
COVID Requiem Aeternam

For the souls that suffered COVID, authoritarian government interventions, and the unsafe and ineffective vaccines.


COVID death rates and cumulative excess mortality rates should begin to trend lower after the initial COVID outbreaks due to1:

  1. Deaths being brought forward from later periods;

  2. Depleted vulnerable population;

  3. Greater protective herd immunity;

  4. Attenuation of the virus;

  5. Better treatments (more early treatment with neutraceuticals, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, less mechanical ventilation2).

The Vaccine Hypothesis

The vaccine is claimed to be substantially effective in reducing COVID mortality (by the policy-makers but not the vaccine manufacturers) and also to be safe. If these claims are true, we should expect even fewer deaths than expected above due to significantly lower COVID deaths and insignificant vaccine deaths, i.e. lower all-cause excess mortality over all.

To be certain, we should also expect to see a negative correlation between the vaccination rate and the COVID death rate, i.e. the more a country is vaccinated, the greater the decrease in COVID death rate should be observed.

Empirical Results

The COVID death rate is higher after mass vaccinations.

There is a discernible reduction in the rate of COVID deaths in just 38 out of the 202 countries studied (19%). Therefore, in the vast majority of countries, both the rate and the number of COVID deaths after vaccination programs is higher than before.

In fact, the COVID death rate (deaths per million per day world average) rises from 1.4 to 2.0 after mass vaccinations begin, an increase of 42%. Confounders be damned!

Pay close attention to Australia, Brazil, Brunei, Cambodia, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, Greece, Greenland, Guyana, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Isle of Man, Japan, Laos, Latvia, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Monaco, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Seychelles, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor, Turks and Caicos, UAE, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Wallis and Fortuna to see what happens when you aggressively vaccinate a naïve population, especially in the middle of an outbreak.

All-cause excess mortality rates are higher after mass vaccinations.

In 69% of the countries that report all-cause mortality (70 out of 101), the rate of cumulative excess mortality is higher after COVID vaccination programs. In not one single country is cumulative excess mortality lower than it was at the time mass vaccination programs began.

In fact, the excess death rate (deaths per million per day world average) rises from 3.1 to 4.1 after mass vaccinations begin, an increase of 33%.

The rate of increase in COVID mortality appears to be positively correlated with the vaccination rate. In other words, those countries that have lower vaccination rates (e.g. numerous African countries) also have lower increases in COVID mortality. Conversely, those countries that vaccinated early and aggressively (e.g. Europe, North America and Israel) have suffered comparatively worse.

Incidentally, it also seems that those countries with lower vaccination rates also had lower COVID mortality rates prior to vaccination campaigns, possibly indicative of having fewer interventions.

Nevertheless, the rate of increase in the COVID death rate after mass vaccinations is also positively correlated with the vaccination rate.

Multiple linear regression confirms the results. Analysis of the COVID death rate after vaccinations as a function of vaccinated population and COVID death rate before vaccinations reveals statistically significant positive correlation with both variables (p= 3.6% and 0.0% respectively) and explains almost 40% of the variability.

In other words, the COVID death rate after mass vaccination continues in the same manner as it did before but is exacerbated in proportion to the rate in which the population is vaccinated. This is, of course, the exact opposite of what you would expect if the vaccine were effective in reducing COVID mortality.

Observing each of the 202 countries in the study, the following patterns are apparent:

  1. The COVID death rate continues in much the same rate after mass vaccination as before;

  2. The COVID death rate increases after mass vaccination or emerges where prior to mass vaccination, it was insignificant or completely absent;

  3. The COVID death rate decelerates where there the population vaccination rate is low.


The Safe and Effective™ vaccine hypothesis is rejected.

In fact, according to the evidence, the more obvious conclusion is that the COVID vaccine has caused more death, not less, so much more in fact, that it has actually wiped out the expected natural declines and caused yet more death still.

The signal is significant in terms of temporal proximity and consistency across countries regardless of geography and demographics.

Applying the Bradford Hill criteria3:

  1. Strength of association - vaccinated (richer) countries have relatively more COVID death than less vaccinated (poorer) countries.

  2. Consistency across countries and continents.

  3. Specificity - the vaccine kills people.

  4. Temporality is observed in a significant number of countries, especially those vaccinating aggressively in the middle of outbreaks.

  5. Biological gradient - there is an evident positive correlation between vaccination rate and COVID death rate and increase in COVID death rate.

  6. Biological plausibility - the 2-week period of immunosuppression immediately post injection has been very widely observed and reported, as have the plethora of fatal adverse events. The evidence suggesting that variants are spawned due to unnatural selection is also growing4.

  7. Coherence - we get the same information from analyses of vaccine adverse event reporting systems, hospital records, national surveillance systems, even the vaccine trial data itself (albeit hidden in the data appendices)5, and other independent mortality analyses with different methods6.

  8. Experiment - the entire world has been subjected to a massive clinical trial without consent. Fortunately, different countries had different rates of vaccine uptake so comparative study has been possible to demonstrate causality, especially between countries with similar geographic and demographic qualities.

  9. Analogy - Marek’s chickens (1970)7.

This is a global public health failure of truly unprecedented and epic proportions.

Data: https://ourworldindata.org/

Alternative video site: https://odysee.com/@realjoelsmalley:2/requiemaeternam:9

References for biological plausibility and coherence:

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