COVID "Vaccination" Increases Risk of Being in Hospital or ICU "With COVID" by 70% but Makes Little Difference (at best) to Death
Data from Alberta, Canada
As seen in Figure 1 above, between March 2020 and December 2021, Alberta, Canada, experienced four distinct waves of COVID.
Prevalence1 increased across each wave, with wave 3 coinciding with the start of the mass “vaccination” campaign and wave 4 emerging in mid-July 2021, very close to the peak of “full vaccination”, when almost 85% of the over 60s population (pretty much all of those considered to be at any kind of risk from COVID) were “fully protected”.
It’s also somewhat curious that if you consider that the start of the new waves 3 and 4 (and perhaps even 5 represented by that new hump in October 2021) will be a few weeks before the periods I have marked (crossing over the tail end of the previous waves), then it’s very difficult to dismiss the “vaccine” as being causal. This is further compounded by the fact that we witness this same pattern in dozens of other highly vaccinated countries.
This increase in prevalence may not be a surprise given the expectation that, logically, nature should select the virus that is more transmissible and less virulent.
However, according to the table in Figure 2, the ratio of “COVID” people2 in hospital, in ICU and who died, relative to average COVID prevalence for the period, was higher in wave 2 (which covered autumn and winter 2020/21) compared to the initial epidemic in spring 2020.
Nevertheless, this might be explained by the fact that Alberta has seasonal experience with respiratory pathogens, so it does not necessarily violate the expectation that the virus has mutated weaker. In other words, a weaker host can be responsible for higher virulence of a weaker virus.
However, the number of “COVID” people in hospital (Figure 3) and ICU (Figure 4) in spring 2021 is substantially higher than spring 2020. The temporal proximity of the mass “vaccination” campaign and this unexpected outcome indicates that the first dose of the “vaccine” is responsible for exacerbating COVID outcomes3. The number of “COVID” people who died (Figure 5) is lower, perhaps because so many already died during the high mortality season?
Most alarming (and is a violation of the expectation for a weaker virus) is the fact that, in the middle of low mortality season (summer 2021), “COVID” people in hospital and ICU are at their highest across all waves, “despite” virtually everyone at risk of severe disease being “fully protected”. And now, even COVID deaths rank only behind the high mortality season, higher than both previous springs, despite the susceptible population already being so depleted.
This is a clear indication that the host has been compromised, not a more pathogenic virus, unless it has overcome both seasonality and natural selection. By comparison, the conspicuous absence of COVID mortality in summer 2020 is as clear as the summer sky.
Overall, the ratio of “COVID” people in hospital or ICU is around 70% higher than the average for the three waves prior to “full protection” and pretty much the same in terms of death.
But, don’t ignore the fact that there is more prevalence too so the absolute numbers are worse too. It’s the worst of both worlds - more transmissible and more virulent.
Estimated by multiplying percent of positive tests by population.
Given that they did not distinguish between “with” and “due to” COVID until 2022, this is simply those who tested PCR positive.
This is consistent with the “vaccination” status data that Alberta scrubbed from the internet when the signal was highlighted by us in January last year:
Seems to me that everyone should have just ignored all the faff back in early 2020 and it would have all gone away. All the death and destruction the authorities imposed on people over a nothingingness. It was a cold virus, maybe a bit nasty for the already sick but nothing of any great importance. For whatever reasons, the world went mad about it all and basically destroyed itself. At least, we in the West did. The whole thing will haunt me until my dying day.
This mirrors the experience in Vermont as well. Almost double the number died of/with covid in 2021 than 2020 and 2022 had the highest number of deaths yet.