COVID outcomes in the unvaccinated are positively affected by supplementing with Vitamins C and D, Zinc, Quercetin, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

Not taking the "vaccine" didn't stop the virus being no more than a bad cold or flu for the majority of them but substantially affected their mental health due to victimisation and discrimination.
  1. 18,497 respondents from around the world.

  2. Only 23.5% had had COVID by Oct 2021, almost 2 years after SARS-CoV-2 first emerges.

  3. 28% reported having COVID between Oct ‘21 and Feb ‘22 when the highly transmissible Omicron took over from Delta. So, only just over half the respondents have ever caught COVID at all.

  4. 10% of those that caught it were asymptomatic.

  5. Of the symptomatic, 92% had mild/moderate symptoms (57% mild, 35% moderate) and 8% had severe symptoms.

  6. In other words, 3% of all respondents reported asymptomatic infection, 14% mildly symptomatic, 9% moderately symptomatic and just 2% severe disease.

  7. Of those that were symptomatic, 89% were sick for less than 3 weeks. Most symptoms included tiredness, cough, aches, fever, loss of taste/smell, difficulty breathing and diarrhoea.

  8. Only 1.4% of those reporting COVID infection were admitted to hospital (0.4% of all respondents). Of these, 20% did not need to stay overnight, 55% stayed in hospital for less than 3 days (0.2% of all respondents), 28% for 2 weeks or more (0.1% of all respondents).

  9. 71% of those reporting COVID infection supplemented with vitamins and minerals, mainly C, D, Quercetin and Zinc, in addition to Ivermectin or Hydroxycholoroquine. Across the entire range of disease severity, there was a substantial bias towards hospitalisation of those who did not supplement.

  10. Nearly 45% reported “moderate” to “severe” mental health issues (depression) during the survey period due to being personal targets of hate, job losses and other discrimination for their health choices.

So, nothing changed then with this “vaccine” apart from an increase in mental health issues due to ignorant victimisation?

Can we have another honest press conference with the government admitting this, do you think?

Self-Selected COVID-19 “Unvaccinated” Cohort Reports Favorable Health Outcomes and Unjustified Discrimination in Global Survey