My father is 90 and while he, me 58 & my brother 60 have had cough's & sniffles [ we never test ] we are still all alive & well. So to us Covid has really only ever been a nonsense & inconvenience! Do not trust the Government or the medical profession.
Indeed! Do not trust these people. They have shown their true colors. You inconvenience was entirely caused by the criminals that run our governments and health bureaucracies. Back in the day, they would have been held accountable. As Joel has made so obvious, they continue to lie and cheat. Truly the worst of the worst. Something tells me this will not end well for them, I sure hope that gut feeling is correct.
Sorry I have a question believe it or not. But before I ask thank you. I noticed a spike that makes no sense to me anyway. As one politician took a boot from far and wide and his evil doppelganger took his place. In the US data on Jan 13 2021 besides 1000 IP addresses going active at the same address at the same time on the 20th. Was close to 2000 deaths on the 13th. It makes no since. So I will send it your way so a use my Conspiracy decoder ring again.
It does tho if you understand all that they have in play....astrology for one, along with weather control...look at the sudden deaths reports, they do seem to clump into certain dates...
“Individuals in risk groups may also be more at risk of hospitalisation or death due to non-COVID-19 causes, and thus may be hospitalised or die with COVID-19 rather than because of COVID-19 and because vaccination has been prioritised to those most at risk.”
Total denial of the healthy vaccinee effect, in fact they are claiming the opposite.
Also I don’t recall them distinguishing between deaths ‘with’ and ‘because of’ when it suited the narrative.
Which raises questions: why vaccinate people who will shortly die anyway? Why insist others not at risk from the disease be vaccinated to protect those who will die anyway? Why shut down society, abuse Human Rights, take away our freedom and worse... put the welfare of those in terminal stage of life ahead of the welfare and lives of our children? On the Titanic they didn’t say elderly and dying first into the lifeboats. What kind of society are we who will willingly sacrifice our young to protect the old?
And we can’t just blame the low-life in Govt and their passel of bought and paid ‘experts’, parents and teachers were complicit.
Vaccines saved no lives, they caused quite unnecessary deaths and injury. Have to stop as I get angry.
I get very angry over this too. I get even more angry when I think about 2020 and how our govt health agencies acted like they had NO idea what to do.
They knew from the get-go what certain prophylaxis medications would completely stop the spread and keep people from getting hospitalized.
Certain employees from the NIH, NIAID, CDC, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, plus a few more had been studying this since SARS cov1.
Niclosamide (an antihelmenth like ivermectin) and hydroxychloroquine, were definitely known. Ivermectin was known too.
These horrible people knew that the media and their agencies told the public there was no treatment. Drs & hospitals told people to wait until they couldn't breathe and THEN go to the ER.
The NIH and Anthony Fauchi included KNEW that if an antiviral wasn't taken at least in the first 24-48 hrs, many people could die.
Here's a quote from an experiment with sars and MA15 infectious cloned sars. Notice who funded and also participated in the study. This would have fizzled out by May or June 2020 like sars did if our govt agencies weren't trying to kill us and push out thus deadly gene therapy..
"Because the MA15 virus replicates rapidly to high titer and is lethal for young BALB/c mice, this virus provides a more stringent challenge than the SARS-CoV (Urbani) virus in evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic interventions or prevention strategies. Prophylaxis that is able to rescue MA15-infected mice from a lethal outcome must lower viral burden in lungs very rapidly (e.g., within the first 24 h). Prophylaxis that accomplishes such reduction in the burden of MA15 virus may also reduce the severity of immunopathology that follows. A reduction of immunopathology was demonstrated in a SARS-CoV hamster model when a monoclonal antibody specific to SARS-CoV spike protein administered the day after infection was able to arrest a further rise in viral titer in the lungs [29]. If similar protection can be demonstrated against challenge with MA15 virus in BALB/c mice, the efficacy of intervention will be well proven."
Chemical Biology Program, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, ‡Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and §Sealy Center for Structural Biology & Molecular Biophysics, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77555, United States
∥Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, 120 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, New York 12208, United States This work was supported by grants R01 AI131669 and R21 AI134568 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the National Institutes of Health, John D. Stobo, the M. D. Distinguished Chair Endowment Fund, and the John Sealy Memorial Endowment Fund at UTMB. P.-Y.S. was supported by NIH grants AI142759, AI127744, and AI136126, and awards from the Kleberg Foundation, John S. Dunn Foundation, Amon G. Carter Foundation, Gilson Longenbaugh Foundation, and Summerfield Robert Foundation
The global Phase 3 clinical trial of nitazoxanide 300 mg controlled-release tablets for treatment of influenza is funded under contract HHSO100201300004C with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services administered through the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA
Nitazoxanide acknowledged over a year ago as well by FLCCC docs as an Ivermectin alternative for tough cases or where IVM was impossible to get. Easier to stock up for those who prepare.
Yes I meant to put that link up also. Since the WHO & company are trying their best to resurrect the avian flu I think everyone needs to know that niclosamide and other cheap safe meds kills it. We are on our own for awhile it looks like..
If the "vaccine" was effective there should be near zero deaths caused by Covid. If you're injected you should NOT be dying "of" covid at all. That's the entire reason to get the jab.
Basically, seasonality trumps everything right up until spring/summer 2022, when the northern states don't "clear" the virus like they did in 2020 and 2021. Heavily vaccinated northern states are most affected.
And curiously, cargo flight employees are mentioning massive shipments of vaccines coming in to the Dallas Forth Worth, Amsterdam, Gatwick, New York, Melbourne. And then there's a different report saying that Canada is pre-purchasing 90(?) million vials. (abt 11 min in)
In the US, the HHS in their latest extension of the monkeypox and other orthropox viruses "emergency", has noted they are "authorizing" veterinarians to mass inoculate people and provide treatment. Other healthcare professionals and students, including dentists, who normally would not vaccinate people, are also noted.
Is anyone in other countries seeing their governments doing similar things?
Meh. No one in AZ is doing this. Personally, my Vet would never consider it. I can’t imagine Vets or Dentists accepting this kind of liability; it would not be covered in their malpractice to treat humans. In fact, it may be a statutory violation at their state boards.
The next time I see my vet I will ask if she's even guess is no. As an aside, if I remember correctly, dentists were given the option to innoculate clients with the cv shots. Can't recall if this was everywhere or just in some areas. All ridiculous!
From my recollection, the TOP job was taken down (possibly filled?), but that there were MANY other jobs still posted.
I look at the possibility like this: They might QUICKLY mandate and force jabs on lots of people before the adverse events become evident.
Frankly, I don't think they're going to have the majority of the public going along with any mandates at this point. They've showed their colors, and there's a massive loss of trust.
However, when push comes to shove (and jobs are on the line, etc), I worry that more people will crumble. I hope I'm wrong.
Justin, Apparently Murderna are building a new factory in the UK to produce hundreds of millions of jabs a year? Well, if it's not for covid, what's it for? They're up to somthing...
I'll have to rewatch the video. I thought I heard government doing the hiring. Thanks for the info about the new factory build. The pfizer-like document dump via the FDA is supposed to be as bad for Moderna. Quite the investment to undertake. (Late edit: It's mentioned in the 1st 5 minutes that it's a UK HSA posting with info suggesting that it's a new position and is going to be big and urgent vaccination campaign.)
Murderna, murderna... What a piece of work! Fauci's pet project and Gates' huge investment. But ultimately will the truth make any difference?
In the UK we've just had a huge what's app (?) dump of govt messages which is exposing all of their shenanigans that even msm can't ignore. The trouble is, the vast majority have no interest, or concept of what is about to happen to them. They are utterly clueless and trusting of the official narrative.
Does no one read for themselves or know their history anymore?
Justin, I just watched the video. Utterly terrifying! :
The WHO are to become the one world government with their new pandemic treaty which will be ushered in with a contrived world-wide panic about Bird Flu killing up to 56% of human victims. They will then have absolute digitised health sovereignty over everything: people, animals and the planet.
All they need is for our idiot MPs to pass it... so I fear we are all totally f**ked!! Where is the mass opposition? Crickets...
James, I wish it were so; at least that would be an excuse.
However, I fear the truth is they don't even read the bills they are passing and have no idea of what they are agreeing to on behalf of the rest of us.
The WHO pandemic treaty has highly desirable and agreeable top-line objectives - the devil is hiding in the detail.
I'm absolutely sure I know more than my MP about all things covid and many other issues. Mind you, why waste their time with the details, when they just vote and do as they are told on Party lines.
And they still have the neck to call it democracy!
There's that old cliche that they lead a parade from behind. I guess they'll only jump into action if/when Biden agrees to this?
James Roguski has been warning about this for awhile. The media is dead silent, and that's why you haven't heard more from the public. We have to warn people.
Yes but alas you will have to start with quite a few of your fellow man without whose encouragement and cooperation none of this would have been possible.
Yes it does, which is why there is a big campaign warning about it and advising over 50s to get vaccinated. But not just the UK, other Countries too. Yesterday I saw a report from Spain of a rise in cases of Shingles there. Shingles being cause by dormant chicken pox virus acquired in earlier life, becoming active due to weakened immune system. I wonder what could be weakening it? Any ideas?
No matter what, people are going to die from something and no lives are ever saved; only death may be put off for a while. They claimed a monster virus was killing millions and would kill millions more...that was to instigate the fear factor. Then they relied on the long time trust in big pharma's vaccine industry that would make individuals run to get an purported life saving injection.
It's all a lie. All that we are left with is the discovery of who-done-it and the fact that the vaccines never were true vaccines and that they are a nasty substance with the ability to cause havoc inside any body they invade. The purpose can only be the murder of humans.
As long as people die of a hundred other causes and it’s not Covid, Victory!!!! That’s what the experts say anyway. Luckily I knew immediately that it was all stupidity and did the exact opposite of official guidance.
"In the context of very high vaccine coverage in the population, even with a highly effective vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations or deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated. This may be even more notable if vaccination has been prioritised to individuals who are more susceptible or more at risk of severe disease, as in the UK COVID-19 vaccination programme, in particular when looking at severe disease outcomes such as hospitalisations or deaths."
Um, are these people for real?
First, one would assume that the "vaccines" are supposed to actually DO something? If the best they can say is that you would expect more deaths and hospita;lisations in the vaccinated cohort because a high percentage of the population is vaccinated seems to argue the opposite?
second, they know very well that the HUB actually operates in the opposite direction to the one they suggest.
Are they stupid or do they just think that all the rest of us Are?
That old trick. Yes indeed there being more vaccinated v unvaccinated explains the imbalance in the raw data, but not the imbalance in the rate... numbers per million, which clearly show the vaccinated worse off. They forgot to mention that I note.
They didn't know I would analyse in that fashion though. They were just caveating the raw data used in absolute terms. I guess some people need that caveat but we're all pretty experienced here?!
Yes agreed but it's more than that. The final claim they were left with was that the gene therapies don't stop infection or transmission but they do protect against severe infection, hospitalisation and death. So that meanhs there should be NO deaths in the vaccinated cohort, right?
Claiming what they do is actually an admission of failure but they hope nobody will understand.
The fact that some people still walk around wearing masks and continue to line up for boosters is truly the saddest thing I have seen. ESPECIALLY when they force this on their own children.
In my book the Governments never had much credibility and frankly these last 3 years solidified my beliefs. The politicians and governments agencies are all mostly all corrupt and run by truly evil, vile , megalomaniacs in many cases.
These last 3 years have answered my age old question of how could the Germans in the 1930’s have been convinced to support the liquidations of the Jewish people and other “undesirables”.
I have no doubt that if the unvaccinated were ordered to be rounded up and placed in cattle cars, a good Majority of the “progressives” in Los Angeles and New York and elsewhere would have gladly supported and assisted in the “cause”
In my opinion, those still walking around with masks and "boosting" themselves have been captured by the phenomenon of Mass Formation as described by Mattias Desmet. Just as part of the German public was captured in the 1930s. The rough estimate is that about 30% of the population are vulnerable due to free-floating anxiety and get effectively "hypnotized" by an official government narrative (in this case about vaccination) repeated over and over via the mass media, about 60% don't want to make waves and just "go along to get along", and about 10% actively resist, speaking up and refusing to comply. The challenge in my view is to wake up as many of the 60% as possible so massive sustained demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience can begin.
I agree..because if the 60% that "go along to get along" don't stand up against the future pressure we all are about to face--it will be round-up time for us.
I have a feeling the next lockdown mandate vaccine push will be worse.
If the masses would all act together as one- instead of a few here and there-it would speak volumes.
People may see that eventually, but if they don't wake up and say NO MORE very VERY soon..there is no turning back from what's coming.
My immediate family is totally asleep and lives in la la land. Only my cousin and her ret.military husband know what's up, and my ret.military nephew.
You'd think the rest of the family would question why the ret. military ones don't trust their govt..
I agree. My sister thinks I've gone off the rails. Although there is indeed relative safety in numbers, those at the tip of the spear may still have to make some serious sacrifices. I believe there are some willing to do that, especially those who have a military background. We will all be suffering in one way or another as the future unfolds. One key to mounting meaningful resistance is to come to terms with death being a part of life. People in past ages were closer to nature and understood risk much differently than most people do today. Here's the book I'd like to see on the NYT best seller list: "Sufficient Anger: Breaking Through Fear to Active Resistance".
With that extended caveat of the possibility to misinterpret the data, it makes one wonder how all the MP's were ever able to possibly interpret the data correctly.
It would seem to me it's a massive failure on the part of the UKHSA to not make the SCIENCE more clear with the data. Unless THEIR "SCIENCE" can't possibly be supported by the data.
Indeed, and that is the winning argument. For all this time, we have strived to prove our point when the onus has only ever been on them to prove theirs. At best, there is no evidence to support the narrative.
Reuters has produced a fuck-check of the table top exercise, saying tat it did not predict the Pandemic... which was not the goal at all. They just did not ask the right questions: Who was in the EWG for the exercise? Why overestimate the chosen viruses lethality? Why choose a new drug that has severe side effects? Why give the manufacturer total indemnity? Why put the goal post at vaccinating everyone?
That exercise was made to train what we are experiencing right now.
Actually we (aged 71, 69 and 28) are fairly sure we had Covid twice, the first time in Dec 2019 (like a heavy cold) and then again in May 2022 (a mild cold - all with lateral flow test positives for a few days). So my belief is that the advice to take the jab was misleading and pointless, because the infection means that we already had decent antibodies - as it was for anyone who had it before the jab rollout.
How many of us Brits already had that natural herd immunity? Nobody seems to know, but it must be a substantial number.
Never in the history of medicine have so many experimental and risky jabs been issued so recklessly for so minimal benefits.
We used to trot down regularly for our jabs, but now we are deeply suspicious: my wife had a call for the shingles jab today and threw it in the bin. I mean, after this debacle, who can we trust for impartial information anymore? Not the government, not Big Pharma, not the media, and not our GP.
Ironically this programme will probably create a new generation of vaccine sceptics and anti-vaxxers.
Yes....agreed .....I was just thinking about the wider discussions elsewhere (the WA messages from Hancock, eg) and the PCR tests , wasn't negatively critiquing your article. The slavish adherence to testing by some of my peers was frustrating. When reading thought provoking articles ( yours and others) one's mind can fasten on one aspect and that triggers other thoughts!
My father is 90 and while he, me 58 & my brother 60 have had cough's & sniffles [ we never test ] we are still all alive & well. So to us Covid has really only ever been a nonsense & inconvenience! Do not trust the Government or the medical profession.
Indeed! Do not trust these people. They have shown their true colors. You inconvenience was entirely caused by the criminals that run our governments and health bureaucracies. Back in the day, they would have been held accountable. As Joel has made so obvious, they continue to lie and cheat. Truly the worst of the worst. Something tells me this will not end well for them, I sure hope that gut feeling is correct.
I hope your gut feeling is correct also!
You are so right...and well done for seeing all of the nonsense...there are more of us than they like to think about!
whole lot more than they'll admit...
Sorry I have a question believe it or not. But before I ask thank you. I noticed a spike that makes no sense to me anyway. As one politician took a boot from far and wide and his evil doppelganger took his place. In the US data on Jan 13 2021 besides 1000 IP addresses going active at the same address at the same time on the 20th. Was close to 2000 deaths on the 13th. It makes no since. So I will send it your way so a use my Conspiracy decoder ring again.
It does tho if you understand all that they have in play....astrology for one, along with weather control...look at the sudden deaths reports, they do seem to clump into certain dates...
“Individuals in risk groups may also be more at risk of hospitalisation or death due to non-COVID-19 causes, and thus may be hospitalised or die with COVID-19 rather than because of COVID-19 and because vaccination has been prioritised to those most at risk.”
Total denial of the healthy vaccinee effect, in fact they are claiming the opposite.
Also I don’t recall them distinguishing between deaths ‘with’ and ‘because of’ when it suited the narrative.
Which raises questions: why vaccinate people who will shortly die anyway? Why insist others not at risk from the disease be vaccinated to protect those who will die anyway? Why shut down society, abuse Human Rights, take away our freedom and worse... put the welfare of those in terminal stage of life ahead of the welfare and lives of our children? On the Titanic they didn’t say elderly and dying first into the lifeboats. What kind of society are we who will willingly sacrifice our young to protect the old?
And we can’t just blame the low-life in Govt and their passel of bought and paid ‘experts’, parents and teachers were complicit.
Vaccines saved no lives, they caused quite unnecessary deaths and injury. Have to stop as I get angry.
I get very angry over this too. I get even more angry when I think about 2020 and how our govt health agencies acted like they had NO idea what to do.
They knew from the get-go what certain prophylaxis medications would completely stop the spread and keep people from getting hospitalized.
Certain employees from the NIH, NIAID, CDC, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, plus a few more had been studying this since SARS cov1.
Niclosamide (an antihelmenth like ivermectin) and hydroxychloroquine, were definitely known. Ivermectin was known too.
These horrible people knew that the media and their agencies told the public there was no treatment. Drs & hospitals told people to wait until they couldn't breathe and THEN go to the ER.
The NIH and Anthony Fauchi included KNEW that if an antiviral wasn't taken at least in the first 24-48 hrs, many people could die.
Here's a quote from an experiment with sars and MA15 infectious cloned sars. Notice who funded and also participated in the study. This would have fizzled out by May or June 2020 like sars did if our govt agencies weren't trying to kill us and push out thus deadly gene therapy..
"Because the MA15 virus replicates rapidly to high titer and is lethal for young BALB/c mice, this virus provides a more stringent challenge than the SARS-CoV (Urbani) virus in evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic interventions or prevention strategies. Prophylaxis that is able to rescue MA15-infected mice from a lethal outcome must lower viral burden in lungs very rapidly (e.g., within the first 24 h). Prophylaxis that accomplishes such reduction in the burden of MA15 virus may also reduce the severity of immunopathology that follows. A reduction of immunopathology was demonstrated in a SARS-CoV hamster model when a monoclonal antibody specific to SARS-CoV spike protein administered the day after infection was able to arrest a further rise in viral titer in the lungs [29]. If similar protection can be demonstrated against challenge with MA15 virus in BALB/c mice, the efficacy of intervention will be well proven."
Treatments they knew Feb 2020
Chemical Biology Program, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, ‡Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and §Sealy Center for Structural Biology & Molecular Biophysics, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77555, United States
∥Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, 120 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, New York 12208, United States This work was supported by grants R01 AI131669 and R21 AI134568 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the National Institutes of Health, John D. Stobo, the M. D. Distinguished Chair Endowment Fund, and the John Sealy Memorial Endowment Fund at UTMB. P.-Y.S. was supported by NIH grants AI142759, AI127744, and AI136126, and awards from the Kleberg Foundation, John S. Dunn Foundation, Amon G. Carter Foundation, Gilson Longenbaugh Foundation, and Summerfield Robert Foundation
The global Phase 3 clinical trial of nitazoxanide 300 mg controlled-release tablets for treatment of influenza is funded under contract HHSO100201300004C with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services administered through the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA
Nitazoxanide acknowledged over a year ago as well by FLCCC docs as an Ivermectin alternative for tough cases or where IVM was impossible to get. Easier to stock up for those who prepare.
Yes I meant to put that link up also. Since the WHO & company are trying their best to resurrect the avian flu I think everyone needs to know that niclosamide and other cheap safe meds kills it. We are on our own for awhile it looks like..
If "died with Covid" is counted as "died of Covid" . . . then surely "died with vaccination" should be counted as "died of the vaccine" ?
Ooh, good one!!
If the "vaccine" was effective there should be near zero deaths caused by Covid. If you're injected you should NOT be dying "of" covid at all. That's the entire reason to get the jab.
But it's not a vaccine, is it?
We see nearly the same thing in the US here:
Basically, seasonality trumps everything right up until spring/summer 2022, when the northern states don't "clear" the virus like they did in 2020 and 2021. Heavily vaccinated northern states are most affected.
hiding somewhere in a humongous pile of cash....
Mutation? , its all speculation.
Perhaps they did not clear the virus since it was not a virus, let alone corona.
If you want to go down that rabbit hole that's cool, but they DID clear the virus in 2020 and 2021, before widespread vaccinations.
The virus, OK. And that would be defined as ...?
'Hesitant' isn't the word I'd use. There's no hesitation in my big fat 'No!' to the toxic shots.
Make sure you keep that NO front and center. From this video, it appears that there are plans afoot to come on even stronger in the UK (a bum's rush, you might say) with the massive and widespread hiring going on in the UK for vaccine delivery people.
And curiously, cargo flight employees are mentioning massive shipments of vaccines coming in to the Dallas Forth Worth, Amsterdam, Gatwick, New York, Melbourne. And then there's a different report saying that Canada is pre-purchasing 90(?) million vials. (abt 11 min in)
Makes one wonder what's coming down the pipe....
In the US, the HHS in their latest extension of the monkeypox and other orthropox viruses "emergency", has noted they are "authorizing" veterinarians to mass inoculate people and provide treatment. Other healthcare professionals and students, including dentists, who normally would not vaccinate people, are also noted.
Is anyone in other countries seeing their governments doing similar things?
Meh. No one in AZ is doing this. Personally, my Vet would never consider it. I can’t imagine Vets or Dentists accepting this kind of liability; it would not be covered in their malpractice to treat humans. In fact, it may be a statutory violation at their state boards.
The next time I see my vet I will ask if she's even guess is no. As an aside, if I remember correctly, dentists were given the option to innoculate clients with the cv shots. Can't recall if this was everywhere or just in some areas. All ridiculous!
Very disturbing if true. I thought the job posting had been taken down quite soon after it was published though.
From my recollection, the TOP job was taken down (possibly filled?), but that there were MANY other jobs still posted.
I look at the possibility like this: They might QUICKLY mandate and force jabs on lots of people before the adverse events become evident.
Frankly, I don't think they're going to have the majority of the public going along with any mandates at this point. They've showed their colors, and there's a massive loss of trust.
However, when push comes to shove (and jobs are on the line, etc), I worry that more people will crumble. I hope I'm wrong.
Justin, Apparently Murderna are building a new factory in the UK to produce hundreds of millions of jabs a year? Well, if it's not for covid, what's it for? They're up to somthing...
I'll have to rewatch the video. I thought I heard government doing the hiring. Thanks for the info about the new factory build. The pfizer-like document dump via the FDA is supposed to be as bad for Moderna. Quite the investment to undertake. (Late edit: It's mentioned in the 1st 5 minutes that it's a UK HSA posting with info suggesting that it's a new position and is going to be big and urgent vaccination campaign.)
Murderna, murderna... What a piece of work! Fauci's pet project and Gates' huge investment. But ultimately will the truth make any difference?
In the UK we've just had a huge what's app (?) dump of govt messages which is exposing all of their shenanigans that even msm can't ignore. The trouble is, the vast majority have no interest, or concept of what is about to happen to them. They are utterly clueless and trusting of the official narrative.
Does no one read for themselves or know their history anymore?
Justin, I just watched the video. Utterly terrifying! :
The WHO are to become the one world government with their new pandemic treaty which will be ushered in with a contrived world-wide panic about Bird Flu killing up to 56% of human victims. They will then have absolute digitised health sovereignty over everything: people, animals and the planet.
All they need is for our idiot MPs to pass it... so I fear we are all totally f**ked!! Where is the mass opposition? Crickets...
And why do you think all of our DC & State politicians are being mum about this WHO power grab ??
So the politicians are not played as the bad guys when the masses finally wake up ?
Plausible denied blame you think? Save their lives from retribution ??
James, I wish it were so; at least that would be an excuse.
However, I fear the truth is they don't even read the bills they are passing and have no idea of what they are agreeing to on behalf of the rest of us.
The WHO pandemic treaty has highly desirable and agreeable top-line objectives - the devil is hiding in the detail.
I'm absolutely sure I know more than my MP about all things covid and many other issues. Mind you, why waste their time with the details, when they just vote and do as they are told on Party lines.
And they still have the neck to call it democracy!
There's that old cliche that they lead a parade from behind. I guess they'll only jump into action if/when Biden agrees to this?
James Roguski has been warning about this for awhile. The media is dead silent, and that's why you haven't heard more from the public. We have to warn people.
Agreed, whenever someone used that “hesitant” phrase on me, I would say “No, I am violently opposed.”
"vehemently" is probably a less alarming word to use. Never know who's going to report violence.
Hopefully it doesn't get to this level:
I really am so angry this has happened to my fellow man. I want those responsible punished.
Yes but alas you will have to start with quite a few of your fellow man without whose encouragement and cooperation none of this would have been possible.
Slight off topic , but the U.K. seems to be having a shingles epidemic from this morning I know of three individuals .
Yes it does, which is why there is a big campaign warning about it and advising over 50s to get vaccinated. But not just the UK, other Countries too. Yesterday I saw a report from Spain of a rise in cases of Shingles there. Shingles being cause by dormant chicken pox virus acquired in earlier life, becoming active due to weakened immune system. I wonder what could be weakening it? Any ideas?
This article by Dr. Thomas Levy on shingles is interesting
No matter what, people are going to die from something and no lives are ever saved; only death may be put off for a while. They claimed a monster virus was killing millions and would kill millions more...that was to instigate the fear factor. Then they relied on the long time trust in big pharma's vaccine industry that would make individuals run to get an purported life saving injection.
It's all a lie. All that we are left with is the discovery of who-done-it and the fact that the vaccines never were true vaccines and that they are a nasty substance with the ability to cause havoc inside any body they invade. The purpose can only be the murder of humans.
As long as people die of a hundred other causes and it’s not Covid, Victory!!!! That’s what the experts say anyway. Luckily I knew immediately that it was all stupidity and did the exact opposite of official guidance.
"In the context of very high vaccine coverage in the population, even with a highly effective vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations or deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated. This may be even more notable if vaccination has been prioritised to individuals who are more susceptible or more at risk of severe disease, as in the UK COVID-19 vaccination programme, in particular when looking at severe disease outcomes such as hospitalisations or deaths."
Um, are these people for real?
First, one would assume that the "vaccines" are supposed to actually DO something? If the best they can say is that you would expect more deaths and hospita;lisations in the vaccinated cohort because a high percentage of the population is vaccinated seems to argue the opposite?
second, they know very well that the HUB actually operates in the opposite direction to the one they suggest.
Are they stupid or do they just think that all the rest of us Are?
Yes, they are and yes, the majority of others are.
That old trick. Yes indeed there being more vaccinated v unvaccinated explains the imbalance in the raw data, but not the imbalance in the rate... numbers per million, which clearly show the vaccinated worse off. They forgot to mention that I note.
They didn't know I would analyse in that fashion though. They were just caveating the raw data used in absolute terms. I guess some people need that caveat but we're all pretty experienced here?!
Yes agreed but it's more than that. The final claim they were left with was that the gene therapies don't stop infection or transmission but they do protect against severe infection, hospitalisation and death. So that meanhs there should be NO deaths in the vaccinated cohort, right?
Claiming what they do is actually an admission of failure but they hope nobody will understand.
Nice and simple despite a lot of work required to put it together. Thanks Joel
The fact that some people still walk around wearing masks and continue to line up for boosters is truly the saddest thing I have seen. ESPECIALLY when they force this on their own children.
In my book the Governments never had much credibility and frankly these last 3 years solidified my beliefs. The politicians and governments agencies are all mostly all corrupt and run by truly evil, vile , megalomaniacs in many cases.
These last 3 years have answered my age old question of how could the Germans in the 1930’s have been convinced to support the liquidations of the Jewish people and other “undesirables”.
I have no doubt that if the unvaccinated were ordered to be rounded up and placed in cattle cars, a good Majority of the “progressives” in Los Angeles and New York and elsewhere would have gladly supported and assisted in the “cause”
G-d help us.
In my opinion, those still walking around with masks and "boosting" themselves have been captured by the phenomenon of Mass Formation as described by Mattias Desmet. Just as part of the German public was captured in the 1930s. The rough estimate is that about 30% of the population are vulnerable due to free-floating anxiety and get effectively "hypnotized" by an official government narrative (in this case about vaccination) repeated over and over via the mass media, about 60% don't want to make waves and just "go along to get along", and about 10% actively resist, speaking up and refusing to comply. The challenge in my view is to wake up as many of the 60% as possible so massive sustained demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience can begin.
I agree..because if the 60% that "go along to get along" don't stand up against the future pressure we all are about to face--it will be round-up time for us.
I have a feeling the next lockdown mandate vaccine push will be worse.
If the masses would all act together as one- instead of a few here and there-it would speak volumes.
People may see that eventually, but if they don't wake up and say NO MORE very VERY soon..there is no turning back from what's coming.
My immediate family is totally asleep and lives in la la land. Only my cousin and her ret.military husband know what's up, and my ret.military nephew.
You'd think the rest of the family would question why the ret. military ones don't trust their govt..
I agree. My sister thinks I've gone off the rails. Although there is indeed relative safety in numbers, those at the tip of the spear may still have to make some serious sacrifices. I believe there are some willing to do that, especially those who have a military background. We will all be suffering in one way or another as the future unfolds. One key to mounting meaningful resistance is to come to terms with death being a part of life. People in past ages were closer to nature and understood risk much differently than most people do today. Here's the book I'd like to see on the NYT best seller list: "Sufficient Anger: Breaking Through Fear to Active Resistance".
With that extended caveat of the possibility to misinterpret the data, it makes one wonder how all the MP's were ever able to possibly interpret the data correctly.
It would seem to me it's a massive failure on the part of the UKHSA to not make the SCIENCE more clear with the data. Unless THEIR "SCIENCE" can't possibly be supported by the data.
Indeed, and that is the winning argument. For all this time, we have strived to prove our point when the onus has only ever been on them to prove theirs. At best, there is no evidence to support the narrative.
Holding up a narrative, as they were trained to do. I would recommend this:
Reuters has produced a fuck-check of the table top exercise, saying tat it did not predict the Pandemic... which was not the goal at all. They just did not ask the right questions: Who was in the EWG for the exercise? Why overestimate the chosen viruses lethality? Why choose a new drug that has severe side effects? Why give the manufacturer total indemnity? Why put the goal post at vaccinating everyone?
That exercise was made to train what we are experiencing right now.
You need to go all the way back to Dark Winter, really. All the sickening stuff is in there already, in spades.
I've never been happier to be 'hesitant' ;-)
Actually we (aged 71, 69 and 28) are fairly sure we had Covid twice, the first time in Dec 2019 (like a heavy cold) and then again in May 2022 (a mild cold - all with lateral flow test positives for a few days). So my belief is that the advice to take the jab was misleading and pointless, because the infection means that we already had decent antibodies - as it was for anyone who had it before the jab rollout.
How many of us Brits already had that natural herd immunity? Nobody seems to know, but it must be a substantial number.
Never in the history of medicine have so many experimental and risky jabs been issued so recklessly for so minimal benefits.
We used to trot down regularly for our jabs, but now we are deeply suspicious: my wife had a call for the shingles jab today and threw it in the bin. I mean, after this debacle, who can we trust for impartial information anymore? Not the government, not Big Pharma, not the media, and not our GP.
Ironically this programme will probably create a new generation of vaccine sceptics and anti-vaxxers.
Not only vaccines, nearly all their drugs are harmful.
I will never ever trust any of their "vaccines" again. They cut off their nose to spite their face as far as I'm concerned.
The vaccines that so many have trusted in for decades were poisoning people years before covid.
I hope this has shaken people awake to the criminal pharma cartel and it's govt masters..
Yes....agreed .....I was just thinking about the wider discussions elsewhere (the WA messages from Hancock, eg) and the PCR tests , wasn't negatively critiquing your article. The slavish adherence to testing by some of my peers was frustrating. When reading thought provoking articles ( yours and others) one's mind can fasten on one aspect and that triggers other thoughts!
Shout out to Rudolph Rigger who does a good stats job, too.