Nice to see you back Joel! Will assist.

Relatedly, I have been focussing on the UK and the emails I have been receiving in response to this article are quite devastating - the personal stories. I am not sure why, but it never showed up in my Substack feed. Wondering if other authors are having the same issue?


For the greater good: Did UK MP Andrew Bridgen just let slip the government’s motive for the midazolam murders?

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Joel I have not even read this substack yet, I was too excited to see your name this morning. I was worried, not seeing anything from you in a long while. Grateful you are back💕. Now, on with today’s substack.

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Have been busy trying to get my life back on track after expending so much energy fighting the COVID cause. Still waiting on the ONS to finally even quote me for the dataset I need to do a final mortality analysis for England & Wales. It will be a big project.

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Thanks. I wanted to provide a link to that anyway and couldn't find one. this will do!

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A long read....informative, well presented and discussed/analysed. The mrna 'vaccines' won't be withdrawn despite the catalogue of harms associated with their use. Investments made and future billions in investments and, of course, profits .....it's a rich minefield for treating everything in the body. Mass application of the GPT for a respiratory virus looks like a mass experiment with profitable returns. As the UK PM insisted in the HoC, the Covid 'vaccines' are "safe".....but can he say that from personal experience? Probably not.

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“Cureus” is a subsidiary of Springer Nature.

The medical journal ``BMC Infectious Diseases'' is also affiliated with a magazine company called ``Springer Nature.''

Springer Nature has been in business for 175 years, and its management team is all about making money, including business studies and accountants.

There was a time when a Taiwanese paper was withdrawn due to the Chinese Communist Party's flirtation (= politically driven).

There is something suspicious about Springer Nature's unclear financial relationships.

Incidentally, many of the editors of ``BMC Infectious Diseases'' are tropical medicine and public health doctors, and it is expected that they will receive money or sponsorship from pharmaceutical companies, but this is not disclosed at all.

I think Mead and Seneff's paper was fortunately published because Cereus and Springer didn't have the ability to censor it.

Most of the famous medical journals in the United States are wiped out because they receive funding from Bill Gates. As far as I've researched, the British company BMJ maintains its independence and I think it's a reliable company among the major medical publishing companies. Other small, inconspicuous publishers have both good and bad points. In short, we have to read the papers and think for ourself to see if there are any fakes or lies.

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Welcome back. I would love to see an anaylsis from you about the recently released NZ FOI death by vaccination status... https://supersally.substack.com/p/new-zealand-data-foi-release-shows

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And best wishes to Joel (and all of us) getting our lives back on track.

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Fortunately, despite the censoring bodies out there, the wonderful authors of this paper are never going away. They will never give up their effort to uncover errors made, seek the truth and give people their lives back. Where would we be without them?

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Evidence Based MedicineTM (EBM) draws conclusions (and protocols) from peer reviewed published data.

Imagine what the EBM would look like if the editors (gatekeepers) restrict what they allowed to be published (or stay published)?

There is a big difference between EBM TM and Medicine based on evidence.

Another rabbit hole I fell into in 2021.

Just had to vent!

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Good reminder. Thanks Joel.

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Misinformation is… misleading information… when it prolongs a wrongful situation from being put right… when it allows governments to stay inactive after the data they have begins to reveal people are dying or becoming harmed through one of their own policies.. and nothing gets corrected…it becomes criminal.

When it allows hospitals doctors and nurses to remain silent … to hide the increase in death and injury .….. it becomes a criminal act of malfeasance.

When the law makers and keepers stay silent…it is criminal.

When a vaccine company has the ability to harm injure and kill mass population through misleading governments with false information it’s time to take away their freedom from culpability ..

When very wealthy benefactors cajole all the above with huge sums of cash .. to further their designs on the future of mankind that results in death and injury.. it is CRIMINAL…it’s time to STOP mRNA mandates .. injections… until such time they actually can be shown to be safe and effective because right now .. they are NOT…

It’s way past the time to give them all time in a jail facility on death row.

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When a vaccine company has the ability to harm injure and kill mass population through misleading governments with false information....

They didn't need much 'misleading'. The information was out there from the beginning, the criminal governments just didn't care.

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My coauthors and I greatly appreciate this support. Thank you all for downloading the PDF by tomorrow, and offering your SIQ rating if it's not too much trouble. Many thanks! Also here's an interview I recently did for a NZ radio station called Reality Check Radio: https://realitycheck.radio/the-inquiry-sessions-with-alistair-harding-and-nathaniel-mead-on-his-paper-calling-for-a-moratorium-on-mrna-technology/

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Rather than giving them the SIQ score, I replied to their email and asked that they publish the referees' comments plus the phone/email/texts relating to their retraction decision. I haven't heard back as yet!

You probably are obliged to keep the peer review confidential, but if there is any way to report on the process it would be informative.

Thank you again for the work.


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This multi-country analysis confirmed pre-established safety signals for myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Other potential safety signals that require further investigation were identified. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X24001270

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How do you give it a high SIQ Joel - not immediately obvious. I have an account but there's no option that I can see?

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Hi Joel, just a FYI.

I've kept an eye on UK excess deaths. For England and Wales in 2023 these seem to average 1200 per week. Since the beginning of 2024 the average is 166. I have no explanation for this.

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Excellent article👍🏼

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My practice is 50/50, vax, unvaxxed.

Vaxxed are getting hammered. Mostly 40's and over and mainly cancer.

I haven't seen a single case of unvaxxed cancer in 4 years. Saw 6 last week. One patient dead. Another yesterday with probably prostate cancer-- turbo. Oral cancers too.

The most disturbing is early onset dementia. 2 women last month in their 40's.

Oh well. Compliance was violence. You can't complain that your hometown got bombed when you supported Hitler.

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