COVID-19 in Indonesia - a familiar story...
Applying the Bradford Hill criteria to assess the possibility that COVID-19 mRNA injections increase COVID-19 itself.
I am grateful to my sister, Dr Jessica Rose, for introducing me to the Bradford Hill criteria. She uses it to assess the potential causal relationship between COVID mRNA injections and adverse events reported in VAERS.
After numerous studies of the relationship between the injections and COVID itself, I think the criteria can also be applied here. I won’t go through them all again but I think there is a compelling case that these criteria are satisfied:
Biological gradient
For reasons that will eventually be clear, I did a quick analysis of Indonesia yesterday evening. Here is a summary of the results that I think support the first 5 criteria. You can judge for yourself.
Indonesia experiences its worst outbreaks of COVID-19 “cases” immediately after the oldest and frailest are vaccinated for the first time and boosted for the first time. This is exactly the same pattern observed in hundreds of other countries and states.
Deaths follow cases but the case fatality rate drops dramatically in 2022. Is this positive vaccine effect, smaller vulnerable population, or weaker virus though?
Gompertz curves can be accurately fitted to the empirical distribution of deaths, isolating the individual waves.
The distinct distributions of death appear to correlate in magnitude and time with mRNA injection distribution. In early 2022, even though there was more death than the same period in 2021 before the vulnerable were injected, there were significantly fewer people getting boosters, and significantly less death.
The tenth Bradford Hill criteria is “reversibility” (the effect disappears when the cause is removed). You would hope we eventually get to test the final criteria soon but we are so far past any reasonable point by historical standards, it’s difficult to accept that there is any stopping condition at all.
I love how many new brothers and sisters I have. :)
"I SERIOUSLY expect that a series of new highly virulent and highly infectious SARS-CoV-2 (SC-2) variants will now rapidly and independently emerge in highly vaccinated countries all over the world and that they will soon spread at high pace.
I expect the current pattern of repetitive infections and relatively mild disease in vaccinees to soon aggravate and be replaced by severe disease and death. Unfortunately, there is no way vaccinees can rely on assistance from their innate immune system to protect against coronaviruses as their relevant innate IgM antibodies are increasingly being outcompeted by infection-enhancing vaccinal Abs, which are continuously recalled due to the circulation of highly infectious Omicron variants. In contrast, Omicron’s high infectiousness would enable the non-vaccinated to train their innate immune defense against SC-2 while the infectious and pathogenic capacity of the new SC-2 variants would be debilitated in the non-vaccinated for lack of infection-enhancing Abs in their blood. Unless..."
- Geert Vanden Bossche