This is so incredibly sad and outrageous and depressing. The first polio vaccines they rolled out were abandoned after 10 child deaths. What happened to everyone’s ability to think?
Vee, Jesus said of the Devil, that "he comes to steal, kill and destroy." We are indeed witnessing this hypnotic spell being placed over the minds of men. It reminds me of the Dialeks (Dr Who) hatred of mankind except this is for real..."Exterminate!, Exterminate!,! Exterminate!!!
The horror show we are living through makes sense if you accept that it is a mass murder global conspiracy to impoverish, de-industrialise and de-populate.
It’s bigger than money. It’s more about the quality of life the elites feel they are entitled to lead without having “useless eaters” crowding their space.
If I remember correctly, Pfizer reported 1,200 deaths in the first 3 months of the ‘vaccine’ rollout. This info was given to the FDA. The shots should have been stopped then and there (actually shouldn’t have gotten that far). Many of the children on that list would still be alive. These people have blood on their hands.....lots of it.
actually, these deaths were not directly attributed to the vaccine by Pfizer. I won't bore u here because it comes down to statistical anomalies :) please read further on the subject to understand why the 1200 deaths number is deeply misleading. cheers
Thank you for doing this incredible work. I hope you have ways of dealing with this overwhelming confrontation with misery.
The connection with the trials is especially helpful for discussion (with statistical laymen). Three of 1500 (or so) are harder to dismiss or explain away than 45 of "millions".
I'd be grateful if someone could figure out the numbers clearly. There were multiple childrens trials of different age groups, and I think more trials happened after that as well. The three deaths were 16, 16, and 17 years of age. Do we need to be looking at 1500 that completed, or 4500 that were enrolled? And how many do we need to throw out since they got placebo? Basically, trying to compare death rate in the trial to expected death rate in real world.
I would say 3 deaths in the trials, regardless of number in the trials for a disease that does not kill healthy children, is 3 good reasons not to authorise use for children?
They do pre-trial trials, as well. Usually in other countries but maybe they they some in USA. That's why sometimes we see VAERS reports for babies long before the jabs were authorized for younger age groups.
I had to stop reading the list of children's deaths pretty quickly. I think it's very important that you are keeping track and documenting them in your substack, but it's so desperately sad. Why isn't this front and center on the news every time a child dies from a so-called Covid mRNA vaccine?
So many people I know are convinced vaccines are "safe and effective" and get upset if I try to say anything to the contrary.
Maybe they cancelled because they now have enough information to confidently challenge their local and state officials, and they are going to be too busy organizing citizens to end vaccines!
And so many absolutely refuse to see that there is a problem. Athletes dropping dead‘unexpectedly’, birth rates dropping ‘unexpectedly’, huge ‘unexpected’increases in all cause mortality, ‘unexpected’ weird blood clots found by embalmers, and so much more....all because our governments decided to approve a new technology that has never been approved or even worked before.
Any objective observer seeing all of this for the first time would think that we have lost our fu****g minds.
Some good news. It looks like most parents aren’t going to be giving that sh** to their children.(the problem is that some will).....but most won’t. And the boosters aren’t turning out to be very popular either.
Well, then, I'm glad all you woke folk HERE are acting as if politicians are Unquestionable Gods whose every decision HAS to be followed as if they were tyrants & we have NO legal recourse against them. THAT way, you cowards have excuses to sit on your hands & wait for THESE PEOPLE to VOLUNTARILY decide to stop promoting the jabs.
Tell me: if even all of you knowing this still doesn't give you the power to end the mandates, what will telling other people who will also sit & wait do? Here you are talking about how others "refuse to see" things.
Remind me when politicians became exempt from laws in the U.S.A.?
You have MORE than enough people to organize an EFFECTIVE movement against this that appeals to the masses whose support you claim to need. Instead, you all choose to sit down & wait for "others to come around."
How convenient. You "can't" do anything BUT wait because you need them, but you're ALL somehow oblivious to the fact that you can act to bring those people in effectively? Even though you yourselves KEEP pointing to the fact that this waiting isn't effective?
You've made acting to stop this contingent upon something you KNOW is never going to happen. Great. Now, keep blaming those others, making yourselves DOUBLY certain that YOU are CORRECT & NO ONE ELSE is.
The key is organization. That requires leadership, communication, and a plan. Right now, if just 10% of Americans are against the jabs, that is 30 million people- more than enough to 'do something'. What there is NOT is any organization, vision, plan, or process to communicate and actually meet other human beings. My suggestion is for some of these great Substack authors (Gato Malo, Kirsch, Jessica Rose, Smalley, etc to choose a nice red state city (Boise, Tampa, Dallas) and declare a "Meet Up" of Ungovernable. maybe 1,000 people show up, maybe 100,000 people show up. But it is a start. We have to go from documenting malfeasance to shutting down the vaccines and holding decision makers accountable.
To be clear, I'm not dissing anything you're saying. But it's rather incomplete. Organize what? For what purpose? If we can't say that, then we're not qualified to organize whatever it is that's needed.
I may come off as irritating, but let's face it. We're dealing with a whole lot of denial. I can get absolutely no one HERE to admit to themselves that the ONLY people who can POSSIBLY be (listen carefully now) MANDATING the jabs are THESE people, not Bill Gates or Tony Fauci.
If we teleport either or both of those guys to Mars but leave our fears of standing up to as they currently are, then the mandates remain too.
So... being that even people HERE will CONSCIOUSLY REFUSE TO join anything designed to go against the only people, what do we organize?
It's the wrong way of phrasing this. Sorry, I studied all this, the social psychology that prevents people from standing up to authority figures. The same people who would lynch a Monsanto CEO stupid enough to try to quell a rally by shouting "Monsanto is trying to feed the world" into a bullhorn at the head of one would never lift a finger to stop Mitch McConnell from blocking Heroic First Responders from getting needed medical aid.
And they all abandoned their Marches Against Monsanto when a sitting president spewed the same empty self-serving slogan.
How can we stop the mandates put in place BY without stopping the people on that list? & how do we organize mass support against those people when the masses would never CONSCIOUSLY (that's a key word there) do so?
You can pretend all you want that seeing stats about kids dying changes people's minds, but let's face it: if Kim Jong-un had been behind this, N.K. would already BE a smoking crater. Something is topping the public FROM organizing to stop this.
You are right to a certain extent. I personally am waiting for the elections. I know, now I’m going to hear that the elections are rigged..... and I think that there is merit to that argument. However, I do believe that we have to try.... and not just sit at home bitching about crooked elections. If these elections are obviously rigged then we have some decisions to make. Will we just allow election fraud or do something about it? We will have to wait and make sure to vote.
Our options seem to be rather limited. The next step will be ugly. If you have any suggestions please share them. I’m more than a little tired of this shit myself.
Don't take offense, but you're not seeing the bigger picture. What do elections have to do with decisions already made? Or Is there ANY other body in the U.S.A. capable of MAKING or cancelling a mandate? No.
If you all refuse to hold your politicians accountable, then you can ONLY obey their dictates. It's that simple. If you're avoiding this simple, obvious truth because thinking they're not on our side is uncomfortable, I'm afraid I won't be kind to you in my comments.
These people have made deliberate decisions to enforce mandates that they KNOW kill infants. I am really REALLY tired of people making excuses that sound like "Daddy-Government just doesn't KNOW what's going on."
They've had the stats & helped suppress them the whole time. They TOOK the lobbying payments.
I think we may be talking past each other. I totally agree.... they do know. That’s why I want a new crop elected.
I want real congressional hearings. I want that a-hole and possible mass murderer Anthony Fauci and his cronies brought before Congress and FULLY investigated. I want the roles of Moderna, Pfizer, DARPA and the media investigated and exposed. We need to know exactly who the bad guys were. All involved need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law......up to and including the death penalty if applicable. To do that we need to elect some non corrupt people with balls.
I guess that we are going to find out if the system can work......
A little lesson in social psychology, because years ago, I decided to see if I could find some Underlying Reason that when it comes to All Things 'Government,' people behave as if politicians are Parents Whose Anger we Dare Not Tempt.
I'd go into the explanations but just LOOK at what's going on right here: you all claim to believe that these vaccines are KILLING CHILDREN!
& your immediate reaction is to beg someone else to stop this without bugging your politicians if you can help it? As if bothering them is a higher priority than saving lives??!? Not inconveniencing them is a Higher Priority than acting to save children?
So you think that even though using one's public office for Personal Profit is illegal AND it's being conducted in the open there's a contingent of 'good' politicians just waiting in the wings but who aren't prosecuting what we all know to be criminals personally profiting from child murder illegally?
Care to walk me through how you think people can be THAT stupid yet you're hoping they get put in charge & that will fix things? Remind me again why we have to wait for this to occur BEFORE WE ACT to save the lives of innocent children?
We may have the same End Goal of getting the mandates stopped. But what you're describing here is a pure wish-fulfillment fantasy for some Authority Figure to come save us.
Fauci hasn't done a damned thing. He doesn't set policy. If we got rid of him, the people mandating the jabs for that $ would continue.
They also stole it by deliberately fueling hyperinflation (devaluation of the dollar) via the Federal Reserve creating trillion$ out of thin air that went straight into the stock mark and asset bubbles, and hence into the pockets of the rich, while shutting down the productive economy and forcing SMEs out of business and millions out of work and into debt and poverty at gun point (more accurately, at the end of a syringe). “Covid” is code for a globally coordinated criminal conspiracy and genocidal class war designed to deliberately dispossess, impoverish, debilitate, starve, exterminate large swaths of humanity and digitally enslave the survivors. The transnational ruling class, all cooperating across national boundaries (despite what the media would have you believe about Russia/China vs. the West), to solve the contradictions of capitalism once and for all and achieve final victory in the class war over their respective populations, to seize complete, collective ownership over the Earth and all its wealth and society’s assets and total and permanent control over the people in order to flourish indefinitely on their private, not estates, but planetary utopia without any possibility of revolution.
Aug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley
If memory serves, the federal health authorities shut down a pain-relief drug completely after a single heart attack about twenty years ago. I inadvertently learned of this through a friend, whose wife was suffering from MS and after trying a number of alternative pain relief approaches, had settled upon that drug - for her, it was the only drug that worked.
When that drug was recalled, her life became a living hell. Once again, she could find nothing else that worked. The risk of a heart attack from the no-longer-available drug had been estimated at less than one percent. Significant? Absolutely. For her, she would gladly accept the risk and take that drug.
Years ago, a single heart attack was enough to pull a drug. But nowadays, the question is: how high do we have to stack the bodies before people start noticing?
The loss of a life is a tragedy. Thanks for remembering each and every one of them.
Reading about the children , as opposed to a 'number dying' really brings home the devastation these 'injections' are causing. How the medical fraternity aren't stepping in to halt the deaths is a stain on their consciences.
Thank you for taking the time to name, describe, and honor each of these children. It makes them--and the tragedy of their needless deaths--so real and heartbreaking. I wonder how many of their parents now understand what they have done or if most of them remain in denial.
My question: Where are the parents? Why are they remaining silent? The most shocking child's death - or the one that might be the most newsworthy - was the death of a 17-year-old girl (in her sleep, I think) who was the daughter of a U.S. Congressman. This death occurred several months ago. Even a U.S. Congressman is unwilling to hold those who caused the death of his daughter responsible.
At this point it is hard to imagine the stopping condition. The malevolent deity now requires children as human sacrifice. The most troubling indicator is that I see no fear in the eyes of the visible perpetrators. None! They "know" they are protected. I hope they do not escape Justice!
"The malevolent deity"--yes, Satan. As Jesus said of the devil "he comes to steal, kill and destroy". Dont blame God for Satan's work. Justice will come ultimately when we stand before the Lord and Judge. Its going to get worse when the Mark comes. Dont take it under any circumstance if you value your soul.
Joel points out that the risk of healthy children dying "from" Covid is essentially zero. This is correct. I'm a freelance journalist and wrote a story a while back, trying to highlight the findings of one "comprehensive" UK study that quantified this "risk." Per the study (which was of course ignored), in the first year of the pandemic only 25 UK children (0 to 18) died from Covid. However, of these 25 deaths, 19 were among children with severe or "life-altering" medical conditions. This means that only six "healthy" children in the UK died from Covid in the first 12 months of the pandemic. There are approximately 12 million children in the UK. If only, say, 1 in 200, have severe, life-altering medical conditions the pool of "healthy" children might be around 11.8 million children. So the mortality risk for a healthy child is 6-in-11.8 million or approximately 1 in 2 million. This would be a mortality risk for "healthy" children of 0.0001 percent. If you carry the decimal point out only three places, the mortality risk is literally 0.000 percent.
I also found it interesting that the "official" death number for Covid had been 61 before these researchers dove into the clinical records of each case. After examining all the medical records, these doctors concluded that only 25 of these deaths had actually been "from" Covid. This means they reduced the death figures by 36 deaths (or 59 percent). I'm sure if they looked at death records for older cohorts, this death figure would probably be reduced by roughly 60 percent as well. This leads me to believe that if there are approximately 1 million deaths attributed to Covid today, the real figure could probably be reduced by 600,000. And of these deaths I'm sure we would find that most had severe or life-altering medical conditions just like the UK children.
The stopping point could be if our main stream media started exposing it. Brandon might be forced to stop the shots to save face. The media are cowards.
I put almost all of the blame on the sorry Fourth Estate. These deaths should be on the conscience of every "journalist" and editor who refuses to investigate the causes of deaths and connect all of these dots.
This is so incredibly sad and outrageous and depressing. The first polio vaccines they rolled out were abandoned after 10 child deaths. What happened to everyone’s ability to think?
Mass formation psychosis. :(
Vee, Jesus said of the Devil, that "he comes to steal, kill and destroy." We are indeed witnessing this hypnotic spell being placed over the minds of men. It reminds me of the Dialeks (Dr Who) hatred of mankind except this is for real..."Exterminate!, Exterminate!,! Exterminate!!!
The horror show we are living through makes sense if you accept that it is a mass murder global conspiracy to impoverish, de-industrialise and de-populate.
It’s bigger than money. It’s more about the quality of life the elites feel they are entitled to lead without having “useless eaters” crowding their space.
This ain't about money, my friend
If I remember correctly, Pfizer reported 1,200 deaths in the first 3 months of the ‘vaccine’ rollout. This info was given to the FDA. The shots should have been stopped then and there (actually shouldn’t have gotten that far). Many of the children on that list would still be alive. These people have blood on their hands.....lots of it.
All they had to do was deny causality, which they did with a handwave and little follow up.
actually, these deaths were not directly attributed to the vaccine by Pfizer. I won't bore u here because it comes down to statistical anomalies :) please read further on the subject to understand why the 1200 deaths number is deeply misleading. cheers
Thank you for doing this incredible work. I hope you have ways of dealing with this overwhelming confrontation with misery.
The connection with the trials is especially helpful for discussion (with statistical laymen). Three of 1500 (or so) are harder to dismiss or explain away than 45 of "millions".
I'd be grateful if someone could figure out the numbers clearly. There were multiple childrens trials of different age groups, and I think more trials happened after that as well. The three deaths were 16, 16, and 17 years of age. Do we need to be looking at 1500 that completed, or 4500 that were enrolled? And how many do we need to throw out since they got placebo? Basically, trying to compare death rate in the trial to expected death rate in real world.
I would say 3 deaths in the trials, regardless of number in the trials for a disease that does not kill healthy children, is 3 good reasons not to authorise use for children?
No one got a saline placebo. The Vaccine drug trial control group got another type of vaccine.
They do pre-trial trials, as well. Usually in other countries but maybe they they some in USA. That's why sometimes we see VAERS reports for babies long before the jabs were authorized for younger age groups.
The Censors are also killers. Remember the censorship always.
I had to stop reading the list of children's deaths pretty quickly. I think it's very important that you are keeping track and documenting them in your substack, but it's so desperately sad. Why isn't this front and center on the news every time a child dies from a so-called Covid mRNA vaccine?
So many people I know are convinced vaccines are "safe and effective" and get upset if I try to say anything to the contrary.
If people are getting upset then you can be confident you are telling the truth and they just can't bear it at this moment. Keep saying the truth.
I have 6 cancelled subscriptions after this post so I guess even amongst the awake, this truth hurts too much to accept?
Maybe they cancelled because they now have enough information to confidently challenge their local and state officials, and they are going to be too busy organizing citizens to end vaccines!
I appreciate the work you did, however painful.
How dare you actually make us look at this, hmmm?
I would like to hear from your readers, what kind of reactions they get when they share this link with normies?
I haven't attempted it yet, but in general, my family doesn't react well to anything I send. Not at all.
They get very angry with me.
I'm not the one manipulating them into masks, lockdowns, and endless needlings.
So why do they attack little old me, instead of the monsters in charge?
It's like DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER doesn't even register with them.
A tragic litany. So many once-trustworthy actors have blood on their hands. They’ll pay, either in this life or in the next
And so many absolutely refuse to see that there is a problem. Athletes dropping dead‘unexpectedly’, birth rates dropping ‘unexpectedly’, huge ‘unexpected’increases in all cause mortality, ‘unexpected’ weird blood clots found by embalmers, and so much more....all because our governments decided to approve a new technology that has never been approved or even worked before.
Any objective observer seeing all of this for the first time would think that we have lost our fu****g minds.
Some good news. It looks like most parents aren’t going to be giving that sh** to their children.(the problem is that some will).....but most won’t. And the boosters aren’t turning out to be very popular either.
Well, then, I'm glad all you woke folk HERE are acting as if politicians are Unquestionable Gods whose every decision HAS to be followed as if they were tyrants & we have NO legal recourse against them. THAT way, you cowards have excuses to sit on your hands & wait for THESE PEOPLE to VOLUNTARILY decide to stop promoting the jabs.
Tell me: if even all of you knowing this still doesn't give you the power to end the mandates, what will telling other people who will also sit & wait do? Here you are talking about how others "refuse to see" things.
Remind me when politicians became exempt from laws in the U.S.A.?
You have MORE than enough people to organize an EFFECTIVE movement against this that appeals to the masses whose support you claim to need. Instead, you all choose to sit down & wait for "others to come around."
How convenient. You "can't" do anything BUT wait because you need them, but you're ALL somehow oblivious to the fact that you can act to bring those people in effectively? Even though you yourselves KEEP pointing to the fact that this waiting isn't effective?
You've made acting to stop this contingent upon something you KNOW is never going to happen. Great. Now, keep blaming those others, making yourselves DOUBLY certain that YOU are CORRECT & NO ONE ELSE is.
Because THAT'S ALL anyone here is DOING!!
The key is organization. That requires leadership, communication, and a plan. Right now, if just 10% of Americans are against the jabs, that is 30 million people- more than enough to 'do something'. What there is NOT is any organization, vision, plan, or process to communicate and actually meet other human beings. My suggestion is for some of these great Substack authors (Gato Malo, Kirsch, Jessica Rose, Smalley, etc to choose a nice red state city (Boise, Tampa, Dallas) and declare a "Meet Up" of Ungovernable. maybe 1,000 people show up, maybe 100,000 people show up. But it is a start. We have to go from documenting malfeasance to shutting down the vaccines and holding decision makers accountable.
To be clear, I'm not dissing anything you're saying. But it's rather incomplete. Organize what? For what purpose? If we can't say that, then we're not qualified to organize whatever it is that's needed.
I may come off as irritating, but let's face it. We're dealing with a whole lot of denial. I can get absolutely no one HERE to admit to themselves that the ONLY people who can POSSIBLY be (listen carefully now) MANDATING the jabs are THESE people, not Bill Gates or Tony Fauci.
If we teleport either or both of those guys to Mars but leave our fears of standing up to as they currently are, then the mandates remain too.
So... being that even people HERE will CONSCIOUSLY REFUSE TO join anything designed to go against the only people, what do we organize?
It's the wrong way of phrasing this. Sorry, I studied all this, the social psychology that prevents people from standing up to authority figures. The same people who would lynch a Monsanto CEO stupid enough to try to quell a rally by shouting "Monsanto is trying to feed the world" into a bullhorn at the head of one would never lift a finger to stop Mitch McConnell from blocking Heroic First Responders from getting needed medical aid.
And they all abandoned their Marches Against Monsanto when a sitting president spewed the same empty self-serving slogan.
How can we stop the mandates put in place BY without stopping the people on that list? & how do we organize mass support against those people when the masses would never CONSCIOUSLY (that's a key word there) do so?
You can pretend all you want that seeing stats about kids dying changes people's minds, but let's face it: if Kim Jong-un had been behind this, N.K. would already BE a smoking crater. Something is topping the public FROM organizing to stop this.
Can we discuss that?
Because it won't disappear if you ignore it.
You are right to a certain extent. I personally am waiting for the elections. I know, now I’m going to hear that the elections are rigged..... and I think that there is merit to that argument. However, I do believe that we have to try.... and not just sit at home bitching about crooked elections. If these elections are obviously rigged then we have some decisions to make. Will we just allow election fraud or do something about it? We will have to wait and make sure to vote.
Our options seem to be rather limited. The next step will be ugly. If you have any suggestions please share them. I’m more than a little tired of this shit myself.
Don't take offense, but you're not seeing the bigger picture. What do elections have to do with decisions already made? Or Is there ANY other body in the U.S.A. capable of MAKING or cancelling a mandate? No.
If you all refuse to hold your politicians accountable, then you can ONLY obey their dictates. It's that simple. If you're avoiding this simple, obvious truth because thinking they're not on our side is uncomfortable, I'm afraid I won't be kind to you in my comments.
These people have made deliberate decisions to enforce mandates that they KNOW kill infants. I am really REALLY tired of people making excuses that sound like "Daddy-Government just doesn't KNOW what's going on."
They've had the stats & helped suppress them the whole time. They TOOK the lobbying payments.
They KNOW!
I think we may be talking past each other. I totally agree.... they do know. That’s why I want a new crop elected.
I want real congressional hearings. I want that a-hole and possible mass murderer Anthony Fauci and his cronies brought before Congress and FULLY investigated. I want the roles of Moderna, Pfizer, DARPA and the media investigated and exposed. We need to know exactly who the bad guys were. All involved need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law......up to and including the death penalty if applicable. To do that we need to elect some non corrupt people with balls.
I guess that we are going to find out if the system can work......
A little lesson in social psychology, because years ago, I decided to see if I could find some Underlying Reason that when it comes to All Things 'Government,' people behave as if politicians are Parents Whose Anger we Dare Not Tempt.
I'd go into the explanations but just LOOK at what's going on right here: you all claim to believe that these vaccines are KILLING CHILDREN!
& your immediate reaction is to beg someone else to stop this without bugging your politicians if you can help it? As if bothering them is a higher priority than saving lives??!? Not inconveniencing them is a Higher Priority than acting to save children?
Wtf is WRONG with all of you?
So you think that even though using one's public office for Personal Profit is illegal AND it's being conducted in the open there's a contingent of 'good' politicians just waiting in the wings but who aren't prosecuting what we all know to be criminals personally profiting from child murder illegally?
Care to walk me through how you think people can be THAT stupid yet you're hoping they get put in charge & that will fix things? Remind me again why we have to wait for this to occur BEFORE WE ACT to save the lives of innocent children?
We may have the same End Goal of getting the mandates stopped. But what you're describing here is a pure wish-fulfillment fantasy for some Authority Figure to come save us.
Fauci hasn't done a damned thing. He doesn't set policy. If we got rid of him, the people mandating the jabs for that $ would continue.
They don't need Fauci to do that.
Is there a stopping condition? Yeah, when the money runs out.
1 Government steals money from people through taxation.
2. Government gives money to Big Pharma so they can provide "free" healthcare to the people.
3. Big Pharma gives money to government regulatory agent as a bribe to approve their next product.
The money's never running out.
The tax payer hands over money to Pharma to research and pay for a ‘Covid’ vaccine making the lethal ‘spike’ protein, liability free
The tax payer gets myocarditis or cancer, young and fit people die; Pharma increases the price!
The injured tax payer hands over even more money to Pharma for drugs that make them even sicker
Murderers break profit records, Pfizer’s doubling year on year with a net income of $9 billion this quarter.
What an economic model!
They also stole it by deliberately fueling hyperinflation (devaluation of the dollar) via the Federal Reserve creating trillion$ out of thin air that went straight into the stock mark and asset bubbles, and hence into the pockets of the rich, while shutting down the productive economy and forcing SMEs out of business and millions out of work and into debt and poverty at gun point (more accurately, at the end of a syringe). “Covid” is code for a globally coordinated criminal conspiracy and genocidal class war designed to deliberately dispossess, impoverish, debilitate, starve, exterminate large swaths of humanity and digitally enslave the survivors. The transnational ruling class, all cooperating across national boundaries (despite what the media would have you believe about Russia/China vs. the West), to solve the contradictions of capitalism once and for all and achieve final victory in the class war over their respective populations, to seize complete, collective ownership over the Earth and all its wealth and society’s assets and total and permanent control over the people in order to flourish indefinitely on their private, not estates, but planetary utopia without any possibility of revolution.
When everyone is dead
If memory serves, the federal health authorities shut down a pain-relief drug completely after a single heart attack about twenty years ago. I inadvertently learned of this through a friend, whose wife was suffering from MS and after trying a number of alternative pain relief approaches, had settled upon that drug - for her, it was the only drug that worked.
When that drug was recalled, her life became a living hell. Once again, she could find nothing else that worked. The risk of a heart attack from the no-longer-available drug had been estimated at less than one percent. Significant? Absolutely. For her, she would gladly accept the risk and take that drug.
Years ago, a single heart attack was enough to pull a drug. But nowadays, the question is: how high do we have to stack the bodies before people start noticing?
The loss of a life is a tragedy. Thanks for remembering each and every one of them.
Reading about the children , as opposed to a 'number dying' really brings home the devastation these 'injections' are causing. How the medical fraternity aren't stepping in to halt the deaths is a stain on their consciences.
Thank you for taking the time to name, describe, and honor each of these children. It makes them--and the tragedy of their needless deaths--so real and heartbreaking. I wonder how many of their parents now understand what they have done or if most of them remain in denial.
My question: Where are the parents? Why are they remaining silent? The most shocking child's death - or the one that might be the most newsworthy - was the death of a 17-year-old girl (in her sleep, I think) who was the daughter of a U.S. Congressman. This death occurred several months ago. Even a U.S. Congressman is unwilling to hold those who caused the death of his daughter responsible.
This is very sad, what are the parents doing now? Why did they have to vaccinate the children!They killed their children.😓😓😓
At this point it is hard to imagine the stopping condition. The malevolent deity now requires children as human sacrifice. The most troubling indicator is that I see no fear in the eyes of the visible perpetrators. None! They "know" they are protected. I hope they do not escape Justice!
"The malevolent deity"--yes, Satan. As Jesus said of the devil "he comes to steal, kill and destroy". Dont blame God for Satan's work. Justice will come ultimately when we stand before the Lord and Judge. Its going to get worse when the Mark comes. Dont take it under any circumstance if you value your soul.
Joel points out that the risk of healthy children dying "from" Covid is essentially zero. This is correct. I'm a freelance journalist and wrote a story a while back, trying to highlight the findings of one "comprehensive" UK study that quantified this "risk." Per the study (which was of course ignored), in the first year of the pandemic only 25 UK children (0 to 18) died from Covid. However, of these 25 deaths, 19 were among children with severe or "life-altering" medical conditions. This means that only six "healthy" children in the UK died from Covid in the first 12 months of the pandemic. There are approximately 12 million children in the UK. If only, say, 1 in 200, have severe, life-altering medical conditions the pool of "healthy" children might be around 11.8 million children. So the mortality risk for a healthy child is 6-in-11.8 million or approximately 1 in 2 million. This would be a mortality risk for "healthy" children of 0.0001 percent. If you carry the decimal point out only three places, the mortality risk is literally 0.000 percent.
I also found it interesting that the "official" death number for Covid had been 61 before these researchers dove into the clinical records of each case. After examining all the medical records, these doctors concluded that only 25 of these deaths had actually been "from" Covid. This means they reduced the death figures by 36 deaths (or 59 percent). I'm sure if they looked at death records for older cohorts, this death figure would probably be reduced by roughly 60 percent as well. This leads me to believe that if there are approximately 1 million deaths attributed to Covid today, the real figure could probably be reduced by 600,000. And of these deaths I'm sure we would find that most had severe or life-altering medical conditions just like the UK children.
This just makes me feel sick.
It's intolerable.
The stopping point could be if our main stream media started exposing it. Brandon might be forced to stop the shots to save face. The media are cowards.
I put almost all of the blame on the sorry Fourth Estate. These deaths should be on the conscience of every "journalist" and editor who refuses to investigate the causes of deaths and connect all of these dots.
Your post just bought me a week in Twitter jail. Worth it.
What kind of reactions did you get from normies? Before it got pulled, that is.