Simple but powerful data ..

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Thank you for your diligent work. Too bad they got found out just when they thought they had an elegant solution for under-funded pension plans. What a mess!

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Thank you Joel…As you ironically say, Why didn’t they do ( an analysis) it?

Mmmm🤔 I wonder…..72 year old lady almost finished off by Pfizer Booster,Of course the vaccines were rolled out to PROTECT THE ELDERLY that’s why they were chosen to be FIRST in the queue …Step this way to the showers,for a nice shower and change of clothes 😳 🥲

I wonder why there was also a pre ordered 2 years supply of Medazolam, used up in two months at the start of the plandemic,in the UK.

Sadly most of my contemporaries still believe our UK Gov. is looking after us…🤯🤬

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They say public health and safety

Translate:. Murderous killing And maiming

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Did Andrew Cuomo move to England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿?

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We had our very own Matt Hancock who by all accounts was every bit as effective.

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Midazolam Matt.

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Wow, I hadn't heard of that, probably because my mother's parents left England 100 years ago. Trying to help pension plans and national health service budgets by culling the elderly sounds like murder most foul.

In the US, I believe most of the malfeasance in nursing homes and related to Covid in general is driven purely by power politics and not economics. Almost all American politicians, on both sides of issues, seem to believe money grows on trees.

Being driven by greed or power, I am not sure which is more evil.

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not sure power and money can be separated as issues

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Well, rich people with all the money thy will ever need still will do evil things to keep their power and control over others. And use their money in ways that influence people who are with or without power but are driven by desire for money. But you are right: they usually go hand in hand.

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To make matters worse, many of the “deaths ‘involving’ COVID” will have been faked (mis-attributed), as revealed by hero funeral director John O’Looney of Milton Keynes in his testimony to the Reiner Fuellmich Grand Jury crimes against humanity trial here: https://odysee.com/@redpillmedia:f/Grand-Jury---Testimony---John-O%27Looney:6

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'that the vaccine has a dual mode of fatal action - it kills in its own right and induces COVID mortality too.'- of course my interpretation must be different! The vac either kills you fairly quickly by the shock of injection, effect of the nanoparticles or whatever else is in there. Or the mRNA starts to actually produce p78.3-493 (there is zero evidence that this protein comes from a virus or that it is spike shaped!)(and there is so much difference in its molecular weight between different papers that what they all keep calling the 'spike' cannot be the same protein or even the same polymer) . This protein or proteins are produced by oxidation and stress in people and cell culture so may be involved in stress response, may bind to the ACE-2 receptor (which protects against lung injury), so symptoms labelled as COVID (just about anything) may be a result of its expression. I wonder if they knew what this protein might do, or if they want to see if the mRNA works? https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/spikes-and-knobs?s=w

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I don't think this kind of data analysis is allowed. I wonder if they've created a culture and groupthink where government employees just don't look in certain directions. People get fired for such analysis.

I'm sure the people in the care homes observe this, especially the spike in deaths after rolling out the vaccine. I wonder how many of them did somersaults in their mind to not recognize the direct relationship to the vaccine.

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It might be worthwhile to include a graph of vaccination rates.

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Thanks! Ouch!

Since the Covid numbers seem to spike massively when the vaccines began, and since much of the biggest spike is Covid numbers, it makes one wonder if the vaccine not only has serious non-Covid side effects but also did the opposite of what it was supposed to do with respect to protecting the elderly from Covid-related mortality. Or am I miss reading the charts?

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Could so many people in government have been fooled into this lie? Or are they accessories to a crime, buying into a eugenicist dream?

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Most are pretty stupid to be fair.

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URGENT! Please vote! Health Canada doing a twitter poll asking true or false that vaccines prevent serious illness! https://twitter.com/GovCanHealth/status/1529114746951180295

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81% vote False.... hahaha

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86% now. Don' think this turned out quite as HC expected. You know what they say about Playing stupid games.

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sorry I'm permanently suspended from twitter for repeatedly breaking the rules - by saying vaccines are harmful

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I get it. I'm honestly surprised I haven't been expunged yet.

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Expunged what a great word. I have never used it. Sounds like wringing a sponge and squeezing out the dirty water.

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To my taste, the narrative to the cumulative deaths diagram depends too much on the assumption of 1,900 expected deaths. What if we "expect" 2,500 deaths per week? Sure, the dislocation would still be there, but the "excess" would disappear.

I am asking because I am looking at comparable data from Germany (not care home residents, but the 80+ population), and one has to very careful regarding population dynamics. At the beginning of 2018, there were around 5 million people 80+ in Germany, now it's more than 6 million.

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Because that is the baseline established in the period April to June 2021 and also summer 2020, you know, when there were no vaccines...

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OK, understood. Just to illustrate my problem, here's some German data:

- 2020: 11,100 deaths/week, thereof 10,500 not Covid-related

- 2021: 11,500 deaths/week, thereof 10,700 not Covid-related

-> increase in non-Covid deaths of less than 2%

-> but the 80+ cohort of the population has increased by 4% in 2021

There are, of course, signs of vaccine trouble in Germany, but one has to be very careful in sorting them out.

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but I get what they are saying...perhaps death rates per 100k in each age cohort. 70-80 and 80-90

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Think you mean "end of week 1 2021", not 2022.

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Corrected, thanks.

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Thanks so much for considering this. Wow, the clear spike in deaths at the time of the vaccine roll out is a very clear signal which should have been picked up! I also found some more info from the ONS here, which may be pertinent to the analysis:


“In England, there were 155,376 deaths of care home residents in 2020 (wherever the death occurred); this is an increase of 18.5% compared with 2019 (n 131,149 deaths) and 18.3% compared with the five-year average between 2015 and 2019 (131,384 deaths).”

So if we just look at the all cause deaths and ignore the shenanigans of how deaths are classified, another story could be [there are 6 bullet points, might have to expand the comment to see them all]:

1. The weekly average death rate in 2019 is 2500, and this seems to be stable over the prior 5 year period.

2. Due to governmental policies, there were 24,000 excessive deaths in 2020. Since the weekly death rate in the latter half of 2020 remains below the background rate of 2500, these excessive deaths must have all occurred earlier.

3. The excessive deaths would have decreased the care home population, and also killed off the most vulnerable, so by the time the graph begins, there are less deaths than normal, in proportion. By the end of the year, as the care home places begin to refill, and the weekly rate is heading back to normal, with some evidence of additional covid deaths.

4. Then the vaccination comes along and clearly wipes out another 20,000. Again, this would have decreased the population, which was only just recovering, and killed off the most vulnerable at that time.

5. For most of the rest of the year, the rate remains below the pre-2020 background rate, due to the second wiping out of the vulnerable population, and only recovers to the 2500 level as the places that have been vacated slowly fill up again towards the end of the year (if I have done my sums right, the total deaths in 2021, even with the vaccination kill off, were 126,000, 5000 below the average of the pre-2020 years).

6. Nevertheless, we see clear spikes in weekly deaths which reach above the background 2500 rate whenever vaccination programme is re-activated: week of September 16th 2021 when the carehomes got the first booster (would be worth marking this on the graph too); the run up to Christmas, when the government was telling people to get the booster if they wanted to see their family at Christmas, when there is sustained period of above background death rate; and the 4th dose beginning at the end of March 2022 (again worth marking the rollout on the graph).­­­­­­­

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Yes Joel. It still amazes me that we don't have to spend long looking at the data to see obvious patterns... And yet the authorities still do nothing.

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Sent to twitter. You are welcome. let’s see if they print it? Thank you for your continued work, efforts, truth, integrity.

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