Seems to me Doug should collect all his writings into a book. The whole sorry episode needs solid landmarks and substack posts and open letters are a bit ephemeral. I'd buy a copy!

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I would buy his book too!

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023

How about this instead of a book, if substack will allow it. An index of all my posted campaigning works since 2015, and there were lots before that which never made it online:

My online campaigning works

21/3/23 The undemocratic tyranny of Net Zero

27/2/23 Response to the consultation on the data sharing for identity verification services [Rosie]

23/2/23 We are being horribly abused by lies, false propaganda and suppression of the truth [Joel, Rosie, PSI]

17/2/23 Reiner Fuellmich's Grand Jury Court of Public Opinion: Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity (2022) [Joel, PSI]

14/1/23 Why do so few of the general public smell a rat? [Joel, White Rose, Exposé, PSI]

10/11/22 ‘First degree premeditated mass murder crimes against humanity and genocide’

[Joel: P1, P2, P3 Rosie: P1, P2, PCI: in full]

10/11/22 The Powers That Be who rule our lives are inveterate liars [Joel, Rosie, PSI]

31/8/22 My Net Zero climate change rant [Joel, PSI, White Rose, Exposé]

18/8/22 Follow-up open letter to my MP, complicit by his silence [Joel, PSI, Rosie]

30/7/22 Open letter to my MP, culpable by commission and omission [Joel, PSI, Exposé, Rosie]

12/7/22 Re 21st Century crimes against humanity [Joel, White Rose]

2/7/22 21st Century crimes against humanity [Joel, PSI, White Rose]

6/6/22 Facts and opinions suppressed by the corrupt mainstream media [PSI]

18/5/22 Government abuse of the general public – update [PSI]

13/5/22 Re How the government abuses the general public [Joel, PSI, Exposé, White Rose]

2/5/22 How the government abuses the general public [Joel, Exposé]

13/4/22 Covid-19 Inquiry Consultation follow up email [PSI]

4/4/22 Covid-19 Inquiry Consultation on Draft Terms of Reference [PSI, TCW]

5/2/22 How the general public was kept in the dark over Covid [Joel, PSI]

5/2/22 Table from ‘How the general public was kept in the dark over Covid’ [Joel]

15/1/22 The energy crisis and how it connects to Covid [Ed, TCW, PSI]

11/12/21 The Covid establishment has been getting away with murder [PSI]

13/11/21 Dear Mr Hendry (Covid) [ PSI]

7/11/21 Dear politicians 2 (cover email with attachment ‘Covid vaccines damage the immune system and cause illness and death’, 3/11/21) [PSI]

12/10/21 Davos WEF UN ‘Great Reset’ to be announced at COP26 (PSI]

9/9/21 The Futility of Net Zero Ed. 2 [Ed, PSI]

20/6/21 Covid-19 vaccination and lockdown skulduggeries [PSI]

8/4/21 The machinations of the pandemic opportunists [ThinkScotland]

6/3/21 Scotland’s Unscientific Mishandling of Coronavirus [ThinkScotland]

15/10/20 Unscientific mishandling of Coronavirus [PSI]

15/7/20 Fossil fuel dependency shows Net Zero is impossible [Ed]

15/7/20 UK temperature analysis from 1659 to 2019 [Ed]

30/7/19 The case against net zero CO2 emissions [Ed, PSI]

24/6/19 Beware the elephant trap collation [Windfarmaction]

9/6/19 Arguments against alleged man-made global warming [Windfarmaction]

19/5/19 Arguments against net-zero emissions [Windfarmaction]

14/5/18 The Climate Change Emperor’s New Clothes, Part 2 [Ed]

22/4/18 The Climate Change Emperor’s New Clothes, Ruth Davidson [Windfarmaction]

10/11/15 Why the Climate Change Act should be Repealed - Edition 2 [Paul]

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Unfortunately substack didn't support the links.

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Thank you for trying Douglas. Your list of dates and titles should be helpful.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023

The urls are now posted at the bottom of the thread.

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Thanks for all yr great work! You’ve made things BETTER-- My support of Dowd’s “Cause Unknown” is this vid.

Thanks again!

(make things) BETTER


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Living in the UK and being a critical thinker is a recipe for serious despondency. Mr. Brodie, I could not agree more with everything you wrote in this substack. I seriously considered “calling the police on Matt Hancock” after I read his messages to a civil servant and to George Osborne. The man admitted criminal activity. Someone must do it. On a less serious note, I was wondering if your writings may have helped push Nicola out of her post? If so, thank you. Hope you will reconsider, or at least throw us a bone every now and then. Your writings inspire. And boy, do we need that💕

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Living anywhere in the Anglo world and being a reflective questioner with critical thinking skills is definitely the recipe for depression. I know that in other parts of the world it may (for now, wait til the WHO gets going!) be a different story. But, I'm not comforted. Because these evil beings seem unstoppable by the means we little people have. Voting won't work, it has been taken over and corrupted. Politicos are crooked and speak out of both sides of their mouths. The bankers sit counting shekels and dollars and gold coins gloating and fear the loss of their empire of gold and wealth untold sucked from the misery of the masses. Death becomes more likely for ALL people, not just the poor saps who 'jabbed' in confidence and trust. And well... Marantha Lord, Marantha. May the Christ be reborn for this time soon.

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That thought did cross my mind. Obviously I’ve been very parochial in gunning for Sturgeon rather than say Johnson and Hancock, but maybe she has been living in such a bubble of make-believe that the shock of my email got to her. Hopefully there will be no hiding place for her.

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Please don't stop writing, Mr Brodie, because you are good at it - always interesting, well researched and unemotional. And who knows, one day you might write to a politician with enough backbone to reply to you!

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I’ve been writing to politicians for well over two decades and I’ve never, ever had an honest answer from any of them.

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I used to write letters to my MP who was Sir John Stanley. He would always write back on headed paper with an ink pen. Generally he would tell me he had passed my concerns on to the relevant department. That would be it. Nothing ever happened and nothing ever changed! The chap who took over when he retired never replied whether I wrote a letter, email, twitter thing. He once commented that he didn't get involved in "local matters". I moved recently and wrote to my new MP asking her to vote in something. Her secretary emailed weeks after the event to say everything was done the way it should be and I really shouldn't concern myself unnecessarily. I have given up writing now as there is absolutely no point!

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Name the new MP and her secretary. After all, "Any Publicity is Good Publicity."

You may alert another voter in your own riding to the attitudes of our "representatives" and possibly even change a vote.

Anonymity is power for these people. Remove it.

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Helen Whately.

Amusingly, my cousin recently also moved into her constituency and had a knock on the door from the said Ms Whately. Apparently she likes to do a bit of door-stepping (not in my very rural location though!). I have heard she's the MP they interview when everyone else is "not available for comment"!!!! She's the minister of state for social care. I shan't comment on what I think of that!

The mp who replaced Sir John is Tom Tugendhat - the Man Who Would Be PM!!!!!

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This is amazing journalism. Thank you for all your hard work. This article in itself takes on board many different people's viewpoints that all appear to lead to the same path.

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Great stuff Douglas ! Yup, there is no social contract. They are involved in open treason and more. Oh and BTW as stunning as the 0 COVID deaths in Scottish docs and nurses recorded over 3 years despite msm claims to the contrary it's even more revelatory to realise there were in fact ZERO deaths amongst all police, all teachers and shop workers over the same 3 years ! Again despite msm claims to the contrary !



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On the other hand, Canadian physicians have not seemed quite as immortal.

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The scum of the earth will not stop trying to destroy humanity.

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Thanks - you've been one of the amazing lights in an otherwise dark past three years. I know that things are to some extent 'back to normal' (in terms of the mania phase only) so I understand your decision but genuinely thanks for your thoughts and writings over this sometimes lonely and dark period. People like you really did make a difference to people like me who were otherwise quite isolated in their views.

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I feel like a Peter Pan despite my age but, to be honest, if people don’t want to pay attention to what is going on around them, they will get what they deserve.

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Enjoy the "retirement".

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Richard Willett Retweeted

Christianne van Wijk


Steps towards one world order:

1.Make governments do atrocious things 💉

2.Throw these governments under the bus

3.Exalt the new ‘alternative’ heroes: Brands, Musks. Shun the true whistleblowers (Icke)

4.Use new heroes to bring in one world gov.

1:38 AM · Mar 8, 2023


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Thanks for everything! You have been a light shining in the darkness. God bless!

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No point in calling the police. Their function is not to uphold the law without fear or favour but to enforce the law, break the law and turn the other way when the law is broken, with extreme prejudice. They're worse than bloody useless quite frankly.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

That's why I said they could "try" calling the police!

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Most swans in this country are mute swans so it's good that Joel used a whooper swan in the graphic.

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You will be missed.

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The March 26th Coronavirus Bill was not the first piece of Covid legislation. I've attempted to inform MSM, others like Toby Young, newspapers, Sky and Conservative Woman and they won't mention it.

The first bit of covid legislation was actually in February 2020, not march as commonly thought.

And the Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock was responsible for it - as stated on the legislation itself.


The first piece of “coronavirus” legislation was introduced at 2.30 pm on the 10th February 2020 without Parliamentary oversight or debate and is now revoked.

This was The Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 Statutory Instrument and it was subsequently amended on the 25th February 2020.

This piece of legislation required a statement of "serious and imminent threat” by the Chief Medical Officer to justify any measures to be taken.


Rather prophetically there was an unannounced and totally unpublicised release of a statement on the 30th January 2020 (the exact same day the WHO declared pandemic) by the 4 Chief Medical Officers of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland on this very subject.

It stated:

"the 4 UK Chief Medical Officers consider it prudent for our governments to escalate planning and preparation in case of a more widespread outbreak.

For that reason, we are advising an increase of the UK risk level from low to moderate. This does not mean we think the risk to individuals in the UK has changed at this stage, but that government should plan for all eventualities.”"


This statement was made 11 days before the piece of legislation it was required for was written and laid before Parliament and came into force the very same afternoon.

But why did the UK Government, namely Matt Hancock who was in charge of Health at the time, think a statement that did NOT include the words serious, imminent nor threat be used as a serious and imminent threat statement?

How did the 4 CMOs know 11 days in advance of a Statutory Instrument being written that “medical advice” would be required?

Why was this “advice” basically hidden on a webpage on a different department’s section and not on the DHSC webpages and why was it not linked to the Serious and Imminent Threat Declaration?

As this was part of a FOI request answer then either the above is the only advice given by the CMOs or the DHSC have withheld more detailed advice.

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Thanks for posting Joel. Mr. Brodie an outstanding truth seeker indeed. Thank you Mr. Brodie.

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You'll be much missed. Have a great retirement - you've earned it.

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