This was not a pandemic, it was/is a global criminal conspiracy. The first curve at the beginning of the “pandemic” was due to the unprecedented, anti-scientific, and genocidal policies implemented by many western countries and certain states in the US which were deliberately designed to murder residents of nursing/care homes and hospital patients, the former with a combination of neglect/isolation/stress/lethal sedatives/refusal of treatment and the latter with a combination of a cocktail of experimental drugs and lethal ventilation. There was not only a (deliberately-cultivated) culture of fear and uncertainty among healthcare workers which caused them to unquestioningly participate in this mass murder spree, but also a documented system of financial incentives for hospitals and nursing/care homes and their owners/managers to enact these protocols in order to create “covid” patients and, more importantly and insidiously, “covid” deaths. This was accomplished by the using the useless PCR to swab everyone and anyone everywhere; the creation of a national, and deadly, treatment protocol created by Fauci and co-conspirators; and changes in the protocols for attributing cause of death, along with the refusal to conduct autopsies. The countries and states where these policies were not implemented, or not as systematically or severely, this unusual initial spike did not occur.

And the second spike occurred, and “sudden deaths” continue to mount, because, after manufacturing this fake “pandemic”/“public health emergency” and inventing a deadly disease by a) reattributing existing illness b) creating/exacerbating new and existing disease conditions in the elderly and hospital patients, and c) using the PCR to label them all “covid”, they then - surprise, surprise - had the “cure” ready to go in record time, manufactured, distributed, and injected at “warp speed”, almost as if it was all planned in advance (sort of like how both the PATRIOT Act and plans for invading Afghanistan were already written up before 9-11)...

IMO these toxic injections, as well as those being cooked up for a myriad of other diseases - most of which are also caused, directly and indirectly, by the same ruling class criminals who oversee our inhuman and unjust socio-economic system and whose processes and methods of wealth accumulation contribute to miserable social conditions and a poisoned environment which both contribute to the epidemic of both mental illness (really, the society is sick, not the individual) and chronic illness, even in children, much more so than so-called viruses, genes, or chemical imbalances in the brain - are what are really researched and developed at these bio-weapons facilities and “gain-of-function” labs and are the real bio-weapons designed to maim, sterilize, and kill in what is in essence a worldwide Nazi-esque experiment in order to reduce the population and eventually digitally enslave the remaining survivors in quasi-concentration camp-like conditions, who will also have to avoid succumbing to the parallel, interrelated, and wholly-engineered crises of hyper-inflation, supply-chain disruptions, energy and food shortages, war, weather manipulation, etc.

From my perspective “covid” was only the initial “shock-and-awe” of this global fascist class war against humanity. It has only just begun, and there will be much more (unimaginable, especially for people who still think, in spite of everything that’s happened/is happening, that “it can’t happen here/to me”) suffering and mass death. Because the “pandemic” was/is nothing more than a means to an end for the transnational conspirators (which includes the billionaire class, multinational corporations and international finance, central banks, all the world governments, the mass media, and so on) to radically transform the world according to their collective class interests and diabolical and dystopian vision, one where they own everything, on a planet which is their private playground, in a stable technological slave society, free from the old contradictions of capitalism and threat of proletarian revolution.

Looking at the “pandemic” from a public health perspective, debating how it should’ve been handled, or whether the shots are effective, etc., is a fundamental misunderstanding of what it was/is really about, and to view any other aspect of this global offensive as an isolated event/problem is to miss the forest for the trees, to be left clueless and defenseless against what’s going on and what’s to come.

The only way to effectively fight back and prevent the worst case scenario from occurring to courageously engage in this sober, radical *class* analysis of all these things and see them as part of a conscious, globally-coordinated conspiracy (in which even the Russian and Chinese leaders and ruling classes are complicit, advancing the same fascist policies and agenda) and to organize around that understanding and the awareness that the rest of us that make up the vast majority of humanity, the ones being targeted for poisoning, impoverishment, starvation, enslavement, and/or extermination, have a shared interest to collectively resist the collective efforts of our ruling classes, to unite against them as they’ve United against us, across race, sex, nationality, and religion, to overthrow our shared oppressors, exploiters, would-be slave masters in order to create a society based on human need, true democracy, and cooperation.

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I think you need your own Substack!

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All parents know how difficult it is to manage children. Controlling billions of people, even if they manage to reduce our numbers significantly, greatly overestimates their capacity of power over a multitude of independent creative and stubborn people. This mafia, so intent on being our overlords, is advantaged because our world has evolved over decades and is like a fine-tuned instrument. No one can predict the multitude of unforeseen consequences of reordering everything and everyone. They are doomed to fail massively.

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I am in Spain where we got hit hard and early on. My misses is a doctor and got dragged into covid wards (not ICU, so I can't ask about midozlam). It was stressful and real for her, but only for 6 weeks. After that was ridiculous hysteria. Over two years on and here we are

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Let me finish this for you ... this is an extermination plan https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

Breaking: Sri Lanka halts fuel to non-essential services https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/world/2022/06/28/sri-lanka-halts-fuel-to-non-essential-services/

This is coming soon - everywhere... if the PTB fail on the extermination front

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Walking disease vector- great handle.

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I believe insurance actuaries of a multi Billion valued company in Indiana USA pointed to the excess deaths in 35-50 year old in 2021 as the cause of rising insurance rates.

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Yes, the life and disability insurance industry is a nightmare right now.


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Thank you for your analyses :)

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I spoke to my sister last night. She is intelligent. She believes in the experimental biologicals 100%. She believes there was pandemonium in hospitals at the beginning of the scamdemic and many died from covid. She thinks early treatment with ivermectin and HCQ is a myth. She has not read about anyone in the in the military dying post vaxx, nor about military and passenger pilots grounded due to adverse effects from their mandated covid vaxxes in the USA. She is not alone.

When I asked her which researchers, scientists, data analysts she gets her covid info from there was a long silence. She still believes Tony Fauci and Rochelle Wallensky are telling the truth. I am at a loss. She is not alone.

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She is not alone and she is not intelligent.

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I group humans into 3 categories :

Highly trained circus animals - lawyers, doctors, professors, engineers, technicians and other professionals ...

Barnyard animals - almost everyone else

Then there is a very tiny number of people who have true intelligence and see through much of the matrix -- and if someone confronts them with an uncomfortable fact that challenges their reality - rather than getting angry - they welcome the challenge and change their mind if the facts and logic align.

There are very few people who fit into the 3rd category...

Here's a test - are you willing to watch this? If so you are half way there... but as you go along you find yourself getting angry with me... then you are in group 1 or 2... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY

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Of course there's an uptick in mortality. The shots were formulated to kill us all.

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And, because the vials are all different with 'bad batches' all the way to 'saline batches' the Russian Roulette ratchets up with each booster whilst keeping the deaths/illnesses/maiming from looking too [immediately] obvious.

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Do you think it could be to do with the storage? A lot was made of the fact that they needed to be kept at -80 in the beginning. That was soon forgotten about and they were considering extending the use by dates on some if i remember correctly. Maybe a load of people got dud mRNA which didn't translate to toxic spike protein.

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When you accept the simple fact that the injections don’t work, there is only downside. No upside. It’s really that simple.

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As others have said, they do work as intended. They prolong and continue the 'pseudopandemic' (Iain Davis), perpetually-weaken the immune system of the masses, normalize 'immunity via susbscription', increase the long-term mortality rate, and provide an endless trial period on humans to tweak and tune mRNA variables till they get the desired 'soma' effect that Aldous Huxley and Betrand Russell dreamed of.

But I'm 'cynical' apparently.

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FDA JUST approved the poison for 6 months to 5 years! These evil people & entities have GOT to be stopped

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It's still full steam ahead with the jibby jabs here downunder. Only yesterday on the TV was a doctor urging Australians to get jabbed. There's very little doubt that the vaccines have saved us and we all owe Pfizer et al. our collectively stupid lives. What's a Dollyboy to do?

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Given the known extremely low risk to healthy people under 70 from Covid19, and the novel nature of the experimental vaccines, it never made any sense to mass vaccinate.

Only a fool, or someone with ill intent, would seek to reduce extremely low risk by taking on completely unknown risk.

The insurance premium to be paid by each jabbed person in order to eliminate low risk of Covid19, is determined afterwards. The premium could be zero - no negative health implication - or, it could be astronomical - severe health implications or even death.

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Same trends, but more obvious in Australia and NZ, where case numbers were low until Omicron hit and the vaccine was exposed as being next to useless.

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Fifth largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021 - Total claims/benefits up $6 BILLION

Company cites "non-pandemic-related morbidity" and "unusual claims adjustments" in explanation of losses from group life insurance business: Stock falling, replaces CEO

Five months after breaking the story of the CEO of One America insurance company saying deaths among working people ages 18-64 were up 40% in the third quarter of 2021, I can report that a much larger life insurance company, Lincoln National, reported a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021.

This is according to the annual statements filed with state insurance departments — statements that were provided exclusively to Crossroads Report in response to public records requests.

The reports show a more extreme situation than the 40% increase in deaths in the third quarter of 2021 that was cited in late December by One America CEO Scott Davison — an increase that he said was industry-wide and that he described at the time as “unheard of” and “huge, huge numbers” and the highest death rates that have ever been seen in the history of the life insurance business.

The annual statements for Lincoln National Life Insurance Company show that the company paid out in death benefits under group life insurance polices a little over $500 million in 2019, about $548 million in 2020, and a stunning $1.4 billion in 2021.


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Thank you Joel. I like when you did an audio of your last article. Helps to keep up with all the content when I can listen on long drives. I realize it’s an extra effort, but it’s appreciated!

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I do plan to do a podcast of this one too but couldn't record it in time before I had to go collect the kids from school!

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The worst of it may be yet to come.

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Great read, and scary too, because all your highly sophisticated data are proof that the experimental gene therapy is killing people! Why isnt this so called vax pulled of the market yet , where are the warnings of the officials and media? A deafening silence as the vax pushers are even doubling down. A dystopian nightmare.

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"The shoe fits" as they used to say. (Your explanation makes sense.)

Encouraging that 2022 appears to be off to a more successful start (provided I'm reading the graph correctly, that is). Here's hoping that adverse events will continue to recede... These are our friends and neighbors after all.

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Apologies for maybe the repeat of this, but circulatory problems for the jabbed are only the beginning of their problems.


No doubt Joel is already aware.

The problem we have is that the inevitable increase in jabbed related deaths/health problems will be lost in the "noise" as time goes on.

This is where the work of people like Joel must be heard.

What is happening is beyond evil.

One can only hope that the RPTB get what they deserve. - And to paraphrase my late Father that would be a 3.03 between the eyes.

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