I guess I'll be the first say it.............

Looks an awful lot like the IFR of the flu.

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It was less dangerous than the 'flu, to those aged 69 or under, especially young people. It was more dangerous than seasonal 'flu to those very elderly and with co-morbidities. This is the 'deadly' original Wuhan, Alpha and Delta strains remember. Omicron is considerably less lethal - even in the jabbed. This is what 'they' shut down the world for and they're still telling us to wear flimsy pieces of cloth over our faces to protect us and others from an airborne virus which is the equivalent of the snuffles and against which the majority are supposedly 'vaccinated' against. The departure from science and reality is complete.

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Yep. Very very early on I grabbed a comparison of 'all deaths' vs 'covid deaths'. The ONLY difference is that covid did not kill very very young kids, who die of a lot of other things.

You can see it here: https://imgur.com/a/RFCTUDC

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It didn't affect primates all around the world which screamed it was nothing novel or even remotely dangerous and as we all know once you remove those with comorbidities from the 0.1%...


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It does indeed - the only difference is that they gave the 'flu' sufferers Remdesivir and Midazolam ... murdering many thousands of them...

The MSM spewed this horror show all over their home pages ... creating widespread fear....

This was leveraged by governments along with mandates to ensure a massive uptake of the death shots....

Which will result in some sort of nightmare mutation at some point -- that wipes us out.

Questions - I have read about the 80% death rate from this new Frankensteined mutation created in a lab in Boston ... as I understand it -- they took one of the more recent mutations and spliced it with the original covid to generate this deadly highly contagious variant.


And could it be that they needed to play the numbers game injecting billions in order to organically create the extremely contagious version of the virus ... so that they could take that back to the lab... tweak it ... and unleash the nightmare scenario on the world?

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Unbelievable, the campaign against early treatment! We have to wonder: how many lives could have been saved?

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

It's not even about "early treatment" per se they actively killed these fragile elderly people in March/April 2020 in most urban LTC's and hospitals throughout the Western world.

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Yep. We put covid patients into nursing homes, effectively speeding up the curve by infecting all the at-risk at once. Then we jammed people onto ventilators they didn't need and blew their lungs out.

But don't worry, the hospital got paid well for all of it.

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'They' not 'we'.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I spoke out and have never stopped. I've been harrassed, threatened, and called a killer and racist for supporting dissenting scientists and truckers. I will never stop, and my heroes have names like Bigtree and Wakefield, Smalley and McCullouch, Mikovits and Malone, Rose and Girardot, Ji and Mercola, among many others.

Keep up the fight. I've been at this for ten years, and it took Covid for the masses to start seeing that something is amiss with their masters.

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you, I want to meet. Hero.

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Only of the "everyday" variety. For the most part I'm just stunned that so many liars, dupes, and haters exist among our species. No one signs up to admit that to himself/herself.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Another important point is that much of this was the usual bacterial pneumonia and the set of catch-all symptoms commonly called the cold.

It is not widely appreciated that what is called 'the cold' when spread in a nursing home (in the US) kills around 8% of those who get it.

Bacterial pneumonia when contracted by an 80 plus with 4 comorbidities (who is involved in 'end of life care' ) when not picked up and treated early, mainly with antiobiotics, is a veritable death sentece.

In the US these cases of bacterial pneumonia were being "misdiagnosed"- purposefully placed into the Covid bucket and hence the following Covid protocols- which guaranteed the outcome. During this time antibiotic prescriptions in the US dropped by 50% as hospitals were disallowed from using them as now they were identifying a viral agent not a bacterial agent.

This wasn't just medical malpractice this was medical murder for money.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Did you see how incredibly scarce any prescriptions for antiobiotics were during 2020? Incredible.

Deliberate. Stupid stupid doctors stupid doctor organizations and evil evil evil people in charge.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I did see that.

I think many of thedoctors can also be classified as evil.

I sit in on meetings of family members who had loved ones die in hospitals from Covid protocols. These are first hand, detailed accounts.

Many of them, in fact all of the accounts I've been witness to, include the role played and the verbiage used by the doctors. None of it was stupidity, they knew exactly what they were doing and why.

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I think you are right, from my own experience with them killing my mother with the help of my sister. The banality of evil echoes in my head all the time now.

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I am re-reading this, and boy you hit the nail on the head and you said it well. Bears repeating.

I am saving it, hope that is okay. I think they are going to continue to do this to the old.

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I knew, many knew. That was not part of the plan, however.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

How many families have been torn apart over this debacle? My daughter, a physician, will not even speak with me because I sent her data disproving the narrative. She actually told me to quit sending her any articles. How did this happen? She was not raised in this manner. I miss my grandchildren!!

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These people chose fear and ignorance. Many chose fear and ignorance to keep their jobs. I'm sorry about this. A friend of mine is pro vax harm/pro narrative also. Now they have long COVID and can barely walk.

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We should start a COVID Survivor Group...

We could call it "The 99.9%".

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Perhaps "The 99.99Th Brigade"....

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

That's the trouble when you give useless, clueless idiots like Neil Ferguson data to play with, from an equally useless, fraudulent, meaningless PCR test!! Everything was planned. They learnt from mistakes made with the avian flu in 2013. Once Kary Mullis was out of the way, they covered all bases with paid for 'experts' to generate fear. In the UK these so called Public Health 'experts', given never ending media coverage, barely had first aid certificates!!! Most were Gates foundation shills, meaning figures about age related risk was never mentioned!!

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Given the type of protocols used especially on the elderly such as ventilators and remdesivir, do we know the true IFR for that age group and how that IFR differs from the death rate seen in a normal year for that same age group?

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I did.

Herd immunity is fast if you let it run its course.

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I believe that's why the Pfizer exec was talking about 'moving at the speed of science so they could determine what was happening in the market.' If they had done the 'normal' safety trials, covid would have been over before the jabs were ready because everybody would have aquired immunity the old-fashioned way.

This is sort of like how they tell you take the covid pill within days of symptoms appearing -- wait any longer and the symptoms will probably go away on their own and you won't credit the pill.

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Don't you remember when the development was held up because indeed they had run out of Covid?

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Bloody good job we completely destroyed the economy, people's livelihoods, children's education, etc. for such an indiscriminate killer 🤔

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Hmmm- same IFR as the flu and the flu was disappeared.

If it walks like the flu and talks like the flu it is the flu.



And in one graph:


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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Dr. Joe Smalley, I have been seeing it since Feb. 2020. Risk stratification, and HCQ/amoxicillan for the elderly, thank you Dr. in France, and IVM for protection and medicine to make more old people live longer.

Same or less than flu. Do we withhold flu treatment from the elderly? No. So why did they do it this time? They killed my Mom, my Dad, and my Aunt.

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So sorry to hear of all your losses. It's criminal though.

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Literally the only thing that needed to be done was not aggregate the sick elderly together.

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