I wonder if there’s any clean data on the basis of which we can truly assess efficacy of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.
If you forced a binary choice upon me, asking if there was anywhere clear evidence that c19 vaccines has saved lives, I’d say “*I don’t think so”.
This lecture by Professor Norman Fenton of Queen Mary College, London, is required viewing for anyone commenting on PCR test based statistics on c19 cases & deaths.
*Which I find distressing. I now know my former peers include crooks, but if any were people I actually know, I had always thought of them as “smart people”.
Then again, I was written to in the fall of 2020 by 30 or so former Pfizer colleagues, expressing sadness at the views I was expressing.
There wasn’t a single attempted rebuttal of anything I’d said. I found that extraordinary. I mean, how did they convince one another that they should even write to me if they couldn’t specify at least one thing I’d got totally wrong?
I thought about it for a day or so, then wrote back:
1. I left common employ with you 10 years ago, folks! Mind your own business.
2. You’ve failed to detail a single claim I’ve made that’s wrong or misplaced. Why is that?
Just incredible from your ex Pfizer colleagues, to not detail one item where they disagreed with you and explain why they thought you wrong. Cowards & Bullies. Spineless. No wonder they wanted to hide Vax Data for 75 years. Outrageous.
Indeed. To be clear, those who wrote to me (through an intermediary) also no longer work at a Pfizer, to my knowledge.
Those still working there haven’t the decency to point out a single material point I’ve got wrong.
Some like to quote me saying, after the first wave, that there won’t be another large wave, that being immunologically impossible, claiming I was wrong as there have been several extra waves.
No, there hasn’t been. It’s fraud using PCR mass testing. Deaths early in Jan 2021 were vaccine deaths.
Recently there’s been a huge peak in “cases” & claims of “Covid deaths”.
Really? How come EUROMOMO shows no recent excess mortality?
"I SERIOUSLY expect that a series of new highly virulent and highly infectious SARS-CoV-2 (SC-2) variants will now rapidly and independently emerge in highly vaccinated countries all over the world and that they will soon spread at high pace.
I expect the current pattern of repetitive infections and relatively mild disease in vaccinees to soon aggravate and be replaced by severe disease and death. Unfortunately, there is no way vaccinees can rely on assistance from their innate immune system to protect against coronaviruses as their relevant innate IgM antibodies are increasingly being outcompeted by infection-enhancing vaccinal Abs, which are continuously recalled due to the circulation of highly infectious Omicron variants. In contrast, Omicron’s high infectiousness would enable the non-vaccinated to train their innate immune defense against SC-2 while the infectious and pathogenic capacity of the new SC-2 variants would be debilitated in the non-vaccinated for lack of infection-enhancing Abs in their blood. Unless..."
Here on the ground I can report many members of our bowls club have had covid recently, all triple jabbed, age range 55-80. Many neighbours also have had covid, age range 45-75, all triple jabbed. Many of these same people are rushing out to get their second booster.
The only other unjabbed person I know is my hairdresser. She is in her 40’s. She got covid and guess what. Her symptoms were just like everyone else….like a cold.
What I would like to know is whether the shedding of spike is real or not.
Also one more quick observation. The elephant in the room is very much now censorship. It is being ramped up severely. Nick Hudson suspended on twitter yesterday. Rare also gone. And with censorship a worrying concern scientists and doctors speaking out against the narrative being harassed by ?. Dr. Zev Zelenko (who has security guards) has spoken about a doctor’s assassination list, Dr.Jessica Rose just wrote about her recent threatening encounter in Israel.
Thank you for your efforts, in bringing honest, clear data to our attention.
Hear hear for hairdressers. Mine is also unjabbed -- we had a brilliant conversation about the whole shitshow when I went for my last appointment.
p.s. Agree on the censorship. There's a massive new push; Michael Senger, Vigilant Fox and others who have been doing great work unearthing government agendas are no longer on Twitter. I'm seeing more shadow-banning too. Today under a tweet of mine it said "Click to show more replies" but when I clicked, nothing appeared!
I was glad to see Dr Jessica Rose posting today. But no new article or explanation why she deleted the story of her encounter. Had been worried about her!
In the early days I believe Indonesia was the same as here in Malaysia, where the 'deactivated virus' type Sinovac vaccine was used a lot?
I took Sinovac in Malaysia as they said here they were moving from that to the mRNA type, so I caved in and got the Sinovac while still available - and still got heart issues (and still do now, 10 months later, but generally a lot better than back then).
I think it is off the mark for Rose to correlate AEs with vaccine doses. The acute AEs in the trials are not denied by anybody and are not the ones we are concerned about. They're considered the acceptable price to get the claimed benefits. And naturally, more vaccine doses will increase VAERS reports proportionally even if it were a placebo. You can only prove that vaccines cause *reports* that way. Also, not totally clear what the specific cause-effect question she is asking there is. We need to be as clear as possible. I do think cause-effect can be shown for both vaccines causing covid and causing death, but we gotta do it right.
Joel, for #8 BH criteria, experimental evidence may be there in the trials themselves. I have not checked, but I heard covid-like illnesses were uneven in the two groups, hence vaccines would cause covid-like illness. This could in considerable part be covid with a false-negative PCR. Turns out those false-negatives are highly prevalent. I think this might be a way they could have concealed the covid risk in the trials, because they did plot some cumulative time curves which did NOT show an acute covid risk.
Hi David, I may be misunderstanding your comment, but I think it has been shown (by Rose) that the number of AE reports per dose is significantly higher for this treatment than others such as flu shots. Assuming comparable reporting rates the conclusion should be that real AE rates (not just reports) are similarly higher. This is important on its own because it means these shots are uniquely risky for a mass rollout program.
I don't think the public has "accepted" this as the price to pay, nor have authorities been honest about that price. (Setting aside the question of whether anything is actually gained by paying this price). I think there's a huge gap between what folks like us have already internalized vs what can be called "common knowledge".
Thanks for clarifying. Agree on the acceptance of mild side effects. What would be the basis for thinking AE reporting rates are dramatically higher now than in the past? One should require pretty compelling evidence for that. Not saying it's impossible but would not be my starting assumption. Cheers.
- Despite the fact there is massive underreporting, these are still new vaccines and it's likely there is more vigilance about them than say a flu vaccine.
- Administration of covid vaccines is likely to be more concentrated among the elderly than other vaccinations like MMR, etc. Old people were targeted. This which would lead to higher AE rates in comparison even if it were a placebo.
- Rose presents no denominators that I can see. For example, one chart says about 12,000 reported deaths, compared to very few reported deaths for other vaccines. How many doses are we talking about. No AE rate is reported that I saw.
Anyway, could be numerous confounding factors. It's the difference between proving vaccines cause AEs and proving vaccines cause reports of AEs.
These are valid points David. On the concentration among the elderly, that's a confounder but doesn't it mean that the shots should have been properly tested, in a clinical trial, among the elderly? If you're going to mass vaccinate the elderly you better be sure it's safe and then tell people what the risks are. Neither of those conditions were met.
I think it's fair to ask the skeptics for as high a burden of proof as is possible. But in general the burden of proof should be on the pushers, to prove that the high level of AE reports are not due to a unique danger, as opposed to the burden being on the skeptics to prove that they are.
Regardless I think you make sound points and there is usually more shared agreement than these comment sections let on.
Certainly burden of proof is on promoters. We don't have to say anything. But when we do, it should be accurate and not overstated. Otherwise it is just more fuel for people to use to dismiss critics.
Substack is the most civil online space I have ever seen. It's great.
Chris Masterjohn PhD (latest Substack essay) has a thought-provoking take on this. He thinks it's possible that the only real effect of the gene therapy injections is to prevent positive test results due to post-injection temporary surge of the IgG produced. He posits that the injections have no actual effect on preventing Covid or Covid-like viral infections at all, rather the opposite as time goes on, but only the refuseniks test positive because they still have a working innate immune response. The jabbed still get sick, even wind up in hospital and die from real Covid, and never test positive for it. It explains a lot if this turns out to be accurate.
You've just reminded me of a really good piece I read recently which was precisely about this -- the epidemic of covid-like illnesses occurring in vaccinated individuals who are nevertheless testing negative for covid. I'll see if I can find it.
I'm in Thailand and followed Indonesia news last year. When the big spike occurred, they still had very low vaccination rates. They did however adopt the Indian model of handing out home treatment kits widely. One news report mentioned IVM being included, but details were scarce at least in English news sources. The surge peaked within 1-2 weeks and stayed down near zero for months, while they continued to vaccinate. The surge might relate to vaccination rollout, but the subsequent rapid drop was due to using proper early treatment.
Unless you know those who died were vaccinated your still guessing.. Indonesia is a wonderful place and people but I very much doubt they have good records over the 250 Million people? so the data comes from where?
So does this one substack post inadvertently mean all judgements correlating mRNA vaccines with mortality, finding causation, are incorrect?
A couple of people in the comments, Anri and Bigs, mention a large share of the vaccines in Indonesia are not mRNA based. Looked for market share stats on mRNA vs non-mRNA, but couldn't locate.
Couple of options I can see. One, it's all covid vaccines, not specifically mRNA, so most likely the spike protein is the culprit. Two, we're misinterpreting the data.
There is a lot of discussion about deaths with each wave. One thing that is rarely pointed out is that those that died in the first and second wave can't die again. The first two waves sadly took the aged and vulnerable with pre-existing co-morbidities. Who is dying in each of the following waves and what are their vulnerabilities. This is the data we need.
Random thought: Each life will be limited by their carbon footprint as controlled by the ministry of freedom. Reminds me of the old movie Logan's run about voluntary suicide at about 40 years of age as a positive force for societal resource conservation. Who has the ego to think this will work?
I love how many new brothers and sisters I have. :)
I'm also a cat person. Meow.
I wrote Felini Calypso
Baby's gone
Razor blade baby
All inspired by felines
Hear them in my YouTube...
Not posting more songs there since they've started censorship of fools....
Me, too! 🤗💗🙌
I wonder if there’s any clean data on the basis of which we can truly assess efficacy of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.
If you forced a binary choice upon me, asking if there was anywhere clear evidence that c19 vaccines has saved lives, I’d say “*I don’t think so”.
This lecture by Professor Norman Fenton of Queen Mary College, London, is required viewing for anyone commenting on PCR test based statistics on c19 cases & deaths.
Also on claims for efficacy of c19 vaccines.
It’s a complete fraud.
*Which I find distressing. I now know my former peers include crooks, but if any were people I actually know, I had always thought of them as “smart people”.
Then again, I was written to in the fall of 2020 by 30 or so former Pfizer colleagues, expressing sadness at the views I was expressing.
There wasn’t a single attempted rebuttal of anything I’d said. I found that extraordinary. I mean, how did they convince one another that they should even write to me if they couldn’t specify at least one thing I’d got totally wrong?
I thought about it for a day or so, then wrote back:
1. I left common employ with you 10 years ago, folks! Mind your own business.
2. You’ve failed to detail a single claim I’ve made that’s wrong or misplaced. Why is that?
3. I thought I’d hired smarter people:)
Best wishes
Just incredible from your ex Pfizer colleagues, to not detail one item where they disagreed with you and explain why they thought you wrong. Cowards & Bullies. Spineless. No wonder they wanted to hide Vax Data for 75 years. Outrageous.
Indeed. To be clear, those who wrote to me (through an intermediary) also no longer work at a Pfizer, to my knowledge.
Those still working there haven’t the decency to point out a single material point I’ve got wrong.
Some like to quote me saying, after the first wave, that there won’t be another large wave, that being immunologically impossible, claiming I was wrong as there have been several extra waves.
No, there hasn’t been. It’s fraud using PCR mass testing. Deaths early in Jan 2021 were vaccine deaths.
Recently there’s been a huge peak in “cases” & claims of “Covid deaths”.
Really? How come EUROMOMO shows no recent excess mortality?
"I SERIOUSLY expect that a series of new highly virulent and highly infectious SARS-CoV-2 (SC-2) variants will now rapidly and independently emerge in highly vaccinated countries all over the world and that they will soon spread at high pace.
I expect the current pattern of repetitive infections and relatively mild disease in vaccinees to soon aggravate and be replaced by severe disease and death. Unfortunately, there is no way vaccinees can rely on assistance from their innate immune system to protect against coronaviruses as their relevant innate IgM antibodies are increasingly being outcompeted by infection-enhancing vaccinal Abs, which are continuously recalled due to the circulation of highly infectious Omicron variants. In contrast, Omicron’s high infectiousness would enable the non-vaccinated to train their innate immune defense against SC-2 while the infectious and pathogenic capacity of the new SC-2 variants would be debilitated in the non-vaccinated for lack of infection-enhancing Abs in their blood. Unless..."
- Geert Vanden Bossche
Here on the ground I can report many members of our bowls club have had covid recently, all triple jabbed, age range 55-80. Many neighbours also have had covid, age range 45-75, all triple jabbed. Many of these same people are rushing out to get their second booster.
The only other unjabbed person I know is my hairdresser. She is in her 40’s. She got covid and guess what. Her symptoms were just like everyone else….like a cold.
What I would like to know is whether the shedding of spike is real or not.
Also one more quick observation. The elephant in the room is very much now censorship. It is being ramped up severely. Nick Hudson suspended on twitter yesterday. Rare also gone. And with censorship a worrying concern scientists and doctors speaking out against the narrative being harassed by ?. Dr. Zev Zelenko (who has security guards) has spoken about a doctor’s assassination list, Dr.Jessica Rose just wrote about her recent threatening encounter in Israel.
Thank you for your efforts, in bringing honest, clear data to our attention.
Hear hear for hairdressers. Mine is also unjabbed -- we had a brilliant conversation about the whole shitshow when I went for my last appointment.
p.s. Agree on the censorship. There's a massive new push; Michael Senger, Vigilant Fox and others who have been doing great work unearthing government agendas are no longer on Twitter. I'm seeing more shadow-banning too. Today under a tweet of mine it said "Click to show more replies" but when I clicked, nothing appeared!
I was glad to see Dr Jessica Rose posting today. But no new article or explanation why she deleted the story of her encounter. Had been worried about her!
In the early days I believe Indonesia was the same as here in Malaysia, where the 'deactivated virus' type Sinovac vaccine was used a lot?
I took Sinovac in Malaysia as they said here they were moving from that to the mRNA type, so I caved in and got the Sinovac while still available - and still got heart issues (and still do now, 10 months later, but generally a lot better than back then).
I think it is off the mark for Rose to correlate AEs with vaccine doses. The acute AEs in the trials are not denied by anybody and are not the ones we are concerned about. They're considered the acceptable price to get the claimed benefits. And naturally, more vaccine doses will increase VAERS reports proportionally even if it were a placebo. You can only prove that vaccines cause *reports* that way. Also, not totally clear what the specific cause-effect question she is asking there is. We need to be as clear as possible. I do think cause-effect can be shown for both vaccines causing covid and causing death, but we gotta do it right.
Joel, for #8 BH criteria, experimental evidence may be there in the trials themselves. I have not checked, but I heard covid-like illnesses were uneven in the two groups, hence vaccines would cause covid-like illness. This could in considerable part be covid with a false-negative PCR. Turns out those false-negatives are highly prevalent. I think this might be a way they could have concealed the covid risk in the trials, because they did plot some cumulative time curves which did NOT show an acute covid risk.
Hi David, I may be misunderstanding your comment, but I think it has been shown (by Rose) that the number of AE reports per dose is significantly higher for this treatment than others such as flu shots. Assuming comparable reporting rates the conclusion should be that real AE rates (not just reports) are similarly higher. This is important on its own because it means these shots are uniquely risky for a mass rollout program.
I don't think the public has "accepted" this as the price to pay, nor have authorities been honest about that price. (Setting aside the question of whether anything is actually gained by paying this price). I think there's a huge gap between what folks like us have already internalized vs what can be called "common knowledge".
Again, sorry if I missed your mark.
- The assumption about comparable reporting rates is unfortunately unfounded.
- The AEs I mention as "accepted" are things like getting a little fever or fatigue for a few days after the vaccine. People know of those things.
Thanks for clarifying. Agree on the acceptance of mild side effects. What would be the basis for thinking AE reporting rates are dramatically higher now than in the past? One should require pretty compelling evidence for that. Not saying it's impossible but would not be my starting assumption. Cheers.
- Despite the fact there is massive underreporting, these are still new vaccines and it's likely there is more vigilance about them than say a flu vaccine.
- Administration of covid vaccines is likely to be more concentrated among the elderly than other vaccinations like MMR, etc. Old people were targeted. This which would lead to higher AE rates in comparison even if it were a placebo.
- Rose presents no denominators that I can see. For example, one chart says about 12,000 reported deaths, compared to very few reported deaths for other vaccines. How many doses are we talking about. No AE rate is reported that I saw.
Anyway, could be numerous confounding factors. It's the difference between proving vaccines cause AEs and proving vaccines cause reports of AEs.
These are valid points David. On the concentration among the elderly, that's a confounder but doesn't it mean that the shots should have been properly tested, in a clinical trial, among the elderly? If you're going to mass vaccinate the elderly you better be sure it's safe and then tell people what the risks are. Neither of those conditions were met.
I think it's fair to ask the skeptics for as high a burden of proof as is possible. But in general the burden of proof should be on the pushers, to prove that the high level of AE reports are not due to a unique danger, as opposed to the burden being on the skeptics to prove that they are.
Regardless I think you make sound points and there is usually more shared agreement than these comment sections let on.
Best, Matt.
Certainly burden of proof is on promoters. We don't have to say anything. But when we do, it should be accurate and not overstated. Otherwise it is just more fuel for people to use to dismiss critics.
Substack is the most civil online space I have ever seen. It's great.
Chris Masterjohn PhD (latest Substack essay) has a thought-provoking take on this. He thinks it's possible that the only real effect of the gene therapy injections is to prevent positive test results due to post-injection temporary surge of the IgG produced. He posits that the injections have no actual effect on preventing Covid or Covid-like viral infections at all, rather the opposite as time goes on, but only the refuseniks test positive because they still have a working innate immune response. The jabbed still get sick, even wind up in hospital and die from real Covid, and never test positive for it. It explains a lot if this turns out to be accurate.
You've just reminded me of a really good piece I read recently which was precisely about this -- the epidemic of covid-like illnesses occurring in vaccinated individuals who are nevertheless testing negative for covid. I'll see if I can find it.
I'm in Thailand and followed Indonesia news last year. When the big spike occurred, they still had very low vaccination rates. They did however adopt the Indian model of handing out home treatment kits widely. One news report mentioned IVM being included, but details were scarce at least in English news sources. The surge peaked within 1-2 weeks and stayed down near zero for months, while they continued to vaccinate. The surge might relate to vaccination rollout, but the subsequent rapid drop was due to using proper early treatment.
Unless you know those who died were vaccinated your still guessing.. Indonesia is a wonderful place and people but I very much doubt they have good records over the 250 Million people? so the data comes from where?
So does this one substack post inadvertently mean all judgements correlating mRNA vaccines with mortality, finding causation, are incorrect?
A couple of people in the comments, Anri and Bigs, mention a large share of the vaccines in Indonesia are not mRNA based. Looked for market share stats on mRNA vs non-mRNA, but couldn't locate.
Couple of options I can see. One, it's all covid vaccines, not specifically mRNA, so most likely the spike protein is the culprit. Two, we're misinterpreting the data.
Hope you're feeling better soon Bigs!
There is a lot of discussion about deaths with each wave. One thing that is rarely pointed out is that those that died in the first and second wave can't die again. The first two waves sadly took the aged and vulnerable with pre-existing co-morbidities. Who is dying in each of the following waves and what are their vulnerabilities. This is the data we need.
Random thought: Each life will be limited by their carbon footprint as controlled by the ministry of freedom. Reminds me of the old movie Logan's run about voluntary suicide at about 40 years of age as a positive force for societal resource conservation. Who has the ego to think this will work?
Wish I could have joined you. It is so lonely being the only unvaxxed in my family, bridge club, neighbourhood etc etc.
To your question on point 2... I believe in the US, the driver of reductions in CFR was Omicron not vaccinations: https://inumero.substack.com/p/answering-my-own-question?r=tv61s&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
- I don't know if breaking down age groups would count towards "specificity".
- Plausibility: A plausible mechanism of action is acute lymphocyte suppression. I can dig that reference up if needed.