic events. drought made them flee. only shreds and pieces left of civilization left for us to dig up. the charts showing that uptick of heat. put it on the last thousand years and you will see hotter and colder ages all without mans influence.----------- I, Grampa

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

Thanks for the video - really interesting that they acknowledged publicly this is going on in the US!

Re Dubai - my guess - re floods - is poor/inadequate drainage. As Jaime says above , desert areas next to water get freak storms every so often. Maybe they forgot this when they built the city to build drains adequate enough to handle a deluge. I live in Trinidad (now), where, at the end of the dry season (like now), the first really heavy rains cause a deluge of flooding really fast - even in a country where there are really good, deep drains either side of the road. The rain sweeps up debris accumulated throughout the dry season that has not cleared (due to no rain for ~ 5 months) and this can block the drains.

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But Joel, all they want to do is "save the planet", for themselves.

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Someone please tell my “decorated science teacher” sister. She has been worrying herself to death about this for decades.

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