Earth's climate has been in a warming trend for thousands of years, the latest phase of a cycle repeated continually and rapidly, relative to geologic time, through much of the planet's history. Furthermore the climate can change extremely rapidly at times. For example, the city of Seattle's location was covered by an ice sheet half a mile thick around 17,000 years ago. A mere 800 years later, which isn't even an eye blink in earth's history, the climate had changed so dramatically that there was no permanent ice at that location (study the Vashon Stade). Also note, since humans started burning fossil fuels atmospheric CO2 has only increased by 1.4 parts in 10,000; a trace amount. There is no reason to believe the change is having any material impact on the global climate.
There is no substantive reason to believe the climate change narrative is anything other than the latest manipulation concocted by pathological control freaks who infest the political realm (pathological narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, etc.). They attempt to satisfy their sick lust for control of everyone and everything all the time by fomenting baseless fears while spreading ludicrous claims that they can protect everyone from their self serving nonsense narratives.
Manipulative narratives of tyrannical regimes are never difficult to evidence, which is why authoritarians through history have always resorted to censorship. While a substantial percentage of the population inevitably proves credulous and readily manipulated there will always be others who pay attention, employ a modicum of reasoning capacity and maybe even do a little research. Such people pose an existential threat to the power of tyrannical regimes which control via fear, including that fomented by deceitful propaganda playing on ignorance. The freedom loving founders of the United States understood as much, hence the First Amendment; a powerful antidote to the evil of authoritarianism.
And since 95% of the CO2 in the atmosphere is naturally occurring, what can be removed by spending trillions of dollars and bankrupting the world, is so tiny it’s not even a rounding error and certainly has no effect or theweather or the climate
An excellent expansive narrative. It’s all corroborative data, but those that push the scam narrative do not want to know, in fact their plan (initiated by globalists, filtered down through the UN, governments and bought scientific communities) as we know is to decimate and deconstruct the West. Through effective psy-ops and brainwashing, youngsters are taught the false narrative along with higher educational systems, clueless politicians follow the trend believing it all because nefarious players like Gates, Gore, the UN et al say it’s true! So we have a scenario where actual science, historical data, geological records, observations etc are false or ‘conspiracy theory’, and anyone contradicting the narrative is scornfully beaten down, in particular by the corrupt media! So will the established politicians aka the Uni-Party listen or change their ways - NO. But the truth is slowly spreading, let’s hope enough people will wake up before it’s too late!
Yes indeed. Under the ‘banner’ of net zero food (destroy farming, pushing highly processed synthetic food), energy (destroy cheap generation, smart meters), mobility (remove efficient and effective personal cars, push EV’s, pay per mile, geofencing - meaning controlled movement), water will be next! If we also observe in the UK; there is the control and registration of ownership of chickens, control of allotments, control the use of wood burning fires/stoves et al (controlling potential self sufficiency). It’s worth keeping a very close eye of as much of this behind the scenes control as possible, being slowly rolled out by our alleged ‘paid representatives’. Digging deeper as I’ve done, these aspects are on the plans of those faceless nefarious players who seek to subjugate us all to give them more power and control, whilst bleeding us of our freedoms and our very souls. Watch them closely, very closely and inform widely….
Excellent letter Doug. Packed full of easily accessible, simple to understand, and 'fact-checker proof' facts and data! Alas, I think it will fall on deaf ears (through which the wind whistles uninterrupted) with most MPs. They really are that thick and/or corrupt/financially invested in the Net Zero wealth transfer/ total control scheme/scam.
The CAN Bill is the greatest threat this country has ever faced, in peacetime or in war, yet it is proceeding through Parliament with barely a whisper of opposition from our elected representatives and actually has the SUPPORT of a mind-blowing 192 MPs already! It was the 'brainchild' (an oxymoron if ever there was one) of Green MP Caroline Lucas and is being promoted by the aptly named 'Zero Hour' outfit. It will dispense with the concept of democracy entirely and subject us all to Green tyranny if passed.
But to illustrate how they 'don't need no stinkin' facts' to justify their insane power grab, the Zero Hour blurb describes how they are 'following the science' to conclude that "in order to give us the strongest chance of keeping global heating within liveable limits, the UK needs to cut its greenhouse gas emissions rapidly. This will require reducing energy usage, changing our consumption habits, and other behavioural changes." The UK ONLY need do this! They seriously believe that we can go it alone to save the planet, or the rest of the world will just follow our lead automatically, or more likely they don't believe any of that nonsense, they're just out to destroy the UK and its population. Either way, facts don't matter, logic doesn't matter; it's 100% pure virtue-signalling.
I'll tell you what's really concerning though. Listed among the 'experts' supporting the introduction of CAN, you will find the name Prof Michael Leavitt, Nobel Laureate, Chemistry. Why is this so worrying? Because he was one of the original, outspoken Covid rebels and I was extolling his virtues way back in July 2020:
"At a recent online meeting of Nobel laureates outside of the field of epidemiology, prizewinners complained that:
researchers have ‘stuck to a line’ about the pandemic’s danger in order to get politicians to listen – risking open debate
Scientists have “circled the wagons” during the coronavirus pandemic, Nobel laureates have argued, and been afraid to have a truly open debate about whether the virus is as deadly as feared and if lockdowns are justified.
Michael Levitt, a winner of the chemistry prize in 2013 and, since February, an outspoken contrarian voice on the pandemic, said he had received only “abuse” from fellow scientists for questioning predictions of catastrophic death tolls.
Sounds all too familiar doesn’t it?
Michael Levitt questioned very early on whether the virus was as dangerous as it was being portrayed, thus questioning the measures being put in place to mitigate its impact, but he was drowned out by howls of outrage from the domain experts using human lives as their shield and wielding the formidable ‘precautionary principle’ as their sword."
But now, four and a half years later, it seems that Leavitt himself has been fully assimilated into the Green Hive Mind and is religiously 'following the science'! This is what we are up against and it's terrifying, quite frankly.
Credit to Douglas for the reality check. I gave up emailing my MPs/MSPs during 'COVID' when it became clear who they serve. 'Net Zero' is an anti-human/nature impoverishment agenda that serves the interests of corporations, nothing more. I've been exposing this alongside my COVID inquiry investigations as it's something that really does annoy and bother me, particularly for Scotland. These are the real conspiracy theories promoted by the real tin foil hat wearers of our time.
Nice paper, bio, more evidence that our politicians are taking us all for fools. I like your short reference to Dr Euan Mearns, one of the campaigners on my Bcc list, recently inducted into the CO2 Coalition.
I don’t expect a meaningful response from my MP. My email was primarily targetted at the five Reform UK MPs, to help stiffen their resolve, and my Bcc list campaigners like you and publishers like Joel.
Cheers Douglas, you are one of the very few sane Scotsman out there in our land. Yeah politicians taking us for fools and then some. Economic DEGROWTH is offical Scotsgov policy. See below article at end.
What an inspirational lady! God bless her. Not unlike Rachel Matthews from Colchester Council watch Of course, Sandi Adams too, with her challenges to the clowns in Glastonbury council
Reform won’t challenge it because it is just as fake as the other parties. Reform’s role is to be a pressure valve for disillusioned Tory voters while preserving their faith in the illusion of democracy system.
More than anything, I can feel and sense fakery. The glossy, theatrical MSM pictures, the never-ending drama. He's earning mega bucks for his political 'career.'
t's actually GOOD NEWS that Farage is now an MP who took an oath to serve his master King Charles - he now has to register ALL financial interests
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 4 August 2024
Role, work or services: Social media
Payer: X Corp, Market Square, 1355 Market St Suite 900 San Francisco California 94103
(Registered 4 August 2024)
Payment: £1,551.29
Received on: 24 July 2024. Hours: 28 hrs This is an estimated amount of hours.
(Registered 4 August 2024)
None of this speaks to me of genuineness or integrity. I think he's a Judas, like Trump
Excellent letter but the problem with people in a cult is logic and reason doesn't work on them. Your agenda is quickly identified by them within the first sentences and they won't read further.
Something personal has to happen to wake them up. Like these Los Angeles people losing their homes might cause some to consider the incompetence they have supported.
As for the LA fires which the MSM is desperately weaponising for climate fearmongering purposes, the scale of the disaster is so great that it could well be an awakening tipping point. The native Americans knew from thousands of years of experience how to manage forests and scrub, but incompetent, ideology-driven modern-day politicians thought they knew better.
I am from Canada but we have similar climate dumb politicians here. I will remind those dumb politicians that if they have blackouts due to power shortages I will just fire up my dirty gasoline generator to cover for their short sightedness.
It’s not just the uselessness of weather-dependent renewables which leads to blackouts. The UK has closed down about 20 GW of coal-fired power stations over recent decades and now we face shortages of essential gas. The Uniparty has banned domestic fracking for gas and is crippling North Sea oil and gas production with punitive taxes. Paul Homewood reports:
Every single one of these blowhards talking about how we (the peasants) need to watch how we waste and how we consume while they fly around in private jets from one mansion to another and parading around the world in convoys of personal protection, assistants and who knows who else to cater to their every whim. Why haven't we grabbed the pitchforks and torches yet or is that coming too late?
They know exactly what to do with us if we get violent & let's face it, their guns are bigger than ours. They're less familiar with what to do with us when we get highly organised and lobby, intelligently, like our lives depended upon it. In this case, I think our lives actually do depend on it
A reminder that historically no government has withstood a rising up of 3.5% or more of its population in peaceful protest against the government. There is hope. Lets hope that it doesn't take massive blackouts in winter to get people to protest their government's stupidity.
Hi, I have been reading the message about how Doug Brodie is schooling his new MP on the realities of the Climate change hoax. I have forwarded a copy of his message to my local MP Daniel Francis. I’m not sure whether it will make any difference, but we have to try..
there was a lady in the 1930s who had a boat and a megaphone. she used to sail around outside parliament trying to warn the politicians about Hitler. Everyone enjoyed taking the mickey out of her and calling her a looney. I don't know her name or what happened to her. I often think of her in relation to the net zero situation and people like Douglas.
I was listening to a weather report on Twitter telling me that it's been the reddest angriest year since records began. Which was when exactly? Back when Robert Fitzroy was captain of the Beagle, Charles Darwin and all that. Just as well climate change is not within our remit, we can't be trusted.
And don't forget about the temperature graph published in the Washington Post just a couple of months ago that showed over the past few hundred million years the global temperature has been much much warmer than today, as much as 27 degrees F warmer! CO2 levels also have been much much higher than they are today. But facts don't matter to these globalists with an agenda. Remember what 5 years of covid has taught us:
Whenever governments around the world are pushing a narrative that will
1) give them more control over the people and/or
2) give them an excuse to raise taxes and steal land from the people,
For what it is worth, I sent a comment today to GB news. While cooking this morning the gbnews presenters were all chattering at the same time about the climate “emergency”. Without offerring a soupçon of scientific data. I was forced to turn it off and I am afraid that is gbnews’ last chance. I gave up msm four yrs ago because their info was not fit for purpose. I would encourage anyone who is listening to or reading alternative media/social media to do the same when they offer misinformation. Vote with your feet. And don’t be afraid to give the outlet some free advice on why you have chosen to delete them from your life.
The Gulf Stream ('GS') is rapidly slowing, perhaps to collapse.
15 degree cooler atmospheric temp for Europe...
And as the 'GS' sources its heat it shares to the air from the depths from the core perhaps the core will find other ways to release this heat the 'GS' previously wicked away.
"While we can definitively say this weakening [4% over the past four decades ] is happening, we are unable to say to what extent it is related to climate change or whether it is a natural variation"
A natural variation like ice ages and the Medieval Warm Period (900 A.D. to 1300 A.D.) Where the climate was warmer than the average contemporary climate by up to 1.4°C?
Or the Dark Ages, 800 A.D. to 1200 A.D. that were decidedly cooler...
Some systems, like the Gulf Stream, require a minimum level of movement or they collapse.
But hey dismiss all else that is not part of the blinkered laser focus of carbon emissions like a single piece of a complex system is the only relative part.
Science thankfully has survived being muffled with a deep state pillow for a few years and is now producing some interesting results.
For your considered perusal, I found it quite enlightening.
"The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation has a major impact on climate, not just in the northern Atlantic but globally. Paleoclimatic data show it has been unstable in the past, leading to some of the most dramatic and abrupt climate shifts known. These instabilities are due to two different types of tipping points, one linked to amplifying feedbacks in the large-scale salt transport and the other in the convective mixing that drives the flow. These tipping points present a major risk of abrupt ocean circulation and climate shifts as we push our planet further out of the stable Holocene climate into uncharted waters."
To those of you who chose to believe in the zero co2 course, I heartily hope this disaster will strike you first, if it is not "U" turned sooner than later. The amount of taxpayers money that has been thrown away, by this totally irresponsible government, on ventures that the populace were not told about, let alone voted for, has undoubtably brought their demise.
Our country, to survive, requires, re-establishment of manufacturing, shipbuilding and the Oil and Gas production Industry to re-right the ship. This requires far more intelligent people sitting in our governments parliament and council seats and run it as a profitable business.
Reform seems to be just another clique that's loyal to the predator/rentier class. Dividing the votes of 'the little people' between parties that all hob-nob with City folk ensures they never pose a real threat to the establishment.
Tony Benn's diaries have a decent analysis of power versus the people over almost 50 years. In his heyday as an MP, a staggering number of backbenchers had genuinely working-class backgrounds ... although Benn didn't, his relatives had been MPs, hence he inherited an unwanted title and fought a legal battle.
These people were much more of a threat to TPTB than most of the 650 now sitting on the green benches. By 1990 most of these MPs were retired or dead although Paul Flynn MP (RIP) lived until 2019 and Chris Mullin only retired in 2010.
I expect most or all of the four Green MPs to be as 'establishment' as Caroline Lucas was. We face environmental problems but eco-fascism is no answer to them.
Earth's climate has been in a warming trend for thousands of years, the latest phase of a cycle repeated continually and rapidly, relative to geologic time, through much of the planet's history. Furthermore the climate can change extremely rapidly at times. For example, the city of Seattle's location was covered by an ice sheet half a mile thick around 17,000 years ago. A mere 800 years later, which isn't even an eye blink in earth's history, the climate had changed so dramatically that there was no permanent ice at that location (study the Vashon Stade). Also note, since humans started burning fossil fuels atmospheric CO2 has only increased by 1.4 parts in 10,000; a trace amount. There is no reason to believe the change is having any material impact on the global climate.
There is no substantive reason to believe the climate change narrative is anything other than the latest manipulation concocted by pathological control freaks who infest the political realm (pathological narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, etc.). They attempt to satisfy their sick lust for control of everyone and everything all the time by fomenting baseless fears while spreading ludicrous claims that they can protect everyone from their self serving nonsense narratives.
I applaud your home-truths.
Manipulative narratives of tyrannical regimes are never difficult to evidence, which is why authoritarians through history have always resorted to censorship. While a substantial percentage of the population inevitably proves credulous and readily manipulated there will always be others who pay attention, employ a modicum of reasoning capacity and maybe even do a little research. Such people pose an existential threat to the power of tyrannical regimes which control via fear, including that fomented by deceitful propaganda playing on ignorance. The freedom loving founders of the United States understood as much, hence the First Amendment; a powerful antidote to the evil of authoritarianism.
And since 95% of the CO2 in the atmosphere is naturally occurring, what can be removed by spending trillions of dollars and bankrupting the world, is so tiny it’s not even a rounding error and certainly has no effect or theweather or the climate
An excellent expansive narrative. It’s all corroborative data, but those that push the scam narrative do not want to know, in fact their plan (initiated by globalists, filtered down through the UN, governments and bought scientific communities) as we know is to decimate and deconstruct the West. Through effective psy-ops and brainwashing, youngsters are taught the false narrative along with higher educational systems, clueless politicians follow the trend believing it all because nefarious players like Gates, Gore, the UN et al say it’s true! So we have a scenario where actual science, historical data, geological records, observations etc are false or ‘conspiracy theory’, and anyone contradicting the narrative is scornfully beaten down, in particular by the corrupt media! So will the established politicians aka the Uni-Party listen or change their ways - NO. But the truth is slowly spreading, let’s hope enough people will wake up before it’s too late!
Yes, controlling all freedom of movement and our food supply is the goal. Putting the population under the thumb of these unelected dictators.
Yes indeed. Under the ‘banner’ of net zero food (destroy farming, pushing highly processed synthetic food), energy (destroy cheap generation, smart meters), mobility (remove efficient and effective personal cars, push EV’s, pay per mile, geofencing - meaning controlled movement), water will be next! If we also observe in the UK; there is the control and registration of ownership of chickens, control of allotments, control the use of wood burning fires/stoves et al (controlling potential self sufficiency). It’s worth keeping a very close eye of as much of this behind the scenes control as possible, being slowly rolled out by our alleged ‘paid representatives’. Digging deeper as I’ve done, these aspects are on the plans of those faceless nefarious players who seek to subjugate us all to give them more power and control, whilst bleeding us of our freedoms and our very souls. Watch them closely, very closely and inform widely….
You have encapsulated the situation perfectly. I could not even hope to have done so as succinctly as you have.
Thank you. Be aware, watch everything they do or say, believe nothing question everything and widely inform others. Keep safe, keep free 😊
Excellent letter Doug. Packed full of easily accessible, simple to understand, and 'fact-checker proof' facts and data! Alas, I think it will fall on deaf ears (through which the wind whistles uninterrupted) with most MPs. They really are that thick and/or corrupt/financially invested in the Net Zero wealth transfer/ total control scheme/scam.
The CAN Bill is the greatest threat this country has ever faced, in peacetime or in war, yet it is proceeding through Parliament with barely a whisper of opposition from our elected representatives and actually has the SUPPORT of a mind-blowing 192 MPs already! It was the 'brainchild' (an oxymoron if ever there was one) of Green MP Caroline Lucas and is being promoted by the aptly named 'Zero Hour' outfit. It will dispense with the concept of democracy entirely and subject us all to Green tyranny if passed.
But to illustrate how they 'don't need no stinkin' facts' to justify their insane power grab, the Zero Hour blurb describes how they are 'following the science' to conclude that "in order to give us the strongest chance of keeping global heating within liveable limits, the UK needs to cut its greenhouse gas emissions rapidly. This will require reducing energy usage, changing our consumption habits, and other behavioural changes." The UK ONLY need do this! They seriously believe that we can go it alone to save the planet, or the rest of the world will just follow our lead automatically, or more likely they don't believe any of that nonsense, they're just out to destroy the UK and its population. Either way, facts don't matter, logic doesn't matter; it's 100% pure virtue-signalling.
I'll tell you what's really concerning though. Listed among the 'experts' supporting the introduction of CAN, you will find the name Prof Michael Leavitt, Nobel Laureate, Chemistry. Why is this so worrying? Because he was one of the original, outspoken Covid rebels and I was extolling his virtues way back in July 2020:
"At a recent online meeting of Nobel laureates outside of the field of epidemiology, prizewinners complained that:
researchers have ‘stuck to a line’ about the pandemic’s danger in order to get politicians to listen – risking open debate
Scientists have “circled the wagons” during the coronavirus pandemic, Nobel laureates have argued, and been afraid to have a truly open debate about whether the virus is as deadly as feared and if lockdowns are justified.
Michael Levitt, a winner of the chemistry prize in 2013 and, since February, an outspoken contrarian voice on the pandemic, said he had received only “abuse” from fellow scientists for questioning predictions of catastrophic death tolls.
Sounds all too familiar doesn’t it?
Michael Levitt questioned very early on whether the virus was as dangerous as it was being portrayed, thus questioning the measures being put in place to mitigate its impact, but he was drowned out by howls of outrage from the domain experts using human lives as their shield and wielding the formidable ‘precautionary principle’ as their sword."
But now, four and a half years later, it seems that Leavitt himself has been fully assimilated into the Green Hive Mind and is religiously 'following the science'! This is what we are up against and it's terrifying, quite frankly.
It definitely is terrifying. I have never before read such quality comments. This whole substack leaves me in awe.
Credit to Douglas for the reality check. I gave up emailing my MPs/MSPs during 'COVID' when it became clear who they serve. 'Net Zero' is an anti-human/nature impoverishment agenda that serves the interests of corporations, nothing more. I've been exposing this alongside my COVID inquiry investigations as it's something that really does annoy and bother me, particularly for Scotland. These are the real conspiracy theories promoted by the real tin foil hat wearers of our time.
Nice paper, bio, more evidence that our politicians are taking us all for fools. I like your short reference to Dr Euan Mearns, one of the campaigners on my Bcc list, recently inducted into the CO2 Coalition.
I don’t expect a meaningful response from my MP. My email was primarily targetted at the five Reform UK MPs, to help stiffen their resolve, and my Bcc list campaigners like you and publishers like Joel.
Cheers Douglas, you are one of the very few sane Scotsman out there in our land. Yeah politicians taking us for fools and then some. Economic DEGROWTH is offical Scotsgov policy. See below article at end.
The swamp is not just a US problem as per recent Liz Truss interview on Youtube she states it's even worse here in UK.
Your friend ‘dundeeactivist’ is doing a great job, e.g. haranguing Dundee counsellors who want to back a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty: Here’s one of her skits:
Sadly Moira is one in 5.5 million.
What an inspirational lady! God bless her. Not unlike Rachel Matthews from Colchester Council watch Of course, Sandi Adams too, with her challenges to the clowns in Glastonbury council
Reform won’t challenge it because it is just as fake as the other parties. Reform’s role is to be a pressure valve for disillusioned Tory voters while preserving their faith in the illusion of democracy system.
I get that feeling at times too
Tell me why you think Reform is genuine.
Agree 100%
More than anything, I can feel and sense fakery. The glossy, theatrical MSM pictures, the never-ending drama. He's earning mega bucks for his political 'career.'
t's actually GOOD NEWS that Farage is now an MP who took an oath to serve his master King Charles - he now has to register ALL financial interests
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 4 August 2024
Role, work or services: Social media
Payer: X Corp, Market Square, 1355 Market St Suite 900 San Francisco California 94103
(Registered 4 August 2024)
Payment: £1,551.29
Received on: 24 July 2024. Hours: 28 hrs This is an estimated amount of hours.
(Registered 4 August 2024)
None of this speaks to me of genuineness or integrity. I think he's a Judas, like Trump
Excellent letter but the problem with people in a cult is logic and reason doesn't work on them. Your agenda is quickly identified by them within the first sentences and they won't read further.
Something personal has to happen to wake them up. Like these Los Angeles people losing their homes might cause some to consider the incompetence they have supported.
Thanks R. I’m hoping for power cuts here in the UK to help waken people up. We came very close to it just a couple of days ago:
As for the LA fires which the MSM is desperately weaponising for climate fearmongering purposes, the scale of the disaster is so great that it could well be an awakening tipping point. The native Americans knew from thousands of years of experience how to manage forests and scrub, but incompetent, ideology-driven modern-day politicians thought they knew better.
I am from Canada but we have similar climate dumb politicians here. I will remind those dumb politicians that if they have blackouts due to power shortages I will just fire up my dirty gasoline generator to cover for their short sightedness.
Likewise in Oz. It was called firestick farming. Kept the land open and aided hunting etc.
It’s not just the uselessness of weather-dependent renewables which leads to blackouts. The UK has closed down about 20 GW of coal-fired power stations over recent decades and now we face shortages of essential gas. The Uniparty has banned domestic fracking for gas and is crippling North Sea oil and gas production with punitive taxes. Paul Homewood reports:
Every single one of these blowhards talking about how we (the peasants) need to watch how we waste and how we consume while they fly around in private jets from one mansion to another and parading around the world in convoys of personal protection, assistants and who knows who else to cater to their every whim. Why haven't we grabbed the pitchforks and torches yet or is that coming too late?
They know exactly what to do with us if we get violent & let's face it, their guns are bigger than ours. They're less familiar with what to do with us when we get highly organised and lobby, intelligently, like our lives depended upon it. In this case, I think our lives actually do depend on it
A reminder that historically no government has withstood a rising up of 3.5% or more of its population in peaceful protest against the government. There is hope. Lets hope that it doesn't take massive blackouts in winter to get people to protest their government's stupidity.
Hi, I have been reading the message about how Doug Brodie is schooling his new MP on the realities of the Climate change hoax. I have forwarded a copy of his message to my local MP Daniel Francis. I’m not sure whether it will make any difference, but we have to try..
there was a lady in the 1930s who had a boat and a megaphone. she used to sail around outside parliament trying to warn the politicians about Hitler. Everyone enjoyed taking the mickey out of her and calling her a looney. I don't know her name or what happened to her. I often think of her in relation to the net zero situation and people like Douglas.
I was listening to a weather report on Twitter telling me that it's been the reddest angriest year since records began. Which was when exactly? Back when Robert Fitzroy was captain of the Beagle, Charles Darwin and all that. Just as well climate change is not within our remit, we can't be trusted.
And don't forget about the temperature graph published in the Washington Post just a couple of months ago that showed over the past few hundred million years the global temperature has been much much warmer than today, as much as 27 degrees F warmer! CO2 levels also have been much much higher than they are today. But facts don't matter to these globalists with an agenda. Remember what 5 years of covid has taught us:
Whenever governments around the world are pushing a narrative that will
1) give them more control over the people and/or
2) give them an excuse to raise taxes and steal land from the people,
they are LYING!
Correct. I didn’t want to quibble the above comment from Cruising Economist, but the Earth’s surface temperatures have been in decline for the last 50 million years:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
The slight uptick at the end of that graph reflects the precarious interglacials of recent times:
Yet our dissembling politicians claim they can control the Earth’s climate by controlling the generation of CO2 emissions!
Liars, most of them. The rest are fools.
For what it is worth, I sent a comment today to GB news. While cooking this morning the gbnews presenters were all chattering at the same time about the climate “emergency”. Without offerring a soupçon of scientific data. I was forced to turn it off and I am afraid that is gbnews’ last chance. I gave up msm four yrs ago because their info was not fit for purpose. I would encourage anyone who is listening to or reading alternative media/social media to do the same when they offer misinformation. Vote with your feet. And don’t be afraid to give the outlet some free advice on why you have chosen to delete them from your life.
'Emergency' seems to be a much overused word. I prefer to avoid both TV and video presentation whenever possible to avoid such propaganda.
The Gulf Stream ('GS') is rapidly slowing, perhaps to collapse.
15 degree cooler atmospheric temp for Europe...
And as the 'GS' sources its heat it shares to the air from the depths from the core perhaps the core will find other ways to release this heat the 'GS' previously wicked away.
I've not seen or heard of any evidence that the Gulf Stream is rapidly slowing.
It doesn't mesh well with the agenda of the Me D Err and their masters the three rings of power, State Streat, Vangasp and Black Rocks Matter.
Here is some light reading to start you off on this prospiracy hypothesis.
"While we can definitively say this weakening [4% over the past four decades ] is happening, we are unable to say to what extent it is related to climate change or whether it is a natural variation"
A natural variation like ice ages and the Medieval Warm Period (900 A.D. to 1300 A.D.) Where the climate was warmer than the average contemporary climate by up to 1.4°C?
Or the Dark Ages, 800 A.D. to 1200 A.D. that were decidedly cooler...
Some systems, like the Gulf Stream, require a minimum level of movement or they collapse.
But hey dismiss all else that is not part of the blinkered laser focus of carbon emissions like a single piece of a complex system is the only relative part.
Science thankfully has survived being muffled with a deep state pillow for a few years and is now producing some interesting results.
For your considered perusal, I found it quite enlightening.
"The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation has a major impact on climate, not just in the northern Atlantic but globally. Paleoclimatic data show it has been unstable in the past, leading to some of the most dramatic and abrupt climate shifts known. These instabilities are due to two different types of tipping points, one linked to amplifying feedbacks in the large-scale salt transport and the other in the convective mixing that drives the flow. These tipping points present a major risk of abrupt ocean circulation and climate shifts as we push our planet further out of the stable Holocene climate into uncharted waters."
To those of you who chose to believe in the zero co2 course, I heartily hope this disaster will strike you first, if it is not "U" turned sooner than later. The amount of taxpayers money that has been thrown away, by this totally irresponsible government, on ventures that the populace were not told about, let alone voted for, has undoubtably brought their demise.
Our country, to survive, requires, re-establishment of manufacturing, shipbuilding and the Oil and Gas production Industry to re-right the ship. This requires far more intelligent people sitting in our governments parliament and council seats and run it as a profitable business.
The Heritage Party are also offering to scrap Net Zero and are much more grass roots than Reform 👍
Agreed, but they have no MPs. That's why I used the prefix 'Westminster' when referring to Reform.
Reform seems to be just another clique that's loyal to the predator/rentier class. Dividing the votes of 'the little people' between parties that all hob-nob with City folk ensures they never pose a real threat to the establishment.
Tony Benn's diaries have a decent analysis of power versus the people over almost 50 years. In his heyday as an MP, a staggering number of backbenchers had genuinely working-class backgrounds ... although Benn didn't, his relatives had been MPs, hence he inherited an unwanted title and fought a legal battle.
These people were much more of a threat to TPTB than most of the 650 now sitting on the green benches. By 1990 most of these MPs were retired or dead although Paul Flynn MP (RIP) lived until 2019 and Chris Mullin only retired in 2010.
I expect most or all of the four Green MPs to be as 'establishment' as Caroline Lucas was. We face environmental problems but eco-fascism is no answer to them.
Thanks and yep, Heritage got 8 votes in the last vote , in our constituency...