Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Im an md in private practice in northern NJ USA. I never got that vax. The RRR made no sense for me. My two teen sons never got it. Thank you for your dedication

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I live in New Orleans, unshot myself. Among friends and neighbors, there seems to be a wave of Covid happening... all of them got shot up, most getting the 4. I know it's anecdotal, and I acknowledge my bias, but everyone I know of who again is suffering from Covid has gotten the shots. It's hard to know who is unshot, because we have silenced ourselves, but people whose immune systems are undamaged by the shots seem to be okay.

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Aug 31, 2022·edited Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley


PLEASE check out the two detailed examinations of the filings made by Pfizer & Moderna.

They are the two items ending Dr Malone’s article.

I know Dr Latypova personally & vouch for her credentials.

Basically the companies avoided finding bad things by the expedient of not doing the studies required. The regulators then rubber stamped these hopelessly inadequate filings.

Best wishes


Dr Mike Yeadon

Ps: another colleague, Hedley Rees, shows how impossible it ever was that they could possibly have done what they claim. He also publishes on Substack. Certain things take elapsed time & cannot much be shortened by adding resource. As my former head of medicinal chemistry once said, “You can’t make a baby in one month using nine women”.

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Hedley is really worth subscribing too. He's full of insider knowledge.


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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Dr. Yeadon, I believe I also read somewhere recently that the same lack of studies has been rubberstamped - everything medically / vaccinationally “new” can be debuted within 100 days. No long (or even short) term studies need be applied.

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That is officially correct.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Sigh. Eugyppius has mentioned in his most recent post that UC Berkeley (which will mean all UC schools & probably lots of others in CA & elsewhere) will mandate masks for any students not vax’d for annual FLU. That used to be a CHOICE & nobody’s business. And of course right on time, Big Pharma comes out w/ a new “vaccine” for Omi in addition to what I believe to be a combined flu-WuFlu jab?

I anticipate there will be pressure on we unvax’d in a month or so 🤬

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The things people will do ... for a fat salary.

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When various people insisted I get the injections early on ... because they 'feared for me'.... I said ... the average age of those dying from Covid is 80+ with multiple co-morbidities... I am nowhere near that age and in perfect health ... so fear not for me ....

Then I would say --- I'll reconsider when the long term safety studies are published...

That shut them up.

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Sadly we are just waiting for the deaths here in the Philippines. We are verifying an account of 7 young children suddenly and recently dead in one small barangay (town). We are working on permission to share stories, to raise awareness. The government is not tallying it seems, is not releasing data (they are months behind their prior to 2022 release schedules), and many victims / their families seem reluctant to speak out. My friend was ministering to a 23 year old. Boosted in March, stage 4 cancer diagnosed in May and dead today! What a tragedy we are witness to.

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Yes, this is also my fear in Europe. I know the UK has a backlog of at least 10 months for deaths of young people. We have not seen anywhere near the worst of it.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

I cannot hit the ‘like’ button, but thank you for all of your hard work keeping us informed as to what is going on.....

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I wonder if we’ll ever know the truth; there is tremendous incentive to continue to deflect & conceal

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We already know the truth

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Sure but I mainly mean the willfully blind

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And... the Extra Strength Booster is rolling out....

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It is a tragedy, but to be clear, it’s absolutely deliberate.

Nothing accidental or inadvertent.

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That so many people still chalk this up to self-aggrandizing, incompetent governmental and health authorities, and not deliberately planned malfeasance, is stunning to me.

Add the "green" lunacy now threatening to collapse economies and bring famine to the world, and one needn't be Sherlock Holmes to suspect something very evil is going on.

And with the Brandon administration sitting on 100+ million doses of "vaccine" for the fall, I'm sure that vaccine mandates will appear on stage after the election.

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And if it was about $$$ ... the injection would be benign... there is not logic to pumping such a deadly substance into people -- that's a bad business model

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Agreed. $ alone is insufficient explanation. That said, it is also about huge wealthy transfers, more to impoverish us than make them richer.

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I have a ball of outrage growing in my belly. My fear is Criminals will get away with this monstrous Crime. And if they get away with this, what’s the limit? Humanity has no choice but to defeat this criminal enterprise, once and for all.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Can you see a significant lull in infant deaths during lockdown, temporally associated with pediatricians administering far fewer routine immunizations because parents weren't taking their babies for well baby checks to the doctor?

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Yes, This observation has been made a few times now.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

That's what I was thinking too... I wonder if there is any data on Childhood immunisation during this period to see if correlation.

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May not just be less immunization but less contact with the medical system, full stop

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

This is so sad. My daughter was 14 last year and I firmly decided that she would not get the dumb poisonous shots. Family members disagreed; her classmates were surprised when they discovered this. She trusted me and agreed. Very sorry for all those who got jabbed.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Excellent work again Joel thank you. Still painting Picasso's with Actual Data. The correlation here is crystal clear.

It is absolutely CRIMINAL what has gone on by Gvts, Public Health/Public Sector, Academia, MSM and Big Pharma - and many Corporates.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Lockdowns/school closures of course had a positive effect on school-related injuries and deaths (most of which occur on the way to school). Here one can find the numbers for Germany:


Basically, all the numbers are down 30% for 2020 and 2021. Deaths figures are: 2017: 49; 2018: 35; 2019: 44; 2020: 27; 2021: 23

Scaling 20 annual deaths prevented to Europe should be in the ballpark of 150, or 3 per week (concentrated on the lockdown periods, of course).

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

sure the accidents happening going to and coming from school and while in school would have gone down.

to only be replaced by the accidents of children being at home or in the streets during the time they otherwise would have safely been in school or participating in traffic other than school related.

and my guess is that there have been more accidents due to the fact that schools were closed.

graph 11 of the publikationen makes clear that the 2021 numbers of school related deaths are nothing out of the ordinary.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Of course. The closing of public pools alone, and the resulting failure of children learning how to swim, is going to cause trouble - if at a later point in time.

And during lockdown, my youngest fell from a wall and broke her ankle...

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Lots of broken bones, sprains, falls and the such these past couple years.

Any break in people's routines combined with a rise in sedentary activity means our muscles, tendons and joints get rusty. Reaction times, mobility and flexibility also decrease.

I myself had a bad ankle sprain in summer 2021 after my basketball sessions resumed, following a hiatus of more than a year due to stupid restrictions.

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Aug 31, 2022·edited Aug 31, 2022

Addendum: note that the 2015 and 2016 reports have the same covers, as well as the 2017 and 2018 reports. So the 2020 report should have re-used the 2019 image, but they had to replace it by one where the kids are wearing masks and not holding hands...

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This makes me want to weep.

So many people will still find other excuses for the injuries and deaths because to admit the jabs were the cause is to admit they too may die or their loved ones will. The parents who got their children injected were completely brainwashed and how will they live with themselves if their child is hurt or killed by the jab which they believed was just another vaccine and would protect them? The wickedness of the authorities is appalling. Yet many people will still roll up their sleeve for their annual boosters.

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Is the last chart only for mRNA jabs, or AZ too?

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It's all of them. If you follow the link, you can see. They have a dashboard too so you don't need to visualise the data yourself.

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That is what I have figured. The caption for the graph says, though, "Cumulative COVID mRNA Doses Administered and Excess Deaths, 0 to 14 Year"...

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Txs Joel, I'll translate main parts in italian soon

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re: the reduced childhood mortality in the 2020-2021 season

in the u.s., some of that was due to young children not getting their scheduled vaccinations, which reduced the amount of sids. florida was a prime example of this effect.

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Late to this, but now shared on twitter. Totally agree, I have been saying since May 2020 that the original virus was no worse than bad flu. (compare excess mortality with Dec-Jan 1989 when extra 36,000 deaths in UK in just 4 weeks, and similar peak in winter 1999-20). We do have official data in Scotland that shows at least 1/3 of the excess mortality in the so called first-wave* (March/April 2020) was not due to the virus, but was due to mostly elderly people being too afraid or just unable to get access to medical attention. English data also similar. And that's not counting those euthanised by Midazolam, but who's deaths were attributed to 'Covid'.

*calling it the 'first wave' is a bit questionable; it had been here for months, but March/April was just when it got nosocomial in hospitals and carehomes, and it spread through the susceptible population in the more densely populated cities, so really impacted mortaliy data. Excess mortality data for Highlands, and particularly the Western Isles suggests the first wave was actually in Dec'19 - Jan '20. but due to much smaller population base, this only showed as a ripple in Scottish data.

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Given that almost 92% of children were not vaccinated, how would you know if the bulk of the excess deaths, which although tracking with cumulative vaccinations, is among unvaccinated children? A proper experimental approach calculates the hazard ratio between vaccinated and unvaccinated. You need better data and an actual experimental design that compares cohorts with similar pre-existing conditions - or lack thereof.

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Nice work as usual, Joel.

Playing the devils advocate for a moment, could a confounded be claimed in lockdown and restriction changes? For 2020 severe lockdown measures were taken, so some might say those kept excess deaths due to COVID down. Then as the shots were being rolled out, restrictions eased. The ease in restrictions could also be correlated to increasing deaths, No? I guess that would still prove that the shots are worthless, but may not get us quite to a clear blame on them for making things worse? 🤷‍♂️

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But lockdown has been studied scores of times in publications and are not correlated with reduced mortality. So no, it doesn’t work at all.

We’ve known this for absolutely certain by summer 2020.

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Thanks for the feedback. Very helpful.

So if we had done more targeted mitigation (protect those over 65, say) and just let COVID run its course back in 2020, would we have had higher death in 2020 and then lower in 2021 and moving forward?

Also, do you think it better that Omicron tore through the population rather than one of the earlier strains?

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I used to think that the best plan was no mitigation other than what consenting adults chose & treat the sick who were at highest risk of death (the aged & ill).

Controversially, I now believe, based on a lot of research mostly of others analysis, that there never was a new respiratory virus,

What we see is only policy impacts, which include the devastating negative impacts on our immune systems through chronic, extraordinary & deliberate stress.

I don’t have time to explain here. But I’m pretty sure this is correct. Time will tell,

It really doesn’t matter. What I’m absolutely certain of is that there never was a public health emergency warranting ridiculous “measures”.

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I am seeing this hypothesis too, more and more, in addition to the hypothesis that the 2019 flu vaccine played a part. I am seeing data from unofficial sources that corroborate this too.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

Dr Yeadon are you familiar with the theories of Dr Lee Merrit?

She believes that there was probably no novel viral pathogen and therefore no epidemic to speak of, but there were real clusters of mass sickness in different hotspots at certain times. Many of these occurred in spring 2020 well before restrictions were imposed. Dr Merrit posits that sickness could have been caused by the spread of a toxin (i.e. the spike protein) via the environment somehow, or possibly person-to-person but not in the form of an aerosolised virus as commonly understood.

Certainly others, like Dr Zelenko, reported seeing clear patterns of sickness in their patients and that symptoms were particular or at the very least, consistent with a specific pathology.

(My own mother in Spain, aged 70, fell sick in March 2020 before lockdowns came into effect. She is a retired primary school teacher with a robust immune system and this was the worst bout of illness she's ever had, quite distinct from any previous cold/flu. Her doctor prescribed her HCQ -- well before the WHO/EMA/etc. clamped down on it -- and never went on to develop respiratory symptoms. However, she was wiped out for a good 2.5 weeks.)

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I’m not, no.

Unfortunately it no longer matters.

It’s years too late.

I know what the data tells me.

Nobody cares now.

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Wow. Very interesting. Thank you!

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Is it possible to show excess deaths for Europe also in category 15-25 and 25-40?

I would love to see working age group and group which should be safe from covid.

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Euromomo jump to 15 to 44 for the next age group. Not how I would have done it but that's all there is.

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