Thank you, as always Joel 🙏🏻

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It was the soil...don't you know..... GREEN FINGERS Urgent warning to gardeners as soil ‘increases risk of killer heart disease’......The results of the analysis pushed experts to recommend that people wear a face mask, if they are in close contact with the soil. ........... https://www.thesun.co.uk/health/19059935/urgent-warning-gardeners-soil-increases-risk-killer/

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Sounds like they don't want people to "ground" themselves ...perhaps telling us to avoid exactly what we need...like the Ivermectin ....

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Brava Kelly. Also God forbid we relearn how to provide food for ourselves !

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That too, they're just continuing to tell us not to pay attention to what is good for us.

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WOW! Hadn’t seen this bit of journalistic gold. Well that’s me damned having spent the past few months gardening with no mask or gloves. Get me, a real racey radical 😆. Seriously though, do people really believe this tripe? Dare I say, herein lay a large part of the problem …. Very daft people believing none sense . If it didn’t impact our (MY) every day Rights I may have some empathy but I no longer feel shame when I say I don’t have any empathy for them anymore. My bad ! 😉

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Hearing 20+ sirens a day in 97217. I just went on a morning walk, and saw a firetruck at an apartment building. I decided to wait and see who they were attending to. Eventually an ambulance (lights only) came and took out a woman who looked to be in her 50's. She was conscious. I said they might want to ask her if she was vaccinated, and boy did I get dirty looks from the masked EMT.'s. I mentioned to a fellow bystander about all the jab deaths, and he was incredulous, as he donned his mask to enter a coffee shop. At this point I am gonna talk to every person I can, to discourage boosters at least. There is nothing to lose by offending them, in fact everything to lose by not offending them. Democide.

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Same here in my small town. All day every day.

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100% we must move past our discomfort to bear witness to what we know. Blimey! You’d think we’re plucking ideas out of thin air. I still get looked at in odd ways when I point fellow Brits to our own Government websites for ‘proof’ as well as SUPERB Substak like this. They don’t want to know largely, as though they actually want to be part of this farce. It beggars belief 😳

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You are doing such a fabulous job of looking at all the possibilities. Wonderful.

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Here in the US, we have seen at least 137,500 more deaths in 2021 in the US working age population than in 2020. That is huge!

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Remdesiivir and ventilattors were the only protocol here...I think that is why.

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Agreed. Alongside in UK Midazolam, Morphine and End of Life pathways being used without anyones consent, especially in March, April, May 2020 !!!

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Were they still doing that last winter? I had heard about that particular horror story....Crimes against humanity,

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Maajid Nawaz has done a superb interview on Odyssey on this very topic. It is 2 hours long BUT worth a watch. Be aware it makes for quite disturbing viewing though as he has personal testimony from very credible folk who are prepared to put their faces in front of cameras. As they say though …knowledge is power!

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"But if we could save even one life...[with vaccines and mandates, who cares what happens..." The scientismists don't care how many lives they destroy or ruin.

Reminds me of a couple quotes from Thomas Sowell:

1. “Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.”

2. “There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs.”

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That is huge and very worrying. Seems the so called 1st World Nations have suffered the most. Now let me have a little think about why that might be🤔

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If this was the USA, I would have put money on the deaths before the rollout being due to

the deadly protocol of vent and remdesivir....what was the protocol in the UK during this time?

I am presuming you had one, because I don't see where IVM and HCQ were used?

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Yes, this is the scandal that nobody in the legacy media will touch. The US 2020 Spring wave is an outlier and cant be used for comparison to subsequent waves because the death rate is almost entirely due to malpractice and panic by the medical industrial complex. I have a hunch that all of the proceeding bad decisions, vaccinations, and continued use of non pharmaceutical interventions is due to the CDC and other health officials trying to simultaneously memory hole and cover up the fact that the “pandemic” was almost entirely self created due to hospitals killing people.

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Sorry if this isn’t a unique suggestion. Have you read The Real Anthony Fauci? If not, I highly recommend. I read with my mouth wide open, realising the UK did what it always does. It lock stepped in line with US like a little obedient puppy. As you say, it’s a scandal, although that word really doesn’t feel strong enough does it?!

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After 2 years of driving a taxi and having thousands of people in the car throughout covid he caught covid, he’s 56 a little overweight but no medication or health issues, exercises regularly. He had a fever headache and tiredness, took ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (the FLCCC protocol), it jumped to me a week later, I am 58 fit healthy slim lady with slight hypertension. I had headache slight sore throat and used the flccc protocol. Tiredness for a week but then went no long term issues. A week later it jumped to my 27 year old son, healthy fit young man, very minor symptoms slight headache and bit tired. Took ivermectin and we are all unvaccinated. My employer wants me as unvaccinated to test every day and on Tuesday I tested positive. I had a cough only but by the next day it was negative. Whether I had it or not I don’t know but I definitely had a cough that I now don’t have.

My niece unvaccinated had covid in early January, only mild symptoms but tiredness seemed the most prominent. She had a cold the other day and her body ached and felt tired. She tested positive for covid. Negative within 5 days.

My sister 54, is immune compromised with rheumatoid arthritis so takes hydroxychloroquine. She had covid December 2020. Symptoms tiredness and headache. No long term issues. She was vaccinated with 2 doses of AstraZeneca covid vaccine. She has now tested positive with covid symptoms mild sore throat, cough and just feels a bit run down, she’s an ex smoker, not overweight but takes no vitamins nor any exercise.

It is definitely spreading and the vaccines do absolutely nothing at all.

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I agree with all you say with a little addition if I may. The tests only test for coronavirus as we know. I had a ‘memory’ pop up on farcebook from 5 years ago, me moaning about being in bed with a poop summer cold and how could I have such a stinker in summer! Maybe what is spreading is a right stinker (official name summer cold) 🤔. Just a thought.

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Careful, balanced, clear, sane analysis.

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Given the numbers above, if we really wanted to conduct mass experiments with mRNA and other Covid vaccines, we really should have focused on those who were confident they were past their reproductive years.

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The age of onset of death in VAERS has an interesting pattern

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I did some work to stratify excess deaths because that is how the vaccination data presents. In particular I was interested in the 15-19 year old cohort because Johnston and Whitty discarded medical advice and authorised the jabs. (It's complicated)

Here's my thoughts:

From early 2020 onward, all-cause deaths declined in both the 15-19 age group and in the 10-14 age group.

When the jabs started, different groups, different times, this trend reversed, and allocating a rates of mortality in the range 20-40 per million appears to show a close correlation with the jabs. For three jabs, that gives a sum of maybe over 100 per million.

As a note of caution, I'll mention that I had expected the excess deaths to lag the jabs by a week or so, but the deaths and jabs appear to coincide, though that may be the effect of filtering noise from the data, something to do with the reporting cycle, or reported vs actual dates of deaths.

Also, correlation isn't necessarily causation.

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Have to be careful with any analysis of younger ages. The registrations of deaths are up to 18 months behind. There are thousands sitting with the coroner.

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Thanks for the pointer. I should also mention that we are now 18 months or so into this experiment, and things change over time. There are fewer vaccinations in the 10-14 age group, and as this population moves into the 15-19 age group the percentage jabbed tends to stall but new deaths occur. This pushes up the mortality rate per jab, until I can find a way to recalculate.

And thanks for this article BTW, it confirms my thoughts on the events of early 2021, but a full and public investigation is greatly needed.

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Also, this casts doubt on the figures in the peer-reviewed studies. Even so, some things cannot be unseen.

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What winter wave?

Be specific because I'm taking notes.

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The winter wave starts in early Dec, the deaths at any rate.

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How do you know that?

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Why do you believe these numbers the Government provides? It's all a hoax.

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In regards to the note on the winter wave starting one week early - don't forget that healthcare professionals, emergency responders, and some key workers were provided early access to the vaccines.

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