Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Joel... let me answer all your questions with one sentence: Without the vaccines, it would have been worse, of course! I do not have data to prove this but just believe me, okay? Science should be more about belief. Do not question. Just believe what the media tells you!

So stop asking questions. The vaccines saved us. The vaccines actually almost make you immortal according to the data from some health agencies. So if you take them, nothing can happen to you anymore. You will even be immune to asteroids.

And regarding the declaration of the public health emergency... Joel, please note that for many of the richest people in this world (who own huge parts of the media, companies, control health agencies in part etc.) the fact that there are more than 7 billion people on this earth is the real public health emergency.... you understand.

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Thanks, Max. Got it!

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As I began reading your entry, immediately the Eurythmics song lyrics from "Would I Lie to You?" started going through my mind....If you aren't familiar, check out those lyrics.....kinda fit here. 🤥😉

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It's true! I mean look at Go Brandon. Without the jabs, boosters, and rebound meds, he'd be dead. Now he's immortal and will hound and haunt us forever.

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But they keep editing his videos. Is he fainting, falling asleep mid-sentence, shaking hands with the mic?

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Or in some pictures and videos they're replacing him with an imposter. Check out the ears, eyes, hair, face shape and compare. IMO, the imposter has an imposter.

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Immune to asteroids where do I get

My shots?

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Glad to read you stopped selling pharma products. I was thinking that if there is actually a massive increase in cancer, BigPharma will sell MUCH more chemotherapy...

Maybe this is a way to find out how much cancer increased in 2021 and 2022 until now? Can we find numbers about sales of chemotherapy somewhere or do you have contacts who can tell you if more chemotherapy was used in 2021 and the first half of 2022 than in previous years?

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I’ve been excommunicated since

2008 so the only contact I have

Would be Dr B.

Since I do believe Pfizer bought

Out my small company which was


Then pharmacia

Then Pfizer bought pharmacia

Inner joke when pharmacia bought


1/2 people let go

We said farm a see ya around

This there are a handful of chemo


Adriamycin generic drug doxorubicin




5 FU

Most of these now generic

I’ve been gone long time.

But I imagine that oncologist offices

Are being swamped.

I spent 7 years selling chemo

The main drug doxorubicin

Was indicated for

Breast cancer

Lung ca

Ovarian ca

Utilized in other protocols

2022 I don’t know the business


I do know or suspect the measurements of success

The 5 partial response

Or complete responses

Have not significantly improved

Could be wrong

Or as in the terminology

Statistically significant

The issue with chemotherapy is

Basically imho flawed

You take ie my drug doxorubicin

Which is a heavy antibiotic

Basically kills all dividing cells

That’s why patience lose their


Also wipes out their WBC

FOR 21 days

Then depending on specific protocol

And WBC count

Go round 2 of drugs

So me a curious cat learned about

Homeopathy realized we in medicine

Were doing the exact opposite of


In other words chemotherapy is

Like bombing your enemy

Killing everything

Destroying the immune system

I imagine this is what the spike

Protein is doing is killing the

Immune system and in some way

Activating cancer cells

Just guessing

So in homeopathy you take a

Substance dilute to its diluted


Add to body to have body respond

To substance

It’s assisting body in activating its

Immune system

But don’t take my word for it.

I was crushed when I learned

About homeopathy bc I thought

We were doing people a favor.

Rockefeller ruin medicine

And this is the model of Petrol

Chemical drugs nor all bad but

Actually doing more harm than


And God wanted me to play my

Part in learning by contrast

I’d say that if what this pathologist

Is saying younger patients with large

Tumors is absolutely frightening

Bc a tumor size is always a marker

Then if it metastasizes into blood

Lymph essentially get affairs in order

Pathology pathologist see the actual

Blood and from that Truth

Then a hematologist oncologist decides best protocol based on


And that’s a long answer but yeah

Chemotherapy will be used

I washed my hands of it

But it was a great inside education

To an intense form of medicine.

One more note when surveyed

Most oncologist like over 75%

Would not want to take their own


Peace ☮️

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

Wait until we find the S-protein in the cell nucleus acting like a drunk bull in an East Asian porcelain warehouse. Wait until we realise that it makes you sterile. Wait for the tsunami of cancer in the next ten years.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

And you think the massive increase in diseases and deaths would change anything? Will the mainstream media, the health agencies, the governments, all the doctors etc. change their narrative? Will they admit they made a fatal mistake?

Officially, all these vaccinated people who are going to die will die from acute or chronic human-made climate change syndrome (ACCS or CCCS). By the way, the climate change was only caused by unvaccinated people.

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I think, because the jab injuries will present in a multitude of ways, they will obfuscate the link between the two and successfully deny it for many many years. Maybe eventually it will be acknowledged but by then of course millions will have died.

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

That's sadly the most likely result - look at all the damage caused by 'normal' vaccines. "Science" still denies that they create autism, nevermind SIDS, etc.

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They'll blame 'long-covid'

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Don't forget all those tiny punctures in the blood brain barrier, bringing untold toxins into the brain with the sprikes. There's going to be a lot of Joe Xiden dementia dolls wandering around.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

There can only be one explanation

- no matter what, it's the fault of the unvaccinated!

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Joel Smalley

mRNA injections create anti-immunity. The answer to question #1 MIGHT be the incidence of suicides swelled in the last half of 2020 from lockdowns and reduced social contact, as 2020 was a record year for suicides in the US.

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I was thinking suicides in youngsters too. I personally know of 3 under age of 16 which is shocking in one year. I was also thinking child abuse cases may have increased as schools unable to intervene and social services reduced. I think abuse of substances like alcohol and drugs increased and there was definitely an uptick in antisocial behaviour like racing motorcycles Kate at night and stealing cars and joyriding due to boredom and lack of supervision. One tragic case near me ended up with all 6 boys in one car dying as they crashed the car over a bridge all under age of 17.

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my involuntary (and, fortunately, dismissed without incident) interfaces with the local juvenile court, mental health juvenile facility, and child protective services all told me that they were seriously overloaded for the last two years. Missouri.

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Tragically, I believe you are right. All 3 of my college-attending kids (unjabbed btw - no mandates here🙏🏻) personally had friends who committed suicide ON CAMPUS. Absolutely horrific. It still haunts me to think of the desperation and hopelessness of these young ppl at a time in their lives that should’ve been one of the happiest. We will never get over it💔💔💔

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Do you have exact numbers? Where can I find this information? I would like to add these suicide numbers to my book.

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Mary Pat Campbell is a US actuary with a substack. Worthwhile reading. But she depends on the data that she scoops up from govt sources...

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The Elites and world governments surely will have to admit one day that they got this totally wrong or continue to lie and cheat every human being into believing their bullshit. I can see an uprising brewing against them all, I just hope that at 60 plus years old i will be here to take the fight to them for the sake of my grandchildren before its too late. ( AND F K THE CONSEQUENCES)

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We have to take the fight to them. I live in a very indoctrinated and compliant area, with a majority Democrat local government and a tyrannical county executive. The county executive is obviously directed by an outside entity regarding the COVID restrictions/policies pushed, and/but when they got to the point of trying to implement a vaxx passport last Fall, the great number of citizens pushing back overwhelmed their ability to push this through. Hundreds testified, and only about 3% of people testifying were in favor. Interestingly, those in favor gave very fearful testimony, and the ones opposed -- many vaccinated themselves -- all spoke eloquently in favor of people's right to choose what goes into their bodies, defending their unvaccinated neighbors, and also speaking out against this slippery slope of "othering" one's fellow humans.

It is very important that as many of us as possible continue to speak out in as many ways, and in as many places as possible, to give courage to the rest, because there are more of us than there are of them, and they would rather we not figure that out!

**The "elites" and world governments have been clearly doing this "totally wrong" on purpose. I don't think there is a way out of it for them now..... it's too late, and there is too much evidence against them. The time for them to speak the truth is past. Most have doubled down. That is evidence right there. They are going down -- unfortunately, trying to take as many of us with them on the way down, as they can.

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Glen, I’m pretty sure that in their minds they got it totally right, if you believe the depopulation agenda, & I do. From excerpts I’ve read about in the Scarf Queen’s (Birx’) new book, she sounds downright gleeful in admitting she & Faux-Xi & all the rest knew the vax wouldn’t work, knew herd immunity was real & her deceit towards the Trump administration about “2 weeks to flatten the curve” while simultaneously plotting how to extend that into infinity.

These people are diabolical so yes, “F the consequences” as we fight back.

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Suggestion: Add vaccine dose rate to your excess mortality charts (e.g. doses/day or doses/week) and see what you find.

Our team has done this for Australian data and the charts are very revealing - increases in excess mortality trails peak dose rates by a few weeks. Quite the coincidence!

Keep up the good work!

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I'd love to but the CDC does not release vaccine data by age and state.

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Yes, we are at a real disadvantage. The US is not as transparent about medical info as other countries, although they are beginning to hold info back. I don't trust ANY of their numbers anyway. I think we are actually flying entirely blind. Think about it, if they are trying to kill us, why would we think they would be honest about anything else? So I doubt the numbers are the "REAL" numbers in any case anywhere ever.

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they've (the CDC) admitted data being held back from the public "to avoid misinterpretation which might increase 'vaccine' hesitancy."

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Which is a blatant lie that anybody should see through:


But we don’t have to go across the world to find other examples. The CDC is hiding data right here at home!

For more than a year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has collected data on hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the United States and broken it down by age, race and vaccination status. But it has not made most of the information public.

Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” She said the agency’s “priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable.”

Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said.

Yes, the priority of the agency that ‘suggested’ we all wear masks and that the vaccine would end the pandemic — even while knowing it would do nothing of the sort — is CLEARLY ensuring data is accurate and actionable.

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In the Australian data we're seeing the signal for excess mortality without subdividing into age groups, rather we only considered excess mortality for age groups that were eligible to be jabbed (that being adults for the initial wave of the rollout)

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That all goes to show that the specialty known as “public health” is a big fraud. Public health officials all over the world are nothing but big pharma “fix guys”. Health always pertains to the individual, never to society.

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Joel, I just looked at the excess death charts for Australia and the U.S. It's uncanny that both have an identical peak at the end of January/beginning of February. What did this coincide with? The full-on implementation of the booster. In Australia's case this was the highest number of excess deaths for the whole period 2020 to 2022. This during the Omicron wave, which we can't blame because Omicron has a low mortality rate. This is no longer triangulation in pinpointing something, it is multiple arrows pointing to the same thing––the "Vaccines".

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

Coupla' more questions.

How come this hot virus was so virulent yet only killed off sickly elderly folks who already had one foot in the grave?

How was it that 41 out of 50 states in the US showed little to no increase in excess mortality during the first four months of 2020 (you know the "time of the great pandemic")? Wasn't this wily virii supposed to be super-duper infectious?

How did this virus know to target only those 9 states where governors utilized the same protocols for hospitals and nursing homes?

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

Hey, I just found your Substack after seeing Mike Yeadon comment on your post about DNA repair and cancer. Could you maybe try to write about the topic of change of genome by the mRNA? I wonder why there is barely any discussion about that right now.

The latest paper on this topic is from 3 months ago (https://doi.org/10.3390/genes13050719) and provides another important piece of evidence after the paper by Alden et al., 2022 on reverse transcription.

I just think that this should be a very hot topic, because if it turns out that the genome is really changed, it would add a whole new dimension to the violation of human rights due to a lack of informed consent. It‘s also quite weird that there are no geneticists in the group of dissident doctors (McCullough, Malone, Vanden Bossche, Yeadon, etc.), whereas almost every other discipline is covered by someone.

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maybe the majority of geneticists are complicit with the Establishment by virtue of believing that their field is both ethical and necessary? just a thought. I can't imagine anyone going into that field who wouldn't by default support genetic manipulation.

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Joel, I thank Twitter for suspending you again. Substack would be poorer without your writings.

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Ever see this one?


Here in the Netherlands several people are trying to squeeze more detailed information from the bureau of statistics. Excess deaths occur in the same pattern here. It would be helpful to understand the actual cause of death, but this information is withheld. One MP has requested a formal investigation, but the results are disappointing. Not sufficient data available.

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Sheeple: "It's sad when the young die, but it happens."

But how can you explain such a huge increase?

Sheeple: "We don't know the cause, but it wasn't the covid vaccines. The vaccines are safe and effective."


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Great post!

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Are you able to break down the deaths by category? That is, my guess is that deaths of despair went way up under the draconian lockdowns. But in 2021 many places started to lift their mandates and still deaths are way more than expected.

If the deaths can be broken down by category and it can be discerned where the greatest excess deaths are coming from (IE are they heart attacks, cancer, suicides, drug overdoses?) we'll be able to figure it out better as to what's going on.

I don't think the excess deaths are from one cause although I do believe the mRNA shots have greatly contributed.

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Only where the data is available. See my work on Massachusetts and that of https://coquindechien.substack.com/.

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I received some life insurance data about the main causes of uptick in deaths. Heart issues, strokes, neurological issues and uptick in cancers. These can all be side effects of the jab.

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You don't investigate things that are seemingly working as designed. You audit them, and then adjust accordingly (i.e. boosters).

We'd have lots of investigations right now IF the mRNA shots were actually designed to save lives and reduce excess mortality.

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