Nov 28, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

He’s an inconvenient expert. I think even “the experts” would agree that Prof. Clancy is an expert. They just don’t give him any airtime. He is too hard to debunk so they just pretend he doesn’t exist.

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Where have I seen that approach to criticism before?

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Considering all big pharma is under control of US DOD and DARPA I’m not holding out hope for transparency or change 😞

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Bigger than that. This is a worldwide problem. I live in Japan were masks are still worn and frankly, I now doubt they will ever go away, a greater percentage of the population have been vaxxed, wife just got her 4th Sunday night, and they are still trying to push it for kids. Then we have the madness in NZ and Australia, most of Europe and pretty much elsewhere.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I can’t believe Japanese are still buying this! Considering they pushed for the addition test and found the LNP went to the organs and ovaries and they found foreign material in the Moderna batch ( metals If I recall correctly ) and sent it back. Why would they trust it after that? 😢

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I have an explanation but it is not a satisfying one. It remains a mystery to me. I must add that among the nonJapanese (gaijin) I know, I am the only one not following this nonsense. Though, that just may be outward appearances. I do not wear masks, I am the only one I know who does not. However, I have had the first two shots. I did so knowing the dangers sand that this disease does not require a vaccine. I also got it only after turning it down when offered 4 times by various employers. Simple explanation is that if it is going to anything bad, I want it do it to me and not my son. I do not want him getting it. Don’t want my wife getting it either, but she works for PF and has drank the cool-aid. She just got her 4th Sunday.

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Jesus. I am also in Japan. My family is wholly unvaccinated. My wife's father is pretty connected and told me none of the elite are getting vaccinated. He was actually hospitalized for a couple days early in the pandemic, or he might have lined up for the jab too. But, my wife has talked friends out of it, and more than a few of our friends are off the vax train, like yourself. I stopped wearing the mask too. I've stopped seeing people who wear masks. I've got to wear one at work, but it feels all the more dehumanizing. Nope, it's fair to say that Japan has become a visibly mentally impaired nation. but, then they could all suddenly stop too. I'm trying to be a forerunner, at the very least.

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I envy you. Not in a hateful, spiteful way, just wish my wife and her family were like yours. I will not wear a mask at work. Being certified in respirators, I know that masks are not only useless against virus, they have their own health risks. Wearing them all day, every day is misuse.

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I am sorry you and many other families have to make these choices knowing how bad the outcome can be taking it. Those on the Cool aid know not what they do……..😢

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We are not alone, that is for sure.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Now if that doesn't say it all in reference to the idiocy, (at best,) of the Covid Injections I am not sure what does.

Print, copy, mail and email to the world!

(And maybe we can reclaim Mother Earth and all Her children from the pHarma Lords and the pHarma Whores.)

Remember people, it's PEOPLE that are lining up like sheep both carrying out and complying with the agenda: they will wake up too, one day!!

; ))

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I can put it on my facebook page. Leave it in the libary and the park...but

until we get it on the media (Tucker Carlson?) or Twitter (I am banned)

how can we wake the people/sheeple up?

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Print and mail to your Legislators.

Give copies of the great Covid Books to friends,

(The Courage to Face Covid 19, The Bodies of Others, Letter to a Liberal, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, the Real Anthony Fouci,) family, and community free libraries at Christmas.

Join CHD and print off their information, go old school, print and snail mail!

Speak to friends, family, and local groups.

Join a CHD state Chapter if your state has one, or pick another organization fighting back and help them out.

There are hundreds of ways to get this knowledge into more people's hands.

Good luck and God Bless!

; ))

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Banning is not as harsh on Twitter under Musk but there are still censorship operatives there. Twitter is not completely cleaned up yet. Get a new free email account from protonmail.com or mailfence.com, and sign up for Twitter again.

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Keep in mind how similarly it is nearly impossible to extract someone from a cult...

Ever tried to explain to a boozer that they will kill themselves if they don't stop. They never listen.

Turning a CovIDIOT is generally a losing battle

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Hi Eddy!

My strategy is as follows:

30% total cool-aid, don't waste your energy!

40% going along to get along but know something is wrong!

Target Zone!

30% saw through it all along but need a sheepdog nipping at their heels to get them up and stampeding at the wolves working to take us all down!

Target Zone!!

Ignore the first group, gently drop ideas, information, and questions at group 2, geared to help them understand a little bit more every day, and w group 3--- Go Get Em!!!

Email, write, call, demonstrate, pay cash, bank small local credit unions, deluge your legislators with solid science, threaten to re-register as a Republican, if you are a Democrat, if you're a Republican tell them to get off their @$$ and fight back!

Give books, articles, resistance music for Christmas, join CHD or one of a hundred groups fighting back.

Half the country knows what's happening now, to some level. If 10% of them became active we could break the rule of this Criminal Class of Cosmic Proportion. If all of them got active the world would change overnight.

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Perhaps where you are, but here in Japan. I know many disagree with this nonsense, but whenever I try to get them to think about any thing, say the fact that despite masks, social distancing vaxxes and all the rest we are now in our 8th wave and almost 3 years into this with no end in sight. I am told, “Don’t ask that! It is the RULE!”. And they walk away.

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Only a few suggestions and I know there are hundreds of ways to impact this gig. Figure out the ones that suit you, but the only way to stop this is to get active and fight the good fight.

Blessings, I hope more people learn what you know!

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Copy, print, mail. Send, hand out as much as you like, they will not even open it. I know, I have tried. Wife just got her 4th shot Sunday.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Title of this article says it all.....

Great to see and hear such a highly qualified and experienced medical authority express such clear perspectives

Thank you!!!

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

They shit all over Michael Levitt who has a Nobel. They shit all over John Ionaddis who probably deserves a Nobel for developing meta-research into something useful. I think this shows it isn't about credentials. It is about a group of people willing to go to any length in the persuit of more power, domination, and control. If we don't rise up and stop rhem it may be the end of civilization and possibly all of humanity.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

A perfect summary. How prople are blindly following 'The Science TM' baffles me.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

This man, as his “expertise” would suggest was making more sense than the TGA two years ago.

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Ha! I say the following about my esteemed colleagues at the medical universities I teach at in Japan: they have a low opinion of education. They have an exalted view of their own education but everyone else’s education is crap.

During covid it’s been “Well I have a master’s! I will never believe that masks do not work.” Obviously, I have merely a BA and they a MA, but I do have certification in respirators from my time in the navy. No matter. A MA trumps any an all trade licenses, apparently.

Before covid, it was history. As an amateur historian, I am much read up on the subject than most. I can tell that those in the factuality lounge know very little that is factual on the subject.

Point being, this is not new. I believe that the current credentialism for covid is only possible because it has existed unchecked for who knows how long.

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So sensible, clear, rational, and straightforward. Truth always feels simple and clear because it does not need to be dressed just the right way to hide fallacies.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Thank you for this Joel.

Can you put your incredible intelligence to work on how we might utilize something in

the system that is obviously weaponized against common sense and well known

medicine to overturn the tyranny?

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Very nice article.

To help the less literate, I made a .gif animation showing the results from the FDA trials that they tried to bury for 55 years... https://0x0.st/o0Mq.gif

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Well clearly, he can't be an expert. He knows too much science and clearly isn't captured by pharma $$. Nice!

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The edifice is tumbling... Roll on 23. All the best to you and yours Mr. Smalley. Xx

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Selective identification of experts and expert knowledge is a sucker's game. Paul Alexander lauds Karen Kingston, who says that the virus is really a self-assebling AI graphene-based parasite that emerges from quantum dots;



and at the same time he lauds Hansen et al. on vaxxx effectiveness against omicron.


Either the self-assembling nanobots are everywhere and can shed from vaxxxed to

unvaxxxed, from chemtrails in the atmosphere, and from food and water all controlled by DOD and DARPA, or we're still in the red-pill world-view that the vaxxxes actually contain damaging biological products like spike proteins.

Make up your mind Paul, which is it? Biologic pathogen with gain of function, or intelligent nanobot killer parasites?

I suppose it only matters in terms of how long before the kill shots complete their mass destruction of humanity. But, either way, it also means that a lot of thinking about what is actually killing us is still wrong. And there is still no attempt to formally investigate these competing hypotheses and establish the truth AMONG THE NO-VAXXX crowd! Not a good sign.

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Nice to read someone who can logic.

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Thanks for posting. If you need a suitably credentialed person to refute the mythical virus, then Dr Mike Yeadon is your man.

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Joel can you check the latest Seychelles data on 'COVID' deaths ? Looks really bad.

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