Cracking Paper Mr B.....one to share and one to retain. I like all the interspersed references....makes it a very comprehensive piece of work.

It would appear that the 'covid' plan was to embed the control apparatus needed for the climate scam.....the digital surveillance, tracking, widespread use of those QR codes, the use of propaganda to maximise compliance, the censorship machine being applied like a limpet to suffocate truth, evidence, and inconvenient facts and opinions.

Yes....talking to politicians, especially those in the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet, appears futile because ( from personal experience) they never deviate from the Uniparty line, but I would continue addressing them as well as ordinary members of the public. You never know what or who might turn the tide.

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Agreed. By 2020 the climate change hoax had been going for 30 years which was too “slow burn” for them so they launched the “fast burn” Covid “plandemic”. Thankfully they failed to get everyone hooked on vaccine passports which would have morphed into digital ids linked to all manner of controls and surveillance. They will maybe try again through “ration cards” for food (the war on farmers) or energy (Net Zero). They might even try another “plandemic”. Actually, I think they are now on a sticky wicket as more and more people are awakening.

In my long experience of trying to reason with Uniparty politicians on “climate change”, it’s a waste of time. They all stick by the party line dictated by the deep state establishment. For many years I thought they were just too technically challenged. They showed their evil true colours with Covid.

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Excellent exposé of the whole scam Mr Brodie. The climate "catastrophe" is still being pursued by the devious WHO, despite their recent failing to pass their pandemic treaty. They are so intent on imposing vaccine passports, which are the gateway to much more control measures, that we should be continuously alert to their duplicitous methods to achieve this.

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Thank you Mr Brodie for this superb article. May I add another point to emphasise the planned malfeasance of the Uni-party - while they are banging on about CO2 and climate change, they are causing massive CO2 emissions by materially supporting the wars in Ukraine and Western Asia and the exploding of the North Sea pipeline. It is obvious that they do not care about climate change or human life and will go to any extent to achieve their goal of subjugating the proletariat whether it be plandemics, climate fraud or provoking wars.

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Nice rabbit hole. How about a DIRECT LINK?

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Doug is in good company and the public itself is waking up very quickly to the scam. Comments on media scare story articles about climate change attract numerous highly critical comments now. Covid and the vaccine scandal was the straw which broke the back of public trust in government and consensus 'science'.

Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: "I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication."


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David Bellamy was ruined when he suggested that global warming was a scam. Latest temperature figures show that the planet is in fact cooling & any reduction in co2 would be disastrous

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By the public you mean voters who are happy to be told and vote for what they want to hear about climate change by parties such as Reform and their undoubted industry backers.

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I just read the uk.gov pages on the coal power station decommissioning a year early. What a load a twaddle they write. Ooh look, up by a third, down by whatever percentage. This is pointless information and created to sell their narrative. So wind is up by a third? An increase of a third from next to onothing is still next to nothing. The (not so) subiminal use of language to control the reader's emotions is covid level shocking nonsense. "dirty" coal and 'critical role in limiting global temperature...' 'ambitious government commitments... ' blah blah.

I do not understand how anyone can not see through this transparent, obviously nonsense rhetoric.

The most important question is how do we get others to see? It's one thing being in our own echo chamber, nodding in agreement and feeling wise. Quite another thing to open up the eyes and minds of the masses outside.

Thanks Joel and Doug.

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I have an email addressee list of about 100 family, friends and acquaintances and I’ll be sending this to them. It’s a fairly thankless task because so many are badly brainwashed. When I started doing it on Covid I got told I was a crank and down a rabbit hole but with the passage of time and so many injuries, illnesses and early deaths all around, I think people are slowly starting to awaken.

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My rule- EVERYTHING the government is screaming about is a grift steeped in idiocy.

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If the climate changes, it is from the sun going through its normal cycles and not anything man is doing as the sun is a billion times smarter than man ever will be.

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Nice graphs and words ... but all pointless ... The Men Who Run the World already know all of this...

This is why they continue with the charade https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-three-pillars-of-bullshit

They have no choice... you can moan and bitch and throw logic at the situation - but you will be ignored... as you should be ignored

Give the mob the TRUTH - would result in a catastrophe

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Your 2050 peak oil theory is interesting. I confess I haven’t considered it, because of estimates I’d heard that it was hundreds of years away, a problem for our grandchildren of multiple generations away.

If the establishment had cooked up their climate change hoax because of this looming timeline, I doubt they could be so stupid as to believe they can get by with intermittent, short lifespan wind and solar. They would be going hell for leather on nuclear, including fusion, yet most of them actually spurn nuclear. It doesn’t make sense. The way they are going about things, they are going to wreck the economy well before a putative 2050 peak oil crunch.

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Oil production doesn't need to fall to zero before serious problems occur.

The 20th century was made possible by oil: namely, lots of cheap (easy to extract) oil, and where the supply was constantly increasing. The way the banking system is set-up, there is a large amount of debt created all the time. In the old days (20th c) that debt could be rolled over into the future -- the economy was always expanding (due to all that easy oil). But if energy production fails to continue to increase the whole house of cards will tend to collapse. That's what they're afraid of. Oil field production, when graphed, follows the typical sigmoidal pattern: rise, plateau, descent. Where are we now? It's hard to come by these statistics nowadays. It's probably near the far end of the plateau, if not on the downslope already. Can society adapt as efficiently to a declining energy regime as it did to an increasing energy regime? No. Chaos is looming. They know it.

Oil becomes useless as an energy resource long before all of it (more properly nearly all of it) is produced, since at some point the cost of extraction exceeds the value of the energy provided. It's referred to by an acronym: EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested). Oil used to be 100:1. Now it's somewhere between 10:1 and 4:1.

TPTB are seemingly doing their best to confuse the issue. They like to ignore it altogether (in public discourse), although no doubt they're run scenarios through their think-tanks ad infinitum. Then they float other ideas about, such as renewables can substitute, oil is abiotic, or oil is infinite in supply. Sheriff, them boys is lying.

The Est., apparently, want to sequester as much of the remaining oil energy for themselves as they can, while, necessarily, denying it to most everyone else. They need less energy use per capita. Also less heads. You might want to consider Matt Savinar, The Oil Age is Over.

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For some time now I’ve been certain that the “climate change” hoax has nothing to do with climate. In this paper I described the ulterior motive as being “all about imposing deep state totalitarian control over the people and global resources”. The big question is, why are they doing this?

You and Fast Eddy have made me realise that it may all about peak oil. I’d read (long ago) that there is a huge untapped alternative resource in “clathrates” but I really know nothing about it. I’ll look into it, including the Matt Savinar book.

Since Covid, I have assumed that the establishment’s most pressing fear is a global financial system meltdown due to the unsustainable debts they have run up, which is why they want to get the global population shackled in digital straitjackets to prevent an uprising. Reiner Fuellmich identified this as the main reason they launched their Covid “plandemic”. Read his closing arguments in his 2002 Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity model trial summarised by myself and hosted by Joel here: https://metatron.substack.com/p/reiner-fuellmichs-grand-jury-court.

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You understand where the National Debt comes from? Money creation is a function of sovereignty; whoever creates the money is the sovereign, which is why, for instance, Roman coins had the image Caesar on them. As it is now, most of the money that gov'ts use is actually created by the Bank (only one bank at the top of the pyramid). Moreover, they create the money as an interest-bearing debt, and at the same time they don't create the money to pay the debt. There is consequently only one thing the debt can do, which is to grow exponentially. The bank, meanwhile, takes a larger and larger cut of the tax revenues collected by the gov'ts (servicing the debt), and that's real money. They can do whatever they want with it. If I were in their shoes, I'd use it to create a background gov't that calls the shots. The system is, however, unstable, which is why in ancient times they had Jubilee years to accomplish a reset.

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They feed us many flavours of hopium to ensure we believe the future is awesome ... e.g. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181119-why-flammable-ice-could-be-the-future-of-energy

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Fascinating article. So glad, the future is awesome!

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Co2 is the wrong proxy . The weather has changed , but it’s not because of co2 it’s because of the water saturation rate of large land masses.

Bret Weinstein interviewed a former student that showed the ecological impact of beavers over time. Was a fascinating discussion. Beavers manage water. Less beavers has meant less water saturation over time . Which means water goes to the sea faster , and less evaporating over large land masses affecting cloud formation and rain patterns. Now take the same idea and explore how water diversion is done today . Most farms are subsideted in the western world to tile the field to expedite water away from the fields. At industrial

Scales water is diverted , expediting to tributaries. With less Forrest’s and biomass to retain the moisture of precipitation water saturation is the clear issue . Not co2.

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Libra? https://www.dictionary.com/browse/scales

Hey, repopulate the beavers!

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The two lies that are so ingrained in ordinary people are 1)man made climate change and 2) overpopulation.

Even rational people believe these 2 myths.

But not to the extent they kill themselves and thus decrease the surplus population...

Though most of the blue states I live amongst are all in on buying hybrid or tesla and putting solar panels on their roofs.

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Send them this paper and defy them to debunk it!

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I was once a signatory to the Scientists Call for a Climate Emergency. I have since removed my name when I realized there is always a concern for adaptation to climate but it doesn't require us to compound problems by a mega re-industrialization. And yes, I called out NOAA for deleting their scientific projections on the impact of Hunga Tonga volcano eruption and the water vapor in the stratosphere causing a four year uptick in global temperatures.

Along the same vein we have the calls that drought is worsening, therefore Climate change anthroprogenically caused. NO. Look to far western China and The Dust Detective story in High Country News. China is working to manipulate our water cycle system. Plans for billions of trees in the western Taklamakan is ongoing and massive petroleum development and not to mention in the area where the dust particles must move, China is still building and commissioning new coal fired (SO2) power plants.

I do know that we all do better when we live a bit more with our ecosystems in mind but the powers that be find that is not their way to control and profits. That's bad thinking. Read the book The Ecology of Commerce.

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Its a pity that so many politicians would rather follow the nonsensical narrative, knowing that its false, than to actually do the job we are paying them for. This portrays the cowardice and kow-towing of these individuals who should not play at being politicians.


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What is the source of a nation's wealth?

It's natural resources. The US is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, including citizens and their fruits of their labor. But let's use Saudi Arabia as an example to simplify the point. It's only valuable natural resource is oil. Compare it to other similar countries in the region with no oil. Now consider that there is a finite amount and variety. of resources in the world. Unless new industries can make use of resources previously too difficult or not financially viable to mine, grow, extract, chemically modify, etc. Lithium is one example of a resource now worth the effort of strip mining the earth to acquire in large quantities but only because governments are mandating and subsidizing. electric vehicles. But what if a new resource could be created out of thin air with just a narrative, a big lie that everyone who would profit from it was in on? A narrative that leveraged fear to prevent a minority of honest, logical and reasonable people from challenging it?

Imagine the profits a few would having to any overhead to mine or extract the resourse that really is worthless without the narrative. C02 makes up .04% of the atmosphere, a historical low, yet all life on earth is carbon based. Thus, the more there is, the more life will thrive on earth. More plants, animals and food are a good thing. But the absolutely ridiculous lie we've been told & sold is that C02 is bad. The Global Warming and Climate Change narrative was created to make C02 valuable. Period. Everything else props up the lie. Rockefeller promoted the lie that oil came from fossils make & keep it more valuable than water. Cholesterol was vilified to profit off a drug. Depression is a state of mind, not mental disease caused by a deficiency of SSRI drugs. The Covid Scam has been greatest fleecing of mankind & transfer of wealth in history. The powers that be have turned our health into a resource to be strip mined. Large factories are being built around the world to produce cancer treatment drugs in order to profit of the harms of the Covid vaccines, by the same pharmaceutical companies.

Hamas was created and glorified up by Israel & the US to do exactly what they did to give Israel an excuse to destroy Palestine in order to gain control of the $500 Billion in natural gas reserves off the coast of Gaza. Israel began selling leases within days of October 7th, which means it knew what was coming and when, and let it happen. The Ukraine war was planned long ago. Israel has few natural resources, imports over 80% of its food, and has run out of land for its population to expand. The Ukraine war was instigated to give Israel a place to expand and to gain control over vast fields of fertile farmland to provide its population food security long into the future. It will fund the expansion and build 15 minute cities in the now depopulated and destroyed Ukraine with the profits from the gas reserves it just stole. These plans were conceived long ago, long before 9/11, the big kickoff to major geopolitical events that got the world to where it is today.

The WEF even trained an army of puppets via the Young Global Leader program to run the world. George Bush Senior spoke of the program over 30 years ago. They were positioned & installed in positions of power & authority right in front of our faces leading up to the Plandemic, and we didn't even notice.

Wake up.

Wake up.

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But does not UKreign have the worlds 3rd largest known Lithium deposit?

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Petalite and spodumene are great, but lithium and cobalt still need to be recovered from defunct batteries.

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Good work, Doug; thanks Joel for posting.

Join myself, Jack


and Stephen Heins


to counter the Climate Alarmism narrative.

Email me: responsiblyfree@protonmail.com and we can meet on my Zoom

to discover how we might synergize our efforts.

Get free, stay free.

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nice article

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I remember doing a friend's of the earth online personal carbon footprint survey decades ago. I don't travel abroad, I've never owned a car, I've never used my heating during the winter months, I reuse my grey water to flush the toilet. I tend to walk to the shops, I have a bicycle & a small motorcycle 125cc, that achieves 120 mpg & my milage per year is around 1,500. I buy my clothing from charity shops, I own two pairs of boots, I use ecover & I've been a vegan since 1983. I own a small secondhand TV & a secondhand phone, I recycled, I'm teetotal, i didn'tsmoke & yet my carbon footprint was above the proposed personal carbon tax limit at that time for a single man. If I'd have gotten rid of my motorcycle I'd have been fine, so that's no holidays, no heating, jeans would have to be washed once per month, no watering of gardens, allotments, fish or swimming pools/ponds, no golf courses, no goods from abroad which would include food stuffs yet its okay for millions of unskilled migrants to flood into this country. Will they have to abide to these rules & what about the millions of new homes were going to need or are we planning to have 12 people living in one room? Sounds like a return to the victorian era to me. No charging of EV'ssmart meters would turn off your supply when you'd used up your ration of electricity. Leeds University suggested a return to ration books if we were to meet these ridiculous net zero targets. The only way to reduce our co2 is too kill off 99% of the population or force everyone of us to live in caves

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We don’t need to reduce our CO2.

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Plants to it for us.

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No mention of stratospheric aerosol injections in article or comments, yet.

Here in sleepy Perth W.OZ. they have been very noticeable the last few years, smoging up our isolated unpolluted clear blue skies, and veiling our Darling Range foot hills scarp in a 24/7/365 fine cloudy mist. Occasionally very strong winds clear it briefly. The insects have all but gone, the climate seems to be getting dryier. The trees are dying, like all the jabbed from turbo cancers and cardiovascular misadventures.

It feels like there won’t be too many things left living, net zero incoming.

BA rium AL uminum the devil seems to be in the details.

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“ The stupidity of this idea is unfathomable but yet it raised $26m. What they propose isn't even scientifically possible. The support from WEF and WHO is yet another indication of how they intend to destroy our human rights and freedoms and health. Wake the fcuk up everyone who is asleep and thinks this is conspiracy theory.”


Gates-backed startup raises $26 million for climate vaccines

Company develops climate vaccines for livestock as drugmakers eye climate vaccines for humans


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