Vitamin D3, C, zinc and Quercetin are good for prevention too, not just after one gets Covid. I’ve been on them for over a year and no illness, including colds… yet!

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2 1/2 years on these supplements, just got covid. Continuing to use plus NAC and Pine needle tea, one cup a day. FLCCC has clear instructions on what to use for early treatment of covid as well as long covid. Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory are working for all of us.

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Some stuff we used you might want to consider, aspirin to make you more comfortable, and reduce clotting risks.

Black seed oil (I mixed it in tea)

Beet powder, or beets for their nitrous oxide effect.

Budesonide spray if you have lung distress /coughing.

We added it to the zelenko protocol.

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Thanks. I also gargle with Crest Pro Health and use a diluted povidone iodine nasal rinse after being in crowds or with sick people.

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Check out nebulizing .


Works very well for any sinus issues and or lung infections . Small nebulizer is not expensive and should be a standard for any family IMHO.

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Thank you. I have a nebulizer on hand but have not used it. I think I have excellent mucosal immunity. Would the nebulizer disturb that?

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If you think you have excellent mucosal immunity then you are healthy as an ox as the saying goes.

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Pine needle tea is good for the shedding of the vaxed

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I’ve been on them at least two years, and many other excellent supplements/vitamins that work well together.

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Me too. I believe it works to stop the viral replication completely. God Bless, Dr. Zelenko.

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Also me to and every one i know !

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Im an un vaxxed doc in NJ uSA.

I’ve wasted so many long hours writing letters to people, talking to people on the phone. I had to get a “religious exemption” To operate at some of the local surgery centers that are under this US centers for Medicare vaccine mandate. I’ve had to test myself every time I walked into one of these places. A lot of people who work at these places know that the whole thing is ridiculous. But I’ve spent countless hours writing in discussing… Wasting my precious time and everybody else is in this vicious political game. The whole vaccine mandate issue is like a stalinist terror tactic. They identified a divisive wedge issue, mandated vaccines and then just sat back and watched who disobeyed. And voila there is their political opposition.

In the United States the vaccine mandate amounted to an attempted purge of political opposition from the healthcare system

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Joe Biden has a lot to answer for as does his henchman, cdc, fda and nih docs,and so very many other mainstream docs, including many professors and researchers connected to the most prestigious universities and medical schools. They are a disgrace to their profession.

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Yes they are criminals and total disgrace. They weaponized a public health issue and used it to try to score political points and punish their enemies

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Trump and his bootlickers have alot to answer for the million plus dead. He did nothing primarily in hopes that ignoring and denying the situation would help his minions win elections. His greed and selfishness and desire to be dictator for life in a United States where our Constitutional Republic is dismantled and replaced with a Totalitarian rule.

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That’s happened TVM Obama and Biden - USA verging on communism and wokism - MAGA!

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He did not do "nothing"

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Trump as well.

He could have stopped all this from ever starting.

It was more important to be reelected.

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Trump was thoroughly indoctrinated tanks to the nonstop efforts of Ronny Jackson, WH doctor and his staff. They really worked on him, to the point he took 3 flu shots, because they told him he needed to be a "role model." Prior to that Trump had enjoyed excellent health, no vaccines for anything. He was not versed in medical stuff at all. I could just cheerfully strangle Jackson. Trump had always had doubts about vaccine safety; he told RFK Jr he would fund a panel/group to investigate vaccine safety from WH discretionary monies. Sadly, RFK Jr did not form that panel. He spent 2 years writing his autobiography, instead. His office did a by-invitation-only listserve where many very talented people discussed how to structure the group, sharing papers, information, experience with each other. Occasionally RFK Jr would post. I had access to that listserve and sometimes lurked, there was fruitful discussion and dedicated people on it that were ready to roll. I personally know that some of these people made appointments to meet with RFK Jr. at his office to present their ideas and various consensus frameworks. However, every time, they ended up meeting with RFK Jr's primary assistant instead. She was familiarized with the subject, listened carefully, asked questions, took notes, assured that the meeting would be shared with RFK Jr. and there would be follow up. But nothing happened! Around the time gates-of-Hell had met for the 2nd time with Trump, RFK Jr was informed the offer to fund the vaccine safety group was off the table, because the WH had heard NOTHING from him. Then RFK Jr raised a big fuss. It is good he did the fauXi book and put energy into that. But the fact remains, RFK Jr had a critically important opportunity and he squandered it because he was in love with his autobiography project. Tragic.

Remember Trump being booed at his rallies when he brought up Warp Speed? He quit doing that, but he still assured he would never mandate jabs, and I believe that. I hope he and Melania did not get jabs or were given saline instead if they did. It's odd he didn't say during his term they got them. We know he was very frustrated with fauXi and Birx, but his handlers prevailed on him to be hands off. Disgusting. Trump is competitive so he made sure Warp Speed warped faster and used his emergency powers to have companies turn out ventilators and other things, including a Kodak manufacturing facility that turned out generics and HCQ. Again, his handlers shut him up about HCQ and it is painful he didn't shut down the stigmatization of HCQ and zinc. I despise Jared, he worked to glue himself to Trump's side and worked at being the trusted advisor and he weaponized Ivanka. Jared undermined a lot of things. He helped the infiltrated inner circle to deny Trump's loyal staff and friends' access, even when Trump told them to get them in to him! What a mess. Navarro bulled past those traitors. Trump did get Scott Atlas, MD on the Task Force in an effort to counter the fauXi-Birx forces on it. Atlas wrote a book about that experience that is instructive.

I am concerned about the advice Trump is getting from his campaign staff, about the person in charge of his endorsements, and I am concerned that the same mistakes will be made where he counts on his staff to delegate properly and do what they are supposed to do, but yet Chris Christy wormed his way in and recommended a bunch of establishment appointees, and some of Trump's staff were not up to the Swamp crush, either and let people get through who should not have. Trump has deep loyalty to those who get him through crisis, like Cipollone with the impeachment. So, Trump deferred to Cipollone and his attorneys telling Trump he could not do this or that, making bullshit reasons up!

After the first rally where Trump extolled his Warp Speed "success," the Marine Commandant out at 29 Palms called Trump on Trumps personal cellphone # and told him what was happening to his marines that did cave to getting jabbed. He was emphatic and specific. Then the Commandant got the substance of that telephone call into an article where he was interviewed about it. There were others that called Trump about the jab injuries and deaths and begged him to talk about that. I do not understand why Trump will not discuss it! I know he is the best choice for President if we make it to 2024 without overthrow, especially with DeSantis as VP. I know he would not mandate jabs for anything, I believe he has more resilience to stand up to medical tyranny. I believe he will assent to compensation for injuries however he won't say he shouldn't have recommended the jabs. That bothers me quite a bit. He could do so much if he'd say he was misled, went down the path. He did own up to his comments caught on videotape at that pageant, maybe because he was boxed in enough. All those politicians that said they never ever said things like that even in "the locker room" are such lying lowlifes, given their known predilections. If they are all such paragons, why is it Congress exempts itself from the laws that apply to everyone else?

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So Trump is just stupid?

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No, not more than any other fallible Human being. Those positions call for delegation and chains of command that are honored. Of course, Humans ae troublesome and the swamp has much shifting alliances and relationships. Trump expected things to run as they did in his business and with his hotels, loyal staff treated like family, that do what they are supposed do. He took people at their word; he has found out. Humans all have their blindnesses. We will see how well he has learned those lessons. I think he has some more savvy people, like Kash Patel, but... He's more straightforward than most people and prefers to look at people more generously than some might, because he is not inherently a bad person, so he expects others are not either. If there was something to turn up, Meuller et all would have found it and made hay. Common mistake people make is thinking other people's values are like one's own.

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Trump took a calculated risk. Tried to walk the fence. On one hand he left the response up to the Governors, but then he let his son in law forward a CCP inspired plan for lockdowns to Brix and Fauci which they continued from 15 days to flatten the curve to eternity to flatten the economy.

The calculation was that he could survive long enough to be reelected. He got the election stolen and he got a crushed economy. Both of which he still won't own. Trump did not "be Trump" instead of ignoring the "experts" and going with his gut, which has worked well for him many times. He acted like what he claims to despise most. A politician. Being a fallible person stabed by swamp creatures doesn't change history. It is what it is.

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No one was stopping the shots. If Trump had truly pushed back he would have been assassinated or tossed out of office. Both parties and the deep state are pro shots.

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Trump wanted to get reelected.

Wasn't willing to chance the Swedish model.

It's the one item I feel he screwed up on. But it's a biggie.

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Brave courageous and mindful of the Hippocratic oath: please don’t give up - the world needs you ❤️

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Thank u. Ive felt like ive been living in an insane asylum

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We have and we still are while Schwab Fauci Trudeau Alzheimer special Gates the usual shit acronyms are still selling the idea that we need boosters - they are as criminally insane as both sides of soldiers in USA latest proxy war in Europe and the corrupt unelected leaders all on the payroll blah

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Says a lot about who are the sheeple and who aren't. For all their previous bellowing they sure do line up nicely when ordered to, huh?

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There are sheople who are truly sorry for their actions - I needed (yes, needed) to travel and my skin (and heaven knows what else) is now paying a blisteringly heavy price. I’ve aged 10 years since that Schwab booster - might have been lucky with first two and drew blanks …

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Can you share why you think you have aged?

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I already did see 7 hr ago Inc skin blistering can’t sleep psi’s I’ve never had before etc

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Stress wrinkles pains I’ve never had before fatigue depression skin blistering hair loss lack of ability to sleep properly etc

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I do understand that different people have their reasons. They seem to be either cut from wholly different cloth than the sheeple of which I speak, or a very small subset of those sheeple that are unlike the rest. --- I hope your problem rectifies itself. Have you tried the FLCCC's detox for your reaction? It might be something to look into, if you have not already. First, and foremost, take care of yourself.

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I’ll look into this. Thank you. Have healthy diet with additional healthcare supplements but if the FDA have got hold of those wtf knows what’s in them either? Bezos gm specials probably but can’t afford tax on products from USA if indeed they are snuggles better these days?

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Yes exactly

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The most stress that I felt during the entire period of COVID is when the government forced DoD contractors to be vaccinated. That forced my workplace to force me to get vaccinated. Nothing else churned my insides like that decision.

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For a virus that can just as well be called almost harmless compared to those that caused real pandemics and thankfully it has a ridiculously high recovery rate.

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Almost harmless? I have a relative who died from this "almost harmless" virus. Early 60s. Not obese. White. But almost certainly severely deficient in vitamin D.

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Sorry for your loss but the recovery rate is almost 100% so anyone not in the risk group is a one in a million.

I'm not willing to risk everything for this exaggerated nursing home flu.

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Perhaps it would be more accurate to conclude that "anyone not in the risk group" actually means that that person is in an as-yet unrecognized risk group.

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It’s been almost 3 years, we know what the risk group is. And always remember this, the good of the few can never ever be at the expense of the many.

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Almost harmless for most people. Still true. Some people die from the common cold, many more every year due to flu or pneumonia. Sorry for your loss.

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Exactly! Like what is the point of waking up every day? There’s no use in even trying anymore. Everything is hopeless. We should all just give up.

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Simpson's Paradox, applied to mortality/morbidity endpoints. Covid is _totally_ harmless for most people, but some few are _totally_ harmed.

Let's not add confusion to the confusion perpetrated by pharma and other predators.

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It's alarming to see how many susceptibilities to Covid are strongly linked with vitamin D deficiency. Some are mentioned here, but there are many more:


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And what was it Fauchi touted in ~2017 in an interview about Flu, but didn't mention once during the Plandemonium 2020-ongoing?

Vitamin D. He mentioned he was on ~10k IUs/daily, back then.

A UK trial with it was so underpowered it was set up to fail. Scandinavian nations fortify food/drink with it. UK does not. Could correlate with the different mortality profiles/rates.

I've heard it described that ILI is a sign of Vitamin D deficiency.

Indian States and tiny Caribbean nations included it - and other things that were readily available - in free care packages for all citizens. Advanced western nations told people to go home and return to the hospital when lips turned blue.

Everything about the western approach to this plandemic has been inverted, from day 1. That doesn't happen by accident. By this stage, we can call it enemy action.

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Driving cars is mostly harmless

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Yeah, almost harmless. Plenty of benign things kill people. We don’t wave our jazz hands at everyone who steps in a bathtub or climbs up a ladder, or mows the lawn.

“You know Steve… that foot stool is most certainly NOT harmless. I know someone who died falling off of one.” (Frantically waves jazz hands to emphasize the severity of mostly harmless items found in life).

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Yeah, it is a mean virus. It is harmful even if one recovers from it. Packed full of carefully thought-out nasties, and the HIV glycoproteins set up future problems. The younger and healthier the host is the longer before those immune issues are touched off. Evil and elegant.

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The absence of the D VITAMIN can reek havoc to the immune system. And D is free if you can sit in the sun.

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Yeah, we think my wife got it worse than me is because she’s dark skinned, and I’m not.

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Did your relative die from covid? Or from d deficiency?

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Or from lack of early outpatient treatment?

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Or from forced ventilation and being mentally mangled and told they were dying?

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Covid, with D deficiency being a contributing factor.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m lucky that I don’t know anyone who died from covid, which is surprising since I and family members and friends are over 65, but I am so angry that the “health officials” never bothered to educate the public about vitamin D, not only during covid, but during my whole dang life when it would have made a difference for colds and flu. I’m fortunate that I learned about it early in the covid cluster*uck.

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Yes, some of us were fortunate to know these things. Certainly not thanks to the mainstream medical folks or mainstream media. Now if these things would just stop allergy symptoms....

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Before Covid, my doc (MD+naturopathic) advised me to take D-Hist which worked much better for allergies than the Claritin I’d tried which did nothing. It took a couple days of the loading dose to kick in. Turned out it contains quercetin. The downside is D-Hist is only available from a doctor or naturopath. I buy it from my doc for myself and family members. I’ve seen it on Amazon but I wouldn’t trust it. It’s made by Ortho Molecular. You can see the ingredients on their website.

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Thanks will try. One of the worst allergy years.

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🙌 Or also help with mold exposure.

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Do you know of what is hood to take for asthma?

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I got Delta, took ivermectin that I had bought from India just in case. I have RA so was concerned about any infection. It did kick my ass like flu but I recovered in 5 days with taste and smell intact, unlike my vaxed husband who lost his for a month. He wouldn’t take IVM 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Started this regimen in summer 2021 with IVM. FLCCC was (is) a great resource. So far so good, no covid that I’m aware. A couple occasional illnesses. A blood draw for antibodies some time after one resolved was negative, and rapid home tests for others taken early after onset of symptoms were negative.

However I have felt the weight of great stress for over a year. My employer (private mid-sized consumer electronics company) had a mandate and somehow found it in its heart to grant my religious exemption, around October ‘21. Around this time I had to take partial family leave for a family member, which I had a feeling protected me from a December layoff. However within two months of my family leave ending, I was laid off.

During the job search, I experienced recruiters not presenting me to a company due to vax status, and an interview going well but terminating early due to a question at the end about vax status. I had to walk away from a third opportunity with a federal contractor, who was very interested, but I couldn’t accept the uncertainty of repeating a job search if their mandate was upheld. Didn’t even pursue other such opportunities.

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Oh man. Wow.

Irrationality persists.

I am so sorry!

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I wonder how many people who were said to be "asymptomatic" were instead "false-positive"? In which case the number of people who have had it might be considerably less?

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That pcr "test" didn't test for covid at all.

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That truth should be shouted from the rooftops !

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"I wonder how many people who were said to be "asymptomatic" were instead "false-positive""

Perhaps you mean "false negative."

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Asymptomatic is complete bullshit , a made up condition required to patch up the fairytale otherwise known as germ theory!!

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Yeah, I always get that wrong.

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I don't think you had it wrong. "Asymptomatic" = you have it, but no symptoms, according to them. Therefore, you would test positive. However, with the high number of false positives, due to over cycling of the PCR test, they could "say" you were asymptomatic, when you were actually well. This would match what you said. ...The actual number of people that had it would be lower than what they are counting as positives, because of the over cycled false positives. --- False negatives wouldn't effect the number of positives counted at all.

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Me and my wife got COVID in December, 2021. I was on the zelenko protocol with vitamin C,D, querticin and zinc, with the addition of NAC.

I had established a plan beforehand, where i was on the zelenko protocol, but had stuff on standby if I or my wife got sick.

My wife caught COVID and started the zelenko protocol. I juiced fruits for a better vitamin C source than pills, moringa tea with black seed oil, aspirin, and budesonide spray, plus beet juice for its nitrous oxide effects.

She was laid out like it was worse than the flu for 3 days straight, by day 4 she was up and doing laundry. By day 5 she was almost 100%

I caught it by taking care of her, but I was already on the zelenko protocol. I felt a chill coming on, so I took some beet juice and went to bed, woke up in a pile of sweat, but felt 100%. That was my illness. However, I did lose all sense of taste and smell for about a month.

We also had HQC and Azithromycin as emergency backup but never used it.

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inspiring plan, thanks JT. A stitch in time!

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I get a ton of sunlight and use a sperti lamp in the winter, so I have cut back on the D supplements. I have never had a covid symptom. I'm not crazy about the idea of taking something like IVM regularly, the only time I took some was when my wife was sick and positive. Didn't catch it.

Every time I see the word 'asymptomatic' I assume it's either a false positive, or it's a meaningless thing, invisible and rarely consequential for transmission.

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I'm 67 and didn't catch COVID for 32 months, and only then 2 months after I had heart attack. I assume the only reason I caught COVID then was from a lowered immune system caused by my heart attack. My symptoms lasted 11 days total and was mild to very low moderate, 2 days of 101 temp, sneezing and dry cough, and 11 days of fog brain and weakness. Took Vitamin D3, C, zinc, AREDS 2, Tylenol, and Day/Night Quill.

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Joel, I am concerned about #10. I think I may be causing mental discombobulation to the cult members pushing the covid nonsense. What should I do? Asking for a friend.

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Keep calm and carry on!

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"Can we have another honest press conference with the government admitting this, do you think?" Why, which 'Government' do you MEAN, Joel?

The caring, grandfatherly one you imagine exists? Or the one that we ACTUALLY HAVE who intentionally mandate harmful products for Fun & Profit, http://allaregreen.us/? You mean to tell me you're sitting back & reporting ON children dying because you believe that THESE PEOPLE (http://allaregreen.us/) are going to voluntarily reject millions of $, apologize to us, join hands & sing "Koombaya" once they realize that their Adoring Child Joel is really a Good Boy? Are you just seeking Daddy's attention?

HERE is what we're dealing with: https://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Mh3aM&m=i4DAffTTzaYcSkU&b=iZY.YWLYlquZOA053LnALA.

That's right; Knowing the jabs were at least POTENTIALLY harmful, they actually "passed" a law exempting THEMSELVES & THEIR FAMILIES from having to take them. THEY are protected.

& you're waiting for them to simply reject $ for no personal gain because YOU NEED to retain Blind Faith in some infantile fantasy that 'Government' cares for You Personally?

We need to take action to force change through whether they want it or not. It doesn't NEED violence or anything illegal. Just for people to stop thinking of these people (http://allaregreen.us/) as their Mommies & Daddies & waiting for them to rescue us.

Let me know if you ever mentally or emotionally grow tf up & DO realize that this (once again, http://allaregreen.us/) IS the reality.

And that no, you CAN'T "Have another honest press conference with the government admitting this."

Are they going to admit they committed murder?

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I will endeavor to persevere.

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I would also recommend nasal hygiene. (I know, who would have thought those two words would go together.). Nasal washes (DI water only). And Xlear nasal spray when you feel something coming on.



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We are living in crazy times. America is unrecognizable to me.

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We substitute elderberry concentrate (EC) for quercetin. EC contains high concentration of quercetin as well as other immune-boosting and immune-modulating flavonols.

EC also has an RCT backing its use for treating influenza.



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Those responsible MUST be held to Account. They knew what they were doing. If the Prophylactic or Early Treatment Combination Therapy with IVM or HCQ were shown to be a success, then the EUA’s for the mRNA injections would NEVER have been able to be granted.... It was knowingly and intentionally censored and suppressed and shut down. All Those responsible, must be held fully accountable!

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